HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-2022 City Council Work SessionSTATE OF ALABAMA
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The City Council met in a Work Session
at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope , Alabama 36532 ,
on Monday, 13 June 2022 .
Present were Council President Jimmy Conyers, Councilmembers: Jack
Burrell, Corey Martin, Jay Robinson , and Kevin Boone , Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City
Attorney Marcus E. McDowell , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks.
Council President Jimmy Conyers called the meeting to order at 4:30 p .m .
The following topics were discussed :
• Mayor Sullivan began the discussion for the Compensation & Classification Plan .
She said we reached out to our competition; and stated the cost of living allowance
("COLA") scale needs to change in the future. She said when we look at pay range,
we need to look at qualifications . Both Council President Conyers and
Councilmember Burrell questioned minimal and minimum. Mayor Sullivan said
Councilmember Burrell suggested and mentioned a 5% across the board at the last
meeting. Council President Conyers questioned the 5% and the budget.
Councilmember Burrell said we need to be mindful of equipment in the next budget ;
and property tax and sales tax need to be level funding. City Treasurer Kim Creech
said she used the 2021 sales tax plus 6% for FY 2022-2023. Councilmember Martin
asked about the 16 pay grades compared to 31 pay grades.
Council President Conyers said we need to bring employees to the minimum of the
new pay grade, give a 5% across the board, and in the next budget discuss a
percentage and merit raises . Councilmember Burrell said we need to address the
hourly rate employees either a higher percentage or dollar amount.
Mayor Sullivan said this was a team effort: the Personnel Board , City Clerk Lisa
Hanks, City Treasurer Kim Creech, Human Resources Manager Cory Pierce , and
Executive Assistant Gayle Fogarty. Personnel Board Chair Diane Thomas also said
this was a team effort; and told the City Council we have been given an excellent
• The Second Floor Project: Love Our Fairhope Library -Building for the Future was
next item on the agenda. Anne Brooks with Mott MacDonald addressed the City
Council and briefly explained the project. She said the most cost will be in electrical,
glass, and steel.
Library Director Tamara Dean addressed the City Council and said Fairhope Single
Tax Corporation wants to know what the City will appropriate; and said they would
match . Council President Conyers repl ie d that if the City of Fairhope appropriates
$250,000.00 and that would leave approximately $200,000.00 for the project.
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Library Board Trustee Randal Wright asked if the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation
gives more will the City match. Councilmember Burrell commented he was hesitant
to commit more; and said we give over a million dollars yearly to the Library .
Library Board Trustee Dan Stankoski told the City Council they should visit the
Library; and said it is one of the gems of the City. Councilmember Burrell pledged to
give $500.00 for the Second Floor Project ; and said he hopes each Councilmember
will match.
• Director of Golf Bobby Hall addressed the City Council and briefly discussed the
Proposal for Reduction in Rates and Fees Quail Creek Golf Course during down time
with temporary greens and greens resurfacing project. Mr. Hall said Dr. Tomm has
reduced the number of greens from 9 to 7 ; and has received positive feedback on the
greens . Mr. Hall said by the end of September he hopes to open the new greens. The
consensus of the City Council was to move forward with the proposed rate reduction
and extending season passe s .
• The FY 2023 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program Grant to the Alabama
Department of Transportation to Construct New Sidewalk Facilities Along Fairwood
Boulevard and Blue Island A venue was the next item on the agenda. Projects and
Grants Manager Jessica Walker addressed the City Council and explained the
application; and said Public Works Director Richard Johnson has put $300,000.00 in
his budget for next year.
• Mayor Sullivan began the Discussion of Additional Funding for Projects . She
explained the projects and the estimated cost for each one . Mayor Sullivan stated
these are each projects to move forward with and we can check off our list. Council
President Conyers stated he spoke with the Mayor and we need to get some projects
checked off. The City Council questioned the Alley , Triangle, Golf Course , and
Volanta Park.
Councilmember Burrell said all are worthy but there were plans for the Marina; and it
would be a revenue generator. Mayor Sullivan said we could look at the Marina too.
Councilmember Robinson stated we need to tear down and build the parking below
the Fairhope Stadium; and it is a safety issue too. Councilmember Burrell said if we
get the storage building built , buy a lift, and correct parking, this will generate
enough revenue to complete the rest.
• Councilmember Martin gave a brief update on the Fairhope Environmental Advisory
Board. He stated they discu ssed looking at a Sea Grant , Litter Getter, and the
Triangle RFQ.
City Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council and briefly discussed
Agenda Item No. 14. She said that Belinda Job was retiring at the end of June
after 16 years with the City of Fairhope. Ms. Creech said Ms . Job has been
handling the Projects and Grant documents. She stated Ms. Job's position is a
Treasurer Assistant; and it needs to be a Staff Accountant position. Ms. Creech
explained the need for an additional position to help the entire Treasury
Department: an Accounting Assistant position.
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Council President Conyers briefly went through the Agenda Items and who
would explain if needed .
Planning Director Hunter Simmons addressed the City Council and briefly
discussed Agenda Item No. 12 and funding same .
There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting
was duly adjourned at 5:51 p.m.