HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-2022 City Council Work SessionSTATE OF ALABAMA ) (
The City Council met in a Work Session
at 4:30 p .m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope , Alabama 36532,
on Monday , 23 May 2022 .
Present were Council President Jimmy Conyers , Councilmembers: Jack
Burrell , Corey Martin, and Kevin Boone , Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney
Marcus E. McDowell , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks . Councilmember Jay Robinson
was absent.
Council President Jimmy Conyers called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
The following topics were discussed :
• Lee Parks and Rick Blanton addressed the City Council and presented the City
of Fairhope 's Audit. They briefly went over the main points of the audit; and
commented they gave an "Unmodified Opinion" which means the financial
statements present fairly , in all material respects, the respective financial
position of the governmental activities , the business-type activities , the
discretely presented component units , each major fund , and the aggregate
remaining fund information of the City as of September 30, 2021, and the
respective changes in financial position and , where applicable , cash flows
thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America . Council President
Conyers commented the City Staff did a great job with the audit.
• The Update of Grants was next item on the agenda . Special Projects and Grant
Manager addressed the City Council and briefly explai9ed the fo ll owing
grants :
1. EV Infrastructure Grant (80 /20 match)
2 . Barricade Grant (200 barricades with no match)
3. Safe Room Grant, Alert Warning System Grant , and Generators Grant
4. Sewer Upgrades Grant
5. RESTORE Act Awards : 20 Generators for Lift Stations and
Stormwater Inventory
Water and Wastewater Superintendent Jason Langley stated the original scope
would not fit budget, so we reduced the scope to fit the budget.
Councilmember Burrell questioned overage and how this would work.
Monday, 23 May 2022
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• Ms. Walker address the City Council and gave an Update on Fairhope Duck
Pond Restoration -Improv ement of the Park Facilities at the North Beach
Park. She briefly discussed the L WCF Grant for the North Beach Park. Mayor
Sullivan explained the need for restoration; we are proud of our park. She
mentioned speaking with Roberta Swann with Mobile Bay National Estuary
Program who suggested this grant for the restoration. Mayor Sullivan stated
the grant was due this week.
Councilmember Burrell said he envisioned this to be cleaned up but not
wanting to spend $250 ,000 .00 . He mentioned $142 ,000.00 could come off this
grant. Public Works Director Richard Johnson stated the estimated cost came
from the Sourcewell contract from Liberty Bridge that is powdered coated
white. Councilmembers did not like the cost of $250 ,000 .00 and stated this is
too quick and brought to Work Session. Councilmember Martin said this
needs to be cleaned up. Mayor Sullivan said this will be bid out and could
come in less. Councilmember Boone said this is a great idea but the nu mber is
too high; and this is not the right time to do it.
Counci lmember Burrell suggested $125,000 .00 from the City for a total of
$250,00 .00 . The consensus of the City C ouncil was to move forward with this
suggestion for the grant.
• Discussion of Tennis Courts was presented by Mayor Sullivan. She said the
Quail Creek POA is wanting the City to purchase the tennis courts plus the
vacant lot next to the courts. The City would take over the courts and turn
these into six pickleball courts for an estimated costs of $125 ,000.00 . The
courts would be opened to the public ; and if we begin to charge for the use of
the courts , an automatic gate would be installed. The consensus of the City
Council was to move forward with the negotiations for the property.
• Councilmember Burrell gave an update on the Recreation Board. He
mentioned the courts and the land purchase from Quail Creek POA; and
putting brick on the visitor side at the footba ll stadium like on the home side.
He gave an update on the Airport Authority with discussions for the west side
property and they have hired a realtor. Councilmember Burrell commented
they are applying for an HMG grant for a storm shelter with cost of an
estimated $1. 7 million.
• Councilmember Martin gave a brief update on the Fairhope Environmental
Advisory Board. He stated that Jim Homer was still wanting to walk the
Triangle Property with Councilmembers.
• Councilmember Burrell gave an update on the Industrial Development Board
who discussed boarding facilities for pets during the daytime that is allowed
B2 or B3A. They recommended allowing Ml on appeal to the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals.
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Council President Conyers briefly went through the Agenda Items and who
would explain if needed.
Planning Director Hunter Simmons addressed the City Council regarding the
Sign Ordinance. He requested to prepare an amendment that would allow the sign to
scale with the building. The consensus of the City Council was to move forward.
There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting
was duly adjourned at 5:53 p .m.
Reid Conyers, J .,
Council President