HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-2022 Work SessionSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( )( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532 , on Monday, 28 March 2022. Present were Council President Jimmy Conyers, Councilmembers: Jack Burrell, Corey Martin (arrived at 5:20 p.m.), Jay Robinson, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Council President Jimmy Conyers called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed: • The first item on the Agenda was the Discussion of Worlcing Waterfront Engineering Plans. Scott Hutchinson from Goodwyn Mills and Cawood addressed the City Counci l and discussed the options needed to be finalized. The consensus of the City Counci l was to use Kingstone on the bulkhead , ADA-XXL open car, two-thirds the size of the column with no arch but add lights , and an ADA compliant powder coated rail with horizontal cabling . • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council regarding the Discussion of Clock Comer Plaza Project. He mentioned Concept A and Concept B to the City Council. (See attached handout) Mr. Johnson said the plan is to enlarge the circle around the clock and rowlock the pavers to make it stand out from the rest. He stated we need to get elevatio n shots before we begin project. Mr. Johnson said the "A&E proposal for CPLA wi ll be coming for Counci l action. Mayor Sullivan suggested putting in the pedestrian signal at the same time. • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and exp lained Agenda Items o. 7 , No. 8 , No . 10, No. 11 , No. 15, and 18; and answered any questions if needed . Council President Conyers mentioned the City having issues getting bids and only receiving one bid . Mr. Johnson asked for the wishes of the City Counci l on whether to move forward with the Tum Lane Construction and Traffic Signal Upgrade on County Road 30 (Gayfer Avenue) at U. S. 98 . Councilmember Burrell said this is critical and we need the improvement. The consensus of the City Counci l was to move forward with this project. • Director of Golf Bobby Hall addressed the City Council regarding the FEEF Golf Tournament on Friday; and said they raised more than $60,000.00 . He also gave a brief update on the Quail Creek Golf Course . • C ity Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council and gave an audit update. She stated the audit is completed and has been put online . She mentioned a couple of findings with this audit: since 2017 the Utilities Transfers has been a finding; and on the Airport 's side was a significant finding. .,. Monday , 28 March 2022 Page -2- • Rec reation Director Pat White addres sed th e Ci ty Council and gave an update . H e mentioned th e Fels Park fencing proj ect; and the concession stand at Manley Soccer Field is being run by City staff. • Gas Superintendent Teny Holman addressed the City Co uncil and explained Agenda Ite m No. 12 ; and a nswe red any ques tion s if needed. He sai d th e gas meters will be on th e next agenda . Mr. Holman thanked City Counci l; and sai d he has enjoyed working for th e City. • Water and Sewer Superinten den t Ja son Langley a ddressed the City Council and exp lained Agenda Items No. 9 , No . 13, o . 14 , and No . 16 ; and answered any qu es tions if needed . Mr. Lan g ley sa id th e bid for Valley Street Lift Station was to demo li sh and to replace thi s lift station ; and it wi ll be paid for with ARP A funds. • Community Affairs Director Paige Crawford addressed the City Counci l and ex plained Agenda Item No. 11; and said there may a change order lat er. She m entioned th e Eas ter Bunny , Sunrise Service , and Earth Da y Mobile Bay . • Building O fficial Erik Cortinas a ddressed the City Council regarding Agenda It em o . 20 for reviewing th e USA second buildi ng and Carme l Flats construction do c ument s; and answered any questions if needed. • Mayor Sullivan addressed th e City Coun·c il and explained Agenda Item No . 21; and answered any questions if needed . • Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and sai d we now need to rejec t th e bid for th e Turn Lane Co nstruction and Traffic Signa l U pgrade on Gayfer Avenue at U. S. 98 due to adverti sem ent tec hnicality . He said we need to advertise in three di stinct newspapers viewed sta tew id e to meet Federal gui del ines. • Mayor Sullivan mentioned Church and Fairhope Proj ect and th at we are helping businesses with customers knowing th at th ese are open. She a lso said we are makin g sure customers know which way to go on Church stree t. The Agenda Meeting was he ld durin g the Work Session und er Department Head Updates. There being no further busine ss to come before the City Council , the meetin g was duly adjourned at 5:29 p.m. a~~ saAHanIZs: c City erk