HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-23-2012 Work Session MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA C OUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Counci l met in a Work Se ss ion at 5:00 p.m., Delchamp s Room , 161 orth Section Street, Fairhope, A labama 36532, on Monday, 23 Apri 1 2012. Present were Counci l Pres ident Lonni e L. Mi xon , Councilm embe rs: D e bbi e W. Quinn , Dani e l Stankosk i, Michael A. Ford , an d Rick Kin g rea, a nd C it y C lerk Lisa A. Hanks. Mayor Timothy M. Kant and C it y Attorney Marion E. Wynn e were absent. Council Pres id e nt Mi x on ca lled the m eeti n g to order at 5:00 p.m . The following topic s were di sc usse d: • Di sc us s ion of CH2MILL Amendment b e in g added to the City Co un c il agenda. Gregg Mim s, City Admini strator, addressed the proj ect sheet w hich was reviewed at th e Financia l Advisory Committee meeting. He sai d we n eed to address the top two sections before mo vi n g to the bottom which are projects not approved at this time. He suggested that based on the project li st, this item at th e earliest could be put on the ne x t agenda . • A Maintenance Co ntract for th e Library was di sc u sse d by Counci lm e mber Stankoski. H e said the sys tem ha s be en d own severa l times durin g the la st year; and we need an RFQ prepared for m ai ntenance of thi s syst em. Ken Es la va , Projects and Maintenance Manager, comm ented it is a complex sys t em and needs a manager. This would be an approximate cost of $3,000 p er year for a preventive maintenance plan . Mr. Mims sa id staff can do an RFQ w ithout adding this to the agenda. • Watershed Proj ect was di sc u ssed ne x t by J e nnifer Fidler, Publi c Works Director. We have $50,000 avai labl e to do the work a nd sta y w ithin th e budget. • Counci l Pres id ent Mixon mentioned the reso lution for the en g in eerin g se rv ices for the Wast e Water Treatment Plant; and sa id Councilmember Kingrea wo uld work the Mayor Kant on the negotiation s. • Counci lmember Quinn broug ht the need to mo ve forward w ith ed ucation on stripin g . She mentioned th e quote from S mart Coast for $7,500 and that Jonathan Smith sa id hi s staff co uld not begin fo r m o nth s. S h err y Su lli va n re pli ed that K en Es lava was working o n it ; a brochure is b e in g look ed at ; and Jonathan Smith has bee n in the loop . Co un ci lm em ber Kingrea qu estioned the p ara ll e l parkin g on B an croft. Work Session Monday , 23 Apri l 2012 Page -2- There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meetin g was duly adjourned at 5: 15 p.m. ~ks,MMC City C l rk