HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-12-2009 Work SessionCommittee:
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
Mayor and City Council
Monday, January 12, 2009 at 4:15 p.m.
Note: Time has changed from 4:45 pm.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Work Session -Stimulus Package,
State Legislation & Finances
Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on
bulletin board.
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
Mayor and City Council
Monday, January 12, 2009 atWp.m.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Work Session -Financial Update
Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on
bulletin board.
Fairhope City Council Worksession
Delchamps Room of Civic Center
Jan 12 , 2009
4 :30 p .m . Finance Committee Meeting
Nancy Wi lson -Overview of November Statements
Mayor's Comments and Recommendations
Jennifer Fidler -Presentation on Sanitation
Captain Griffis -Hire a dispatcher
Nancy Mi lford -Sweetwater Park and LWCF Grant
Wanda Suggs -Paving of the 11 Woods Avenue roadway
Impact Fee
Lonnie Mixon -comments
5:45 p .m. Adjourn
The Mayor and City Council , m et in a Work Session
at 4:45 p.m., City Hall , D elchamp s Room ,
161 North Section Street, Fa irhope , A labam a 36532, on
Monday, 12 January 2009 .
Present were:
Mayor, Timothy M . Kant
Coun c il President, D ebbie Quinn
Councilmember, Dan Stankoski
Councilmember, Lonnie Mixon, Chairman
Councilmember, Mike Ford
Councilmember, Ri ck Kingrea
City C lerk, Lisa A. Hanks
Council President Quinn called the m eeting to order at 4:50 p.m.
Council President Quinn asked Finance Director Ro se Fogarty to begin with the
financial statement.
Ms. Fogarty sa id in the General F und we are less than last year: Golf and Construction
costs are the main reason for the d ec lin e. She a lso state d that the financ ia ls and cash
were presented at last meeting.
Nancy Wilson , City Treasurer, stated that cash was do w n: $25 0 ,000 less in the General
Fund, $13,000 less in the Gas Fund , $300,000 less in the E lectri c Fund, $800,000 less in
the Water Fund , and $200,000 less in Capital Projects. The bond principal payments are
due -over $1,000 ,000 paid. The bond issue balance i s $7 00 ,000; line of credit is
$525,000; the utility is $1,550,000; and the lib rary is $1,26 1,000 . The 2007 GOW is
approximately $900,000 and th e 2002 GOW is $100,564.
Councilmember Mixon sa id he m et with the Mayor and staff met to reduce the
exp en ditures. The Education Assistance Program was put on hold.
Ma y or Kant stated that the fo llo w in g budget items were put on hold until March 15 ,
2 00 9 to reduce expenses. (Please see attach ed document with the Mayor's
recommendations). He stated that DEA money cannot be u sed for budgeted ite m s and
we are looking at Thomas Hospital to po ssibly run th e Fitness Center for the Recreation
D epartment. He mentioned that staff was asked to turn off lights and reduce the
temperature on th ermos tats. Mayor Kant said we could maybe hire a chemist for the
City, since we had $200,000 plus in ex penses for testing and he checked with purchasing
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
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to possibly rebid for fuel. He said we could consider adding a franchi s e tax to bill from
Spanish Fort and Daphne. This makes a total of $1 ,733 ,500 in cost reduction . We can
relook at this on March 15, 2009 when all advalorem tax should be received .
Councilmember Mixon mentioned discontinuing cell phones for all employees.
Council President Quinn asked supervisors ; how do you contact your staff.
Jason Colee , CIS Manager, said the City uses three vendors for cell phones and another
vendor for pagers. This is a redundancy. He said the City had sent out RFPs (Request
for Proposals) for all services. One vendor possibly would reduce total co sts.
Councilmember Mixon reiterated that we could do away with cell phones .
Gregg Mims , General Superintendent, stated the only concern he had was with law
Captain Griffis said our detectives need them .
Jennifer Fidler , Public Works Director, said she used both her personal cell phone and
the City cell phone : 500 minutes on personal and 1,000 minutes on City phone each
month . She mentioned both of her Assistant u s e cell phones and Paul Merchant uses his
personal phone.
Councilmember Mixon stated maybe we need to do a survey.
Mayor Kant asked the City Council if they wanted Jason Colee to do a survey and report
back to them.
Councilmember Ford stated you want better communication, but no w y ou want to take
away their means for communication . He said come back at a later date with results.
Scott Sligh , Electric Department Supervi sor, mentioned his department uses Nextel
phones .
Mr. Colee stated that on January 15 , 2009 they would open the RFP s .
Councilmember Mixon asked; what are we doing about lights left one, i.e. at the tennis
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
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Mayor Kant replied the tennis courts and parks are a bid issue.
James Gillespie, Administrative Superintendent , responded that Volanta Park would cut
off by a timer and you have to push to tum on.
Councilmember Ford asked about the light on the walking pass.
Sherry Sullivan, Senior Services Director, stated that the street lights do help.
Councilmember Ford asked; how do our rates compare to Mobile Gas.
Mr. Gillespie replied we are the same.
Councilmember Ford mentioned we may be cutting our throat and need to be cautious.
Council President Quinn asked James Gillespie is he could check with Mobile Gas.
Councilmember Mixon asked Steve Seay, Gas Department Supervisor, if he had any
recommendations for cutting costs.
Mr. Seay replied none at this time.
Councilmember Mixon asked Jennifer Fidler how much of your plants have you
Ms. Fidler replied all plants have been ordered for 2009 .
Councilmember Mixon asked; how much do you spend.
Ms. Fidler replied approximately $250,000 for plants, soil , fertilizers, etc.
Councilmember Mixon asked Ms. Fidler is she had any ideas or thoughts for cost
Ms. Fidler responded that moving the landfill will be the biggest expense this year. The
City has a C&D landfill permitted by ADEM . We are getting close in filling this landfill.
Three separate options were brought to the City Council. The big cost was dirt/soil. We
will have to purchase a truck and provide a place for dropping off C&D for citizens. We
are months away from filling up the landfill.
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
Councilmember Ford mentioned we worked on getting three acres next to the landfill
and should be using what we have.
Ms. Fidler stated that the neighbors were an issue.
Councilmember Ford replied neighbors should not be an issue.
Mayor Kant said there are political issues being brought up by the Baldwin County
Commission and recycle is one of the issues .
Ms. Fidler said that once-a-week garbage could be a $215 ,000 annual savings.
Captain Griffis told the City Council and Mayor that one of the Police Department's
dispatchers had been in a horrific car accident this past weekend. He said they need two
dispatchers on duty at all times . He mentioned they were already one dispatcher short
prior to this accident. A full-time person cannot fill the job temporarily. Dispatchers
have to be NCIC certified and make minute by minute decisions.
Council President Quinn asked; how the dispatcher was doing.
Captain Griffis replied she was alert, but then went back into a coma state.
Councilmember Mixon asked; how much will it cost.
Captain Griffis replied the benefit package and pay increase for City of Fairhope.
Councilmember Stankoski stated I don't think you have a choice. We need experience
and it would be foolish not to hire in that area . Public safety still remains number one for
Council President Quinn said the authorization to hire a dispatcher would be added to
the agenda under the Finance Committee.
Jonathan Smith, Planning Director, discussed the Nelson Road grant application. He
said the application process is at a point where an appraisal is required for the grant. The
Planning Department contacted two companies : one gave a $7 ,000 estimate and the other
gave a $1,500 estimate . He said staff is asking for your opinion whether or not to go
Mayor Kant stated he wanted to use the original appraisal.
Work Session
Monday, 12 Janu ary 2009
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Ms. Wilson m ention ed that ALDOT has to review the appraisa l.
Councilmember Mixon asked; if approved are we going to purchase land. And, can
Impact Fees be u sed for some of it.
Council President Quinn responded that there is $279 ,000 in Impact Fees. She said that
David Ryan, owner of property being discussed , is here tonight.
Councilmember Ford asked Mr. Ryan; how old is your appraisal.
Mr. Ryan replied about three and a half years old.
Councilmember Mixon said we shou ld look at Impact Fees.
Council President Quinn stated we n eed to get more bids for the appraisal and the
Impact Fee Committee needs to get together again. We w ill have the Recreation Board
come also.
Mayor Kant stated that staff needs a recommendation and direction for which way you
want them to go. At the last meeting the question was: do we have the cash to go forward
or not. Impact Fees allocate half to go for land or parks and needs to be where citizens
Councilmember Ford stated he thought we were going to pay on-time. The Impact
Fees have to b e spent in certain ar eas .
Council President Quinn stated we have $279,000 of $500,000 and David Ryan 1s
wi lli ng to work with the City.
Councilmember Stankoski said one parcel on ly benefits a small group and another
parcel b enefits many citizen s. A decision will have to be made.
Council President Quinn responded we can get a grant on Ryan 's property because it
w ill b e a trail head. The next it em to be discussed is the Su gg's request.
Mayor Kant said the road in question is a dirt road. An env ironmental issue is that it
needs an a ll ey.
Council President Quinn asked how many houses are up there.
Ms. Fidler replied four or five.
Wo rk Session
Mo nd ay, 12 January 2009
Mayor Kant said Ms . Suggs just wanted to make sure she was on the list.
Councilmember Kingrea asked Ms. F idler; have yo u prioritized the roads.
Ms. Fidler stated that it would cost ap proximately $30 ,000 and possibly a total of a mile.
Council President Quinn mentioned Impact Fees h as $140,000 for transportation and
wants to use half to pay on bill for Highway 98 and Highway 104.
Ms. Wilson sa id we will be receiving $200,000 plus from ALDOT.
Councilmember Ford mentioned we co uld go pave Woods A venu e.
Mr. Mims responded we would be treading in a new venue .
Council President Quinn said we wi ll need a motion to move the money from the
Impact Fees Fund. We wi ll add this to the agenda also under the Finance Committee.
Councilmember Mixon stated that the Rainy Fund is quite lo w. He mentioned the
General Fund debt and then said both need to be down to zero for 30 days by the summer
in order to renew.
Mayor Kant brou ght up the water lin e through Highway 13 and recommended Ack
Moore to b e the Engineer on record.
Councilmember Kingrea sa id he does not object to hiring Ack Moore , but we need to
be cost cautio u s and not just rush in hiring.
Council President Quinn said Congress is looking at passing the Stimulus Package on
February 16, 2009 and shove l in the ground . I don't know if we could wait due to time
and the Stimulus Package.
Councilmember Ford said we need to get on it or be cut out of the picture.
Councilmember Mixon stated we need to get more quotes /propo s als within a short
period of time.
Councilmember Kingrea said he agreed with Mixon.
Council President Quinn asked; how lon g does it take to get permit.
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
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Ack Moore responded for a whole set of plans and County, I will do it at no cost, if
go in g to get job.
Council President Quinn said the next item to be discussed is the boat.
Mayor Kant stated that in August this was brought to Council President and me. We
could either work with the Yacht Club or a private citizen offered to donate the $7,500.
This could help the City environmentally and we could do our own testing. We could
buy a boat without spending money. Mr. Bell wrote an e-mail in response to City
Attorney Wynne's e-mail regarding the City purchasing the boat.
Councilmember Kingrea said he received the e-mai l from Mr. Bell. He said yes you
can do what you are going to do. However, the Yacht Club wants to use the boat for their
Race. "I disagree with what we can do with the boat. I don't think we can do it."
Councilmember Mixon stated the perception out there makes it a problem and we do not
need to go forward with the purchase.
Council President Quinn said we have a consensus: all agree not to keep the boat. She
mentioned that Mike Ford could not meet with the Boys & Girls Club and asked for
another Councilmember to volunteer to go. Rick Kingrea said be would go with Debbie
Quinn and Mayor Kant to the meeting.
Mayor Kant mentioned that the Media Com agreement needs to be signed and the Quail
Creek Golf Course needs the greens repaired. Mayor Kant then briefly discussed the
items on the following letter:
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
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·~·~~ll(ti..6 v rll
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·nmothy M, Kan<. A.CJ.1.0.
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\· .. Nancy K. Wilson. CPA
\:' CounaJ/tlan/Jm
Michael A. Ford. AC...\1.O
•.-~::,..,_Rick Kingre1
~~:bie \i_ Quin n, A.C.M.0.
oallfel i Stinkoski. C.M.o.
·:\-P.O. orawe1 ◄29
. Faj~-~ Alabama 3653J
251 ·928 -2136
:-}<-~s,'.928-6776 Fax
~-Mr.Qd/:dr,trra .,
MEMO -January 12 , 2009
TO: Fa irhope City Council
FROM : Timothy M, Kant , Mayor
The start of 2009 should be positive , We as elected officials should be the
cheerleaders , not the nay-sayers . The downtown rumors are not true , We
had a good Christmas season; with that said , I would like your help in the
following three areas :
1. Meet with anyone every Friday@ 8:30 AM for coffee to bring everyone up
to date on the past week 's issues , I will also have the Police Chief, City
Clerk , Treasurer, General and Utilities Superintendents present to look into
any citizen issue that needs to be addressed . This will help communicate
between the two groups . I believe it is time for the openness that we said was
needed to happen. Let's not do as an e-ma il that went around asking that we
keep things private .
2 . Diversity on committees -The Council wants to appoint members to the
Personnel Board; the qnly African/American was replaced recently , I believe
with 15 percent of city staff being a minority , it is important to make sure the
employees will be heard and a fair decision be made . As the Council moves
ahead on policy, appointing people on our committees , we need to make
sure we make them as diverse as possible , so that the committees are truly a
representation of Fairhope .
3. The "Triangle" property needs to be addressed once and for all. I am go ing
to form a committee to look at purchasing the land and make a report to this
counci l on how to pay for the land . This issue has been looked at by Planning
Commiss ion for the past 30+ years with no end to the litigation, spending
hundreds of thousands of dollars with no end in sight ; it would be better to
preserve the entrance to Fairhope and stop this madness .
The above three items are what I plan for this coming year . I ask that we start
moving t his City forward so we can all be able to hold up the January 2030
issue of Southern Living and be number on e instead of number two .
Work Session
Monday, 12 January 2009
Page -9-
Council President Quinn thanked everyone for their input and participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 6 :00 p.m.
City of Fairhope
City Clerk
Lisa A. Hanks
Ci(Y Clerk
Couna1 Members
Rick Kingrea
Lo nnie L. Mixon
Debbie W Quinn, A.C.M .O.
Da nie l R. Stankoski, C.M.O.
161 North Section Street
P.O . Drawer 429
--;mope, Alabama 36533
MEMO -January 12 , 2009
TO : Fairhope City Council
FROM : Timothy M. Kant, Mayor
The start of 2009 should be positive . We as elected officials should be the
cheerleaders , not the nay-sayers . The downtown rumors are not true. We
had a good Christmas season ; with that said , I would like your help in the
following three areas :
1. Meet with anyone every Friday@ 8:30 AM for coffee to bring everyone up
to date on the past week's issues . I will also have the Police Ch ief, City
Clerk , Treasurer, General and Utilities Superintendents present to look into
any citizen issue that needs to be addressed . This will help communicate
between the two groups . I believe it is time for the openness that we said was
needed to happen. Let's not do as an e-mail that went around asking that we
keep things private .
2 . Diversity on committees -The Council wants to appoint members to the
Personnel Board ; the only AfricaniAmerican was replaced recently. I believe
with 15 percent of city staff being a minority , it is important to make sure the
employees will be heard and a fair decision be made. As the Council moves
ahead on policy , appointing people on our committees, we need to make
sure we make them as diverse as possible , so that the committees are truly a
representation of Fairhope .
3. The "Triangle " property needs to be addressed once and for all. I am going
to form a committee to look at purchasing the land and make a report to this
council on how to pay for the land. This issue has been looked at by Planning
Commission for the past 30+ years with no end to the litigation , spending
hundreds of thousands of dollars with no end in sight ; it would be better to
preserve the entrance to Fairhope and stop this madness.
The above three items are what I plan for this coming year. I ask that we start
moving this City forward so we can all be able to hold up the January 2030
issue of Southern Living and be number one instead of number two .
Outside Services
Cell Phones for City
Police Camera's
Airport Appropriation
Communi ty Development
Training /School
Office Supplies
General Supplies
General Ma intenance
· Spanish Fort Tax
Daphne Tax
473 ,000
40 ,000
25 ,000
50 ,000
1,194 ,500
40 ,000
9 ,000
50 ,000
5 ,000
100 ,000
25 ,000
20 ,000
Volkert 140 ,000
Thompson Engineering 100 ,000
Stewart 65 ,000
BES 38 ,000
Neel-Schaffer 12 ,000
Burford Tree 100,000
Black Box 18,000
473 ,000
For2009 139 ,000
Administrative 100 ,000
Utility Supt. 35 ,000
Recreation Center 40 ,000
175 ,000
Paid by Electric 800 ,000
Fuel Cost 637 ,000
Chemical s/Testing 200 ,000
CITY OF FAIRHOPE f f\0-lt ~AJ TRAINING/SCHOOLJTRA VEL -January 1 -December 31, 2008 ·
Totals by Department & Fund
Ames , Dan 282 .96
Bosarge , Arthur 887 .71
Bowman , Daniel 95 .00
Burmeister, Kim 79.00
Burroughs , Greg 20.00
Cabaniss , Jill 8 18 .19
Charles , Dick 484 .20
Clark , Bob 634 .20
Eslava , Ken 200 .00
Fidler, Jennifer 2 ,953.22
Fogarty, Rose 1 ,041.28
Ford , Mike 350 .00
Fulford , Barry 1 ,545 .95
Garrick, David 561 .25
Gillespie, James 2 ,749 .37
Grubin , Stan 158.00
Hanks, Lisa 1 ,232 .68
Heveran , Ron 25.00
Higginbotham, Kim 322 .65
Horner, J 25.00
Irby, Emily 316 .00
Jensen , Bruce 20.00
Job, Belinda 40.41 886 .61
Josh Titford-AED Classes 447 .27
Kant, Tim 10 ,518 .88
Kingrea , Rick 125.00
Kuhl , Tom 450.20
Manken , Joel 1,641 .65
Mechanics Shop -class 168.55
Merchant , Paul 520 .67
Milford , Nancy 502 .20
Mims , Greg 3,490 .24 8,423 .61
Mims , Richy 30 .00
Mixon , Lonnie 125 .00
Nelson , William 150 .00
Planning Dept-Home Study 1,053 .00
Powell , David 739 .22
Quinn , Debbie 10 ,921.15
Safety Training Mtgs . 2 ,326 .03
Seibt , Bryan 684 .39 3 ,434 .94
Slade , Fran 1,238 .70
Slagle, Cathy 238 .00
Smith , Jonathan 5 ,882 .38
Souders , Shawn 68 .00
Stankoski , Dan 2 ,959.48
Stonehouse, Michael 175.00
Sullivan, Sherry 2 ,749.85
Westervelt, April 1,224 .60
White , De rek 160.00
White, Rhonda 180.00
Williams , Jeff 1,508.00
Wilson , Nancy 2 ,113.99
Wilson , Scottie 345 .00
Winston , S. 79 .00
Totals -GEN. FUND-Div. 10 41 ,748.70 37,145.98 1,508.00 80,402.68
TRAINING/SCHOOL/TRAVEL-January 1 -December 31, 2008
Totals by Department & Fund
Anderson , Jeremy
Annual range dues
Bishop, Earnest
Bozeman , Suzie
Carpenter, Jaynae
Commalander, Mike
David , Jimmy
Griffis , Steve
Hall , David
Hewitt, Lawanda
Hollinghead , Stephanie
Hoskins, Tyron
Johnson , Eric
King , Fred
Martinez, David
May, Mandeny
Morgan , John
Murray, Brett
Payne , Olivia
Petties , Joe
Salter, Pam
Sawyer, Craig
Swartz, Sherri
Taylor, Benjamin
Thomas. Wendell
Varnado , Charles
Totals Police -Div. 15 GE
Brown , Dodson
Total -Street Dept.
Community Development
Davis, Mark L.
DOT Training manual
Frego , Valentine
Garrick, David -Mtr.Trng .
Gillespie, James
Holman , Terry
Little , Jeremy
Northrop , Tyrell
Online OQT Qual.Tests
Robert Rohm , Jr.
Seay, Steve
Southeast Data -Meter Trng .
Stapleton , Wes
Welding Tests
Totals -Gas Dept.
0 .00
275 .00
1,053 .39
320 .00
591 .00
30 .00
3,700 .00
I _.
555 .00
3 ,748 .12
1 ,110.00
8,477.92 21,106.63
0.00 186.00
0.00 14,321.17
TRAINING/SCHOOLJTRAVEL-January 1 -December 31, 2008
Totals by Department & Fund
Brown, Doug 614 .76
Cluster, Jimmy 601.41
Community Development 1,268.40
Garrick, David -Mtr.Tmg. 187 .08
Gillespie, James 372 .00
Morgan, Jeremy 50.00
Norris , Aaron 1,026.03
SE Data -Meter Trng. 300 .00
Sligh, Scott 430.67 2 ,616 .86
Thrash , Jason
Wolchina, Joe 516.86
Totals -Electric Dept 430.67 7,553.40
Community Development 1,360 .18
Cooper, Curtis 976 .72
Davis, J. 150 .00 ·
Employee Safety Book 50.00
Garrick, David 187 .09
Hempfleng, Kevin 1,126.72
Manuel , Tim 150.00
McCrory , Dan 4,754.56
Nolte , Ed 127.60 150.00
Pinson , Paul 976.72
SE Data -Meter Trng 300.00
Totals -Water Dept. 127.60 10,181.99
Childress, Harold 99.52 40.00
Hall , Bobby 13.95
Emergency Medical Tmg. 290.00
Totals -Golf 113.47 330.00
Grand Total -Travel, Training, School Expenses -2008
3,951 .00
4,385.87 12,369.94
0.00 10,309.59
0.00 443.47
$ 139,139.48
Lisa Hanks
debbiewq@gmail.com on behalf of Debb ie Qu inn (debbiequinn@bellsouth.net]
Monday, December 22, 2008 2:01 PM
Lisa Hanks
jan 12th worksession
Lisa ... could you place Jennifer on the worksess ion agenda for the 12th to discuss once a week garbage pickup
We'll wait on the Rec bd until we hear in the next week or so about Thomas Hospital.
Debbie W. Quinn
POB 429
Fairhope, Al 36533
251-928-6315 HM
251-928-6329 FAX
251-751-1858 CL
Before printing this message, think carefu ll y if it's really necessary. Printing wastes electricity, toner and paper.
'::City of Fairhope
Public Works Department
Waste Management Division
Overview: Our Current Waste
Management Services
♦ Garbage collection twice weekly
♦ Recycling collection weekly
♦ Trash (bulk waste, yard waste)
collection weekly
♦ Trash and recycling pickup on the same
Waste Management
Equipment Used
• ( 1) Backhoe
• ( 1) Transfer Truck ( 18 wheeler type)
• (1) Bull Dozier
• (3) Semi-automated or Manual Garbage (packer)
• (1) Backdoor service (mini) garbage truck
• (3) Recycling Trucks
• ( 1) Forklift
• ( 1) Skid steer
• (4) Trash (boom) trucks
• (1) Leaf Machine
Waste Management
. Employees
• Garbage (10)
• Drivers - 4
• Helpers - 6
• Trash (5) All Drivers
• Recycle (4)
• Drivers - 3
• Material Processor - 1
• Other Personnel (6)
Additional Equipment &
Personnel Needed
♦ Garbage Trucks
• ( 1 ) Replacement Garbage Truck
• (1) Additional Garbage Truck
♦ Trash Truck
• ( 1) Replacement Trash Truck
• 3 new bodies
• 1 Chipper
• One Operator
Now is the time to consider
Automated Trucks
•!•Only one
required on
the truck -
the driver
•!•No lifting
Estimated Annual Costs
Another Way to Look@ Costs
A (Automated) Vs. M (Manual) ----Estimated Annual Costs
The Real Cost
• 39°/o of injuries in Public Works are from the
garbage division (51 out of 131 since 1999)
• Overexertion and lifting were the biggest
cause of these accidents (this year, contact)
• Workman's Comp Claims (approx 140,000):
• Year 01 62,990
• Year 02
• Year 03
• Year 04
• Year 05
Case Studies -Injuries from
Automated Trucks
♦ Huntsville, AL: (2) minor injuries since
~-automated trucks were first used (2003)
... ~,.
: .. •·.
·· ♦ Pensacola , FL: C a rpal t u nnel syndrome
injuries reported (no exact number .. "just
a few"). Automated used for >10 years.
\ ♦ McMinnville, TN: No reported injuries.
Began automation in 2001.
" Timeline for implementation
Phase One:
.. • October 10th : Council Meeting
.• Council de c ides on a utomation o r
manual garbage
♦ Council decides to purchase equipment
for garbage service
If Automation is chosen
♦ Phase II:
♦ January 2006 or Mid-March 2006 (tentative)
• Seri es of homeowner educational meetings for
implementation of automation
• Ed ucational flyers distributed to every home
• Distribution of cans
♦ January 30 th : Implementation of automation
Phase 111: Automation
♦ Eight weeks from date of implementation:
• Residents who have Monday / Thursday garbage
will either have Monday or Thursday Recycling.
The residents who have Tuesday / Friday garbage
will have either Tuesday or Friday recycling.
• These routes will encourage residents to put out
garbage once a week with their recycling.
Phase IV: Automation
♦ January 2007
• Aft er lo oking at real numbers for the c ost of
ga rbage collection, council decides to go to o nce a
we e k g arbage or keep it at twice per week.
• Council decides: if once a week is chosen , will
we have an option for residents to keep twice per
week at an increased rate?
• Council looks at rates and decides whether or not
to go up or down on rates for different sized
♦ This is an opportune time to make a
decision to go automated ( every 5 yrs)
T w ic e a w eek automated garbage
se rvice will save $863,500 over a period
of 5 years.
♦ Once a week automated garbage
service will save $1,935,000 over a
period of 5 years.
Lisa Hanks
Nancy Milford
Tuesday , January 06 , 2009 8:30 AM#
Lisa Hanks
Sweetwater Park
Please add an agenda item to Monday's City Council Meeting : Discussion on appraisal of the proposed Sweetwater
Park , Nelson Road and 98, in conjunct ion with the LWCF Grant through ADECA.
Thanks so much .
Nan cy Mi lfor d
City of Fairhope Planner
555 So uth Section Str ee t
Fairhop e, Ala bam a 36532
ph one: (251) 990-2886
fax: (2 51 ) 990 -2879
December 22, 2008
The Honorable Timothy M. Kant
Mayor, City of Fairhope
Post Office Drawer 429
Fa ir hope , Alabama 36533-0429
Dear Mayor Kant:
RE : FY2009 Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grant Application
ADECA is reviewing Fairhope 's FY2009 LWCF Application for the reimbursement of land
acquisition cost for a future park. The following documentation is needed before we can complete
our review and rate your application:
1. An Appraisal Report . Please make sure that the c ity retains the services of an appraiser
who is qualified to perform the appraisal in accordance with all federal requirements , as
detailed in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions.
2. Ev idence (documented proof) that the property owner was given the opportunity to
accompany the appraiser when he or she inspected the property.
3. A five-year History of Conveyance. This is a listing of all transactions involving the
property for a per iod of at least five years. Be sure that the dates of conveyances, names
of parties involved, and the amount of consideration is included. The State reviewer will
not approve any appraisal report which does not include this information .
4. Location maps and photographs of the site acquired and the comparable sales used to
estimate its value .
5. A check in the amount of $275.00 made payable to the Alabama Department of
Transportation for the cost of the review appraisal.
We must receive these documents no later than January 31, 2009, in order for your application to
remain elig ible for consideration . Please note that this letter does not imply in any way
whats oever that your application has been or will be approved.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (334) 242-5483.
Di re ctor , Recreation Prog rams
401 ADAMS A VENUE · SUITE 580 :P.O. Box 5690 • MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36103-5690 • (334) 242-5100
Pag e 1 of"
Nancy Milford
From: Sherry Sullivan
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 12:45 PM
To: Aaron Norris; Barry Fulford; Bryan Seibt; Dan Ames ; Dan McCrory ; Gregg Mims ; James Gillespie ;
Jennifer Fidler; Jonathan I Smith ; Josh Titford ; Ken Eslava; Kevin Hempfleng ; Mike Comalander;
Nancy Milford ; Nancy Wilson; Renae Robinson; Rose Fogarty ; Scott Sligh ; Steve Seay
Subject: council agenda
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
1. Approve Minutes of 23 June 2008 .
Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports
• Planning Department -Scenic Highway 98 an d Nelson Road
4. Ordinance -An Ordinance setting compensation for absentee election manager.
5. Resolution -Pre sent Application for Transportation EnhanJement (TE) Projects for
FY 2009 -Greeno Road Improvements Grant. 7f'6 ~~
6 . Resolution -Appoint Election Officials for Election Day 26 August 2008 , and Run-off
Day 7 October 2008, if necessary .
7. Request -Jim Horner -Fairhope Env ironmental Advisory Board -Review of Projects
and propose an environmental mis s ion statement addition to the City of Fairhope 's present mission
8 . R equest -Bobby and Debra Green -Green Nurseries and Lands cape Design , Inc. and
Greeno Median Project.
9 . Bid -Water & Sewer Department -Annual Contract for Hy drated Lime and Gas Chlorine
Chemicals for Fairhope Water System.
10. Bid -El e ctric Department -Combination Pole and Reel Trailer.
11 . Bid -Fire Department -Firehouse Ov erhead Door R epair and Replacement for Fairhope
Firehouse # 1.
12 . Accounts Pay ables
June 25, 2008
City of Fairhope
City Council
Fairhope, AL 36533
City Council Members :
David Ryan has property located at the comer of Scenic Highway 98 and
Nelson Road. He has offered to sell his property to the City of Fairhope for
the purposes of a City Park.
Mr. Ryan has expressed his willingness to sell this site to the City of Fairhope
with the assurances the site will be 1) a perpetually maintained City park.
There possibility that three grants can be solicited for potential funding for the
purchase and development of the site as a park. These grants are as follows:
♦ Land, Water, Conservation Fund: 50/50 match; Maximum $100,000; can
be used for acquisition and development, September 2, 2008 final submittal
♦ Recreational Trails Program: 80 /20 match, Maximum $125,000, can be
used for acquisition and development, September 2, 2008 final submittal date.
♦ 306A Public Access Improvement Grant Application for public access
work: 50/50 Match; Maximum $25,000.
To use the above-listed grants for property acquisition, the property could not
be purchased prior to the Grant A wards. The most likely option would be for
Staff to pursue these grants in phases and explore the best use of these grants
on this particular site. The City Council could also utilize the Park and
Recreation Impact Fee.
Staff would like to know if this is a direction the Cotmcil would like to pursue. \I .
Sincerely,? _ ~or ~~
Nancy Milford
4 .
6 .
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes of 11 August 2008 .
Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports.
• Financial Report
Ordinance -Authorizing and granting to Bellsouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a
AT&T Alabama the right to use the rights-of-way of the City of Fairhope, Alabama to
provide video services to the citizens of the City under the terms of a video service
Publ~,c Hearin_g -~o discuss the acquisition of recreatio~_al faqilities at the "Sweetwater
Park at Scemc Highway 98 and Nelson Road. f l{j>~ _
Resolution -Present Application to the Alabama Department of Economic and
Community Affairs for grant assistance, for the Sweetwater ~ar~ from the Land Water
ConservationFund. · .")/~ • .. ·
Resolution-Accepting the public streets, public right-of-way, and all of Fairhope's
public utilities within The Willows for maintenance.
Resolution -Issue Certificate of Election to -Loilllie L. Mixon -Place # 3.
Request -Katherine Dubuisson requesting permission to have alcohol at the Fairhope
Beach Pavilion for an engagement party on October 11 , 2008 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Bid -Rental of Tents for New Year's Eve Celebration -$5,355 .00 .
NEXT MEETING: (Canvass Election, Tuesday, September 2, at 10:00 a .m.)
AT 7:00 P.M.
December 29, 2008
RE: Ro adway to 11 Wo o d s Ave, Fairhope
The Honorabl e MayorTim Kant
161 North Section St
Fairhope, Alabama 36533
Dear Mayor Kant,
Fir st I want to thank yo u for taking the time from your busy sc hedule to r e turn my tel ephon e call on
Novemb er 7, 2008 , I was most grateful. Thi s is a follow up note of our conv e r sa tion regarding the paving
o f the 11 Woods Avenue roadway as king that the city co uncil review this r equ est.
Since 1997, several r e qu ests was mad e to hav e thi s area paved as any amount of r ai n causes a seve r e
erosion of the soil making the entr ance onto and exit from the roadway difficult . We would b e so
appreciative if th e co uncil wou ld con sid er approval for thi s project.
We ar e submi tting this r equest an d awaiting yo ur r e pl y. Special thanks t o yo u for p er sonally li stening to
m y con cern .
Since rely,
Wanda E. Sugg s
25 1-929 -3821