HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-26-2009 Work SessionPublic Meeting Notice
Committee: City Council and Mayor
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 4:45 p.m.
Place: Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Subject: Work Session -City Issues
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1. Fairhope Point Clear Rotary Youth Programs , Inc .
2. Baldwin County Sewer Service
3. Budget Cuts
The City Council , City of Fairhope, Al ab ama, held a work session in the
Delchamps Room at the City Admini st ration Building, 161 N. Section Street,
at 4:45 PM on Tuesday, May 26, 200 9.
Present: Debbie Qu inn, Council Pre sid ent; Councilmembers : R ick Kingrea,
Lonnie M ixon , Dan Stanko ski , Mike Ford . Timothy M. Kant, Mayor
Debbie Q uinn said there had been s om e questions raised about the city
council voting at work ses s ions and sh e sought an opinion and the answer is
yes, the y could vote at work session s.
Fairhop e Point Clear Rot ary Youth P ro grams, Inc. -Ed Brinson addressed
the Council and introduced Willie Wil lia ms, Charles Durgin and Tiffany Irby.
Ed said t hey will be working with the Fa irhope Point Clear Rotary Youth
Program s , Inc . and he is ask ing permiss ion to use Charles Durgin from the
Water & Sewer Dept. until the end of Se ptember 2009. On the City Council
agenda for tonight is having the Mayor execute an agreement with Fairhope-
Point Cl e ar Rotary Youth Programs , Inc. and also execute a contract with
Fairhop e-Point Clear Rot ary Youth P ro grams, Inc to carry out the duties set
forth in t he Agreement between the C it y and Fairhope Point Clear Rotary
Youth Programs , Inc. He sa id they wi ll have five employees and are
expectin g over 100 ch ildre n to come to the program . He said we can
reevalu ate at th e end of S e pt e mber. Ch arles Durgin read the Mission
Stateme nt of the Boys & G ir ls Club a nd told the council members some of
the prog rams they are goi ng t o be h av ing . He said they will be charging $50
per chil d per month , opera t ing hours are from 9-4 :30 PM and the child ren
bring th ei r own lunch . If a c hild come s at 7 :00 AM they will pay an extra
$2 .00. Da n McCrory was as ked if he w as all right with Charles goi ng to the
Boys & G irls Club and h e sa id yes. Lon nie Mixon moved to agree to this
transfer . Rick Kingrea 2 nd the motion an d it carried unanimously.
Baldwin C ounty Sewer S ervice -Dav id Conner was present representing
Baldwin C ounty Sewer Serv ic e . Rick K ingrea said he and Debbie Quinn met
with Tut W ynne and BCS S a nd as a re s ult BCSS had requested information.
about Fa i rh o pe 's syste m . He s aid th ere is a question of whether or not the
informat io n t hey are requ esti ng is pu b lic or not. He said they have talked
with Tut a nd are talkin g w ith Chris Gi ll. Rick said they might come back with
an offer s ome time in t he f ut ure and he does not see a problem with
releasin g information to th em if they sig n a confidentiality agreement
regardin g depreciation sc he dule, mai ntenance schedule and our rate study.
Further d iscussion fo llowed a nd a m oti o n was made by Rick Kingrea to
release t h e depreciati o n sche dule , m ai ntenance schedule and our rate study
providin g they sign a c onfi dentially agre ement. Lonnie Mixon 2 nd the motion .
Other o pi nions were expre ssed, Tim Kant said that the utilities were on our
revenue bonds and th at t he bond co mp anies would start asking questions.
Dan Sta nkoski said he is against it, w e will give up our control of control the
environ m ent. He said he does not lik e dealing with a company in India , likes
dealing w ith Dan McCrory . Mike Ford mentioned the seniors and fixed
income a nd how much Ba ldwin Coun ty Sewer charges, why go down that
road. Mayor Kant said w e do a lot of t hings that are not even required by
the State and do envi ron mental thing s that aren't even required. Rick
Kingrea said well may be t hey will be st upid and offer us an outrageous
amount of money . The vo te was for t he motion Rick Kingrea, Lonnie Mixon,
Debbie Q uinn . Against the motion Da n Stankoski, Mike Ford. Mayor Kant
cited th e offers for purchas ing the Ga s System over the years and that we
have no t considered th es e offers . Dav id said they are offering to buy a loss
Budget C uts -The Mayo r said these a re on the City Council agenda for
tonight bu t briefly went ov e r w hat he is proposing .
Propos ed Cuts For the Ge neral Fund
1. O nce/we e k garb age Service, Sa vings of $25,000
2. Next three holid ay s -City will be completely shut down, $20 ,000
s avings . Employ ee s schedule d to work holiday will take another day
3 . A ll warehouse o pe rations will m ove to 10 hour days, 4 days per
w e ek, $20 ,000 s av ing s.
4 . N o drug money use d u ntil afte r September 30.
5. Move DEA officer back to help w ith overtime at police depart. $2,000
s av ings
6. B id out c o rre ction f und food e x pense, $6,000 savings
7 . D o not replac e any employee s u ntil new budget cycle, $4,000
s av ings
8 . N o increase in pay for salary e m ployees.
9. Re duce la nd s ca pe costs by $25,000
10. Ut ilize cit y in m ates for holidays and weekends, $16,000 savings
Rick Kin g rea as ked how w e would s ave money by going to 10 hour days, 4
day work w e ek . Tim Ka nt said they w o uld stay at the jobs longer, he said he
is lookin g at the surve ys he sent out t o the employees, possibly do for
summer only. R ick K ing re a said he wo uld like estimated figures on this.
Mayor Ka nt said the s e are just sugg e st ions, he wants direction. Terry
Sanders spoke sayi ng he is against b ringing the DEA officer back, this is the
first tim e he has he ard of this. Mike Fo rd said the good will we have with
Mobile is better t han t he m oney we wo uld save. Lonnie Mixon said we can't
vote un t il we ha v e fi g u re s . Rick King re a said he feels the same as Lonnie,
all good ideas but d oesn 't see the de ta il and cost savings. Mayor Kant said
again he would li ke some direction .
Mayor Kant the n presented proposed cost cuts by Department and said he
would like approval o n amending the b udget.
General Fund
Adult Recreatio n
Public Works-Streets
Public Works-S a nitation
Airport Appropri atio ns
Labor Cost, All Dep t s .
Total Savings
$223 ,750 (travel , outside services, maintenance)
$156,61 0 (travel , Maint./Supplies, capital items)
$74 ,900 (maint./supplies, capital items)
$88 ,000 (m aint./supplies, capital items)
$38 ,038 (maint./supplies, capital items)
$153,268 (maint./supplies, capital items)
$122,46 4 (gas , oil, capital items)
$97,000 (cl osing costs)
$1,417 ,7 89
He said he is prese nti ng the figures t o them and proposing cutting out for
rest of the year. Lon nie M ixon said t he numbers are good, we asked for
figures a nd he has p re sented them . Lo nnie said that the council instituted
the sales tax , w e ne e d to come up w it h recommendations. The Mayor said
staff could com e up w ith something .
The Mayor brought up committees a nd said we need to look into appointing
qualified people to t he committees and mentioned the Finance Committee
and said we ne ed to limit it to two Co u ncil members and seek someone with
an accounting backg round , do som e b ackground search before appointing.
Debbie Quinn s a id t h is good sugge st io n, look in that direction .
The work sessi o n w as closed at 5:50 PM.