HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-2009 Work SessionCommittee: Date & Time: Place: Subject: Public Meeting Notice City Council and Mayor Monday, June 8, 2009 at 5: 15 p.m. Delchamps Room 161 North Section Street Work Session -Brats and ADECA Grant Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on bulletin board. CITY OF FAIRHOPE WORK SESSION AGENDA MONDAY, 8 JUNE 2009-5:15 P.M. -CITY HALL DELCHAMPS ROOM 1. BRATS Bus 2. ADECA Grant 3 . Farmer's Market Committee 4 . Sales & Use Tax STATE OF ALABAM )( COUNTY OF BALD WIN )( The Mayor and City C ou nc il , met in a Work Session at 5:15 p.m., Ci ty Ha ll , D cl champs Room , 161 North Section Str eet , Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday , 8 Jun e 2009. Present were: Council Pres id ent , Deb bie Q uinn Councilmemb er, Dan Sta nkosk i Councilmemb er, Lonni e J\ rix on , Chairman Councilmemb er, Mike F rd -Arrive d at 5 :41 p.m. Councilmemb er, Rick r in~rca City Clerk, Li sa A. Ha nks Mayor, Timoth y M. K ant was absent. Counci l Pres id en t Q ui nn called the meeting to order at 5 :15 p.m. 1. BRATS Bu s David E. Bish o p, Ch a irman of the Baldwin County Commission, discussed the possibility of Daphne , Sp anis h F ort , and Fairhope setting up a long-term parking garage behind Big Lot s, prop erty ow ned by Randy Delchamps. Mike Thompso n said w · w ill go from rural to parking garage where we can park and ride. Then we co uld Ji .· m utes, build specific hubs, and this would be a joint effort with Baldwin County and th Jv [unicipalities. There would be a small office in the building on Fairhope Avenue w here lc 1w enforcement can use and keep safe; a restroom, a cover with benches. The Cit y woul d provi de the property; pave the parking lot; and landscape the grounds. Mr. Delchamp s wo uld lease the property to the County which is 1.61 acres. Gregg Mims, General S up er int endent , said the City would enter into an agreement with the County . The se a g reem e nts are usually for a 20-year commitment w ith three 5-year renewal option s . Mr. Thomps n sa id we ca n be more competitive and three Cities w orking with the County is do able . Council Presiden t Q in n me ntio ned it being time sensitive. Work Session Monday, 8 Jun e 2 009 Page -2- Mr. Thomps o rep lied th e s timulus money will go toward the first hub and the rest to Robertsdale 's main hu b. T h is is a win-win solution. 2. ADECCA G rant fo r S idewalks Gregg Mims stat ed th is is an 80-20 match of $100,000. We will proceed with the best use for the money and ou r pa rt c an be in-kind services. He mentioned to the City Council if we appl y for th e grant , do n't pull it and commit to it. Councilmemb er S tan h>s i a nd Councilmember Kingrea both agreed there was a need to put a sid ewa lk o n M a n le y Road n ear schools. 3. Farmers Ma rk et Nicoll Mastin a n d B eth F ish er addressed the City Council and stated it was difficult to go to the Farmer s M a rke t o n Thursday. Mrs . Mastin suggested a Saturday morning market and p o ss ib ly u sing the lot behind the Library. Sherry Sulliv a n st ate d she wo uld m eet with both and bring back to the City Council. Councilmem b er M ix o n said h e h ad received complaints regarding the market moving down south. Ms. Sullivan repl ied t hat al l m erchants had been contacted and everything was now okay. 4. Sales and Us e Tax )1· l ina nce Councilmemb c r M ixo n sta ted th at James Gillespie had looked at other Cities regarding large busine s se s, car dealers, et c. and they charged a lesser amount. Foley charges 1/2 percent on thes e t ype s o f businesses and Daphne charges 1 percent. We want to amend our ordinance to b e in lin e as other C ities. The meeting w as adj ourn e d a t 5 :45 p .m. Lisa A. Hanks City of Fairhop e City Clerk