HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-22-2009 Work SessionCommittee:
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
City Council and Mayor
Monday, June 22 , 2009 at 4 :45 p.m.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Work Session -Various Issues
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1. Smart Coast
2 . Bid Law
3. Finance Committee -Green Sheets
4 . Franchise Agreements
5. Policy-Naming Streets
6. Sewer on Highway 181
The Mayor and City Council, m et in a Work Session
at 4:45 p.m ., City Hall, Delchamps Room,
161 North Se ction Street , Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 22 June 2009.
Present were:
Council Pre sid ent , Debbie Quinn
Councilmember, Dan Stankoski
Councilmember, L onni e Mixon, Chairman
Councilmember, Mike Ford
Councilmember, R ick Kingrea
City Attorney, Marion E . Wynne
City Clerk, Lisa A. Hanks
Mayor, Timothy M. Kant was absent.
Council Pres id ent Quinn called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m.
1. Smart Coast
Tedson M ey ers , w ith Smart Coast, passed out a presentation to the City Council and
briefly expl ain ed their plans . He stated that they design streets for all users: bikeway and
pedestrian walkways. They plan to work with the Alabama Department of
Transportati on on the development of Highway 181 and perform an environmental
impact stud y.
Rob Gibson , Civil En gi n eer, said Hi ghway 181 was a target of opportunity.
2. Bid La w
Dan Ames , Purcha sing Manager, said that the Utilities could procure materials without
going throu gh the B id Law, but could not cut out quotes per the Code of Alabama. This
would allo w u s to get three quote s, go buy, and put in place. These items are the ones
used more fre quently by the Utiliti es; urgent but not an emergency. This would give the
Utilities a little mo re free rein and mo ve to the $15,000 which is the amount you must go
out on bid per the Stat e Bid Law.
Work Session
Monday, 22 June 2009
Councilmember Mixon respond ed to Mr. Ames with make a recommendation to change
ordinance and/or res olution and brin g back to the City Council.
3. Green Sheets
Councilmember Mixon stated that there was a new form for the City Council regarding
project/bid approv al and asked Ci ty Treasurer Nancy Wilson to explain it.
Nancy Wilson addr esse d th e City Council and briefly explained the Preliminary
Financial Request which formali zed the prior approval process. Then, Ms . Wilson gave
an example for the process for approval with the first Preliminary Financial Request
being Heavy Duty Commercial Grad e Miniature Lights for Christmas 2009 .
4. Franchise Agreement
City Attorney Marion E. Wynne addressed the City Council and said anytime anyone
uses City property a contract and /or agreement must be prepared and signed. Initially,
City Attorney Wynne prepared th e franchise agreement, revised it to be a simplified
agreement for small er bu sinesse s, and should also be a fill in the blank agreement. There
would be a one-time applicati on fe e of $100 , must obtain a business license, and
collection of gross receipts .
Councilmember Kingrea asked ; ho w many vendors do we have.
Sherry Sullivan repli ed three .
City Attorney Wynne said you have to draw the line some place; very small amount of
money. This is a li ability issue for th e City.
Councilmember Kingrea asked ; ho w much, what does the City gain, and if not enough
don 't have them .
City Attorney Wynne said this is a general convenience to the citizens . It is a policy
decision of the City Cou ncil.
Councilmember Mixon stated some of these add to the uniqueness of the City .
Councilmember Ford said it add s ambiance to the City.
Work Session
Monday, 22 June 20 09
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Ms. Sullivan st ated we nee d to m ake s ure we are not competing with our businesses.
5. Policy on Naming Streets
Gregg Mims , General Superintend ent, addressed the City Council and discussed briefly
the new propo sed writte n Road Nam e Change Policy. He said we streamlined Baldwin
County 's policy and p rovided steps to get the policy approved. The only change
suggested to the Ci ty Co uncil wo uld be to change, in the section Who Can/Must Sign the
Petition?, the 100% r ega rding a p ersonal name being used to 90% to be consistent.
6. Sewer on Highw ay 181
Council President Qui nn stat ed th at the City Attorney had review the Confidentiality
Agreement from Baldw in Cou nty Sewer Service in order to obtain the requested
information from the Ci ty . She said it would be on the agenda to authorize Mayor
Timothy M. K ant t o exec ute the ag ree ment with Baldwin County Sewer Service.
Dan McCrory , Wat er & Sewer Supervisor, addressed the City Council and gave an
update on the s ew er exte nsion pro gres s. He stated we are at Silverwood, but not actually
in the subdiv is ion ; and U.S. Hi ghway 98 has not been started yet, but we have the pipe
laid out.
Councilmember F o rd a sked ; h ow long will it take to put in the subdivision.
Mr. McCrory r ep lie d h e could not rea lly say, we are sharing the boring equipment with
other departments.
Add On: Noi se
Councilmember S tankoski m en ti on ed there have been several citizens complaining
about the noi se. Prev i ou sly , I ex pres sed my personal concern regarding downtown
Fairhope and that I did n ot want i t to be a watering hole, but to be family oriented. A
committee of Gr egg M i ms, Sherr y Sulli v an , Chief Sanders, and I will look over this
issue. The Ch ie f and I a re lookin g over the ordinances and will bring back options. We
need a little more time in ord er for you to make an informed decision. This is a
complicated iss ue. Our z oning and co mprehensive plan encourages mixed businesses .
Work Session
Monday, 22 June 2009
City Attorney Wynne stated our ordinance on the books either needs to be repealed or
Councilmember Quinn said we approve the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses and
we need to walk a fine line if we look at revoking a license.
Chief Sanders said we need to tweak owners and work with the businesses .
Councilmember Ford a sked; do we have a decibel meter.
Chief Sanders replied no we do not have one; and this impacts all businesses not just
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Lisa A. Hanks
City of Fairhope
City Clerk