HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-2009 Work SessionCommittee:
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
City Council and Mayor
Monday, July 13, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Work Session -Various Issues
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1. BMP
2 . Franchise Agreement
3. Museum
4. City Sketches
5 . City Council Rul e s of Procedures -Agenda
The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in a work session, July 13,
2009, at 5:00 PM in the auditorium at the municipal complex , 161 N . Section
Present: Council President, Debbie Quinn ; Councilmembers : Rick Kingrea ,
Lonnie Mixon , Mike Ford , Dan Stankoski. Mayor Tim Kant. Tut Wynne, City
Attorney ; Acting City Clerk, Betty Rivenbark
Council President Quinn called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM
BMP -Jonathan Smith and Kim Burmeister were present and said
council had been presented a Memo with an Amendment Proposal :
Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance & Land Disturbance Permit
Fee . It was determined that the packets had not been distributed as
thought. Jonathan Smith said that this was a joint effort by the
Environmental Committee and Planning Staff and they had been working
on it for seven months. Kim Burmeister explained that BMP stood for
Best Management Practice and went on to explain what the Memo
and proposed ordinance contained , a joint effort by the Environmental
Committee and Gregg Mims, Jonathan Smith and Kim Burmeister an
Amendment Proposal : Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance & Land
Disturbance Permit Fee. She said the minimum requirements applied to
anyone who disturbs land, homeowners and contractors, that these are
stricter requirements than ADEM . And , that this also applied to
applications for single family residences . It was stated that the applicant
would be responsible for identification of these areas and Rick Kingrea
asked how would wetlands, floodplains , gullies be identified . Jonathan
responded that it would be delineated on survey/maps. Rick Kingrea
asked how would a typical resident know this . Jonathan replied there are
steps to take and a licensed surveyor should know this. He said if
applicant comes in Jonathan has maps of the wetlands and can tell the
applicant. Kim said we do have minimum requirements they have to
meet. Mayor Kant asked the additional cost to the homeowner/developer
because of this . Jonathan Smith said $200-$300. Mayor Kant asked if
they are going to notify the developers , they should be notified . They
replied they would . Jonathan said this is being done as one more step to
ensure healthy growth. The Council said they would look at documents
provided. No action was taken.
Museum -Sherry Sullivan said there is a resolution on the agenda
tonight for use of the City Museum . The Museum board had decided it
wanted to come up with a policy for use of the City Museum , she said
there is one room that could be rented but they wanted to have
something on file.
City Sketches -Sherry said she wanted to revisit the City Sketches
issue that Council had given her direction to discontinue until January.
She said that she has had many calls/inquiries since she had been told
to discontinue and had come up with a price of printing 2500 as a
Holiday Issue at a cost of $15,000 and then it could be posted on the
web site . Further discussion led to Lonnie Mixon saying that we are not
out of the woods yet, stick to decision and see what new budget brings.
Debbie said we could look into putting it on the web . Mayor Kant offered
that we started doing this in an effort to communicate events to the
community .
Franchise Agreement-Attorney Wynne spoke to this and said everyone
should have been provided a copy of a reworked agreement. It should be
ready to go . He said this pertains to the small businesses that want to do
business on the city's streets and rights of ways . There are three
applications pending. No one had looked at the amended one, Tut said
that he had taken out the parts he was told to and it should be ready to
go. It was on the agenda for tonight. The cost is $100 to applicant. He
said he deleted the paragraph about gross receipts and left blank what
area of town and also had a blank for amount of insurance . It was
decided exempting newspapers from this franchise agreement. It was
asked if Arts & Crafts would be required to fill one out and the answer
was no, but the businesses on private property would have to buy a
business license .
Rules of Procedure -Rick Kingrea said he wished to bring up that he
feels that on the City Council Agenda that we need to have the Mayor's
Report on the top part of the Agenda, before other business. Debbie said
that she was just following what other cities were doing on their agendas,
have business first then reports/discussion. Dan said we need to work
on transparency at least know what going on. Rick also said he would
like to have a consent agenda, if routine can pass and get through it;
have Mayor, Council and then report of standing committees and he
suggested doing this in the future. All agreed it would be good idea.
Mike Ford mentioned on the agenda under ordinances -the
Administrator position, have under the direction of the Mayor, he said it
would kind of be the first step in forming peace.
The FSTC brought up their request to speak on the agenda and had
brought in a letter too late to be added to council information . The letter
was passed out and it stated they were giving a donation in the amount
$2,000 a month for a period of one year to be used at the discretion of
Fairhope Museum Director, Donnie Barrett for exhibits and archiving . In
discussion Rick Kingrea said he had a problem with it naming a person .
He said he has no problem with Donnie, just naming an individual, that it
should read "Museum Director". Nancy Wilson offered that no matter
what it would have to go by rules of the General Fund and he would have
to request money and show where going . Mike Ford offered that Donnie
has worked with the museum long before we ever acquired or built the
building and he has complete trust in him .
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM .