HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-2009 Work SessionCommittee:
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
City Council and Mayor
Monday, August 10, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Work Session -Various Issues
1) Utility Board Meeting
2) Baldwin County Alliance
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The Mayor a nd City Co unc il, me t in a Work Session
at 5 :00 p.m ., City H all, D lc harnps Room ,
161 North Section Stree t, Fa irho pe, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 10 Augu st 200 9.
Present wer e :
Mayor, Tim o thy M. Kan t
Council Pre sident , D e bb ie Q ui nn
Councilmember, D an St ankoski
Councilmember, Lonnie Mixon
Councilmem ber, Mi ke Fo rd
City Attorney, M ari on E . Wy nne
City Clerk, L isa A. Ila nk s
Councilmembe r, Ric k K ing rea was absent.
Council Presi d en t Qu in n called the meeting to order at 5:00 p .m .
1. Utility B oard
Scott Sligh, E lect ri c De pa rtmen t Supervisor, gave an update on the Electric Department.
His departm ent is look ing at metal poles vs. wooden poles and working on multiple
projects: Courtho use Drive re location, Quail Creek Golf Course, permits for State and
County projects, boring sewe r lines , tree removal and trimming, street light audit,
updating systems maps, rate study , and a new system study (5 to 10 year capital
improvemen t p lan).
Steve Seay, Gas De pa rtme nt S upervisor, gave an update on the Gas Department. His
department is wo r ki ng on the fo llowing projects: Highway 90 installing approximately
2,600 feet of line s, le a k survey of the City , cast iron replacement plan, and rebuilt gate
station. Mr. Se ay ga ve a br ief summary on the Public Awareness Dinner.
Dan McCro ry, Wa ~c r & Sewer Department Supervisor, first gave an update on the
300,000 gallons of se \\'age th at we nt into Mobile Bay. He mentioned that this was
treated sewage , but no t d isinfec ted. The electrical short caused the UV System to shut
down. Mr. M cCror y expla ined that they were going to test the breaker and find out what
caused the fai lure. The SCA DJ\ was also knocked out.
Council Pres iden t Qu in aske d ; how long do you think it will take to correct.
Work Sessio n
Monday, 10 Au gu st 2 009
Mr. McCro ry re pli ed it w ill take time to figure out. We are looking at putting the
SCADA sy s tem on a separate system. Mr. McCrory said his department is working on
the followi ng projects : Co urtho use Drive relocation, Quail Creek irrigation line and a
few pump rep a ir s , Ga i ne s woo d sewer lines , Silverwood sewer lines , Highway 98 sewer
lines , water lea ks , and chlorine monitoring mandate .
Council P res id ent Quinn aske d about the cost of the sewer lines for Gaineswood and
Silverwood .
Mr. McCr ory rep ! icd we need to wait until we have completed the sewer lines.
Councilme mb cr Mixo n asked ; what the necessity of needing numbers if this is for
growth rea so ns . T his is be ing pro active.
Councilmembe r F ord re it erate d w e are being proactive.
Council Pres ident Qui n n stated she thought we needed policies and full cost accounting
before we proc eed.
Mayor Ka nt resp onde d that the City has been putting in water lines and gas lines every
day and we sho u ld go into Exe cut ive Session to talk about plans regarding utilities .
Councilmembe r Stfln ko ski ask ed ; did anyone respond to the person who e-mailed
regarding th e me te r iss ue.
Mayor Ka nt repl ied he res ponde d .
2. Baldwi n Co u ty Econom ic Development Alliance
Bob Higgin s gav e a brie f report on the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance
and what th ey do fo r the La stc rn Shore. They help with jobs, diversification, recruiting
new busines s;· pro mo ting growt h of the businesses we have here, and are working on two
large proje cts at t his tim e . They are the second best Economic Alliance in the United
Chuck Zu nk sta ted h e su ppo1is the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance
and encourages th e Ci ty [ Fairho pe 's support.
Darrelyn Ben de r, Pres ide n t of the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce, stated they
have a joint effort w ith the Ba ldwin County Economic Development Alliance.
Work Ses sion
Monday, 10 A u gu s t 2 00 9
3. Thomp son E n gi ne e r i n g
Johnny B a ke r , P res ide nt of Thompson Engineering , explained briefly the laws
prohibiting eng in e er in g fir ms an d other professional service companies from responding
to a solicitat io n fo r a bi d or qu o te . Professional services are supposed to be chosen based
on qualificatio n s an d no t the lowest bidder. Mr. Baker gave a booklet titled "Why Use
Qualifications -B a sed Sele ction to Procure A/E Services to the City Council.
The meetin g w as a djourned at 5:5 1 p.m.
Lisa A. Hanks
City of Fairhop e
City Clerk