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The City Council met in a Public Participation/Work Session
at 5:00 p.m ., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 14 March 2011.
Present were:
Present were Council President Lonnie L. Mixon, Councilmembers : Daniel
Stankoski, Michael A . Ford , and Rick Kingrea, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks.
Councilmember Debbie W. Quinn , Mayor Timothy M. Kant, and City Attorney Marion
E. Wynne were absent.
Council President Mixon called the meeting to order at 5:00 p .m. and explained this
meeting will be informal and a chance to get ideas from the public.
1. Charles Allen requested to be on the agenda , but was a "no show."
2. Ralph Thayer, 416 Patlyn Drive, addressed the City Council and explained the need
for an ordinance for Historic Districts. He stated districts are not an attack on property
rights, and give a sense of peace. A commission would be set up from all districts .
Councilmember Kingrea stated he envisioned a number of districts in downtown
Fairhope. Mr. Thayer replied he hoped to have others; administration is minor and the
budget would be slim.
Councilmember Ford stated this was attempted years ago and the older people could not
afford the upkeep necessary for the historic district. We need this to be out in the open
for all to understand. Mr. Thayer stated we would meet people mid-way.
3 . Joe Birindelli , 351 Grand Avenue, addressed the City Council and stated he was a
member of the Historic Preservation Committee . He said historic buildings make
Fairhope what it is. He mentioned that instead of building a new home , he remodeled a
cottage . Mr. Birindelli stated he wants to encourage the City to preserve what we have in
4. Ross Hobbs addressed the City Council and commented he previously lived in an
historic district in Selma. When you live in an historic district, it builds pride and you
feel protected. The district does not hurt the homeowner, it helps them; and it holds
property values up.
Work Session
Monday, 14 March 2011
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5. Cassandra Jones , 211 Jeff Davis Street, addressed the City Council and stated she has
a petition with over 500 signatures on it to keep the K-1 Center on Church Street. She
wants the City Council to enforce the agreement between the City of Fairhope and the
Baldwin County Board of Education. This is an historic building and should be utilized.
Closing the K-1 Center would over crowd the new Elementary School.
6. Barbara Ramsey, 706 Greenwood A v enue , addressed the City Council and
commented that Fairhope schools continue to grow. We have outgrown our schools five
times. If we sell the property, we will not get it back. Ms. Ramsey stated she loves the
community, but loves the children more . This school is an integral part of Fairhope. Ms.
Ramsey asked for the City Council 's support to keep the K-1 Center "For the Children."
7. Elizabeth Byars , 134 Paddock Drive, addressed the City Council and stated that
March 15 , 2011 through March 20, 2011 was National Sunshine Week. She asked the
City Council to reaffirm greater transparency and openness.
8. Mike Odom, reporter for the Fairhope Courier, addressed the City Council and stated
that he liked the Public Participation section and it was good for citi z ens and open
government. He questioned the status of the Council 's policy on outside Counsel ; and
said that law contracts should be in writing. Mr. Odom also questioned how the Council
would handle the contract on the agenda tonight.
Council President Mixon stated we will have a contract to v ote on tonight.
Councilmember Kingrea said there are certain ways it is done; our insurance company
uses their attorneys ; the Dyas case we used Hand Arendall which the City historically
used and we do need a more definite plan when looking for a lawyer. He said City
Attorney Wynne asked for help and sought another attorney.
Mr. Odom asked whether or not there would be a policy for attorneys and the difference
regarding an RFQ which we use for professional services. Councilmember Kingrea
replied that the City Attorney makes the decision who he needs to use and stated he does
not know why we need to go out on an RFQ.
Councilmember Stankoski commented that there is not a written policy and we took
recommendation from our City Attorney. Councilmember Ford stated we know who has
the expertise, we have used Hand Arendall for 27 plus years and they hav e never lost a
case .
Work Session
Monday, 14 March 2011
Mr. Odom stated that three of you met with City Attorney Wynne Friday morning and
questioned the Open Meetings Act and why an executive session was not called. Council
President Mixon replied it was for legal advice how we should conduct the meeting; and
there was never more than two Councilmembers at a time in the meeting.
Councilmember Stankoski said we showed up because we had an 8:30 hearing here and
happened to show up over there; and if you are looking for conspiracy theory go
somewhere else because it is not there. Mr. Odom said that he was looking for facts
because the law is developing with regards to body of the Council using serial meetings
and Open Meetings Act being implicated. Council President Mixon stated that
everything was done in the open and the Open Meetings Act was not violated.
9. Terrell Reeves, 122 South Drive, addressed the City Council regarding the K-1
Center. He stated this is a great facility and if it closes there will be financial
implications. We have two businesses downtown and customers come in who use the K-
l Center. He said businesses will be hurt and mentioned that property values around the
K-1 Center are higher. Closing the K-1 Center would also hurt real estate sales .
10. Paul Ripp, 22985 High Ridge Road, addressed the City Council and stated that the
Dyas' legal fees will be the City of Fairhope 's fees. The trial will cost the City a great
deal of money. He also mentioned the association of BOB will have very serious
implications. Council President Mixon replied that he and Councilmember Kingrea in
relations to BOB, we went to dinner only, and that is it.
11. Jim Jeffries with Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 Alabama, a charitable organization,
stated that they wanted to do road blocks to collect donations for the POW and MIA.
Their plan is to be at the Rose Garden on March 19, 2011 and March 26 , 2011.
12. John Hunter addressed the City Council regarding the K-1 Center. He said it would
be a financial benefit to keep it where it is now. Fairhope is unique and special just like
the K-1 Center. This is why my family moved from Mobile to Fairhope. The K-1 Center
draws people to this community.
Work Session
Monday, 14 March 2011
Councilmember Stankoski mentioned that the Baldwin County Board of Education is
meeting Thursday and suggested that those in favor of the K-1 Center remaining open
should attend the meeting.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was
duly adjourned at 5:55 p.m.