M inutes fro m the meeting of Septembe r 2 , 20 10:
Attendees :
Kay Marriott
Jim Hugg ins
Gary Gover
Linda Jones
Dale Mozley
Historic Plaques :
Ross Hobbs
Eve Doherty
Donnie Barrett
Ralph Thayer
10-07-l0P0l:56 RCVD
Harriett Gutknecht and Debbie Quinn cont inue to work on creating a v iable mailing list of downtown property owners . They
are encounte ri ng some difficulty find ing accurate mailing addresses for several owners . Twenty of the 55 letters , that were
mailed out , have been returned with enthusiastic acceptance for the plaques . There have been three attempts to contact
the owner of the Masonic Hall on Greeno Road . Gary will contact John Taratsas , who is VP of The Single Tax Office and a
masonic member.
A draft of the plaque was presented to the committee . Three compan ies will be asked to provide the committee with a cost
proposal :
Erie Landmark -www .erie landmark .com
Metallic Arts -www .metallicarts .com
Bancroft Engrav ing -used by the city of Fa ir hope
Gary will inqu ire about how to attach the plaques to the buildings . The committee will mount the plaques with un iformity in
height and v isibility to the public .
~ass will head a committee to investigate the possibility of securing plaques for historic structures that are outside of the
owntown district. The group will consist of Ross , Jim , Ralph , Kay , and Linda .
Museum Pavers :
Donnie recently located 108 paver orders that were misplaced . The missing orders became an unfortunate problem for the
paver comm ittee which may cease tak ing any additional orders . The paver order made by The Preservation Committee
was among the orders that were lost , but it and all the other 107 are now ready to be fired .
Next Meeting :
October 7 , 2010 , at 9:30 AM
Minutes prepa red by Linda Jones