inutes from the meeting of January 5 . 2011 :
Attendees :
Jim Huggins
Gary Gover
Dale Mozley
Linda Jones
Paul Mozley
"Village Square" fire :
Sherry Sullivan
Ross Hobbs
Donnie Barrett
Kay Marriott
Ralph Thayer f
Ross suggested rebuilding the Village Square building to house a local perform ing arts center or a town theatre like
Theatre 98 . Since the building is privately owned , the city would have to purchase the building that was recently destroyed
by a fire . The cause of the fire has been stated to be inconclusive by Fire Marshall Johnathan Smith , so there has not yet
been an insurance settlement on the bu ild ing . The committee is concerned about the future of the building as it originally
was built as a movie theater and is a contributing historic structure in t he Downtown District. It's owners , John and Jerry
Bethay , have not yet expressed their decission whether to rebuild or demolish it.
Donnie presented a photo of the original theater from 1946. The committee discussed a 'facade easement' and financial
grants available for the renovation of the building . Donnie offered to speak to Jerry Bethay about these programs .
Ralph suggested a 'land swap' by the city . This process could be successful if the city has an equ ivalant property that the
Bethay brothers would consider for trade . The National Trust may back such a proposal which ,in turn , could encourage
other trusts and organizations to help finance the renovation project.
Gary will send e-mails to the Mayor and council members requesting them to conduct exploratory steps to preserve the
perty. Moving forward with the Downtown Ordinance will be a great influence to also move forward to preserve the
age Square building .
Ordinance :
Gary states there is one final change to the document. The terminology letter of approval will substitute certificate of
appropriateness. Ralph feels that the original phrase is very often used and is better suited in this instance .
Homes Tour:
Gary inquired about the planning of a Homes Tour for 2011 . None of the committee members have spoken to Mikeal
Donald about the event.
Members List
Kay requests to drop Kathy Sherman from the Members List as Ms . Sherman can no longer attend the meetings. The
request was approved .
Next Meeting :
February 3 , 2011 , at 9:30 AM at the Fairhope Museum
Minutes prepared by Linda Jones