HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-2016 City Council Work Session Meeting MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Delchamps Room,161 North Section Street, Fairhope,Alabama 36532,on Monday,11 January 2016. Present were Council President Jack Burrell,Councilmembers:Diana Brewer, Michael A. Ford, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne,and City Clerk Lisa A.Hanks.Councilmember Rich Mueller was absent. Council President Burrell called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed: • Friends of the Fairhope Public Library was first on the agenda. Randal Wright, President, addressed the City Council regarding what the "Friends'" do for the Library. She mentioned the Chocolate and Champagne fundraiser; and handed out a copy of the Friends brochure and their latest newsletter. • Paul Altermatt addressed the City Council regarding a secondary access to his property using Kumquat Avenue.He explainedthe need for the access; and showed a drawing of this property with home and garage locations and where the flooding occurs. He also showed them pictures of the property during a rain event. He mentioned a drainage swaleand workhe had performed to help slowthe water. City Attorney Wynne stated his concern is giving private access for property forusebyall ofthe public.City Attorney Wynne mentioned the need fora possible hold harmless and maintenance agreement with the Altermatts.Council President Burrell requested City Attorney Wynne to research this issue and have a possible resolution onthenext agenda. •Stacy McKean and Andy Bobe addressed the City Council regarding the TAP Grant FY 2016 application to construct sidewalk and trail facilities for pedestrians at the Manley Road Soccer Complex (Manley Road to Sedgefield down County Road 13 with an elevated boardwalk).The TAP grant amount is $500,000.00 with the City paying $100,000.00 plus engineering costs.The consensus of the City Council was to go forward with application. •Mayor Kant mentioned Committees and Boards with vacancies or expired terms that need to be addressed as soon as possible.He stated the City Clerk has verified the appointments. •Planning Director Jonathan Smith addressed the City Council and mentioned a combined meeting with the Planning Commission and City Council for the Comprehensive Plan Update scheduled for Thursday,February 25,2016,at 5:30 p.m. • Public Works Director Jennifer Fidler addressed the City Council regarding the ATRIP Resurfacing Project will soon begin and received the notice to proceed. Monday,11 January 2016 Page -2- • Trey Jinright,Engineer for the City, addressed the City Council regarding the upcoming Resurfacing Project for City streets with 27 sites being proposed and 24 of those being streets. There is an estimate of $1.7 million for the project. Council President Burrell stated her was impressed with the list for the Paving Project. Lisa A.Hanks, City Clerk •Finance Director Jill Cabaniss addressed the City Council and mentioned the audit with Hartmann Blackmon and Kilgore almost complete;and should be on the next City Council agenda. •Councilmember Boone announced there would be a Personnel Board meeting this month;and there is a Harbor Board meeting this week. He mentioned the "Boatyard" lease on tonight's agenda;and that James Gillespie,he, and Mayor Kant met with Ed Wall regarding the cleanliness of the boatyard.Mayor Kant said that both leases will be bid out six months before the leases expire; and he said Ed Wall agreed to clean up the premises. •Seventeen Turtles Outfitters,LLC's lease was discussed and the renewal of same. City Clerk Lisa Hanks said that the lease will be on the next City Council agenda for a new lease for a year with the option to renew up to three years. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 5:48 p.m.