HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-2016 City Council Meeting Minutes6922 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council,City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m.,Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street,Fairhope,Alabama 36532,on Monday,11 January 2016. Present were Council President Jack Burrell,Councilmembers:Diana Brewer, Michael A. Ford, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk LisaA.Hanks.CouncilmemberRich Muellerwas absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Burrell called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Dr. Jerry Henry, Pastor of First Baptist Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.Councilmember Brewer moved to approve minutes of the 28 December 2015, regular meeting; minutes of the 28 December 2015,work session;and minutes of the 28 December 2015,agenda meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Sherry Sullivan,Community Affairs and Recreation Director addressed the City Council and announced the "'Get Fit Fairhope"program and website.She said this is to encourage residentsto get up and get active.The websitewill track activity throughout the year.The indoor trackatthe Recreation Centeris freeandopento the public.TheGetFit Fairhope website will go live on January 11,2016.Ms.Sullivan also announced the Senior Bowl practice scheduled for January 26, 2016 with the whole South Team signing autographs this year. Mayor Kant mentioned the National Championship game tonight with a statingtime of 7:30 p.m.; and wishedeveryonea HappyNew Year. The following individual addressed the City Council during Public Participation for Agenda Items: 1)Kerry Flowers,11 North Ingleside and Chairman of the Education Advisory Committee ("EAC"),addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13,a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to execute a contract for professional consulting services with The Akribos Consulting Group to prepare the Comprehensive Education Study with a cost not to exceed $80,00.00.He encouraged the City Council to do the study.He said the City has spent $1.75 million over the past five years onthe schools;and in order to be in thetop 10 academic systems we must do the study. 2)Jim Kellum,3 Victorian Drive and member of the EAC,addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13.He said we need the facts and benchmark forthe future of Fairhope.He recommended thestudybeing done. 6923 11 January 2016 3) Jon Cardwell, 19915 Thompson Hall Road and principal of Fairhope High School, addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13. He said we are here to get information and are not against the study. 4) Hill Robinson, 14671 County Road 13 and member of the EAC, addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13.He stated 80 percent of the residents were for Education. He supported the study being done and requested the City Council to approve the resolution. 5) HopeZeanah, resident of PerdidoBeach,Alabamaand Assistant Superintendent- Elementary for Baldwin County Schools,addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13.She commented that they are working on getting Professional Development back on course;and are focusing on teachers in the classrooms. She was in attendance to get information from the City. 6)Eddie Tyler,13262 Dominion Drive and Baldwin County Schools Superintendent,addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 13. He gave a small history of his educational background and requested the City of Fairhope to give him the opportunity to work at the school system.Mr.Tyler said he could make a difference;and that we have a good school system. He thanked the City Council and Mayor for whatthey are doingand havedonefor their schools. A Public Hearing was held on a proposed ordinance for a Franchise Agreement with the City of Fairhope.Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing an ordinance to approve an Application from Bryan Injaian,Accommodations Afloat, for a Franchise Agreement to operate Sailing Charters and Overnight Rentals at the Fairhope Municipal Pier Marina,Fairhope,Alabama.Council President Burrell read the proposed ordinance.Bryan Injaian addressed the City Council and stated he wanted to have sailing excursions and overnight stays on his sailboat located at the Fairhope Municipal Pier Marina.He thanked the City Council for their consideration. Council President Burrell opened the Public Hearing at 6:18 p.m. No one present opposed the proposed ordinance,the Public Hearing closed at 6:19 p.m. Due to lack of a motion for immediate consideration, this ordinance will layover until the January 25, 2016 City Council meeting. Councilmember Boone moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1560, an ordinance to approve an Application from David Pantovic,Point Clear Tennis Academy,for a Franchise Agreement to operate Tennis Lessons at Stimpson Field, Fairhope,Alabama.(Introduced at the December 28,2015 City Council Meeting) Seconded by Councilmember Ford,motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: AYE - Burrell, Brewer, Ford, and Boone. NAY - None. 6924 11 January 2016 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing Ordinance No.1561,an ordinance to declare that certain real property (Boatyard on Sea Cliff Drive presently known as Eastern Shore Marine, Inc.boatyard leased property)of the City of Fairhope is not needed for public or municipal purposes in response to an offer to lease property from February 1, 2016 through October 14, 2017. General Superintendent James Gillespie stated that this lease is only up to the other Marina lease to get both in line with each other. He mentioned Ed Wall had cleaned up the property and the cleanliness of the boatyard was taken care of. Councilmember Brewer said we need to keep pressure on Mr. Wall to keep up the property. In order to take immediate action,Councilmember Boone moved for immediate consideration.Seconded by Councilmember Brewer, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following voice votes: AYE - Burrell.Brewer,Ford, and Boone. NAY - None.Councilmember Boone then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1561. Seconded by Councilmember Brewer, motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: AYE - Burrell. Brewer,Ford,and Boone.NAY -None. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1562, an ordinance to establish a School Zone for Bayshore Christian School and a reduced School ZoneSpeedLimitas 35 milesperhour between the hoursof 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m.and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.on days when School is in session,on the portionof US 98 which is adjacentto and within500feetof the propertyboundaryof Bayshore Christian School in Fairhope,Alabama.Pursuant to Code of Alabama Article 8A: Law Enforcement shall enforce School Zone Speed Limits and Violations shall be assesseda fine of double the most prescribedby law outside of the SchoolZone. In order to take immediate action,Councilmember Brewer moved for immediate consideration.Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following voice votes: AYE - Burrell, Brewer, Ford, and Boone.NAY -None.Councilmember Brewer then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No.1562.Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: AYE - Burrell,Brewer,Ford,and Boone.NAY -None. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing,and moved for the adoptionof the following resolution,a resolution that the City of Fairhope adopts the Debt Setoff and Appeals Procedure (attached as Exhibit "A")for use of collecting delinquent debts and establishing a procedure by which individual debtors may contest the setoff ofa debt against their Alabama State income tax refund.The motion was seconded by Councilmember Boone. 6925 11 January 2016 City Attorney Wynne explained the appeals process and said this gives the individual due process before the setoff of the debt.He commented that City Clerk Lisa Hanks and Jennifer Olmstead prepared the process and did a good job.After further discussion,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO.2463-16 WHEREAS,the City of Fairhope desires to adopt a Debt Setoff and Appeals Procedure for use of collecting delinquent debts and establishing a procedure by which individual debtors may contest the setoffof a debtagainsttheir Alabama State income tax refund;and WHEREAS,the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2460-15 on December 28, 2015 that authorized Mayor Timothy M. Kant to execute a Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement between Municipal Intercept Services and the Cityof Fairhope for Collection of Delinquent Debts pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 18 of Title 40,Code of Alabama 1975; and NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,that the City of Fairhope adopts the Debt Setoff and Appeals Procedure (attached as Exhibit "A") for use of collecting delinquent debts and establishing a procedure by which individual debtors may contest the setoff of a debt against their Alabama State income tax refund. DULY ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY,2016 Attest: City Clerk 6926 11 January 2016 CITY OF FAIRHOPE.ALABAMA DEBT SETOFF AND APPEALS PROCEDURE In accordance with the authority vested in the Mayor to establish procedures as required by Ala.Code §40-18-100 et.seq.,by which the City of Fairhope (the "City")may collect delinquent debts through Municipal Intercept Services,LLC ("MIS")and to establish procedures by which individual debtors may contest the setoff of a debt against their Alabama State income tax refund, the following procedures are hereby adopted,entered and established: Section 1.DEFINITIONS: (a)Debt:Money owed by an individual taxpayer to the City, and which has remained unpaid and delinquent for at least sixty (60) days after collection process. (b) Debtor: Any individualowingmoneyor having a delinquent account with the City. Section 2.When an individual taxpayer owes the City a Debt in the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more, and such debt is past due and remains unpaid, the City of Fairhope may submit the debt to the Alabama Department of Revenue through MIS for collection no sooner than sixty (60) days. Section 3.Upon notification to MIS that the Alabama Department of Revenue has intercepted a debt setoff on behalf of the City, MIS will send notification to the taxpayer and joint filer,if any,of the debtor's rights to appeal the setoff in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of notice. The Failure of the debtor,or joint filer, if any, to request in writing a hearing within thirty (30)days after the mailing of the notice shall be deemed a waiver of the opportunity to appeal the setoff. Section 4.Upon receipt of funds transferred from MIS under Section 3, the City shall deposit and hold such funds in an escrow account for at least thirty (30)days or until a final determination of the validity of debt either by failure to comply with Section 3, or after a written appeal has been heard. 6927 11 January 2016 Section 5.When the City receives a protest or application in writing from a taxpayer within thirty (30)days from the notice issued by MIS under Section 3,the Utility Billing Supervisor shall schedule a hearing with the debtor or taxpayer and the Treasurer or City Clerk as soon as practicable after the filing of the request,provided however that the debtor or taxpayer shall be advised in writing of the time and place of such hearing at least fifteen (15)days in advance thereof.At such hearing,the debtor or taxpayer may present evidence to the Treasurer or City Clerk,who shall hear the appeal and submit his or her final determination.The Utility Billing Supervisor shall give notice to the debtor of the final determination in writing and by certified or registered mail and inform the debtor of his or her rights to appeal such final determination to the Baldwin County Circuit Court within thirty (30)days from the date of final determination notice. (a) No issues shall be reconsidered at the hearing which have been previously litigated. Section 6.Upon final determination of the amount of the debt due and owing by means of a hearingprovidedby Section4 or bythe taxpayer's defaultthrough failure to comply with Section 3, the City shall remove the amount of debt due and owing fromthe escrow account and credit such amountto the debtor's obligation. Section 7.Upon transfer of the debt due and owing from the escrow account to the credit of the debtor's account, the Utility Billing Supervisor shall notify the debtor in writing of the finalization of the setoff. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution,a resolution that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute the second and final extension of the Contract with GreenSouth Solutions,LLC for Sludge Removal Services (Bid No.005-14)for the Water Treatment Plant for an additional year as per the terms and conditions of the original contract. The cost of the sludge removal will be $85.00 per cubic yard.Seconded by Councilmember Boone,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 6928 1 January 2016 RESOLUTION NO.2464-16 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,that Mayor Timothy M.Kant is hereby authorized to execute the second and final extension of the Contract with GreenSouth Solutions, LLC for Sludge Removal Services (Bid No.005-14)for the Water Treatment Plant for an additional one year as per the terms and conditions of the original contract. The cost of the sludge removal will be $85.00 per cubic yard. ADOPTED ON THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY.2016 Attest: Janks,MMC City Clerk Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope hereby amends the Budget for the FY 2015-2016 by increasing Capital Purchases by $304,500.00; and reducing Lease/Purchase by $52,510.00 and Transfers to Capital Projects Fund by $251,990.00. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Treasurer Deborah Smith explained the need for the amendment and it will remain a level budget. 6929 11 January 2016 RESOLUTION NO.2465-16 WHEREAS,the City Council adopted on October 12,2015,a resolution approving and adopting the proposed Budget for the FY 2015-2016,Resolution No.2411-15; and WHEREAS,the City of Fairhope is desirous to amend the Budget by changing the following budgeted items: Budgeted Amended Capital Purchases -Vehicles and Equipment $16,000.00 $320,500.00 Lease /Purchase $154,112.00 $101,602.00 Transfers to Capital Projects Fund $2,050,000.00 $1,798,010.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,that the City of Fairhope hereby amends the Budget for the FY 2015-2016 as recommended and presented above. ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF JANUARY,2016 U nt,Mayor ATTEST: .isa A\Hanks,MMC City Clerk Councilmember Boone introduced in writing,and moved for the adoption of the following resolution,a resolution to Award Bid for Option 2,Alternate 4 to Outright Purchase Seventy (70)Golf Carts for the Quail Creek Golf Course (Bid No. 004-16)to E-Z-Go Division of Textron,with a total bid proposal of $304,500.00;and to Authorize Mayor Timothy M.Kant to expend State Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Funds for purchasing the Seventy (70)Golf Carts.Seconded by Councilmember Ford,motion passed unanimously by voice vote.Council President Burrell explained that purchasing the carts outright will be a considerable savings to our taxpayers. 6930 11 January 2016 RESOLUTION NO.2466-16 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids for Seventy (70) Golf Carts with Lease-Purchase Options for the Quail Creek Golf Course (Bid Number 004-16) at 555 South SectionStreetin the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointed time and place,the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Seventy (70)Golf Carts for the Quail Creek Golf Course [3]After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications,E-Z-Go Division of Textron, with the total bid proposal of $304,500.00 which is Option 2, Alternate 4to Outright Purchase Carts,is now awarded the bid for Seventy (70)Golf Carts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,that Mayor Timothy M.Kant is hereby authorized to expend State Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Funds for Purchasing the Seventy (70)Golf Carts. Attest: Adopted onthis 11th dayof January,2016 s,MMC City Clerk 11 January 2016 J |1 1 i • I• £ 1 E m o 7 i | liiiil s i J §8 1 * Si fl I1 a .* till? 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Actual rtvot CcwUPurc-liaBO pfic*mlnua soiling]float a£ 1 yea t 182.709.00 S 154,000.00 Dlffaranco %36,700.00 to c o* 6934 11 January 2016 Dr.Hollinger addressed the City Council and passed out the breakdown for the consulting services and costs. He said a team was assembled that could do all three aspects of the study. Council President Burrell and Councilmember Brewer questioned the estimates for the study. Dr. Hollinger explained each option of the proposed study. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute a Contract for Professional Consulting Services for the City of Fairhope with The Akribos Consulting Group to prepare the Comprehensive Education Study for RFQ No. PS015-15 with a cost not to exceed $80,000.00. The motion failed for lack of a second. Council President Burrell commented he was not opposed to the study, but only $40,000.00 was budgeted. He said that $1.05 million had been spent on the schools not $1.75 million.He stated if the City Council wants, we could have Mayor Kant renegotiate the fee schedule. Councilmember Brewer said that we should have Mayor Kant renegotiate;and commented we did not bat an eye to spend $35,000.00 on engineering for Volanta or $35,000.00 to help with the Senior Bowl practice.Councilmember Brewersaid she was troubled the City could not move forward;and we need all of the information to make a decision.She said this is not a wise investment to not go forward;and "what are we willing to spend for this study"? Councilmember Boone stated he was totally against an independent school study. Superintendent Eddie Tyler said commented a special tax district would be earmarked for Fairhope.Mr.Tyler said he would help our schools the best thathe could;and is the decision maker now. Assistant Superintendent Hope Zeanah said we have benchmarkdata and do a mid-yearassessmentas well as graduationtotals. Mr. Jon Cardwell stated that Fairhope High School is in the top 10 for State based tests.He saidwe have a good thing going;and are ranked with Mountain Brook in the top 10 in several categories.Superintendent Tyler said we need to tighten our beltsanddo the bestwith funding;andweneedto be smarterand wiser. Councilmember Brewer said this is not a study for a City school system. We are looking at the options and to give citizens all of the data.Superintendent Tyler reiteratedfor the City to give him a chanceto makea difference. The consensus of the City Council was for Mayor Kant to renegotiate the fee schedule with Dr.Hollinger. 6935 11 January 2016 Mayor Kant commented education is most important to Fairhope.We spent $500,000.00 on fiber optics to make sure we did the right thing. Mayor Kant said if he meets with Dr.Hollinger again, what part of the study needs to be scaled back. We need to know options and know what we are buying. Mayor Kant commented we need to give Eddie Tyler as chance to help with our schools. He said we need to know what we can cut and what we bring back will work. The following individuals addressed the City Council during Public Participation for Non-Agenda Items: 1) Ashley Gordon, 166White Avenue,addressedthe City Council and questionedwhy $50,000.00for the study. This isa strategyfor improvement;and what is best for our citizens. She mentioned the golf carts purchasedtonight that cost over $300,000.00. Council President Burrell replied that the golf carts are income makers; and only $40,000.00 made it to budget. 2) Hill Robinson addressed the City Council and stated he was shocked that leaders would oppose a study.He asked,"What isthe County afraid of?"Mr.Robinson said this is about five schools not one; and we need the Education Advisory Committee informed. He commented our community is important. He also brought up the issues coming up for a vote on renewing the penny taxes. 3)Eddie Tyler addressed the City Council and stated theygo to meetings for dialogue; and no one is opposed to this study.Mr.Tyler stated the taxes are a choice forthe taxpayers. Councilmember Brewer moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimouslyby voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council,the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:12 p.m. '/p/md** Hanks,MMC erk Apt&Burrell,C^^cift^resident