HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-2017 City Council Meeting MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday. 10 April 2017. Present were Council President Jack Burrell, Councilmembers: Jay Robinson, Jimmy Conyers, Robert Brown, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Karin Wilson, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present, Council President Burrell called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Gray Strickland. Pastor of the Way Community Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council President Burrell stated there was a need to add on one agenda item after Agenda Item Number 8: a Resolution that the City Council approves the selection of Stewart Engineering, Inc. for RFQ No. PS025-17, Professional Engineering Services to Upgrade Fairhope's Electrical System Map and our associated Software Model, and authorize Mayor Karin Wilson to negotiate a fee schedule, establish a not-to-exceed figure with that firm, and to execute the associated contract. Councilmember Boone moved to add on the above mentioned item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Boone moved to approve minutes of the 27 March 2017, regular meeting; minutes of the 27 March 2017, work session; minutes of the 27 March 2017, agenda meeting; and minutes of the 5 April 2017, special called meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Robinson who stated he would be abstaining from the minutes of 27 March 2017 due to not being present. Council President Burrell commented that Roberts Rule of Order allows for all to vote on minutes even if not present. After further discussion, motion passed by the following voice votes for minutes of the 27 March 2017 regular meeting, work session, and agenda meeting: AYE - Burrell, Conyers, Brown, and Boone. NAY - None. ABSTAIN - Robinson; and motion passed unanimously by voice vote for the 5 April 2017 special meeting. Mayor Wilson addressed the City Council and recognized two City retirees: Kathy Gordon with 15 years of service and Tom Odom with 31 years of services. Mayor Wilson presented two framed awards: one award to Townes Bowman for winning the 5th Grade Anti-Litter Campaign Contest; and one to Jacob Hartley for achieving the Eagle Scout Award.