HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-2017 City Council Work Session MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA ) ( COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 13 November 2017. Present were Council President Pro Tempore Jay Robinson, Councilmembers: Jimmy Conyers, Robert Brown, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Karin Wilson, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Council President Jack Burrell was absent. Council President Pro Tempore Robinson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed: • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and explained the Fairhope Alley Transit Hub Project. (See attached handout). Mr. Johnson also stated he would be the Civil Engineer and his time can be part of the in-kind services. He did mention that Fairhope Single Tax Corporation and the Chair of the Parking Authority are supportive of the project. • Public Works Sanitation Fees was the next item on the agenda, Mr. Johnson addressed the City Council and briefly went over the two proposals for increase residential garbage fees. (See attached handout) He said we could do the increase as a 3-year step or a one-time increase of $3.00 per month. Mr. Johnson said the increase would offset a garbage truck purchase. He stated commercial rates need to be cleaned up with a logical figure for any size can. Mr. Johnson's recommendation is to do a one-time increase. Council President Pro Tempore Robinson commented at $15.80 per month and twice a week is still better than any in Baldwin County. • Councilmember Brown gave an update regarding the Education Advisory Committee meeting. He said FEEF gave their presentation on the K-1 Center. He commented the Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee have approved the design for the bicycle racks. Councilmember Brown said the Chuck Zunk, Chair of the Financial Advisory Committee is here. Mr. Zunk said he would answers questions if Council needed him to. Mayor Wilson gave the City Council a revised Budgetary Comparison for FYE September 30, 2016. She mentioned cash reserves have been used in the past; and $5.0 million on average from Utilities. Mayor Wilson said we would be increasing spending, but not transferring as much from Utilities. She commented there are more efficiencies and services; and is a long-term fix and professional services in-house. • Finance Director Jill Cabaniss addressed the City Council regarding the one-time pay increase ordinance. She said it is outdated and suggested an across the board for part-time employees. Memorandum From: Richard D. Johnson, P.E., Public Works To: Jack Burell, ACMO, Council President Thru: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC, City Clerk CC: Honorable Karin Wilson, Mayor; City Staff; File Date: November 8, 2017 Subject: Fairhope Alley Transit Hub Project - November 13, 2017 - Work Session Agenda Item Council President Burreii: I am requesting to discuss this project with the full Council in open meeting at the Monday, November 13, 2017 Work Session. Here are the salient points to discuss: 1. Fairhope will be allowed to manage this project "in house" 2. However, since BRATS (Baldwin County) is the Grant recipient we will be required to submit reimbursements through Baldwin County. 3. Since this project Is 5307 FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMS Funds we will be required to adopt all required Procurement Procedures and Federal Compliance Requirements (Title 6, DBE, etc...) that is in place with BRATS that have been reviewed and approved by FTA. 4. We have been told to not expect Project Authorization any sooner than January 2018. I am requesting that the Council at the November 27, 2017 City Council Meeting pass a Resolution that would accomplish the following: 1. Pass the required ESMPO Resolution acknowledging the Funding Match 2. Project Initiation Authorizing the following: a. Advertisement for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural Services b. The Mayor to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with selected qualifying firm c. The Mayor to execute all project related documents with FHWA, FTA, ALDOT, BRATS, ESMPO and/or Baldwin County Commission