HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-2011 Regular Meeting5793 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 26 September 2011. Present were Council President Lonnie L. Mixon, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Michael A. Ford, and Rick Kingrea, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present, Council President Mixon called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Councilmember Stankoski and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council President Mixon asked if there were any corrections to the minutes from the 12 September 2011, regular meeting. He then stated if there are no corrections, the minutes stand approved as written. Council President Mixon asked if there were any corrections to the minutes from the 12 August 2011, work session meeting. He then stated if there are no corrections, the minutes stand approved as written. Mayor Kant addressed the City Council with the following items: 1) Met with Rick Kingrea and the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board regarding the E-Coli issue; will do a sanitary survey later in the month and bring back recommendations to the City Council; He requested Agenda Item Number 12 be pulled. 2) Road paving list has been updated which consists of approximately 13.5 miles of road; and will look at which can be bike and pedestrian friendly. Sidewalk on Morphy Avenue was mentioned; he and Gregg Mims will get with the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation. 3) Thanked the City Council for keeping an amount in the budget for raises. 4) Asked the City Council to look at long term range of our reserves regarding the Sales Tax. Councilmember Quinn addressed the City Council and announced the Fairhope Point Clear Rotary Youth Club pancake breakfast scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2011. Councilmember Stankoski addressed the City Council and thanked the Budget Committee and the Financial Advisory Committee for all of their hard work with the budget. He stated that the Sales Tax should be applied to reduce long term debt. 5794 26 September 2011 Council President Mixon addressed the City Council and thanked City Treasurer Nancy Wilson and the Financial Advisory Committee for all of their hard work the past few weeks. Councilmember Ford addressed the City Council regarding Sales Tax and stated it should be looked at yearly. We should look at dropping it back to one percent. He also questioned the Manley Road sidewalk. Mayor Kant replied we have a list and we will look at this issue later. Councilmember Kingrea addressed the City Council regarding the Duck Pond and beach pollution. Jim Horner, Gary Gover, Mayor Kant and I met to discuss the issue. We want to do a sanitary survey along with the engineer on the Water and Sewer project. There is no quick fix and will probably last a year. Our goal is to make sure we can use our beaches. items: City Administrator Gregg Mims addressed the City Council on the following 1) Showed the City Council the cameras for officers that just came in today that will be worn on their uniforms. Chief Press was wearing one of the cameras for the City Council to observe. 2) Mentioned the need to add on the agenda the purchase of bullet proof vest for the Police Department. Councilmember Quinn moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda; and to approve and authorize the purchase of thirty-four (34) Ballistic Vests and Accessories for the Police Department. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5795 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1841-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope has voted to purchase thirty four (34) Ballistic vests and accessories for the Police Department and authorizes procurement based on the option allowed by the Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16-51(a)(15). The cost will be approximately $22,302.30. Adopted on this 26th day of September, 2011 Attest: 6�isa A. arks, MMC City Cl rk Councilmember Stankoski moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to rescind Bid No. 031-11 from Golf Ventures West, and authorizes the Mayor and City Administration to negotiate with the second lowest responsive bidder, Beard Equipment Company, for a Fairway Mower and Infield Drag Machine Four -Year Lease for the Recreation Department. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5796 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1842-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That on August 22, 2011 the City of Fairhope did award Golf Ventures West, Bid No. 031-11, with the total bid proposal of $60,679.24, for a Fairway Mower and Infield Drag Machine Four -Year Lease for the Recreation Department. [2] That after the Notice of Award was issued to Golf Ventures West, the vendor announced inability to comply with the terms and conditions of the City. [3] The City of Fairhope now rescinds Bid No. 03 1 -11 from Golf Ventures West, and authorizes the Mayor and City Administration to negotiate with the second lowest responsive bidder, Beard Equipment Company, for a Fairway Mower and Infield Drag Machine Four -Year Lease for the Recreation Department. Adopted on this 26th day of September, 2011 Attest: is4Akai ks, MC City Cler Public Participation: 1) Wendy Allen addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item Number 11; Resolution that the City Council approves the list presented as the final list of roadways for the Fairhope Repaving Projects for 2011. Ms. Allen mentioned the Complete Streets Policy and said the yield signs were a good step for pedestrian safety. She said resurfacing usually happens every 10 years; and walkers will go into shops before drivers will. She asked for the City Council to consider eco-tourism and think long term. She said that Smart Coast would like to work with staff on the next paving projects. 5797 26 September 2011 Councilmember Quinn moved to approve the recommendation by City Treasurer Nancy Wilson for refunding of Utility Revenue Warrants "URW" 2002 with financing provided by BBVA Compass Bank in the amount of $16,400,000 with a 3.15% fixed rate. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kingrea moved to approve the recommendation by City Treasurer Nancy Wilson for Self -Insured through Blue Cross Blue Shield with a stop loss policy; $50,000 for each person. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Stan Grubin, Chairman of the Budget Committee, addressed the City Council and presented the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. Mr. Grubin thanked the Budget Committee which consisted of the City Council, Mayor Kant, Gail Gardner, Chuck Zunk, and Stan Grubin. He also thanked Gregg Mims, Nancy Wilson, James Gillespie, Rose Fogarty, and Lisa Hanks who were along all the time. Mr. Grubin also mentioned a list of items that needed to be looked at in the future. Councilmember Stankoski said this was a conservative realistic budget; a good budget. Councilmember Kingrea complimented the Department Heads, Mayor, and staff for their hard work and said we need to watch our monies. Council President Mixon stated we had public participation, the Strategic Planning Committee, Budget Committee, and Financial Advisory Committee who all helped with the budget process. Councilmember Quinn said she appreciated all who were involved. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to approve the 2011 - 2012 budget. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5798 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1843-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the proposed Budget presented and reviewed this 26th day of September 2011, be hereby approved and adopted for the FY 2011-2012. ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2011 ATTEST: i isa� Hanks, MMC City C erk Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to approve the holidays for 2011 - 2012. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5799 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1844-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT THE FOLLOWING 2011 — 2012 HOLIDAYS WILL BE OBSERVED BY ALL CITY PERSONNEL EXCEPT EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES: Veterans Day - Friday, Novemher 11, 2011 Thanksgiving - Thursday & Friday Novemher 24 & 29, 2011 Christmas - Friday & Monday, Decemher 23 & 26, 2011 New Years Day - Monday, January 2,2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. - Monday, January 16, 2012 Memorial Day - Monday, May 28, 2012 Independence Day - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Lahor Day - Monday, September 3, 2012 DULY ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF SEPTEMB" 2011 r Attest isa . anks, MC City Cle k Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the list presented as the final list of roadways for the Fairhope Paving Projects for 2011 (OW002-11); and that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute a Contract for the Fairhope Repaving Projects for 2011 (PW002-11) with Mobile Asphalt, with an estimated cost of $1,536,149.66. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. W11I11 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1845-11 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope did reject all bids for Bid No. 011-11; and to allow Mayor Timothy M. Kant to negotiate a contract as allowed by Code of Alabama 1975, Section 29-2-6(b) on July 25, 2011; and WHEREAS, Mayor Timothy M. Kant negotiated the contract with Mobile Asphalt and had Thompson Engineering prepare the final list of roadways selected by the City of Fairhope for the Fairhope Repaving Projects; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the City Council approves the list presented as the final list of roadways for the Fairhope Repaving Projects for 2011 (PW002-11); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute a Contract for The Fairhope Repaving Projects for 2011 (PW-002-11) with Mobile Asphalt, with an estimated cost of $1,536,149.66. DULY ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2011 Kop;�� Timot y M. Kan Mayor Attest: isa A. C auks, MM City Cl rk Council President Mixon stated that Agenda Item #12 had been pulled at the request of Mayor Kant and Councilmember Kingrea. 5801 26 September 2011 Councilmember Kingrea introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award bid for Seacliff Drive Cable Restoration Project for the Electric Department (Bid No. 035-11). Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1846-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids for the Seacliff Drive Cable Restoration Project (Bid Number 035-11) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for the Seacliff Drive Cable Restoration Project [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, A -Long Boring, Inc., with the total bid proposal of $39,712.00, is now awarded the bid for the Seacliff Drive Cable Restoration Project. Adopted on this 26th day of September, 2011 VIP ��_ Qim)h y M. Ka 11 Mayo Attest: isa A Hanks, MMC City Clerk 5802 26 September 2011 CITY OFF IRMOPE 81D TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION BID NUMBER: 035.11 BID NAME: 3... liN DIN. Cable Restoration ProJe.t 810 OPENED: 9-12-2011 2:00P.m. VENDOR Non -Collusion Statamant Signed / Notarized Bld Proposal Executed! Signed / Note rizsd Contractor's License Verified TOTAL Bid Price Signed Addendum 01 A -LONG BORING. INC YES I YES $39.712.00 YES FAIRHOPE FIBER, LLC NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE INFRATECH CORPORATION NO RESPONSfi NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE TURPIN, INC NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE Recommendation: Award bid to A -Long Baring, Inc., To the best of my knowledge, this Is an ...... ta bid tabulation for Ihelr bid nth oun1 o1119,711... ,,lram �113 12c c*'J��� 9' ✓�1L Scott Sligh, Sdp!Lrjntendant of Electric Department Daniel P. A-, Purchasing Manager Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award bid for Citywide Radio System to Hurricane Electronics, Inc. (Bid No. 030-11). Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 26 September 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1847-11 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids for a Citywide Radio System (Bid Number 030-11) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for a Citywide Radio System [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, Hurricane Electric Inc., with the total bid proposal of $366,124.34, is now awarded the bid for a Citywide Radio System. Adopted on this 26th day of September, 2011 W� (jTi4moy M. Kan Mayor Attest: isa A. H nks, MMC City Clerk 5804 26 September 2011 r u wnla.w en'�Y•u � { �— 5805 26 September 2011 Councilmember Kingrea moved for final adoption of Ordinance No.1455, an ordinance to amend Ordinance NO. 1379, Section 2-1. Appointment of City Officers; City Council as Appointing Authority, Fairhope Code of Ordinances. (Introduced at the September 12, 2011 City Council meeting) Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed for final adoption by the following votes: AYE — Quinn, Stankoski, Mixon, Ford, and Kingrea. NAY - None. Councilmember Quinn moved to grant the request to fill vacancies for two Part-time Life Guards for the Recreation Center, a Customer Service Representative for the Revenue Department, and a Chief Water Operator for the Water and Sewer Department. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kingrea moved to approve charge -off of Insufficient Checks ("NSF") through the fiscal year 2006 — 2007 in the amount of $24,091.45; charge -off of Miscellaneous Accounts Receivables through the fiscal year 2006 — 2007 in the amount of $70,027.13; and charge -off of Uncollectible Utility Accounts for the fiscal year 2006 — 2007 in the amount of $115,775.52. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Council reviewed an application for a Special Retail License by William Boyd Little, d/b/a Oak Hollow Farm, Inc., located at 14210 Greeno Road, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Ford moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn moved to grant the request of Mike Warrington, with the Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club, requesting permission to close De La Mare on Saturday, October 22, 2011 for the 9th Annual Dancin' in the Streets Party from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., to serve alcohol (beer and wine), and the use of barricades for Section and Church. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kingrea moved to grant the request of Mike Warrington, with the Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club, requesting permission for Runnin' in the Streets on Saturday, October 22, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and the closure of streets. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5806 26 September 2011 There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:46 p.m. Lonnie L. Mixon, Council President isa A. nks, MC City Cle