HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-2009 Regular Meeting5024 STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 11 May 2009. Present were Council President Debbie W. Quinn, Councilmembers: Daniel Stankoski, Lonnie L. Mixon, Michael A. Ford, and Rick Kingrea, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present, Council President Quinn called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Reverend Donald M. Smith, Priest at St. James Episcopal Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council President Quinn announced that they needed to amend the agenda by adding on an Executive Session to discuss the consideration the governmental body is willing to offer or accept when considering the purchase, sale, exchange, lease, or market value or real property. Councilmember Ford moved to address the above mentioned item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Mixon, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kingrea moved to approve minutes of the 27 April 2009, regular meeting and the 6 May 2009, Special City Council meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Mixon, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Sherry Sullivan made the following announcements: • Public Works Week is next week and tours will be available • Farm Market begins next Thursday from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Church Street. We have 15 signed up for this year's event. • Fairhope Garden Club will have its Garden Walk on May 23, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The following proclamation was read by Sherry Sullivan and presented by Mayor Kant to the Fairhope High School Soccer Team for their success in winning the State 6A Soccer Tournament this past weekend: 5025 11 May 2009 FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER TEAM WHEREAS, IT GIVES ME A GREAT DEAL OF PLEASURE TO EXPRESS TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER TEAM, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND ALL OUR CITIZENS CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST PLACE FINISH IN THE STATE 6A SOCCER TOURNAMENT; THE FIRST PUBLIC SCHOOL SOUTH OF BIRMINGHAM TO EVER EARN THIS HONOR; AND WHEREAS, THIS HAS BEEN AN EXCITING, HARD-FOUGHT AND SUCCESSFUL SEASON AND WE ARE PROUD OF THE RECORD YOU HAVE EARNED AND THE PUBLICITY YOU HAVE BROUGHT TO THE CITY BY YOUR INSPIRED TEAM PLAY; AND WHEREAS, WE ARE PLEASED TO PUBLICLY COMMEND YOU FOR YOUR FINE EFFORTS AND TO EXTEND THIS TOKEN OF ADMIRATION WITH WHICH YOU ARE REGARDED IN OUR CITY. The 2009 Boys Varsity Squad was introduced by Coach Paul Stroud and Assistant Coach Bob Keyser: Thomas Kinsey Ty Malu ani Bobby Douglass Kevin Hickman Nathan Haywood Riley Garvin Parker Williams Chad Dolan Ivan Uribe Kyle Sherrin Collin Hunt Patrick Marsh Blakeley Terral S encer Baumhower Michael Keyser London Bicker Brandon Landau Jamason Cherrix Riley Tart Isaac Landa Benjamin Studstill Gibbs Pearson Ian Dingwall Jonathan Smith Coach Stroud thanked Mayor Kant and the City Council for their support and said their facility at the High School was the best in the State. Lynn Fridley, from Maddie's Fund, addressed the City Council and thanked The City of Fairhope for The Haven: Fairhope's no kill animal shelter and the work it does for animal protection. She announced that The Haven recently received two state awards from the Alabama Animal Control Association (AACA). AACA is a state organization made up of administrators and animal control officers from across Alabama. The awards were for "Administrator of the Year" presented to Michael Graham and "Support Staff of the Year" which was presented to The Haven's staff. Mayor Kant addressed the City Council and presented the following letter vetoing the Sales Tax issue and Power Point presentation which included his proposed cuts for the General Fund: 5026 11 May 2009 MFM0 TO: Lis:? I lank,, Clly Clerk FROM. Timothy M. Kant, Mayor OATL: Apn13t1.2W9 RI:: Sale.,Tel Orllinaneev.m As you know, 1 Io- sad 1.1—taily we did not nocd a sole, ma of this time. I Hmpsigned nn this principle wdrea I mn rnr Iny. flat term in 2000, repeated it wnu lI Ian 1'nr my sua,nd tam? in 2(M, and in the midst of a Iliad. long, and ungning flap short rimy futon., cn,pha,i,md it again al I sought and was vuccewhdly re-clew:d ,, o thinf tenn last fall. 'Me discusaion by some of the uhsolute heed for a city sales tax in ]'.,,hope i., indeed nnlI it, new. hack in 1972 wile. Jim Nix was running for his lino tern? us mayor, thus wrm du?ec. who said the city would go tumk,nia it H city vile+ u?. wvs nut im.—climely adogcd. Jim Nix said "No - lc,'s fix the problem; —I wan that eloch— Mayta Nix, ns everyone kno?vs wear uu m serve 11'. oily Ihr 28 y—,luring• which oimc whh the support of unlstrulit city empluyeea, and valuntnor cilizciu a--ted t in ing back m the city, he I It Faidrpu hill, one of tow pre nirr cities in the southcusl, 11' not the Imtion. A city that h;w amaewd. panple from 11 ghnut the world who proudly a mi call 1'nirbnpc home. Is the oily flush with money' ...: No ..,.. lent rim wr. have an oulemndiug bond ud credit nnillµf ... Ye, and I'Lar del?I is luw compared to usher citiva our 11'a due in large ��e�wuo to the' fact we du run havo a nodes nix. Our Lek or o sales tax serves ,, olrr C.1)., or eenifcuc of depose. We can Nlwny, enact that tax an it ? moment's none: when a actual a usgrncy sinumt n miscs..... And the situation ..w�hrah we finda schas ,ight now is NO I-.MI•:R(iGN(:Y Tn,c w.;'vu Ird wlme tau};h time., in the last ] In .t yura wide back to hick hrneuna, and now all atnlltgling along with the rent of the nmiou findi,,g Ia rxlvea in it. midst of ll greatest economic downtunt since tM great d`p "ion. I'anhlymm ore strong, proud people, proud ulour „ity and ;.It Ihr we envy here and proud we have sea+mpliahal all of thin widmm sales ux. Make tx? n.,ok. the EASY WAY -a would Iw; to cnuel a sal..•. tax whielm u?n mnurt to do. Iluwover, if we hecomo depculenl on snhs lax revenue. it will Ihel massive moil growth which will dons, from ,nn eu c downtown husm— di,tnet. In shom the moo: r-cy we give g.—ament. Page 2 the more money govemmen[ will spend, ao for these reasons, I'm exemising my v of the sales tax measure. Ae Councilman Ford end Council President Quinn, the two longest serving menben of our Council said Monday night, "the city must cut expenses more aggressively." I agree with the, assessment. To Councilmen Stankoski, Kingma, and Finance Chairmen Mixon, I say I have been working diligently the past several weeks on my plane to do just uves that and in the event we found orselat an impose regarding the sales tax And now that we find ounelvea at this point, it is time [o move forward boldly telling one and all we lave clearly heard the voice of the people. This plan will require sacrifice on the pert of all of era, Correlmembers who must learn to say no; city employees (which none will lose their jobs) who 1 know will step forward to do their part at this critical hme in our eity's history; and citiven volunteers who may be called upon to play an even grocer role in our city', fume. We must all share in these sacrificer. Will his be easy] No, but I am confident this plan will work and .Mt of all I'm confident that Fairhopers, perhaps more it,- most, undertrmd the need for government to operate within its income. 5027 11 May 2009 Financial Statement Review Preliminary Report as of April 2009 Slide 1 PROJECTED YEAR END EXPENSES WOW b*m A% MWAW MM A,e,x aw.ra n 3 &MM : aii.m 7.71% 3 siao. Irw L.Kap L.OL.1. .IA% pLw) nw W- (-,713) wxv, a.1% p.WO MAnw 114300 3Kly -%m pow) .wll L..1,1p L1a.7.7 4" p1470% �+.r. 1,774.00 1..3L71..1 AM ow w) a 1A4.0. IA1A1. -1L03% Ww) 0101 W W umm LM4.00 4= (%""% /wwY 'Mao .14.p -1L61% poem T.W $ ^2K7M S 19.974,1414 610%S rlA61") Slide 3 Revenue Shortfalls Building Related Fees $727,000 Impact Fees $300,000 Golf Operations $755,605 Total $1,782,605 Slide 5 PROJECTED YEAR END TOTAL REVENUE SW O.W F%*W W*1 7.isx Mwd ligyy ld 3 4004000 . I'm= L00103 "%= l�Ts lwtos 1.00401 474% me" ue....P, Mum &MA0 m.% MAN M1..f..... 314Lm no,000 W. PLW A0117Ye >,� Mw L..% mo.x1 I.,Alm mum 4R.3% RKAW W-OA — W,.00 =LIM 000% us Owl 311A00 311A0 Ow Wii Mew 104.000 4.M.30 4]3% mum Q-ft— - 4000 31L331 -K31% PLUN 7ritiwr SALM 14A4..0 awl% 11A1A.1 Twi/w 4010.00D 4p0A0 40w Taw R.w%1.L a 77wML S MUL M S 19,149,9N -ms%$ 11,991,xa1 Slide 2 Total Revenue & Expenses 2009 Government Funds Only Revenue as Projected $ 19,149,880 Expenses as Projected $ 19,574144 Shortfall $ (424,264) Balance Budget for Operations Only Slide 4 General Government Total Cash 0.n.1.1 Fund 3 22W100 Capita PI0j.G17 Fund 2 1.07%009 0.. Tx Fund S 97,159 Cw.~ Fud. 3 867.515 S 4.332.US C4mMwd Fud. MWW FM Fund $ 570.008 OEAFWW S 41M3 CWW Fud S 22L517 t.an%c9wr Fud i 10.914 D.W S9 Aw 3 27.790 Enp" Fund a 1 S63 S 9p,Si6 Slide 6 5028 11 May 2009 Fix Revenue Shortfalls o06 Lam 2006 6 22L000 IatgMCME W 2000 6 567,691 shell nnoe g eet da wale. Iallrl.MltrletM pen Mn mace le,"Mol 1e e1Jrp Mrs hbed a balq tai� e1 edM 700D,000 Mdl b Ill arlra Fartl. 6W kNn tlkd Plim 6 lfeep Oly.10 IIYe' itY ■neapbyeae `Ywe pananenbn�h kMM.MYp�Ftah nyllealaew wale b Irw • pin 10.alf.p erMy Meere Slide 7 General Fund Cash for Operation for remainder of 2009 Cuh (Ext*u nvrMw a of 04r20f19) 6 1,489.912 RwM%N b W 0010dMd 2009 5,863,890 mandlerbr lI II I 2009 (ba Or them) 600,000 6 7.753,802 EVWWM 1w ruMWnder or 2009 7,629.416 &#*a 2009 $ 124,384 Slide 9 Utilities Total Cash in Bank Ga Full i 521,572 800 Funds S 1,007,276 Yalu~ Fudds s 1,666,561 Sh*g6DWOW s 2,774,W2 s 0.05Z141 Slide 11 PROPOSED CUTS FOR THE GENERAL FUND 1. Wne1--Onee/WmkGarWge Seryke. Savingsof516,DW/month 7. Nm3Npleay-c ywnxmmpkteN:nut -own a. Empoyea SNeJrled to Work NagdW Will takeanother dry on 3. FMWarehouse Owmions will move to 10 lim, day, 4 Days per week 4. AM pn tlme workm WGo% Course will be given cholu to fill in other area of the city or be oR until September, when coupe _.P., 5. GoM Pro -Shop empeyeet will lhrc, signed to other City ptdlens 6. M,Evsluate Inmates in City lallaM psslbly use County)all 7. Work with County on trash R rerytling pkkup g. Work with Poll, Depn.-to mlk ail—ndMg(Ines 9. Further reduce elmrkity usage for the City, we a re currently down 25% fo, this palm last year. 10. Sell the 5 used Polk, Can. Sl. No overtime forth- remaloder of the year Slide 8 Recommendations for Correcting General Fund Shortfall for Fiscal Year 2009 The MdMWW 66KIM I Coil W a bra Mom IM64' 2) Lfa *V twhr rab N 75% of apnYnp uwnwg Slide 10 Utilities Return on Revenue FkW AW 2006 $ 4,567,12! 1Mr to Date $ 4.712,415 2009 F16A05,306 Slide 12 5029 11 May 2009 Utilities Transfer Past 10 Years 1999 $ 3,929,351 2000 $ 3,435,320 2001 $ 4,167,792 2002 $ 4,654,781 2003 $ 5,293,525 2004 S 5,561,528 2005 $ 4,876,111 2006 $ 5.325,589 2007 $ 4,897,503 2008 $ 5,228,182 ftjW d 2009 $ 4,600,000 Slide 13 In Summary -The City is not bankrupt! -The City utilities are and abMays have made moneyl -We still have a A+ Credit Rating -We have $10,000,000 In the Bankll -General Government is ONLY down 7.56% In Revenue this year Slide 15 The City Does Have a Debt Reduction Plan 2009 S 1,702,800 2010 S 1,703,045 2011 $ 1,02,711 2012 $1,500,000 2013 $1,565,000 'Racoon a wrap. *GwmrwmM wN be pold off In 23 yum 'UIfAYw DWI wM M pad off In 17 yum Slide 14 Councilmember Mixon mentioned the Mayor's news release which stated the Council should learn to say no. He asked the Mayor; what are you referring to? We have cut overtime, put a freeze on hiring, stopped the purchase of a boat, limited the Mayor's discretionary fund, temporarily halted the Education Program for employees, and stopped capital expenditures. Councilmember Kingrea asked the Mayor; where did you number come from? Mayor Kant replied from the P & L Statement and the annual audit. Councilmember Kingrea asked; why did it take 10 years to make these cuts? Mayor Kant replied we cut every year, but it was drastic this year. Councilmember Kingrea asked; if your cuts are approximately $1,051,000 where is the $400,000 deficit coming from? Mayor Kant answered from transfers or a loan. Councilmember Kingrea asked about money for the infrastructure such as cast iron pipe that would need to run under the City and replacing telephone poles. Councilmember Kingrea said if we have a $1.5 million dollar deficit, I am concerned about the City's finances being one big pot and 5030 11 May 2009 not separated. We have real problems and next meeting I will introduce an Ordinance limiting transfers from the Utilities to the General Fund at 50%. Councilmember Kingrea told the Mayor that he presented a short term solution for a long term problem without a Sales Tax. He asked the Mayor; "why did you veto the Sales Tax?" Mayor Kant replied; it is in my letter and went on to say, in 1989 the population of Fairhope was between 8,000 and 9,000 and overnight it went to around 13,000. Councilmember Kingrea once again asked; where are we going to get the $400,000? Mayor Kant answered it is in the 75% of the $6,000,000. Councilmember Kingrea stated the following: "Figures don't lie, but liars figure." Mayor Kant said we are doing great compared to the world. Councilmember Stankoski stated to the Mayor; you vetoed the Sales Tax proposal. How does the City become proactive with these long term projects? We are managing by panic. Instead of upgrading transformer on Church Street for the future, we purchased a refurbished transformer. How do we get out of living day-to-day and paycheck -to -paycheck? We have no Reserve Fund; it is used as an Operating Fund. If the Sales Tax passes, 50% will go into a real "Rainy Day Fund." Can we use $6 million right now if needed? Mayor Kant replied that is cash where you could write a check tomorrow if you needed it. Water & Sewer has approximately $700,000 in its Fund if needed. The Electric Department never kept in stock transformers and the fire retardant clothing should have been in the budget at the start. Councilmember Mixon stated the Council will be more active in next year's budget. Councilmember Mixon moved to override the Mayor's veto of Ordinance No. 1385, an Ordinance to levy a privilege, license or excise tax against persons, firms, or corporations storing, using, or otherwise consuming or engaged in the business of selling at retail tangible personal property or conducting places of amusement in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and its Police Jurisdiction; and provides for penalties for the violation of this ordinance, which is known as the 2% Sales & Use Tax Ordinance. Councilmember Kingrea seconded the motion to override the Mayor's veto. Councilmember Ford stated that Mayor Kant has done a pretty good job and brought out what others don't want to believe. If we have a hurricane, we will do what we have to and borrow for the emergency. We have hit a bump in the road; and then panicked and introduced a Sales Tax. We have taken in more money this year too! The Utility Reserves are there to spend when needed. He said; "I do not believe we need a Sales Tax yet." Councilmember Kingrea responded by asking; what part don't you understand when the expense line has crossed the revenue line. 5031 11 May 2009 The Sales Tax vote was called for and Council President Quinn requested to have her vote called last. Councilmembers Stankoski, Mixon, and Kingrea voted yes and Councilmember Ford voted no. Council President Quinn was called upon to cast her vote and made the following statement: I met with Mayor Kant this past week on the City's finances. We will have a 1.5 million deficit and have to go out on a loan. However, even with cuts we will still be short at the end of the year. Therefore, I am voting yes to the 2% Sales Tax. After further discussion, motion to override the Mayor's veto of Ordinance No. 1385 known as the 2% Sales & Use Tax Ordinance passed by the following voice votes: AYE - Quinn, Stankoski, Mixon, and Kingrea. NAY - Ford. Jim Horner, Chairman of the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board, addressed the City Council requesting permission for Mayor Timothy M. Kant to sign letter to MBNEP for a direct appropriation for the City of Fairhope to hire the Alabama Geological Survey for a Sedimentation Study of Fly Creek at no cost to the City. Mayor Kant stated that they require the entity to implement their findings. Council President Quinn said she hoped the City would clean up Fly Creek. After further discussion, Councilmember Mixon moved to grant the request of the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Quinn announced that Item 5. B. is minutes from Special Boards and Commissions being presented and reviewed by the City Council: B. Strategic Planning Committee Review minutes from meeting held April 9, 2009 Councilmember Stankoski called on Vann Saltz, Chairman of the Chief of Police Search Committee, to give an update from the Committee. Mr. Saltz stated that after receiving 116 applicants, the Committee narrowed it down to 25 applicants, and then to 10 applicants. We had telephone interviews with the Top 10 applicants which started at 8:15 a.m. and lasted until 4:00 p.m., and finally have the Top 5 applicants. The Search Committee members are Bob Callahan, Valerie Chaney, Pam Caudill, Rick Wilson, Mayor Kant, Councilmember Stankoski, Rhonda White, and Van Saltz. The following are the top 5 applicants chosen by the Committee: Daniel Busken, Richard Moss, Bill Press, Curtis Vanderkooi, and William Sewell. Councilmember Stankoski said this was yeoman work for the Committee members; hard and dedicated work. He said there was an issue with the Chief of Police search and had been approached by citizens and individuals to put Terry Sanders in the Top 5. The Committee did not want to do this and City Attorney Wynne advised us that the Committee is only an advisory committee to the City Council. Councilmember 5032 11 May 2009 Mixon asked; were there not issues regarding Terry Sanders. Councilmember Stankoski stated that one of the Committee members delegated picking his to 25 applicants to Gregg Mims and Rhonda White. He went on to briefly explain what had occurred with the ranking of the applicants and said Sanders would have made the top 10 if ranked correctly. After further discussion, Councilmember Mixon moved to add Terry Sanders to the list with the top 5 applicants. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the following voice votes: AYE — Quinn, Mixon, Ford, and Kingrea. NAY — None. ABSTAIN — Stankoski. Council President announced that the City Council needed to meet next Monday night with Rhonda White to go over the process to be used for the next step in choosing the Chief of Police. Councilmember Mixon introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution stating that reimbursement for travel, lodging, subsistence and other related expenses by Fairhope Elected Officials must be pre - approved by the City Council before the expenses are incurred. Councilmember Ford questioned that we are talking here in general are we not. We don't want to micro manage. Council President Quinn said she was on a committee with the Alabama League of Municipalities and on the board of the National League of Cities; and will have to attend meetings. Councilmember Stankoski stated we have cut out the employees' Education Assistance Program and should cut a couple of expenses ourselves. After further discussion, Councilmember Stankoski seconded the motion to adopt the following resolution, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1518-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, Stating that reimbursement for travel, lodging, subsistence and other related expenses by Fairhope Elected Officials (Councilmembers and Mayor) must be pre -approved by the City Council before the expenses are incurred. Adopted on this 1 lth day of May 2009 ,4-Q (- r Ti othy A Ka , Mayor Attest: isa A. anks, City Clerk 5033 11 May 2009 Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution requesting that all bids be rejected for Bid No. 015- 09 and be allowed to rebid for the Cardiovascular Exercise Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1519-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1 ] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids for Cardiovascular Exercise Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center (Bid Number 015-09) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Cardiovascular Exercise Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, no bids were acceptable and we request that all bids be rejected for Bid No. 015-09 and allowed to rebid for the Cardiovascular Exercise Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center. Adopted on this 1 lth day of May, 2009 Attest: 4Lisaanks, City Clerk 5034 11 May 2009 CITY OF FAIRHOPE BID TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION BID NO.: 015a BID NAME: CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE EQUIPMENT BID OPENEtr 04-28.09 mm. OW M—A We:mA DeiverY lead ManNac4aer Model Spedfrytan A&W d. Bid Pr - Per QuarAry Gratd Trial VENDOR trneARO Co Siwk IRd Ural T Item PrJ rice Olt FTT-10= _- ----- Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award the RFQ/Quote for Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment for the Fairhope Utilities. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5035 11 May 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 1520-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request and receive RFQs for Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment for the City of Fairhope Utilities at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, the following RFQs were received and tabulated as follows: GROUND PENETRATING RADAR EQUIPMENT Mainline Supply Company $ 14,500.00 Sensors & Software 19,475.00 Consolidated Pipe 29,000.00 [3] After evaluating the RFQ proposal with the required specifications, Mainline Supply Company, with the total RFQ proposal of $14,500.00, is now awarded the RFQ/Quote for Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment. Adopted on this 1 Ith day of MaL 2009 Attest: Lisa A Hanks, ity Clerk Councilmember Mixon introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to award Bid for Strength Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5036 11 May 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 1521-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1 ] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids for Strength Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center (Bid Number 016-09) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Strength Equipment For the Fairhope Recreation Center [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, Life Fitness, with the total bid proposal of $31,923.64, is now awarded the bid for Strength Equipment for the Fairhope Recreation Center. Adopted on this 1 lth day of May, 2009 Attest: 6 Lisa A. Ha ks, City Clerk 5037 11 May 2009 CITY OF FAIRHOPE BID TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION BID NO.: 0164N BID NAME STRENGTH EQUIPMENT BIDOPENED:04.2841 Mawladurer I Model I SPea7caton Carplarm I Bid Price Per I Qua" I I M*ta STAR TRAC 40 days YES YES ImerlOuler Nh Madre StwTrac 91L•D1015.13BSS YES S 2236.50 1 $ 223650 Bbsps Cud MacWne StarTrac 91LSS100.136SS YES S 2012.50 1 S 201250 Lys CudMadmq Star Trac 91LS1011.138SS YES S 2012.50 1 S 201250 Log EztendmMadane Star Trac 91LS1010430 YES S 2012.50 1 $ 201250 AbdmwehlomWMacNm SW Trac 91L-D6M138SS YES S 2 50 1 $ 2 .50 Lit PulDon Star Trac 9L-MlD13BSS YES $ 2,01150 1 S 2.0122 Leg pmsvWRalAMadire StarTmc 91L-01013.138SS YES $ 2446,50 1 S 2446.50 Shou&Press Mdiu SW Trac 9LS410D13BSS YES 0 1 f 2012.50 T' PreuMachhe Star Trac 91LS513D138SS YES 0 1 S 201250 Chest Prm Machne Sly Trac 91L-S2100.138SS YES 0 1 $ 201250VeftRowMadiNe StarTrac 91LS3320-IM YES 0 1 S 2012.50 Dumbdla Set of Ten Pairs Star Trac 400-0149 YES K2,012.50 40 1 S 4 DSL40 Indi*Bench StarTrac FBR-716 NOTE1 ..'75 2 , 1Adimtft StarTrec FBR•705 YES 50 1 S 44450Star Trac 9114-M1.13AAS YES 5 1 S 50625 Barbels SetofTen StarTrac 40D-0217 YES 00 1 S 387.00 BarbelRadc Star Trac FBR•708 YES 444.50 1 S 444.50 F'ht S $ anlallaeal f LIFE FITNESS 40 da YES YES $-'31923:6d InnedOurerThigh Madine LihFkma FSHAA YES $ 1399.00 1 $ 1399.00 sico Cud Madune Lne Fines PSBCSE YES 0 1 S 1899.00 Logs Cud Marino, Life Flnese PSSLCSE YES 0 1 S 2199.00 Leg EzlmdwMadine LhFitnm PSLESE YES 0 1 S 2199.00 Abdorriell.ow Bade Mdve We Fitness FSABBA YES 0 1 S 1399,00Lai Pul Down Lie Fbass PSFPDSE YES p2D D 1 $ 1899.00Log PressW Rain Madre Lie FMess PSSLPSE YES 0 1 $ 3 .00Shoulder Press Mdine Lle FItae66 PSSPSE YES 0 1 S 1 .00T' PressMdie LifeFelese PSTESE YES 00 1 f 18%00Cad Press Machim We Fitness PSCPSE YES 00 1 1 .00 Verkal Row Madi* We Hires: PSRWSE YES $ 1899.00 1 S 1899.00 Durobels Sri of Ten Paws We Fitness rwc sel *050 YES $ 693 0 1 S 693A0 Ad stable Inclne M dl We Fier, FWDB - {: 'SEE NOTE 2:-, $ 459.00 2 3. 91800' Ad' stabh Decline Bewh Uh Fines = t 4EENOTEV :^% S 099.00 1 Ttll�; 99.X DPW W I Lh Fines FWDR2 YES $ 549.00 1 S $492 Barbel, Sri of Ten Mitt BBSSET•2D110 YES $ 1033.20 1 $ 103320 Barbel Rack We Fitness FWBAR YES S 549.D0 1 $ 549.00 F 1717.93 DelyM S Installation S 377551 FITCO YES rel p,erA& Machie prev PWSRL08 SEE NOTE4':' - B' CunMadim Prewr PMRL03 SEE NOTE4. LectsCoMadine Pr=r PWSRL07 SEENOTE4 Lett Uens&Madhne Prewr PWSRL05 SEENOTE4 Abdomhal8.awBack MxNne Prewr PWSRL14PNSRL11 SEENOTE4 . Lat Pull Dam Prewr PMRL02 _ SEE NOTE 4 Leg PmsslCalfRaise Wine Prewr PWSRLl0 SEENOTE4 ShW*PMUMachwie Prewr PW$Fil2 SEENOTE4 T' From Madine prev PWC215 SEENOTE4. 5038 11 May 2009 NanmrpisKa N*s: STAR TRAC NOTE 1 Bidder mor In odaimkn Incareotezlemion S 846.75 Correcte*WM 31291d0 Incarxi Gard Bid Total 131.52-9 ) Carol Grand Bid Taal 332,157,65 UFE FITNESS NOTE 2 Biddererrana wdion koffed atlernbn $0.00 Carectalnrbn 3916.00 NOTE Bldder era n attermim Incanwl aAwsiai 31396A0 Correctederaiai 360.00 Inoared Gnarl Bid Total $32,163.64 Caned Grand Bk Tolel $31,923.64 FfTCO NOTE 4 Bid Ummotade Elem d6ro bid scU meN boat had etcepbone that fed to m«t tpedlrallm Councilmember Mixon introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Timothy M. Kant to execute and agreement with Thompson Engineering for Greeno Road Sidewalk Improvements from Southland Boulevard to Spring Run Road. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5039 11 May 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 1522-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement for Engineering Services with Thompson Engineering for Greeno Road Sidewalk Improvements from Southland Boulevard to Spring Run Road. DULY ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2009 Attest: Li4AHa&�6s'/City Clerk Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to authorize the City of Fairhope Police Department to execute any necessary and appropriate documents so that the City of Fairhope can receive the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $10,689.00. Seconded by Councilmember Mixon, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 5040 11 May 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 1523-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, authorizes the City of Fairhope Police Department to execute any necessary and appropriate documents so that the City of Fairhope can receive the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $10,689.00 to secure computer server that integrates all extensible systems applications, which unifies the management of virtual and physical resources. DULY ADOPTED THIS I ITH DAY OF MAY, 2009 ATTEST: X_X'_�4_ ZMAY --- isa K. Ha ks, City Clerk Richard Pate, 10 North Bay View, addressed the City Council requesting permission to name the easement that runs Westerly from N. Summit Street between Fairhope Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. Councilmember Stankoski asked; have you spoken to your neighbors and mentioned receiving an e-mail from Fran Slade. The following is the e-mail from Mrs. Slade to Councilmember Stankoski which was requested to be placed in the minutes: 5041 11 May 2009 Fmf¢: Fnn Slade :'aps•. 1 nl1 at&t ....a.' •.».ntxyCpmNl.mm�. to' -ueaa. Quinn- ad.edegmm�a.so�n,.n,r.,•uan snnxhcnr ,a�x,nle,nrn..a...aln.n<., tine menaa., �+r. t!, ilwv ��da _v ,rr Ken a I'— e Intrlgu."I t.. !i— an item on Vic- agenda for tonight IClahve to naming the a'ler that u.. behind our home nod pa:tiu-'Y dissects d+u blxk between N. Summit and Myvlew, dead ending at tho Pates twnw The a1Ny Coen not pe nil the way through the block Th,. agenda Item 1. ing, up a nun •Wi ur questions: 1. Who Is the prt,1 r 4 fnr,tam Ing .n a!ICYt L '4111 [hex sal d , re«dCr,I !M I'.h[>I: IIrC all.!y. nil UvG'� town start teing named'? J STree of the lots feting rauhu A,Crlue nithln the block nave back lots 'hat measure app,[. 66 O. 1 %nR the alley IS named, will thn!p—. rise. . mque.:tti for the site and/or building On these smelbr Ines a,, wail that crate a protgem7 4. Who sele is the name7 1 heart: Gina but don't kncn who tnat 1, n what hlstorical ilgnlhRnCe t ha.. Can you Just: tJpl.: up wltn a name? V. property own<.ra whose property etln s :ha alley get any r tillr.a4o,1 or volre •n MS dais"In? A. W''I tn.s Affect the legallt, of lot owners whose lots but the 811ey to subdivide? We'll leek fprward to seeing how this If. hand)<A by the t:ounal. Ken R Fran 51ado 110 xlagnot A -no. Council President Quinn told Mr. Pate to get with Gregg Mims on this issue. Mr. Pate said he spoke with Planning and they did not have an issue with his request. Council President Quinn said they would put this item back on the agenda for the next meeting; two weeks from now. Megan Bossard addressed the City Council requesting permission to set up a commissary cart down at the pier from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ms. Bossard said this would be a hot dog cart. City Attorney Wynne stated that anyone operating on City property needs a franchise agreement. Councilmember Kingrea said the City Council needs a standard process for these agenda items. Council President Quinn stated she has been working with City Attorney Wynne on franchise agreements for vendors on City property and setting a policy for the percentage. Councilmember Stankoski stated he was not interested in allowing any of these items being on City property. Councilmember Ford asked about non-exclusive franchises. City Attorney Wynne said he was working on a policy to be a model agreement for all businesses; whether it is kayaks, bird feeders, vending machines, etc. These are all an issue for the City. Mayor Kant asked; how do we deal with newspapers and magazines? City Attorney Wynne replied he was not sure at this time. 5042 11 May 2009 City Council reviewed an application for a Restaurant Liquor License by James Abner White, Abner's of Fairhope, LLC, d/b/a Abner's of Fairhope, located at 300 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Mixon moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Council reviewed an application for a Beer/Wine Off Premises License by Edmon Earl Betts as General Manager for Publix Alabama, LLC #1265 located at 22530 U. S. Highway 98, Suite 100, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Mixon moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Council reviewed an application for a Beer/Wine On/Off Premises License by Claudia Evans, Ford's Fuel, LLC, d/b/a Ford's Fuel, located at 505 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Mixon moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Stankoski stated that he had approved several alcoholic beverage licenses, but he was concerned with the number of them in the past few months; and did not want to see a Dauphin Street in Fairhope. He said merchants may want to look at this issue and we need to keep it as charming as it is. Mayor Kant responded by stating he does not want this to happen either. Councilmember Mixon moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Calvin Hunt addressed the City Council and apologized for his actions at the prior City Council meetings. Mr. Hunt said he was here to work with the City Council and needed them to help with City issues. At the request of the City Attorney, Marion E. Wynne, the City Council will rise from the meeting to go into Executive Session to discuss the consideration the governmental body is willing to offer or accept when considering the purchase, sale, exchange, lease, or market value of real property. The approximate time to be in Executive Session is 30 minutes. Councilmember Ford moved to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Exited the dais at 7:36 p.m. Returned at 7:47 p.m. 5043 11 May 2009 Councilmember Mixon moved to appoint Councilmember Ford and Mayor Kant to negotiate buying property for the Recreation Board and then report back to the City Council. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Mixon moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:49 p.m. A" Z i A. arks, Crty Clerk