HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03-2009 Special MeetingPublic Meeting Notice SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Date & Time: Friday, April 3 , 2009 at 8:00 a.m. Place : Conference Room 161 North Section Street Subject: Special City Council Meeting - • Emergency Bid for Electric Department Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on bulletin board. 3 April 2009 NO'TTCE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama , to be held at the Fa irh ope Municipal Complex on Friday, 3 Ap ril 2009, at 8:00 a.m., for the purpose to: I. Emergency Bid for Electric Department CONSENT TO HOLDING 01? MEETING The undersigned members of the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Ala bama , do hereby acknowledge service of tile Notice and Call of Special Meeting hereinabout set forth and do hereby consent to the holding of such meeting as such time in such place for the pu1pose se t f011h therein . J~-i f7!Jr ---- 1)Jl,S/JL ¥tY~ Attest: 4976 3 April 2009 STA TE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in Special Session at 8:00 a.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Conference Room, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Friday, April 3. 2009. 4977 Present were Council President Debbie W. Quinn, Councilmembers: Daniel Stankoski, Lonnie L. Mixon, Michael A. Ford, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Councilmember Rick Kingrea, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, and City Attorney Marion E. Wynne were absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Quinn called the meeting to order. Scott Sligh, Electric Depaitment Supervisor, briefly explained the Bids and RFQ received and then recommended the City Council to rescind all bids for Bid Number 008-09, Bid Number 009-09, and Bid Number 010-009; and to accept the RFQ Number 001-09 presented before them. Councilmember Mixon introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to rescind all bids for emergency bids for a Substation Transformer (Bid Number 008-09), Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers (Bid Number 009-09), and Voltage Regulators (Bid Number 010-09). Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1499-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ l] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open emergency bids for a Substation Transfonner (Bid Number 008-09), Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers (Bid Number 009-09), and Voltage Regulators (Bid Number 010-09), at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama . [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows : SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER (Bid Number 008-09) Graybar Siemens Energy, Inc . Howard Industries Mayer ElcctTic No Bid $ 457,673.00 326,575.00 348,000.00 3 April 2009 HD Supply Utilities Southcon Irby Pauwels Transformers, Inc . Waukesha Electric Systems WEG Electric Motors Corp 377,765.00 258,000 .00 341,850.00 342,865.00 Improper Bid 358,240 .00 4978 [3) After evaluating the bid proposal with the bid specifications, and going out on a RFQ for a refurbished substation transformer, all bids on Bid No. 008-09 are rescinded for the substation transfonner . OUTDOOR VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS (Bid Number 009-09) Graybar Siemens Energy, Inc. Areva T & D, Inc. Southcon Stua11 C. Irby Co. Gresco, Inc . Utility $41,837.30 40,882 .00 45,600.00 49,500 .00 39,040 .00 Improper Bid [3) After evaluating the bid proposal with the bid specifications, and going out on a RFQ for a refurbished substation transformer, all bids on Bid No. 009-09 are rescinded for outdoor circuit breakers . VOLTAGE REGULATORS (Bid Number 0 l 0-09) Graybar Siemens Energy, Inc. Howard Industries Gresco Utility Supply HD Supply Utilities No Bid $97,710.00 66,450.00 97,831 .38 97,831.38 [3] After evaluating the bid proposal with the bid specifications, and going out on a RFQ for a refurbished substation transfom1er, all bids on Bid No . 008-09 are rescinded for voltage regulators. Adopted on this .ml day of April, 2009 Attest: 3 April 2009 CITY Of' FAIRHOPE 8 10 TABULATION ANO RECOMMENDATKlN REVISED 04-01-01 810 HO. : 005-0Q 8 1D NAME: EMERGENCY BIO FOR SUBSTAT ION TRANSFORMER BID OPENED:03-29-0Q c:~d GRAY'Claa SIEMENS ENERGY INC. HOWAAO INDUSTRIES MAYER ELECTFIIC HO SUPPLY UT ILITIES SOUTHCON IRBY P., '-"ELS TRANSfQR UOJ<S. ll<C . WAUKESHA ELECTR IC SYSTEI.IS WEG EUECTR IC MOTORS CORP C lTY OF FAIRHOPE 00Siv1ry lead limo ARO HO[l!JL 203dm 25weeb 17Sdav$ 322 day.s .Jiw:!_ H'l#20weeks 2450AYS 156 dava - BIO TABULATtON ANO RECOMMENDAllON BID l<O. : 009-09 >---· N0810 Sk!mansS.A. Heward Proi'ec N"canra Tr&n1 . ~1ginlalrans1 ABO p::ll ....... l t Triflsfomvv IMPROPER BIO WEO 810 N A.Ml!.: EM ERGENCY BIO FOR OUTDOOR VACUUM BREAKl!!:FI. 1310 OPE:NEO; 03-28-09 Noa.: I 8 d lv • 4979 Specltblon Complllnct, Bid Price Per Adchnl11 Uijt S ed / Rat . -·-NOBIO NOBID NOBIO HOBID Cl<OUM4S YES s 457.1173 .00 YES MedklmPow•, NO_ l 326 576 .00 #INOHl2NO Blank YES s 3411.nM .OO "iiiNomvEs Blank NO I mJ1M! ____ V..€§._ 1s000t1ss00120000122.400/2~!!Q~aooo Yq__ ~~ YES NJA YES I 341,~ _#IH0/1'~. Blank NO s 342 866.00 OINO/R2NO 9kf Prooonl ............. ,nlah10 IMPROP ER 8 10 15202!>4:!a~TC YES ·-.L.illJ.40.00_ ~-V[.L_ - To lhe bast cl my knowtedge lhisis a k'\HI and IICCIJr11e bid l ■bulaollon ~/! ~-b.LJ~ Oanlol P. NMt. Plxchnlny Marggu r O.llveryi.ad ilr,,•ARO lnclrvtllone: -] Manuhtclur•r Model fSp ■cmcali on Bid P'rioa Pe, Tolal81d For VENDOII ______ _ ___ ,..._ ________ _.___,c=,,,,r,.,_,nce=-_._--~•----~-- Grovbar .C1 837.30 ~~!!.!!jlY.,=ln~c•~---'-1--'=='-1--==~--l---=-====='--f---'-""'----4-~J__,20=••~••~·00::::.,~S,_ __ 4~0~Al~l=~~OO~J Ud11v■ Sloman ■ SPVll-151 .5-20-1200 VES ~.LQJ(!_C._ 1---~ f$J;:f/J T & D . Inc, _,. N< ___ ...i. 2:1 ooo.00 s V0 -112 da..,. Mtt,ublihl 170Y-~5-12 ves Stuart C . ltbu Co. i4WAGk$ ADA R•mM NO ◄wookJ Selin Ameocan di::I not flll_oul bid propoaa l NO Yo lhe wt,l ol my knawtodov thle h1 .:i tme imd accutata bid labul01lon ~~~------_z-1.Lr!!.:1... owiw P. AIM■, Purchasing Manager 3 April 2009 I ClTY OF FAIRHOPE BIO TABULATION AND RECOMMENOATION BIO NO. : 0 10-09 BID NAME : EMERGE NCY BID FOR VOi. TAGe REOUI.ATORS BIO OPENED : 03-28-0{I N to: B!il d Waived ll1llive,y lead t.lanuracluror !Ina ARO GRAYBAR SIEMENS ENERGY, INC . 56 dav, Slemen, Enarnv - HOWARD INO USTRIFS 26-30-• Moward GRESCO UTILITY SUPPLY 60 dsvs ,-~, HO SUPPLY UTILITIES 56 d6vt ~-- 4980 Model Specificaton C<lmp lianee Bid Pri"' Po r Total Bid For 3 Unit U11ltll N0810 11-01,MH,O YES s 32 57D,00 I 97110.00 Rl:!a Ul810f' NO s 22 150 .00 s 66 ,so.oo 81arl< NO $ 32 e10.,e ~ .. 1!.!ill! Blarl< NO -, S2 61 0.46 • 97831 .38 To d11 basl of my knowledQe thl~lg a lruo and accurate bid tWU lnli on ~c..-.!LJ..1{_1~ Dani el P. Ames, Pureheaing Menngor Counci1member Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to awarding the RFQ/Quote to Substation Service Company. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * * 4981 3 April 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 1500-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows : [ 1] That the City of Fairhope did request and receive emergency RFQs for a Refurbished Substation Transformer (RFQ Number 001-09) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. (2) At the appointed time and place, the following RFQs were received and tabulated as follows : REFURBISHED SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER (RFQ Number 001-09) Florida Transformer Mountain West Transformer Power Asset Recovery Corp Power Asset Recovery Corp Substation Service Company No Bid No Bid $ 236,000 .00 Option l 219,500.00 Option 2 135,500.00 [3] After evaluating the RFQ proposal with the required specifications, Substation Service Company, with the total RFQ proposal of $135,500.00, is now awarded the RFQ/Quote for the refurbished substation transformer. Adopted on this 3rd day of April, 2009 Attest: 3 April 2009 CITY O'f AIIU!OPE RFQ TAIIIA.AllON and RECOMUl'.110-'TION RfQ NO,; 006-0t RfQ NAME ; REFURBISHEO SUBS TATION 'lllNISFORMER BIO OPENED: 04 -0- 1/ENOOR ....., ... ..._MOHltll ""' r1ork:1 1T11111 rorme, .,. M,,,.,.,:w, -... 1 T,a"s(o,irvw ,.,. p lta t'RM.O ' ,.,.,,,, Powa, Al:set Reco Co!J! --~~ ., ... .,._. __ L!O!■I Ooh11ed Pl!£!_ HOB IO NOOIO N081Q_ NOfllD NOBIO NOBIO II/MU.~ :NN'ohlWith .~r-.? OnWCH'11 --+-235&g<>.OO OeijMjZ: 219 600.00 -· Su b1taUon St"'k• Comnanv comoly us Tnndom,e,, WHllnhouH S:ta tl o~ ' ,,,:~oo RtcomnMdatlon: Aw•d bid lo Sub11aHot1 Sorvk• C11,p1 1'y To .. bell oC my ~ncrwlR~ Olli IS G ltt.10 attd KWl'lle ta.bl..1fllon ~~~~ '.l.J~ ~ ""'1<&,po,loi0tl<fertl ~ - d.J.:J,A a,.._ ..1.Jt...JM 011'11'! P. ~. Pl.l'ch1P'IQ Manage, 4982 Councilmember Ford moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote . There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:05 a.m. ebie W. Quinn, Council President