HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-2008 Regular Meeting4564 STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Tuesday, 27 Maw. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and Assistant City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by George Yeend, Deacon at St. Lawrence Catholic Church and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve minutes of the May 12, 2008, regular meeting and approve the following action that took place Tuesday, May 13, 2008, Work Session approving to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Councihnember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Gentle made the following announcement: • Fairhope offers walking tours in June. In conjunction with the Alabama Department of Tourism, the City of Fairhope will offer walking tours on each Saturday in June. All tours begin at 10:00 a.m. from the Fairhope Welcome Center and are free of charge. For reservations or information call 929-1466. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports: • Will Duncan, Fairhope High School Band Director, addressed Mayor Kant and the City Council and presented the City of Fairhope with a framed copy of their advertisement in the 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade program along with a 2008 St. Patrick's Day Parade program. Mayor Kant and each councilmember were also presented with a 2007-2008 Fairhope High School Band booklet. Mr. Duncan thanked the City Council and Mayor Kant for the donation and support they have given the band. The following students also thanked the City Council and Mayor Kant for their support: Ty Malugani, Sam Christensen, Katie McGill, and Stephanie Craig. • Jennifer Fidler, Director of Public Works, addressed the City Council with an update on the streets in Fairhope. Ms. Fidler stated that the trees, planted in the medians between Bayou and Oak Street, were donated by Shellbrook. On Fairhope Avenue and South Section Street, between Greers and Morphy, we 4565 27 May 2008 have put in speed deterrent beds. This project was 2-years in the making. A Fairhope citizen donated money to pay for the installation of the beds. This same citizen wants to donate money to put in medians on North Section between Volanta and Frederick. Councilmember Ford said we have always been praised for trees and flowers, but citizens are concerned we are going overboard. The more dangerous you make it, the safer it is. This may not be the case with these beds. We have taken parking away from our citizens. They want streets restriped that are in bad shape. Mayor Kant stated we spent a great deal of money on the traffic study by Neel Schaffer. We have more people and now more traffic. There have been three accidents recently at Ingleside and Fairhope Avenue and the city is looking at how to correct this problem. Councilmember Ford asked; are we doing all of the study or picking just what we need. Ms. Fidler replied; we are doing the most cost effective parts of the study. Councilmember Stankoski asked have there been any accidents on Fairhope Avenue since the installation of the beds. Chief Comalander replied not that I have heard. • Rose Fogarty, Finance Director, and Nancy Wilson, City Treasurer, presented the following PowerPoint presentation no action was taken by City Council. 4566 27 May 2008 CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 27, 2008 SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORTS SEVEN MONTHS ENDED 4/30/2008 Slide 1 GAS FUND 7MONTHSENDED INCREASE 413orm 4f30/1M7 (DECREASE) REVENUES 9,M,013 6,411,728 (48,713) COST OF ENERGY 2,639,064 ;730,348 /08,7M EXPENSES 1,079,607 1,7129,332 260,176 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 641,462 Slide 3 WATER/SEWER FUND 7 MONTHS ENDED INCREASE 413073006 440=7 (DECREAM REVENUES 4,947,114 4,748,138 (101,024) COST OF ENERGY 306,039 351295 14,744 EXPENSES 4,327,451 3,949,W1 377,550 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER)EXPENSEB (46,376) Slide 5 lei 4i14:71III 14a�01 7 MONTHS ENDED IICREASS 41JUGM6 41SS4007 (DECREASE) REVENUES 12,M4,076 11,34s,131 1,61T,M7 EXPENSES 12,001,351 1Q7m,671 1,210,610 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPM46E6 982,727 Slide 2 ELECTRIC FUND 7 MONTHS ENDED INCREASE 4/3012008 4/302001 (DECREASE) REVENUES 9,075,774 8,722,135 353,838 COST OF ENERGY 4,937,293 4,231,372 705,921 EXPENSES 3,447.377 2,T78,933 870,444 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER)EXPENSES 091,104 Slide 4 GOLF FUND 7 MONTHS ENDED INCREASE 11302M6 4/302007 (DECREASE) REVENUES 921,116 131,334 (9,413) EXPENSES SS7,6N 166,047 31,611 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER)EXPENSE3 (64,742) Slide 6 4567 27 May 2008 ALL FUNDS 7 MONTHS ENDED INCREASE 413arlm 1g017007 (DECREASE) REVENUES SX,771,996 31,069,494 1,713,171 EXPENSES 30,786,730 27,3/6,997 3,479,833 EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 1,986,185 Slide 7 Slide 9 CASH BALANCE COMPARISON AT APRIL 30, 2006 PRIOR PRIOR CURRENT MONTH YEAR 70M MIM 0o1O01 GENERALFUND y610,311 3.133,141 3,119,715 WFUND 319.53 A9,503 U7514 ELECTRIC FUND 1.477,216 u13,611 3,13p99 WATER FUND 3,33,812 3,101,93 1,1A�95 GOLF FUND 133,83e 111.107 15u/1 CAS TAR FUND 3A,31 3U3.03/ A/,010 GP DAL PROJECTS ;10o,0M 3,/TR616 97.119 CAPITAL PROJECTS119RARY 13.671 11.13 $3.111 TOTALS 11,00,33 11,MJ13 9,31,191 MING FUNDS u1o.3A 1,3/,158 I,9A,11,11 WANRANTFUNDS 3.11134913 34135,:90 511,110 TOTAL EXCLUDING 9NICNGAYARRANTNND3 6,115,0/3 1,10 11 7,11720 Slide 8 Slide 10 Councilmember Quinn stated it looks like we are sucking a lot of money out of our Utilities. I don't know how they are going to keep floating the City. Councilmember Ford asked; how do the cash reserves compare to the last five or six years. Ms. Wilson answered we are in pretty good shape and we all, as a body, want to be in better shape. • Gregg Mims, Director of Planning, presented the following PowerPoint presentation no action was taken by City Council. 4568 27 May 2008 State Route 181 Access Management Study Saln Associates, Inc. consulting Engment i Surveyors In Coope2!ion wen: AL00T city of Daphne, Alabama City of Fabhope, AWhama Slide 1 State Route 181 Access Management ARTERIAL IMPROVED Deteriorated 111d Level of Service 4alxy tH � land lore Traffic wee Conflicts InOM6ed chanE+ed Traffic L6M. Use Slide 3 State Route 181 Access Management Who are the stakeholders? Alabama Department of Transportation (ALOOT) - City of Daphne, Alabama - City of Fairhope, Alabama Slide 5 State Route 181 Access Management What is Access Management? - Access management is the planning, design, and implementation of various land use and transportation strategies to maintain traffic flow and safety along a primary roadway, while still considering access needs of various land uses and development types. Slide 2 jState Route 181 Access Management • Existing Corridor - Two-lane sitarist that travels North -South. • Study Area - Fran approrimately 2,000 bet south of U.S. W southward to U.S. 98. A detance of over 15 miles. • Future Corridor - Predominately a fouraene median divided arterial with Ixv snag areas dealgnad as a gre-lene (center him lane) aoss-wllen. Slide 4 State Route 181 Access Management Why and How? Trager, Annual Growth (bah r 9oub aarem Aa - ngw .—P>her, 9wsmwn, Vi. commr Goal - eearcs eemw.ye awe. eoweeew nrb wedrd Ma aweogna lenexfilb nhrcMa nWvsr •ary.na emoam op.nem. PMWUM Approach AvN•arxMMyolrAoua Mtlrwkpnati opMan naeer PLAN Rwo Produah) i. Reload (Amu Management ConapfJAppliadon to SR IS I) z Larpe lQwads (Atria Manag.e.t Applied) Slide 6 4569 27 May 2008 State Route 181 Access Management The Plan - Provide the framework to effectively manage the key elements in typical access management including standards for. e Traffic Signal Spacing e Median Opening Spacing e Sida-Street Roadway Speong e Driveway Spacing e Shared Access Slide 7 State Route 181 Access Management Traffic Signal Spacing - For a 55 mph dulpn Weed. appropriate spnal Wecng I. considered I. be 2,000 feet or one mI.. Slide 9 State Route 181 Access Management Driveway Spacing M.wnee a.we wan r. r..e and For a 55 mph deeps speed appropriate driveway, spacing 13=51clered to be 660 feet for a median dMded s lion and 500 feet for a five Yne(miter Wm lane) section. Slide 11 State Route 181 Access Management Traffic Impact Analysis - An engineering study to determine the level of traffic impact of a proposed land use. . Required for developments generating at least 100 total peak tour vehicle trips (50 vetdche to In 150 vehicle trips out). . MA consider the requirements of the Ran for determining access needs for a development site, particular for driveway spacing. • No median openings allowed other then those Identified In the Ran. . Any recommendations for site improvements must conform to requirements outlined by the Ran. Slide 8 State Route 181 Access Management Median Opening Spadnv - For a SS mPh Oesipn speed arylopYY meden apeniry apedrq h mraideredto a t,300 feet eM Y mneun0 M1orti ea anYr d oparepa alwy da bevel very. Slide 10 State Route 181 Access Management Comer Clearance at Intersections - IM dYbnce hom an hdenectYn ofecross mad to the reanq dNeway oameoaar elder peon It, or febeeng the kae—bon Slide 12 4570 27 May 2008 State Route 181 Access Management Tum Lane Requirements - Dedicated turn lanes or auxiliary lanes can make a roaArey safer and improve the flow of through traffic. . TN. Plan requrx left hm dealaneon lanes of approparn dalgn brgh be nduded oo.1 approach.. to median dpenkgswheft sgnelse0 or umignlew • TN. Plan rgwm Nis turn dacelentbn lane to all mmmerclal 0-ways "" e>yecbd turng wI—ac•rd'ng 5gveNde. Par hour dwM IN pass hour as adverted by a traffic Impact study. • Tic design of fern or aunitary lane shell be In Koo dma with currentALDOTwndnN. Slide 13 State Route 181 Access Management Shared Access Parcels - The rumba r of access points on a roedviay can be minimized by sfvdng access beMeen adjacent.. ................i .... properties. --" .... Slide 15 State Route 181 Access Management Grouped Parcels - The plan Identifies groups of existing parcels, developed and undeveloped, that vAll ultimately he required to share access to Slate Route 181. - Most cases for State Route 181 provide one access point or drNeway that 8a grouped parcels must cooperatively use YAW all parcels are developed or redawkiped. - A temporary drivevay permit can be Issued for a single small parcel developed independently vAth the understanding that the site plan must provide for future connedwns to adjacent parcels in order to reach the identified access location on the Plan. Slide 17 State Route 181 Access Management DrivewayThroatLenvlh _ T�dYbskMmlhemMn.l �=;j - �l� nrwaad 2 mr.mu h amsaventrx wbn. Sgpe.M T—f Lenaa.' - 3000.1wrmakoreuperam.r - 250fenfvd.Mopnenhe iagM I'A,Opp.y.a fwl I .. 1'A ten (a ds�.topinenb e.N.een � 1W,OpoWfSp,epo purse hot _ eo tlrbdwebenielt. a br—Oxi.aaen vent was ._ ................ _ - 3onrfor anwnroea.mn•.t vkr.eceon cart Pm.la snEr Slide 14 State Route 181 Access Management Reverse Frontage (BaGtege Roads) and Frontage Access Roads - Amu me& built In kart of betid developments rut Miami.fm rumb r of ettm points awry. roadway. . .. Slide 16 State Route 181 Access Management Contact Information: ScodCothron scothron&ain.com Becky White bwhite@sain.com Jim Meads jmeadsCsain.com Sain Associares 244 W ValleyAve. Sfe.200 Birmingham, AL 35209 (205) 940-6420 Slide 18 4571 27 May 2008 City Council reviewed an application for a Beer/Wine On/Off Premises License by Curtis P. Gordon, The City Club, LLC, dba The City Club located at 319 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Quinn moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Council reviewed an application for a Restaurant Liquor License by Curtis P. Gordon, The City Club, LLC, dba The City Club located at 319 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Council reviewed an application for a Restaurant Liquor License by Richard Dudley Gordon and Jayson Glenn Goff, Wahoo's, LLC, dba Wahoo's Restaurant & Lounge, located at 17107 Tennis Club Drive, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Quinn moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Christenberry moved to appoint Suzanne Winston to a permanent position replacing Ray Clark (resigned) and Anil Vira to replace Suzanne Winston as an Alternate to the Board of Adjustments & Appeals. Both positions are for a three-year term and will end April 2011. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4572 27 May 2008 Z O Q 0 2 W O U it 0 W q O Z O �Sq co LL =) $ } 0~z F 0 0 U F5 F5 9 0 W Z a O Z W N 8 CD I 2 W W U Z Z Z C5 $ g CD OD ao N bi ~O 40 in as CV us H m W 0m O z co LO M O Z W O N N O Z O0 c U C A � C m C C N c y 4) N r- 0 0 o C2 R m c m LL IL- _c w co m U C LL NN U d L" W W R W Q (D C — y E o f E -g U2 o0U `Gm fF)LL. �� �5 ��2 Councilmember moved Ford to accept the low bid of Southern Electric Corp. of MS provided all specifications are met, for the underground electrical construction at Thomas Hospital. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by Electric Reserves/Operating Funds. N 7J a A7 N O O 00 GREENG ROAD PEDESTRIAN 1YPRWEYENTr !IR TMY TM �Es:.•'�•'•'7 _ FRa-7EL:•1 Fli'T'7 r1T'7fft:Ei7[7?E•7 E�II srS�>•r1�7 t4�i�[5—.7�•[[��•�' 17[i�7lI�T7�ETi:T'1[li7! 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F-T.11 [)il—r:'IF=1mFi10 F II7[)� Z']E�T• I F�lmF�-T ,y •`.1 T 27 May 2008 4576 n .. x�gx� R� M pR� H �^ Councilmember Stankoski moved to accept the low bid of Summit Industries, LLC provided all specifications are met, for the Greeno Road pedestrian improvements. Ken Eslava, Assistant Director of Public Works, addressed the City Council and discussed the location of these improvements to be North of Fairhope Avenue. There will be pedestrian improvements for public safety as well as median improvements. He stated that this project should take no longer than 180 days. 4577 27 May 2008 Mayor Kant mentioned that the money for this project was obtained through Senator Sessions. After further discussion, Councilmember Christenberry seconded the motion to accept the low bid of Summit Industries, LLC, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by the General Reserves pending ALDOT reimbursement. Councilmember Christenberry moved to rescind the bid for "Printing City Sketches" from Interstate Printing & Graphics, Mobile, Alabama, for the following reasons: 1. Repeated failure of Interstate to meet the stipulated requirements of the bid. Specifically, failure to perform stipulated printing and distribution work within the defined two week turnaround time frame. A. The first issue printed by Interstate failed to mail within two weeks stipulated in the bid due to the failure to order the correct amount of paper. B. The second issue printed by them was not mailed to any P.O. Boxes due to failure on their part to pick-up the secondary address in the mailing file. C. The third issue failed to mail in a timely manner. 2. Mr. Charles McDevitt, our representative at Interstate, has been notified each time there was non-compliance. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4578 27 May 2008 CITY OF FAIRHOPE BID TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION BID NO.: 012-08 BID NAME: CITY SKETCHES MAGAZINE BID OPENED: 05-07-08 BID PRICE VENDOR NUMBER OF COPIES TPER UNIT NALL PRINTING 1 TO 8,400 $1.40 TO $ TO $ TO $ RIDGEWAY'S 1 TO NO RESPONSE TO $ TO $ TO $ FS FORMS SYSTEMS 1 TO NO RESPONSE TO $ TO $ TO $ COMMERCIAL PRINTING 1 TO NO RESPONSE TO $ TO $ TO $ COTTON PRINTING 1 TO NO RESPONSE TO $ TO $ TO $ EC EN A ION: Ta accep the bid of$1.40 per copy from Nall Printing `✓ l810� Sherry, Sullivan Director of Senior Services Daniel P. Ames Purchasing Manager Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Nall Printing provided all specifications are met, for the contract for Printing City Sketches. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by the Utility Operating Funds — Community Development. 4579 27 May 2008 4� r-^''' CITY OF FAIR.HOPE P.O. Drawer 4.29 Fairhope, Alabama 36533 t OFFICE OF PURCHASING MANAGER MEMO To: Nancy Wilson, Treasurer From: Daniel P. Ames, Purchasing Manager Date: May 20, 2008 Re: Request to reject all bids for Bid No. 013-08, Repairs to Firehouse No.1 Overhead Doors After reviewing the bids submitted, Kevin Hempfleng, Fire Chief for the City of Fairhope, has requested that the City Council reject all bids for Bid No. 013-08, Repairs to Firehouse No. 1 Overhead Doors (see enclosed e-mail). Mr. Hempfleng will be submitting new specifications, which will better fit the City's needs and budget. Cc: K. Hemfleng, file F_ncl: (1) Councilmember Quinn moved to reject all bids for the Fire Department on Bid No. 013-08 repairs to Firehouse Doors PW005-08. Dan Ames, Purchasing Manager, explained that the specifications for the bid were for a full view glass door with options. The width of the doors was too wide for most vendors. We want to modify the specifications for a partial view and the rest solid type of door. These doors cost about $9,000 less than the full view doors. After further discussion, Councilmember Stankoski seconded the motion to reject all bids for the repairs to Firehouse Doors PW005-08, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4580 27 May 2008 Councilmember Christenberry asked if he could be heard on the Thompson Hall Road issue. Councilmember Ford moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution accepting Manley Road and Windmill Road (between Thompson Hall Road and State Highway 181) for maintenance by the City of Fairhope from the Baldwin County Highway Department. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the following voice votes: AYE - Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY - Quinn and Stankoski. RESOLUTION NO. 1448-08 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Commission enter into an agreement providing for the continued maintenance of Manley Road and Windmill Road (between Thompson Hall Road and State Highway 181); and, WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope is hereby accepting for maintenance, from the Baldwin County Highway Department, Manley Road and Windmill Road (between Thompson Hall Road and State Highway 181), after the roads are brought up to code according to the County Engineer; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Manley Road and Windmill Road (between Thompson Hall Road, between and State Highway 181) will be accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope from the Baldwin County Highway Department. DULY ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF MAY, 2008. Attest: m� / Geece W. Johns , City Clerk By Lisa A. Hanks, Assistant City Clerk Council President Gentle read the following memorandum from the City Attorney Marion E. Wynne to enter into an Executive Session for approximately 30 minutes: 4581 27 May 2008 's} Al n: .1�; `7b{pthy M: Kemp C.M.O. Ge efgW. J".C.M.C. . V**y K.IWUM. CPA •. ` t ��G`wkl/imhn ��ib� 'Cs8 ClitMenOetry A Fpd. A.C.M.O. mtr.Gentle. C.M.O ,. D�lhdJi , A.C.M.O. F Gmtd R SIa k kI C� +tr'r t *'Y ' . . }1 t 11ojUi.' itbn Street U P 16v,er 429 TjW* S AWwne 36533 04,' az�zt>e May 27, 2008 Council President Gentle City Councilmembers As Mayor of the City of Fairhope I hereby request on behalf of City Attorney Marion E. Wynne the Fairhope City Council go into executive session based on Section 36-25A-7(a)(3) to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for a controversy not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated if the governmental body pursues a proposed course of action. City Attorney Wynne does hereby declare that the City Council of the City of Fairhope rise from a Regular City Council meeting, on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, to go into Executive Session. The City Council shall be in Executive Session for approximately minutes/hour(s). At the end of the Executive Session the City Council shall return to the City Council Chambers to resume the Regular City Council meeting. The time is G - 4-� - City Council exits the dais to go into Executive Session. Gentle, City Council President t � � Mahon E. W nne, City Attorney Councilmember Quinn moved to go in to executive Session. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4582 27 May 2008 At 6:45 p.m. Mayor Kant, all Councilmembers and the City Attorney exited the dais. At 7:25 p.m. Mayor Kant, all Councilmembers and the City Attorney returned to the dais. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Robert C. Gentle, Council President isa A. anks, As istant City Clerk