HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-2007 Regular Meeting4407 STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, December 10, 2007. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford, and Assistant City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson were absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Associate Pastor Jeff Ingram, of First Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve minutes of the November 26, 2007, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports: • Gregg Mims, Planning Director, addressed the City Council and gave a report on Connectivity. Per the request of the City Council in conjunction with the guidance from Mayor Timothy M. Kant the following individuals have agreed to serve on the committee to review the "connectivity issue." Connectivity Committee: Clyde Panneton Mike Ford Gary Moore Tim Kant Pat Achee Gregg Mims Fran Faust Slade Debbie Quinn The Connectivity Committee will hold its first meeting the middle of January 2008. The committee will forward a report to the City Council on or before April 7, 2008. The Planning Staff will serve as the staff for this committee. In addition the committee may call on M. Glenn LeRoy for input and guidance. The committee will review the Comprehensive Plan and connectivity. The basis for connectivity was the Comprehensive Plan. 4408 10 December 2007 • Debbie Quinn mentioned that she wanted the Recreation Department to come in January, preferably the first meeting in January, to discuss the Skate Park. Martin Lanaux announced that the Library Board decided to appoint Ilse Krick as the new Library Director. Ms. Krick was the Assistant Library Directory and has been the interim Director since the retirement of Betty Suddeth. Ms. Krick said Fairhope is a vibrant and unique place to work, and she could not ask for a better place to work than the Fairhope Public Library. Councilmember Quinn moved to address item 7 next. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mike Perkins, 145 Willow Lake Drive, Fairhope, Alabama, addressed the City Council and discussed the possibility of a FEMA Flood Mapping Ordinance. Mr. Perkins suggested that if the City of Fairhope decided to perform a study, a separate engineering firm should be used. He mentioned that approximately 200 feet north of the Woodlands' detention pond white sand was found. He concluded that water had been high enough to reach that area and leave the white sand. Mr. Perkins discussed the major parts of the following letter which was sent to the City Council prior to this meeting: 4409 10 December 2007 12-05-07A09:26 RCvD haeptsidw 145 willow Lake Drive Pare, AL 36532 December 4, 2007 Fairhope +City Council Fairhope, AL. 36532 Dear Coufta Mzmbam Dwins public mactiw the o val aide Fly Creek PM I aaasal the question as to whether the property in question was wither a flood zone. This question wmu*edotftPhwaimgmdZonkgBmdwdChyCDmicflmwedogL Oman occa mso the property owners andlor ezglineermg final (Voikert and Associates) immediately answered fhat &e property +was not in a flood zone. This answer obviously satisfied the Fbirhepe govcanning bodies and the Fly Cn*k PUD was appmved. A$sa she cagy of Fsirhapo Ck CommW maid the FlfCreec PUD, I humd that the Fly Qwk KM property, which ins adjaoesit to the east side of H" M and both the north and south sides offt Creek bn nftef beanre fa be shadaocl and 1- iS I I by RMA on any flood map. In od>aes words, the answer that it is not in a FEWA flood zone was o* partaily eomzt and eosire n* decedt W. Un D 3, 2=.I a kn& dfm Plnw mg sad Zomg Bowdmeeiitrg. VAe> g* Fly Creek PUDa�daitcua caste before theBoard to approve the acial phase; �i�e�s,Irtais+edtbes>�apsrm: "Ist�Pri�lyirraBoadttane,tartd has it been mapped by FBMA?" Iwas told that this agenda item was not open for public commerd or questions. I pressed the issue and tied thequesdon and was &en answered by VoUwrt and Associates, that it was not an a flood tee. I again naked if the property had been mappe d by lMMA. The answer given was that it was not mquired. hfy cmc m was Pend" aside as #!tePlasn and Zowmg Doa d to anwn the sfic plan. The fact drat nDPht sad Zdnwg Bomb mg*a Prate of the Cry Council, seemed to grip or care about this issue than I have repeatedly raised. fly astoeat s stray Than fy of the P&dfi t I VM tayiatg trr mmke,mum so ot, and the pile imp}lcsdoos and dons so poftuda* haua Wto the W Creek ecor .,%t= and downstream netbeat$addrraeedytheCdy 1 au6Ol+e. Itldandbe the approval to move forward with a cow projed-that is adjwc tto sway body of waw an amen of pownW Boo ft has to be enefi ty a and fioodmo mVping mandatory. The detention pond is this First phase will.be outsisk Sae wdknd datiareatlran,bat+wMIt" be+ and abovethe Roodnne? Wedoffitim W Rhos never been mapped and submitted to FEM& Will futm roads, bri ftw and dwewtligs be 4410 10 December 2007 My of Fairbope December a, tom Page 2 bout in aflood come? 'WTedo motlmowl It basnever been mapped and submitta t to I have learned by attending Planning and Zoning Board and City Council meetings to listen c^arefuHp, very to what IaeKl owe, sbvelopess, and eaguno�s say his not always what they say, but what they dam't say or `n&-say", that can h* have sign ficxnt implication& If the det> pomd approved in the Post phase of the Fly Creek PLTD is built at a location below the flood zawe, it will be rendered useless during major rain and flooding esvesis Tullis would mess Ply Creekwottld reach a level above the detagion pond nsolting m passible significant iumasad flours and flooding downstmam ofd&s site. In addition, the kmaer Fly creel: stays at an elevated storm raaafiie "t the mmeftmk atWom and sa dnmrtnmofffvrlii occar. As:£this momitx, De mnber 4. 2007, I was told by the City of Fairlwpe Phuuraing Depautmut, that they bad just talked to Volker! and Associates and engineering studies wfil now be clone. This is good news, but twt good enough Wilt this be Win? Will it be as thorough as FEMA regdurs far official flood zee demon? I have been told that this bow not berm Labe done due bttm cTem iavniaed If" is the Babe, I w ould sabrnit the costs to the city and private property owners in the fi tuie, as well as safety MA envitoftoM t imcces render des excus: mute. I rapoctfuflty mqucatdhat.&e Faidwp City Cmwil pam a'FEMA. Flood Map Ordinance" that requires any development that lies a4acent to any body of water or has ftpotetfial 10 MW a flooft pr&kra in any areeta t:OMPIysrifh ail AMA requmemals and be faomrally designiftil on FE11dA Flood Zone maps, This should W &A& retroactive to apply to amy project which has not aheady broken ground. it is fnriha regmftd tbat this be place as an agenda item at the wd City Cames"I meeting. 4411 10 December 2007 Gregg Mims, Planning Director, said "I am not an engineer, but a planner." He mentioned the Planning Department had looked at the elevations. The lift station, its elevation is approximately 23.15 feet, did not flood in Hurricane Danny. The Fly Creek PUD's elevation is approximately 36 feet. Every project is reviewed by a second engineering firm. The results from the Fly Creek PUD's second opinion were minor changes. If we were to get a full blow FEMA map for the Fly Creek PUD, it would cost approximately $100,000.00. The latest version of the FEMA map that we use is dated July 2007. Council President Gentle stated that we need to answer Mr. Perkins' questions adequately, whether it is a fox in a hen house or not. We need to look at the overflow issue. Council President Gentle stated that when the Fly Creek PUD came to the City Council for approval, the big problem was buffer zones. Council President Gentle asked, "Didn't we look for an upstream study?" Mr. Mims replied yes we did. Councilmember Ford asked what the elevation of the highway was, but no one knew. Councilmember Quinn asked what does the County look at when adopting their regulations. Mr. Mims replied they use the same July 2007 map that we use. He also stated that the City has new subdivision regulations, impact fees, and gets a second opinion on all projects. If we do a flood mapping study and send it to FEMA to update, it could take over two years for a response. Gregg Mims provided the following Volkert & Associates, Inc. letter to the City Council: 4412 10 December 2007 V"�%' c �A rLs, tive . December S.2607 Cprrhad No. 710902 SO CitytlfAirhope GtWMiMA PjawizxgDgxdniwDirector lj�luorthze dgastt'eet Ya"ope, AL 36533 Si(lijW, E-2. irhope VlbgeAtM)T Civeik Sittrib 0.OR071ii Mad Plath 1N;ap:lteview sl''a WviW.volkgrtcom 316 Srnuth MtKenzle Street Fo*, Al 3654 251.%K75$1 Fax 251:96B:ala �rcy�altcerl•.tt�rn Dear'Crregg: Volim t has completed a teview of the ovaWla V MA Ylood lusutattae-Rate lvlapp�� Bd MY 17i; 2007 and has detemiinrd that. the area planned thr development Os the $hpplttts.'o�Fair 0 °Vlila' does.abt lie wife It a desigpated tloodglain area. 1hiva, odacted a copy of tho MAPA ' 3 Qu? 03. thcpropnsed develapmlt t area highlighted. ShbWd you regoiro :Additional intlirznation of hot ypeatici t rapOtng fire ia€ohtrBtiott ststad or grcvid4 pie= fact fi%zid eontactme at 251-9711:5107 or 251-978-740 Sincerely, VOIAWI�T#AMC IT Or-, Ptbj�;tMa�gb` *Vnj.fA7t961-,&axrffr °A w atz-0sae �doo- edaes,t.outlaok 8ihtnnghi"nl; Foley, i tobde., Nab.— . Gunesvilld. Orlando, Mmseola, Tamer, Floilda Atlarnt Crsotyic't C6#lAsvK*: illt" $atop Aouge; lnuiaiy . Tupelo, N*ssWpoi • Raleigh North Cimgno • Chavr oogs Ti;via:ssq klwtdrlm.Y°igio�a r. to slwyai.0:@S 4413 10 December 2007 i r# �IIJ f fQ 2 _ -�tial Vilk * H{ f't ii t. jfiI 1 if k. ,�)1 f r jj Em HEM+� `1 � 11 yi-'I7.0 �-�j 1r�• t�l� lyH` �W � ` � Y i?.' ': �'R` #, ` M. IYt` .R!!i�'{ij�;1`r� [ J.. � �}.l� 1�3 �1� �1f 3� j!f, I` � � � .. -�' . � T �' 1�,';' .. Ss '-0{ �. +�t{` 7t('.�FjiE�i�� F i ,t�,i • is �tl�, {� � ,.. : hI# Mi ' � i;•I � 'ili iit''� i irl� I I' "a j � i ��'�� � a ,� 1 � - 11{,•:Ii ai�� .{ :,,`►�i� 7II I yIiI ii i''Iti •�,�'•�� Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to execute Addendum #1 of Task Agreement No. 2 (663102.50), between the City of Fairhope and Volkert and Associates, Inc., for right turn lane and signal pedestrian improvements construction plans. The total cost of Addendum #1 of Task Agreement No. 2 shall be approximately $43,500.00 and to be funded by grant. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4414 10 December 2007 RESOLUTION NO. 1436-07 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope entered into an agreement with Volkert & Associates (Task Agreement No. 2) to develop construction plans for pedestrian friendly improvements to Greeno Road, Hwy 98, from Highway 104 South to County Road 44 (approximately 3.0 miles) on July 9, 2007, Resolution No. 1391-07; and, WHEREAS, the total cost of Task Agreement No. 2 shall be approximately $41,308.00.00 for Engineering Design fee and $27,172.00 for Construction Observation fee; and, WHEREAS, due to unanticipated additional services needed, has caused the general scope of Task Agreement No. 2 to change. Addendum # 1 involves the following additional services: • Adding a right turn lane from westbound Fairhope Avenue to Northbound Greeno Road and closing the first entrance to the shopping center near Ruby Tuesday's Restaurant. Modifications to the existing signal include loop addition and some timing changes. Fee base on approximately 400 feet of lane and taper • Performing a signal warrant analysis at the intersection of Greeno Road and Volanta Avenue. • Design a signalized intersection at the intersection of Greeno Road and Volanta Avenue. • Miscellaneous modifications to the current plan including median additions, deletions, and re -design of tapers Addendum # 1 will increase Task Agreement No. 2 by approximately $43,500.00 in accordance with the following schedule: Engineering Services $29,500.00 Survey $ 5,500.00 Construction Observation $ 8,500.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant, is hereby authorized to execute Addendum # 1 of Task Agreement No. 2 (663102.50), between the City of Fairhope and Volkert and Associates, Inc., for right turn lane and signal pedestrian improvements construction plans. The total cost of Addendum # 1 to Task Agreement No. 2 shall be approximately $43,500.00. Adopted this 1 Oth Day of December, 2007. 4415 10 December 2007 Gregg Mims, City Planner, addressed the City Council to explain the Site Plan Review of property owned by Jade Consulting, LLC located on the east side of Greeno Road, just south of Gayfer Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama for a proposed office building (Jade Professional Office Building). STAFF INTERPRETATION: Trey Jinright of Jade Consulting, LLC is the authorized agent in this request. The property zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and is part of the Greeno Professional Village approved April 8, 2002. The total site area for the development is approximately 36,905f square feet (0.847 acres). The proposed building has a footprint of approximately 5,000 square feet; total proposed gross floor area is approximately 9,999 square feet. The proposed building height is approximately thirty-four feet, four inches (34' — 4"). Impervious site coverage totals at approximately 20,803 square feet excluding the existing road through the site. Forty-one (41) parking spaces are provided, two spaces of which will be constructed of pervious materials in order to maximize tree preservation. The subject property is bordered to the north and south by PUD zoned property, to the west by PUD and R-1 (Low Density Single Family Residential) property, and west there is R-1 property. The project is in compliance with the originally approved PUD Ordinance for the Greeno Professional Village. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On November 5, 2007 the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the Jade Professional Office Building Site Plan. Respectfully Submitted for Consideration, Jonathan I. Smith B. Gregg Mims Planner Planning Director City of Fairhope City of Fairhope Trey Jinright showed a picture of the site plan and construction to be built around the tree, in order to preserve the tree. Council President Gentle asked Jennifer Fidler, City Horticulturist, if she was happy with the landscaping. Ms. Fidler replied that she was happy as long as there is 20 percent green space in Mr. Jinright's plans. Gregg Mims assured Ms. Fidler that there was 20 percent green space. 4416 10 December 2007 After further discussion, Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve the Site Plan property owned by Jade Consulting, LLC listed above. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn addressed the City Council and discussed the Downtown Parking issue. She mentioned the City will be losing 80 plus parking spaces until the parking garage is built. Jennifer Fidler, Ken Eslava, and I looked at areas around town for available spaces. The following are suggested areas in downtown Fairhope which can be improved to increase the number of available parking places: • Pine Street • Church Street between Morphy and Fels [net gain = 17 spaces] • Church Street between Morphy and St. James Ave [net gain = 11 spaces] • Church Street from Fairhope Ave to Magnolia [net gain = 17 spaces] • Magnolia Avenue (Property North of Library) [net gain = 19 spaces] • Summit Street between St. James and Fairhope Ave [net gain = 45 spaces] • Summit Street between Morphy and St. James [net gain = 10 spaces] • Johnson Avenue between Section St and S. Bancroft [net gain = 42 spaces] • Church Street between St. James and De La Mare Ave [net gain = 7 spaces] • Church Street between Fairhope Ave and De La Mare Ave [net gain = 7 spaces] • Magnolia Avenue between Section St and Church St [net gain = 5 spaces] This is a total net gain of approximately 180 parking spaces. On Pine Street we would use timbers, behind the Library we would have pervious parking like small rocks, on Summit Street between St. James and Fairhope we would use timbers, and all other streets we would turn parallel spaces into angled spaces. Council President Gentle suggested the City Council hold over the recommendations and vote on later. He asked Councilmember Quinn to prioritize the parking suggestions and bring back to the City Council. This will give the City Council time to look over the sketches and recommendations. Councilmember Ford asked how many spaces will be picked up with the parking garage. Councilmember Quinn replied approximately 80 spaces. Councilmember Ford said he feels like we are closing the City in with all the additional parking. We really need to look at the suggestions and priority of the City. Hop Allen stated that the delivery men are troubled by parking in the middle of the streets to unload merchandise. They are afraid of being fined and are getting tired of the comments from other drivers. The delivery men told the downtown merchants if we have to park at the end of the street, you will have to come get your merchandise and take it back to your stores. 4417 10 December 2007 Councilmember Ford asked Jennifer Fidler, Public Works Director, to present the Recycling Update report. Ms. Fidler addressed the City Council and briefly went over the following report: 4. . O' ���.�'�y'tC"i J 3� wnJ .�-1 NH M c� f��lM NNN ��bp tiC�yy�� H H HZHK 3� 1 01- yq� A"' � ,�,.YCi'ti l5. » h �A .. N M oC N a OIL w :t N ,y, .y P F F 4418 10 December 2007 Councilmember Ford mentioned that a few years back the City Council passed a resolution that stated whatever the increase for recycling, based on the prior year, would go to improving parks. He mentioned a park where many children play that needed bathroom facilities. Councilmember Quinn stated the park near Myrtle needs improvements. Council President Gentle stated that these improvements need to be an incentive of what your money is buying. Nancy Wilson, City Treasurer, said we are still paying on the equipment purchased enabling the recycling program. Council President Gentle said the City Council needs to look at the resolution passed and go from there. Councilmember Quinn moved to grant the request of Eastern Shore Art Center requesting permission to block streets for their Annual Outdoor Art Show, March 14-16, 2008. The Eastern Shore Art Center must coordinate with the Police Department, Sherry Sullivan and the Downtown Committee. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn moved to grant the request of Dan Ames, Purchasing Manager, requesting permission for the Purchasing Department to register the City of Fairhope with the U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance following the State of Alabama approved guidelines. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Gentle referred the request of Glen Rogers, President of Hollowbrook Property Owners Association, Fairhope, Alabama, requesting speed bumps to be installed on Hollowbrook Avenue to the Street Committee to study and report back to the City Council. Councilmember Stankoski is the Chairperson of the Street Committee. 4419 10 December 2007 Identification Bid No.: 005-07 For: IT Department TABULATION /RECOMMENDATION "IS SERVER FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM UPGRADE" Bids to be opened: November 27, 2007 at: 10:00 AM VENDOR: COMPLY YES /NO PRICE; Source Data Products No $34781.00 ETA Data Direct, Inc. No response Mini -Max Information Systems, Inc. No response IBM No response Computer Marketing of America, Inc. No response BCI No response Robinson Consulting Group, Inc. No response Precision Computer Services No response Integrated Solutions, Inc. No response Net-Tek Solutions No response Catalyst Business Solutions No response OSI-Open Systems International No response Technology America No response Business Information Solutions No response PC Mall, Inc. No response di It is recommended to accept the bid from Source Data Products. The specification modifications submitted will fulfill the requirement. Randy Holloway IT Consultant It is recommended to accept the bid from Source Data Products. James Gillespie Administrative Superintendent Daniel P. Ames Purchasing Manager Councilmember Christenberry moved to accept the low bid of Source Data Products provided all specifications are met, for the i5 server for computer system upgrade for the City computer system in the amount of $34,781.00. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by the Operating funds. 4420 10 December 2007 TABULATION I RECOMMENDATION Identification: "GOLF CART LEASE AND MAINTENANCE" Bid No.: 002-07 Bids to be opened: November 27. 2007 at: 10:00 AM For: Quail Creek Golf Course VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: MODEL: / LEASE COMPLY MONTHLY EXTENDED MODEL PERIOD yES MO PRICE: PRICE. YEAR Club Car 36 NO BID NO BID Months Club Car 42 NO BID NO BID Months Club Car 48 NO BID NO BID Months Tee It Up 36 NO BID NO BID Months Tee It Up 42 NO BID NO BID Months Tee It Up 48 NO BID NO BID Months Atv's and Golf 36 NO BID NO BID Carts.com Months Atv's and Golf 42 NO BID NO BID Carts.com Months Atv's and Golf 48 NO BID NO BID Carts.com Months E-Z Go E-Z-GO Textron TXT-PDS 36 YES 6047.98 217727.28 Textron Months E-Z-GO Textron TXT-PDS 42 YES 5314.92 223226.64 Months E-Z-GO Textron TXT-PDS 48 YES 5168.03 248065.44 Months It is recommended to accept the bid from E-Z Go Textron. All specifications have been met. Robert Hall Director of Golf Daniel P. Ames Purchasing Manager Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of E-Z Go Textron provided all specifications are met, for the 48 month lease for 70 new golf carts, utility maintenance vehicle, and foodibeverage cart for the Quail Creek Golf Course. Councilmember Quinn asked how can we accept the bid, if there is only one bid. One response is not a bid. 4421 10 December 2007 Dan Ames, Purchasing Manager, said I cannot make someone bid. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed by the following votes: AYE - Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY - Quinn. This purchase will be funded by Golf Operating funds. Councilmember Ford moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn mentioned an article she read where a nine -year -old boy died after being run over by a float in a Christmas parade. She suggested getting with the Mardi Gras Associations to help acquire more barricades for our parades. Councilmember Christenberry thanked all of the people who helped with this year's Christmas parade. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:47 p.m. C( Robert . Gentle, Council President isa . Hank Assistant City Clerk