HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-2007 Regular Meeting4348 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 8 October 2007. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford, Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and Assistant City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Council President Gentle gave the invocation. Councilmember Stankoski moved to approve minutes of the September 24, 2007, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports: Public Works Director Jennifer Fidler presented the following PowerPoint presentation on Automated Garbage Update 2007; no action was taken by City Council. FAT ... - ta fa 1. Decision to go autareted r ll. Md March 2006: Implementation of autorrntion . III. Pacycling routes charged July 2006 IV. gook at red ruTbers Slide 1 Slide 2 4349 08 October 2007 2111k Wnual Cno" Auto 2Mk Auto Arrurtiz cn Ivet: $65,000 90,000 107,000 N!irterwxe 80,000 90,000 110,000 (1 spare) 290,000 232,000 290,000 pens 360,000 Na 90,000 Cdairrs&Irs. 94,000 25,000 _ 65,00716,3 IM Slide 3 Additional Needs Nov e •Autorreted Garbage Truck— $190,000 (that WII rrnke 4 trucks) *One driver — $50,000 �.t •TbW $240,000. Slide 5 ITEM Zft Auto Veh.ard cars 159,984.73 Veh. n03irterwxe pxlerwarr"), effected: $10,000 Drivers & helpers $308,000 M dairrs & Ins. 1$26,511. TOTALS 1$5D4,495. Slide 4 Ms. Fidler stated that, as of today, there are 7,724 garbage pickups. The additional automated garbage truck, included in this year's budget, should help with the present garbage issues and possibly for the next two years. • Mayor Kant presented the following Proclamation to the Electric Department, proclaiming the week of October 7-13, 2007 as Public Power Week. 4350 08 October 2007 PUBLIC POWER WEEK WHEREAS, MANY RESIDENTS IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF CONSUMER -OWNED NOT -FOR -PROFIT PUBLIC POWER IN THIS STATE; AND THESE CONSUMER -OWNED -ELECTRIC UTILITIES ARE VALUABLE COMMUNITY ASSETS THAT CONTRIBUTE SUBSTANTIALLY TO THE WELL- BEING OF THEIR LOCAL RESIDENTS THROUGH ENERGY EFFICIENCY, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; AND WHEREAS, ALABAMA'S PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES SERVE OVER TWO MILLION ALABAMIANS AND ARE PART OF MORE THAN 2,000 PUBLIC POWER SYSTEMS IN THE UNITED STATES THAT ENSURE COST-CUTTING COMPETITION IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY, THROUGH CONSUMER -OWNERSHIP, TO THE BENEFIT OF ELECTRIC CONSUMER EVERYWHERE; AND WHEREAS, 2007 MARKS THE NINTH YEAR ALABAMA HAS CELEBRATED PUBLIC POWER WEEK AND THAT INITIATIVE HAS PROVEN TO BE A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL MEANS TO EDUCATE LOCAL CONSUMERS AND THE PUBLIC ABOUT PUBLIC POWER'S SERVICE MISSION AND COMMUNITY BETTERMENT GOALS. NOW THEREFORE, I, TIMOTHY M. KANT, AS MAYOR, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM OCTOBER 7-13, 2007 AS PUBLIC POWER WEEK IN RECOGNITION OF OUR ELECTRIC EMPLOYEES WHO WORK TOGETHER TO PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR OUR CITIZENS AND COMMUNITY. Jeremy Morgan, Electric Department, presented the following PowerPoint presentation on the Fairhope Public Utilities — Electric Department; no action was taken by City Council. ➢Welcorrie and Introduction Je-ew mwgm FNftM Sed7ic bt3diOlm eectr c Dgwbm t wstayA Tmmmerts eerntc oeperbm t - Rye t"F&n Nbwn Slide 1 Slide 2 4351 08 October 2007 Faidmpe Bectdc Established ➢April 30, 1915 Mayor Berglin egresses favor for a light and water plant, but a consensus states that town can't afford it. ➢August 6, 1915 W. LaFlarre moved to Fairliope from Foley where he installed and operated a lighting plant there. Slide 3 Faidmpe Bectdc Established ➢December 24, 1915 Election for a Bond for $5,000 to constit an electric system within the corporate limits consisting of two 25 horse power crude oil engines driving a 20kva 2200 volt ac generator for electric lighting, to be located where the welcome center is today. ➢Results of the Vote on January 14, 1916: 84 For & 24 Against ➢Population: 700 Slide 5 1915.1916 Tilreline Av4 Aw(nq R[N l 14 -b 17, MY1; 1Wn. 1915 1915 .. 19. 1916 1916 1916 1916 M939, hg13, 5411], IbM )n ]. �d ]5, M9/M1 Jue I6. Nq 1M1 1919 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 Fa drape Bectdc Established > Augst V* 1915 W. LaFlaaVs proposal at the council meeting, was an eleo7ic light plant with a 1000 light capacity at a cost of $1,000.00 with a cost to the resident of $1.00 per month. The Mayor stated that this would get rid of kerosene cans and oil lamps, and would put rairhope on the map. Slide 4 Faitope Bectdc Established ➢May 12, 1916 — 7tdy 21, 1916 ➢ Bectric correction fee was estaWshed for $1.00 at .12 cents a Idlowett hour. ➢Mr. LaRarre became the engineer at the lighting plant. ➢Electric Department was established the summer of 1916 Slide 6 Faidiope Dechic "story / lrrlpnauerrW is > Bectric DeparbTu t 1920's ➢At this time all of the gas lanterns downtown was replaced with electric lights that were fed from underground. Slide 7 Slide 8 4352 08 October 2007 Faidgx Dechic History/ ImPvmmnts > Electric Department 1940's ➢Fairhope purchased power from Riviera Utilities which allowed fix the removal of the generator. > Electric Department 1950's ➢Twin Beech 44 Kv Delivery pant was built for the capability of buying power from Alabama Power Company. Slide 9 Slide 11 Faidgx Bectric Septetber 27- 1978: The dedrk depoVreit lost 3 ba sb a5 at Ma"Ia Beath Ta.Nnrres Fairhope Bectric History/ IrrtprVMTffllts ➢Electric Departrnent 1970's ➢March 18, 1974Twin Beech Delivery Pant upgraded from 46 Kv to 115 Kv ➢4 Substations (Twin Beech, Nidhas, Church, and Volanta) with redundant feed. ➢1300 Customers ➢7 Employees ➢1 Bucket Truk (Still in the Fleet #280) Slide 10 Fairlxwpe Dectric History / Imp omnents ➢Electric Department 1978 ➢On September 27th, Fairhope had 16" of rain in 4 hours. ➢Roads were washed out at Fairhope Avenue and North Section Street. Slide 12 Faidiope Dectilic History / Improuerr>lerts ➢Electric Departrriart 1979 ➢Hurricane Fredrick visited Fairhope Alabama. ➢50 %of the electrical system was damaged. ➢7 out of town crews came to help restore the power. ➢Witch tfhe help of all utilities, electric was fully restored in 10 days. Slide 13 Slide 14 4353 08 October 2007 Faidiope Sectilic History/ 1ffp MT8r t5 ➢As of December 31, 1996 ➢Trial Capacity for Transmission: Twin Beech = 40,000 Kva Load = 32,362 Kva Ths represents 81%of the base capacity ➢Total Capacity for Distribudon: Twin Beedr9375 Kva Nd-ds-12500 Kva Church-1250 Kva Volanta- 9375 Kva ApproAmately 5,000 Electric Meters Slide 15 Slide 17 Pr `. troeslde Back Mft, Feedor F� -1 r, " r, I - �- • •.IRu u, > As of Deoentw 31, 1997 ➢Installation of Faidiope Avenue Substation Mew 20 Wa TrandionTu at Twin Beech ➢Appnndmetely 735 New Electric Connections ➢5,735 Total Electric Connections Slide 16 Slide 18 FaIftpe Becbic > Redundant Substation Feed Slide 19 Slide 20 4354 08 October 2007 Slide 21 Faidxope Bec do ➢Continue Substation Detail: ➢Church Street Substation: > Base Capacity = 10,000 Kva(widW fans) =12,5001<va(with fans) > Load = 11,424 Kva ➢Nichds Avenue Substation: > Base Capacity =10,000 Kva(widW fans) = 12,500Kva(with fans) > Load = 11,037 Kva Slide 23 Slide 25 Fairiiope Bechic ➢Distribution Substation Detail: ➢Twin Beech Substation: ➢Capacity=12,000 Kva (without fans) = 20,000 Kva (with fans) ➢Load = 8,770 Kva Slide 22 Faidiope Decbic ➢Continue Substation Detail: ➢Vdanta Avenue Substation: > Base Capacity = 7,500 Kva(without fans) = 9,375 Kva(with fans) > Load = 4,483 Kva ➢Fairhope Avenue Substation: > Base Capacity = 10,000 Kva(widioutfans) = 14,000 Kva(wittlfans) > Load = 10,368 Kva Slide 24 ElecbIc Peak 1995 32000 ea000 1932362 19V9/ 32040 5mm 19% 35 1999 34992 • 2000 37411 �OOOD • 2001 3%% 2002 38406 30000 2003 35M 2005 3NA4 • 2009 3fi901 2p000 2007 • 2007 41220 41220 • 2006 45 10000 • 204626250 • 201 0 9 • 2011 505M 505➢0 1995 1997 1999 2901 2003 2005 2007 2U09 29n Slide 26 !ACM 08 October 2007 Slide 27 Faidiope Bectric ➢Cement Events ➢Recreation Departrnent Projects: > Barnwell softball and youth football fields > New tennis courts > New gym Slide 29 FaIdiope Bectric ➢Today the Electric Department has: 16 employees, 8 Bucket Trucks, 2 Line Trucks, 6 pick-up tnxks, 3 Flat beds, 1 Back Hoe, 1 Trencher, 2 Boring Rigs ➢Appro)amately 6,355 Electric Meters Slide 28 Faidiope Bectric ➢Current Everts ➢Thorns Hospital project ➢New Hotel ➢Fairtrope Museum Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 4356 08 October 2007 Slide 33 Faidiope Dectric ➢Preveribve Nhirtenanoe 30 %of adages mined by equipmert failures Slide 35 Slide 34 Slide 36 Faidiope Bechic Trees and Pow Lines Don't Nix Limb In A Line ors of Limb --""% c ILMn 4, Slide 37 Slide 38 4357 08 October 2007 Faidiope Becbic Slide 39 Slide 41 Slide 43 Slide 40 Future Projects > Continue to transfer overhead to underground > Upgrade Volanta Substation > Design and plan for improvements to our cement electric system Slide 42 Faidx pe Bechic Thank You Question And Answers Good Evening Slide 44 4358 08 October 2007 Council President Gentle announced that item #4, a public hearing to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 by rezoning the property William C. Carrigan from B-2 General Business to PUD Planned Unit Development has been pulled from the agenda, at the request of Mr. Carrigan. The property is located at 198 Autumn Drive Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Stankoski moved to reschedule the November 12'' Regular Council meeting to Thursday, November 8th due to Veterans Day. The deadline date for submitting items for the November 8th agenda will be Thursday, November I". Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Chuck Zunk, Chairperson of the Governmental Structure Committee, presented the following PowerPoint presentation on the final report of the Committee; no action was taken by City Council. F-jftpe GOUe1 ymiU Shxhxe CMTTittee Slide 1 • Shrture between the Utility CaTpany and City gwaTment aperatons • Ovelssk tlrt�of�Wity COrTpany • Nbny.re mat stnidue of City gavem > t operations. • Lines of authority • Reporting and information flaw between City goverment cperations and City Candl • Strategic porg4erM planning prooess CWesa* Chaimm Denis Fmdsh3n H3%W Joarying Ed Laverce Ron Mrshel Rxl Ratt Slide 2 Frdngs, Condusions, and Reoxn endations disassed in six public meetings & two Rblic Hmdngs Slide 3 Slide 4 4359 [IIl-Kem i• - � 1I1lr] FGSC — RESEARCH • More than 30 cities and utilities • All Fairhope elected officials •Nlost departrnent heads • About 30 other professionals and leaders • Major ornizatio ns (AMEA APPA, etc) • "Best Practioes" of Gaienment Fnanoe Officers Association, and others Slide 5 (e) Develop a 36-48 month projection of Pzmxies, FVenses, Capital Regtir m3, is and Priorities, and Sc rces/Uses of Cash. Slide 7 [U7 Initiate all large requests for capital through the Strategic Ranning Process, and defer all large requests until a 36-month financial projection is done. (A) •i.• is • • - Slide 6 bi Initiate a Strategic Ranning Process, using a consultant if necessary to get started. Follow GFQA"Best Practiod' Guidelines. Slide 8 {E} Separate the positions of Mayor and Utilities Superintendent in 2012, to be enacted after the 2008 municipal elections. Slide 9 Slide 10 4360 08 October 2007 11a ice_ 9AVA _0ATI 1 lk►. (F) City Council should retain its financial control and oversight responsibilities for the city utilities, and increase the amount of time it allocates to this function. Slide 11 Mr. Zunk stated that Treasurer Nancy Wilson used graphs in her last two reports, which were easy to read and understand. Mr. Zunk emphasized Key Performance Indicators should be used when preparing financial reports. The example given was "How much do we have in the Rainy Day Fund?" Mr. Zunk reported that the Committee recommended that the City of Fairhope prepare a Strategic Plan that will include a budget for at least five years. Each year the Strategic Plan will be updated, so it will always be a five-year plan. The Committee also recommended that all requests for Large Capital Expenditures be processed through the Strategic Plan. Mr. Zunk stated that we are planning for the future. A Transitional Management Plan was recommended where management will pass on their knowledge before retiring or leaving the City of Fairhope. Councilmember Stankoski thanked the Committee for their time and hard work put into preparing this report. Change is always difficult, but the City of Fairhope needs to be proactive and keep moving forward. Councilmember Christenberry said he was amazed at the detail and manner that this report was presented. He also thanked the Committee for their work. Councilmember Quinn reiterated thank you to the Committee. Council President Gentle mentioned that local people prepared this report and I salute you regarding the purity of the report. The Committee went into financial issues that will be good for the City. This is a good step forward. 4361 08 October 2007 TABULATION I RECOMMENDATION Identification: "FOUNTAIN AERATORS — GOLF COURSE" Bids open on: Sept. 25, 2007 at: 11:00 a.m. For: Fountain Aerators located in the pond at Quail Creek Golf Course. VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: TOTAL PRICE: FBFLI—VERY TIME: BEARD EQUIPMENT CO. Mobile, AL Aqua Master $8,340.92 10-Da s EWING IRRIGATION Theodore, AL Aqua Master $9,841.58 Less than 14-Da s TIECO Mobile, AL Aqua Master $10,630.00 10-WorkingDays STOVALL SPECIFICATIONS Foley, AL NOT MET STOVALL (ALTERNATE BID) SPECIFICATIONS Foley, AL NOT MET JERRY PATE TURF Pensacola, FL NO RESPONSE It is recommended to accept the bid from BEARD EQUIPMENT COMPANY, Mobile, Alabama. All specifications have been met. Harold Childres, Clint Steadham, Grounds Supt. Assistant Purchasing Agent Quail Creek Golf Course STOVALL, Foley, AL Vendor failed to have both bids notarized, therefore not meeting guidelines set fourth by the City of Fairhope. Councilmember Stankoski moved to accept the low bid of Beard Equipment Company, Mobile, Alabama, provided all specifications are met, for fountain aerators for Quail Creek Golf Course. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by the Golf Operating Fund. 4362 08 October 2007 TABULATION I RECOMMENDATION Identification: "WWTP AERATION TANK CLEANING" Bids open on: Sept. 25, 2007 at: 11:00 a.m. For: Waste Water Treatment Plant Aeration Tank Cleaning. VENDOR: PRICE PER EQUIPMENT DATE `WORK APPROXIMATE TON: MOBILIZATION CAN BEGIN: WORK TIME: FEE: JAMES BROTHERS 1-Week after Da hne, AL $48.00 $3,500.00 notification 1-Week PROTECT GULF STATES ENVIRONMENTAL Week of Spanish Fort, AL $45.00 $12,500.00 Oct. 1, 2007 1-Week SIS — SMITH INDUSTRIAL SERVICE Mobile, AL NO BID VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Theodore, AL NO RESPONSE MERRELLBROTHERS Kokoma, IN NO RESPONSE J & P CONSTRUCTION Birmingham, AL NO RESPONSE CLEAN RITE BID RECEIVED Mobile, AL LATE MANSFIELD INDUSTRIAL Pensacola, FL NO RESPONSE ROBERT HARRISON Elberta, AL NO RESPONSE SHEPPARD COMPANY Theodore, AL NO RESPONSE It is recommended to accept the bid from JAMES BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Daphne, AL. All specifications have been met. Dan McCrory Clint Steadham, Water & Sewer Superintendent Assistant Purchasing Agent Councilmember Stankoski moved to accept the low bid of James Brothers, Daphne, Alabama, provided all specifications are met, for the Waste Water Treatment Plant aeration tank cleaning. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. This purchase will be funded by the Water Operating Fund. Councilmember Ford moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Ford moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4363 08 October 2007 Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution accepting the public streets, public right-of-way, and all of Fairhope's public utilities within Quail Creek Estates Unit V Subdivision for maintenance. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1424-07 WHEREAS, the Owners of Quail Creek Estates, Unit V desire to have all public streets and public right-of-ways dedicated on the plat filed for record in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, on Slide 2337A & 2337B, and all Fairhope public utilities located in public right-of-ways accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received notice from the engineers of the project that the design and capacity of the public improvements have been designed in conformance with City requirements as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has indicated that the improvements meet City requirements, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, is not and in no manner will be responsible for the maintenance of common areas in the subdivision as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received from the owners of Quail Creek Estates, Unit V maintenance bonds for the public improvements constructed for a period of 2 years, and; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the public improvements indicated herein for Quail Creek Estates, Unit V are hereby accepted for public maintenance subject to the bond posted. Adopted, this 8th day of October, 2007 M. kant, )\ avor Attest: eniece W. Johnson, it#1erk Councilmember Ford moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution accepting the public streets, public right-of-way, and all of Fairhope's public utilities within Quail Creek Villas Unit VI Subdivision for maintenance. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 4364 08 October 2007 RESOLUTION NO. 1425-07 WHEREAS, the Owners of Quail Creek Villas, Unit VI desire to have all public streets and public right-of-ways dedicated on the plat filed for record in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, on Slide 2363D, and all Fairhope public utilities located in public right-of-ways accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received notice from the engineers of the project that the' design and capacity of the public improvements have been designed in conformance with City requirements as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has indicated that the improvements meet City requirements, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, is not and in no manner will be responsible for the maintenance of common areas in the subdivision as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received from the owners of Quail Creek Villas, Unit VI maintenance bonds for the public improvements constructed for a period of 2 years, and; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the public improvements indicated herein for Quail Creek Villas, Unit VI are hereby accepted for public maintenance subject to the bond posted. Adopted, this 8th day of October, 2007. Attest: Geniece W. Johnson, Ci C1 k Mayor There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Robert C. Gentle, Council President