HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-2007 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA )(
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at
5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 12 February 2007.
Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmember; Debbie W.
Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford; Mayor Timothy M.
Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson. No one was
There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to
order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Rev. James Whitfield, Pastor of
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Councilmember Quinn moved
to approve minutes of the 22 January 2007, regular meeting. Seconded by
Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports:
• Mayor Kant recognized Boy Scout Kevin Nelson and Blake Nelson of Troop 47. Both are
working on their First Class.
• Mayor Kant announced that the City Council has scheduled two Work Session to review and
discuss outstanding projects. The Work Session will be held on Monday, February 19`h and
Friday, March 91h, at 8:30 a.m.
• Randy Branch addressed the City Council to announce the Fairhope Music Festival to be held on
April 21, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The event will be held on the Faulkner State
Community Campus in Fairhope.
Dennis Sharrin with Hartman, Blackmon, and Kilgore addressed the City Council and
gave a brief report of the 2005-2006 Audit. A copy of the 2005-2006 Audit shall be
spread upon the minutes of the City of Fairhope (under a separate cover). Mr. Sharrin
announced that the City received the highest level of opinion and unqualified statement,
and Mr. Sharrin thanked all City employees for their help and participation.
Councilmember Ford moved to accept the audit. Seconded by Councilmember
Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
12 February 2007
Councilmember Ford inquired about the City's bottom line. Mr. Sharrin stated that the
city was able to pay the bills and the City is in good shape. Councilmember Stankoski
stated that in January 2006 he proposed a revenue enhancement for the City, and for the
public to know the City will borrow more money this year totaling 48.6 million. The
bottom line is that we are in good shape asset wise, but today we are living on borrowed
money. Living on borrowed money has not always been the trend to the City of
Council President Gentle stated we are living on borrowed money for capital projects, but
not for day-to-day operations.
Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the
Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing Ordinance
No. 1326. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this
ordinance, an ordinance to rezone the property of Bones & Babies, LLC, from R-1 Low
Single Family Residential District to PUD (Planned Unit Development). This property is
located generally on the southwest corner of the intersection of Greeno Road and Gayfer
Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Greeno-Gayfer Medical Park.
Jonathan Smith, Planner reviewed the proposed ordinance.
The subject property is located in the City of Fairhope and is zoned R-1 (Low -Density Single Family
Residential District). This property contains approximately 3.97t acres. The applicant is proposing a two -
building medical office development.
The Bones and Babies, LLC application was heard at the October 02, 2006 Planning Commission and was
tabled for 30 days in order for staff to work with the applicant to resolve several issues of concern. The
major issues with the project revolved around the scale of the project, traffic, the architectural styles of the
buildings, and inadequate buffers between the project and surrounding residential properties.
The Site Plan has been revised to show the following:
1. The building on the west side of the property was originally shown to be a two-story building and it
was on the Northwest corner of the property. The building has been changed to a one-story
building and has been moved to the Southwest corner of the property.
2. The ingress/egress for the property on Westley Street has been removed.
3. A one way, right turn only exit has been added on the North side of the project flowing out onto
Gayfer Avenue.
4. A larger buffer and open space area on the Northwest corner of the property has been provided.
5. The building elevations have been revised to reflect a design that is more characteristic of the
surrounding residential area. Building materials will consist mainly of brick, stone, stucco, wooden
trim features and metal roofing.
12 February 2007
The proposed development -consists of two buildings, one building at two habitable stories and one building
at one habitable story. The Gross Floor Area for the combined buildings totals at 48,900 square feet. The
West building has a building footprint of 16,500 square feet and the East building has a building footprint of
20,200 square feet. 134 parking spaces are provided. A maximum building height of 35 feet is proposed for
the two-story building and 20 feet is proposed for the one-story building.
Changing the previously two-story building closest to Westley Street to a one-story building has reduced the
size and scale of the project. The height of the westernmost building has been decreased significantly and
the total Gross Floor Area for the project has been reduced by approximately 9,200 square feet. The
applicant has agreed to provide a 30-foot natural and heavily landscaped buffer along Gayfer Avenue and
Westley Street. Where natural vegetation does not exist, screening plant materials will be provided to
ensure a substantial buffer between the site and residential areas. On the Northwest corner of the project,
an approximate 8,500 square foot area of active/passive recreation open space is being provided. A
fountain feature is proposed on the Northeast corner of the property. Required parking has been reduced
due to the reduction in Gross Floor Area. The reduction of parking spaces allows for more open space and
landscaped areas.
The building closest to Westley Street has been moved and repositioned to the South and is now located
approximately 105 feet from Gayfer Avenue. The building re -positioning has allowed for a more creative site
design and increase in open space.
The architectural features of the proposed buildings are consistent with the residential character of the
surrounding area.
The applicant has provided a project narrative. The narrative has been revised to reflect site revisions and
is attached to this document.
North, South and West of the site is Fairhope zoned R-1 (Low Density Single Family Residential District)
property and single-family homes. East of the site is Greeno Road, the Greeno Rd. Professional Park PUD
and Arbor Gates apartments.
The issues associated with this request are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan: The location and type of business associated with the project is not contrary to the
Comprehensive Plan. Section 4: "land Use Plan", indicates Greeno Road being developed for
Office/Commercial use South of Gayfer Avenue extending just South of Nichols Avenue. The Comp. Plan
also encourages environmentally friendly industry and support for medical service growth.
The Planning Commission heard this application for a second time on November 05, 2006. After the
revisions were made to remedy initial concerns, the Planning Commission was generally pleased with the
Site Plan and voted to recommend approval of the application contingent upon the following items:
1. The applicant shall provide more of a buffer between the site and Gayfer Avenue and Westley
2. The applicant shall submit a Traffic Study.
3. A Legal Opinion from the City Attorney must be obtained addressing whether or not establishing
PUD zoning for the site is considered a 'Taking".
4. The applicant shall provide an additional ingress point into the project off of Gayfer Avenue.
On November 13, 2006 the City Attorney rendered the Legal Opinion that zoning the property PUD will not
result in a 'Taking". The applicant submitted a Traffic Study and a revised Landscape Plan on December
22, 2006. The Traffic Study did not warrant an additional access point off of Gayfer, and the Landscape
plan reflects adequate buffer plant materials. A Landscape Narrative was submitted, which clarifies the
sufficiency of each plant material in the overall buffer design.
12 February 2007
Respectfully Submitted for Consideration,
Jonathan I. Smith B. Gregg Mims
Planner Planning Director
City of Fairhope City of Fairhope
Dan Matthews with Bones & Babies, LLC addressed the City Council and presented a
PowerPoint presentation.
Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 6:02 p.m.
1. Frank Leatherbury a resident of 251 S. Greeno Road addressed in support of the
2. Larry Stejskal a resident of 217 Simon addressed the City Council expressing
that he is not against the rezoning of Greeno Road. However Mr. Stejskal
request that providing a head high screen buffer in the form of a masonry wall
and landscaping out protect the abutting property bore of the wall.
Mr. Stejskal also requests that the City Council take a close look at the additional
ingress on the plans received by the City on Friday, February 8, 2007.
Hop Allen addressed the City Council to inquire of future plans of this
organization. Mr. Allen also stated that the city should have a way of enforcing
buffer zones.
4. Tim Todd 151 Willow Lake addressed the City Council expressing that Dr.
Matthew is a man of his word and the buffer zone will be what he says
Council President Gentle closed the public hearing at 6:16 p.m.
Councilmember Ford expressed that including some kind of architecture fence, as part of
a buffer is a great idea.
Council President Gentle asked that Jennifer Fidler, Public Works Director work with the
developer on installing an impervious buffer.
In order to take immediate action Councilmember Christenberry moved for immediate
consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed for immediate
consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski,
Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford moved for final
adoption of Ordinance No. 1326. as long as architecture fence is designed and installed.
Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry.
12 February 2007
After further discussion, Councilmember Ford amended his motion for final adoption to
design an architecture masonry fence with a natural border. Seconded by
Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the
following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none
A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the
Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing Ordinance
No. 1327. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this
ordinance, an ordinance to zone the property of Viola B Johnston and Gloria B. Davis to
R-5 High Density Dwelling Residential District concurrent with annexation. This
property is generally located on the South side of Twin Beech Road, just West of Greeno
Road, Fairhope, Alabama. Shellbrook Pointe.
Jonathan Smith, Planner reviewed the proposed ordinance.
The subject property is located in Baldwin County and is un-zoned. The property contains
approximately 12.23± acres. The applicant is requesting an initial zoning of R-5 (High Density
Dwelling Residential District) concurrent upon Conditional Annexation.
The applicant has volunteered to restrict the maximum allowed density for the property to eight
(8) units per acre.
The applicant has presented staff with a conceptual Site Plan for the property. The conceptual
plan includes a 96 unit multi -family, "affordable housing" development with an approximate
density of 7.8 units per acre. Rents will be as follows: one -bedroom units - $450.00 per month,
two -bedroom units - $530.00, and three -bedroom - $620.00. Amenities for the project include: a
clubhouse, pool, computer lab, community room, and a picnic area with a gazebo.
The applicant met with property owners within the immediate area of the site on May 9, 2006 at
Ecumenical Ministries. Per the applicant's comments, the surrounding area's residents appear to
be in favor of the project.
Due to the subject property being un-zoned, the applicant has the option to build the planned
project without City zoning regulation. By annexing and zoning the property R-5, the City will
receive utility tap fees and have some control over the integrity of the development.
Directly south of the site is the Huntington PUD (Planned Unit Development), which consists of
approximately 175 acres and 540 lots. The overall site density for the Huntington PUD is
approximately three (3) units per acre. To the East and West lies un-zoned land in Baldwin
County used for single-family and agricultural purposes. North of the site is un-zoned land in
Baldwin County used for.single-family residential purposes.
12 February 2007
The issues associated with this request are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan encourages the City to embrace affordable
housing opportunities. The applicant has assured staff that rent rates for the Shellbrooke Pointe
development will maintain affordability.
Density: The R-5 zoning district allows approximately 15 units per acre. Staff believes that density for the
subject site should be capped at eight (8) units per acre.
On January 02, 2007 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the R-5
(High Density Dwelling Residential District) zoning request contingent upon the following
1. Maximum allowed density for the subject property shall be eight (8) units per acre.
Respectfully Submitted for Consideration,
Jonathan I. Smith B. Gregg Mims
Planner Planning Director
City of Fairhope City of Fairhope
Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m.
Frank Leatherbury a resident of 251 S. Greeno Road addressed in support of the
project and expressed that Fairhope is in dyer need of affordable housing, and this
project do not have to be annexed into the City to continue.
2. Ed Hall a resident of 2840 Dove Lane addressed the City Council expressed that
he does not have a problem with affordable housing. However, Mr. Hall is
concerned with water runoff and the increase of traffic. Mr. Hall also expressed
that there maybe plans for future development.
John Whitfield a member of Ecumenical Ministers 564 Fairhope Avenue
addressed the City Council in support of the Shellbrook Pointe project. Rev.
Whitfield expressed that the citizen of Shellbrook will be screened and continuous
screening will take place to ensure that the complex will be safe and kept safe.
4. Kristin Davis a resident of 7755 Dove Lane addressed the City Council expressed
opposition of the project. Ms. Davis also expressed concerns with the increase of
5. Jennifer Bruijn Director of Ecumenical Ministers 564 Fairhope Avenue addressed
the City Council in support of The Gateway Companies and the Shellbrook Pointe
12 February 2007
Council President Gentle closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m.
Thomas Ward with The Gateway Companies addressed the City Council that according
to rules of a development of affordable housing the project could not change for 30 years.
There would not be any increase in units for 30 years on one project. Therefore, if there
were proposed future development it would be considered a new project.
Councilmember Ford inquired about management of the complex. Mr. Ward stated that
everyone living at Shellbrook Pointe would under go a credit check and criminal
background check according to the IRS rules. The State will monitor the complex.
Councilmember Ford stated that the complex is going to be built with or without the
blessings of the City.
Councilmember Quinn expressed that hopefully the stormwater concern will be
addressed before the development becomes a subdivision plan. Councilmember Quinn
further stated that if this project is not annexed into the City the developers could build
180 units and the developers are proposing to build 8 units.
In order to take immediate action Councilmember Quinn moved for immediate
consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed for immediate
consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski,
Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Christenberry moved for
final adoption of Ordinance No. 1327. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn.
Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the
following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to execute a Mutual Aid
Agreement between the Electric Cities of Alabama. Seconded by Councilmember
Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
12 February 2007
WHEREAS, Over the last several years, our member cities have experienced significant
natural disasters. It is likely that at some point in the future our utilities will be faced
with hurricanes, ice storms or other natural disasters that adversely impact our
distribution systems; and,
WHEREAS, Electric Cities have been working with other municipal associations in
disaster assistance over the last several years and have monitored the development of a
more comprehensive mutual aid agreement. As you are aware, due to FEMA
requirements, mutual aid agreements must be in place between the damaged utility and
the assisting utility to receive reimbursement of disaster costs. As a result of our work
with neighboring states, as well as a need for a more comprehensive agreement, a
working group of the Electric Cities Board spent more than a year developing a new
statewide mutual aid agreement; and,
WHEREAS, On December 1, the Electric Cities Board approved this comprehensive
agreement. The next step is for each member city to sign the attached contract and send
it back to be maintained at the Electric Cities office. Please do not forget to keep a copy
for your records; and,
WHEREAS, The rate or multiplier of compensation is not included in the Mutual Aid
Agreement. This portion of the contract is to be agreed to at the time of the disaster by
participating utilities
that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby Authorizing Mayor Kant to execute a Mutual Aid
Agreement between the Electric Cities of Alabama.
DULY ADOPTED THIS 12"' DAY OF February , 2006.
Geniece W. Johnson, aty Clerk
12 February 2007
Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the
following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to purchase three acres of land
of Bradley Estate located on South Section Street c/o Carl Johnson Trustee. Seconded by
Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor, Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to purchase three acres of land of Bradley
Estate located on South Section Street c/o Carl Johnson Trustee. This property will be
used to expand the City of Fairhope's current landfill.
ADOPTED this 12"' day of February , 2006.
Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption
of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to execute a lease
between the City of Fairhope and Bob W. Pope, Fairhope Yardarm Restaurant and
Marina, Inc.
Council President Gentle inquired of Marion E. Wynne, City Attorney, about adding a
section with regards to insurance, and Hold Harmless Agreement.
Councilmember Stankoski inquired if this lease is transferable? Mr. Wynne explained
that the lease is transferable, but the city will have to approve the transfer.
Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the following votes: AYE -Quinn,
Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY-Stankoski.
12 February 2007
Mayor, Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute a 15 year lease between the City of
Fairhope and Bob W. Pope, Fairhope Yardarm Restaurant and Marina, Inc, other terms
and requirement are within the full lease agreement.
ADOPTED this 12"' day of February , 2006.
Tim y M. ant, Mayor
V�t— 10
en—ieceW. Johnson, Ci Clerk
Jonathan Smith Planner addressed the City Council to explain the Site Plan
Review of property owners, Larry Thomas of Thomas Construction - Proposed
Commercial Building for Banktrust located on the southeast corner of the intersection of
Greeno Road and Gayfer Road. Mr. Smith stated that the developers have agreed to
install the sidewalk as requested by the City.
The property is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The proposed building is two stories
and has a building height of 35 feet. The building footprint is approximately 2,500 square feet.
The proposed use for the building is categorized under Office/Professional (Banking).
The City Council approved the PUD in which the building is to be constructed on April 08, 2002.
The original PUD approval called for Site Plan Review of all buildings built in the Planned Unit
Development. Office/professional uses are allowed in the approved PUD, and the Site Plan
meets the provisions within the original PUD Ordinance, Fairhope Zoning Ordinance and Tree
The applicant has agreed to work with the City in contributing to the construction of a sidewalk in
front of the subject site along Gayfer Road. The sidewalk will tie into the sidewalk to be built on
the adjacent site for the Fairhope Commons Apartment development.
North of the site lies Fairhope zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) property. Greeno Road is
to the West, and to the East is R-5 (High Density Dwelling Residential District) zoned property
(Fairhope Commons); South of the site lies additional PUD zoned land.
12 February 2007
On January 02, 2006 the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Site Plan.
Respectfully Submitted for Consideration,
Jonathan I. Smith B. Gregg Mims
Planner Planning Director
City of Fairhope City of Fairhope
Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve the Site Plan Property owned, by Larry
Thomas of Thomas Construction, proposed commercial building for Banktrust located on
the southeast corner of the intersection of Greeno Road and Gayfer Road. Seconded by
Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
City Council reviewed an application for a Restaurant Liquor License by Bob
Pope, dba Yardarm Restaurant and Fairhope Marina, located on the Fairhope Municipal
Pier, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve the issuance
of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice
Councilmember Stankoski moved to authorizing Mayor Kant to spend $23,500.00
on a test to do the ground water survey to extend the landfill east. Seconded by
Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Frank Leatherbury addressed the City Council to express the need for providing
senior citizens and geriatric care in Baldwin County. Mr. Leatherbury further stated that
from an economic development view, Fairhope is a medical community.
Eastern Shore Hospital will work with Thomas Hospital by providing additional skilled
mental health care. Lab services and diagnostics will be purchased through Thomas
Hospital. Eastern Shore Hospital will work with the existing organizations that are
involved with mental healthcare in Baldwin County
Eastern Shore Hospital will initially provide 70 plus jobs, a payroll of over $3 million
annually with an average salary of $40,000. The project is estimated to bring
approximately $10 million plus in local construction jobs. I would expect additional
specialized growth in medical and mental healthcare as a result of their location here.
The site for the Eastern Shore Hospital is located on Morphy Ave. where the Jubilee Bar
and Grill along with Dr. Turnbulls old office are currently located. The property is
Fairhope Single Tax Colony land and I would expect would contribute a fair bit more in
lease value and money to Fairhope Single Tax Colony as a hospital than a bar.
Eastern Shore Hospital will provide adult and geriatric psychiatric services to patients in
need of acute inpatient care. As with any acute psychiatric facility, the hospital will
adhere to strict admission criteria, admitting only those patients with a psychiatric
diagnosis, such as depression, dementia, and personality disorders. This is NOT a
hospital for the criminally insane. It is NOT a drug rehab center. The hospital will NOT
be treating convicts.
Richard Algood, Vice President of SeniorHealth Incorporated presented a PowerPoint
presentation regarding the Eastern Shore Hospital.
Mr. Leatherbury requested that the Mayor and Councilmember write a letter of support to
the State Board. Mayor Kant stated that each Councilmember could write their own
letter of support.
Identification: "POOL BID"
Bids open on: Jan. 16, 2007
at: 10:00 a.m.
60-70 Days
120-150 Days
(See page-2)
Axix, AL
90-Working Days
Hampton Cove, AL
Florence, AL
It is advised to accept the low bid of Cox Pools, Orange Beach, AL with all specifications being met.
Eddie Boyett Wayne Smith
Recreation Dept. Purchasing Agent
Specifications were not met by the following:
Clemens Custom Pools:
• Exceptions taken on Pumps
-Pumps to consist of two, 2-hp, equal to or better than Challenger high-pressure pumps to operate
fountainheads in sunbather.
Vendor stated the Challenger High Pressure Pumps will be used to operate water features in sunbathing area,
but two additional
pumps will be used in pool filtration system. They will be Pentair 2-hp full -rated Whisper Flow Pumps. These
pumps are medium
head pumps and are designed to achieve maximum flow rate at medium to low head pressures. This is the
specified design of the
larger plumbing system per the vendor.
• Flow Rate exceptions to bid
-Specifications called for Flow Rate -To consist of 125-150 gpm complete with flow meters. Vendor stated, the specified
flow rate of 125-150 gpm is correct for one system but they intend to install two parallel systems.
12 February 2007
Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Cox Pool, Orange Beach,
Alabama for the construction of the new outdoor pool in the amount of $137,750.00.
This project will be apart of the GOW 2007 Bond Issue. Seconded by Councilmember
Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Councilmember Quinn moved to accept the state bid of Melson Tractor Co.,
Opelika, Alabama for the purchase of 72" Out -front Rotary Mower for the Recreation
Department in the amount of $10,099.75.00. Seconded by Councilmember
Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
P.O. Drawer 429
555 South Section St.
Fairhope, Alabama 36533
Bids opened on: Feb. 5.2007
at: 10:00 a.m.
Bid for Fencing located at Fairhope Municipal Stadium.
Daphne AL
$9 051.80
$7 229.32
16-20 Days
Fairho e, AL
30-Da s
Mobile, AL
Approx. 30-Da s
Bay Minette, AL
30-Da s
Daphne, AL
1 $25,384.00
30-Da s
It is recommended to accept the low bid from BALDWIN COUNTY FENCE, Daphne, AL. All specifications have been met.
� �
Eddie Boyetl,—
Wayne Smith,
Recreation Dept.
Purchasing Agent
Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Baldwin County Fence,
Daphne, Alabama to install fencing at Fairhope Municipal Stadium, in the amount of
$31,433.60. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by
voice vote.
12 February 2007
Bids open on: January 25, 2007
at: 10:00 a.m.
Installation of AMR Devices for Water and Gas Meters
Number of meters to be
$44.00 each
$30.00 each
Complete from
determined by
500-1,000 per
Stockton, AL
Number of meters to be
$23.95 each
$10.95 each
Begin after
determined by
they receive
Robertsdale, AL
three weeks
rernmmended to accent the low bid from SOUTHEAST METERS. LLC. Robertsdale. AL with all specifications being
Dan McCrory, Steve Seay, Wayne Smith,
Water & Sewer Supt. Gas Supt. Purchasing Agent
Councilmember Christenberry moved to accept the low bid of Southeast Meters,
LLC, Robertsdale, Alabama to provide contract labor to install AMR devices for the
Water and Gas meters, in the amount of $23.95 each water meter and $10,95 each gas
meter. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice
Councilmember Ford moved to accept the state bid Contract No. T191 for the
purchase the following vehicles:
Ben Atkinson,_Tallassee, Alabama
Five (5) Chevrolet Colorado Extended Cab Trucks
The City of Fairhope Public Works Department is requesting to purchase five (5) vehicles for that department.
The vehicles will be 2007 Chevrolet Colorado Extended Cab Trucks, which are currently on the Alabama State
Bid Contract No. T191 1 #4008703. The vehicles are $13,802.38 each for a total price of $69,011.90. Delivery of
the vehicle will be approximately 60-75 days.
Jennifer Fidler, Wayne Smith,
Public Works Director Purchasing Agent
12 February 2007
Long Lewis Ford, Birmingham, Alabama
Three (3) 2007 -3/4-ton Ford F-250 trucks
The City of Fairhope Public Works Department is requesting to purchase three (3) 2007 3/,-ton Ford F-250
Truck. This truck is on the Alabama State Bid Contract No. T191 / #4008682. The vehicle cost will be
$18,109.90 each for a total of $54329.70. Delivery of the vehicle will be approximately 60-75 days.
Jennifer Fidler, Wayne Smith,
Public Works Director Purchasing Agent
One (1) 2007 1-ton Ford F-350 truck chassis
The City of Fairhope Public Works Department is requesting to purchase one (1) 2007 1-ton Ford F-350 Truck
Chassis. This truck is on the Alabama State Bid Contract No. T191 / #4008682. The vehicle cost will be
$23,728.65. Delivery of the vehicle will be approximately 60-75 days.
Jennifer Fidler, Wayne Smith,
Public Works Director Purchasing Agent
One (1) 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer
The City of Fairhope Public Works Department is requesting to purchase one 2007 (1) Chevrolet Trailblazer for
the Public Works Department. The vehicle will be on the Alabama State Bid Contract No. T191 / #4008703. The
vehicle cost will be $20,056.38. Delivery of the vehicle will be approximately 60-70 days.
Jennifer Fidler,
Public Works Director
Wayne Smith,
Purchasing Agent
Total of 10 vehicles for the Street Department in the total amount of $167,126.63.
Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Councilmember Christenberry moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by
Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Councilmember Christenberry moved to address the following item not on the
printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by
voice vote.
City Council reviewed an application for a Special Retail License (One Time
License) by Debra Garlo, dba Fairhope Music Festival, located on the campus of
Faulkner State Community College Fairhope location, Fairhope, Alabama.
Councilmember Ford moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by
Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed by the following votes: AYE-Stankoski,
Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -none. ABSTAIN -Quinn.
12 February 2007
There being no further business to come ore the City Council the meeting was
duly adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Robert C. Gentle, Council President
Geniece W. Johnso ity Clerk