HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-2006 Regular Meeting3970 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday. 23 October 2006. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford; City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson. Mayor Timothy M. Kant was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Councilmember Ford, gave the invocation. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve minutes of the 9 October 2006, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports • City Attorney, Marion E. Wynne explained the procedures for passing an ordinance of general and permanent nature. l . An ordinance of general and permanent nature remains in operation until the ordinance is repealed. 2. Ordinances are not passed at the same meeting, unless, unanimous consent for immediate consideration is received by the governing body. 3. An ordinance is passed by the majority of all elected officials not just a quorum. 4. If unanimous consent is not received the proposed ordinance will layover until the next regular city council meeting for final action. 5. Ordinances that come before the governing body, as a public hearing must be published twice for two consecutive weeks. The first publication must be of the entire ordinance. The second publication will be a synopsis of the proposed ordinance. 6. The governing body will hold a public hearing not less than 15 days after the second publication. The City's ordinances are binding for all citizens residing within the corporate limits. Mr. Wynne also stated that in the future all proposed amendments to an ordinance must be presented in writing. Each proposed amendment would be voted on individually. 3971 23 October 2006 Mr. Wynne explained that the proposed Fly Creek ordinance only approved the zoning not all the details of the ordinance, and tonight the City Council will vote only on the zoning of this ordinance. Planning Director, Gregg Mims addressed the City Council citing a case of the Supreme Court that allows changes, such as set backs, to a proposed ordinance. However, such changes as zoning could not be changed without remanding the proposed ordinance back to the Planning and Zoning Commission and not without another public hearing. Mr. Mims also stated that staff is looking into large number of people residing within one establishment. The Planning Department will research this matter and report back to the City Council. Councilmember Quinn presented the following proclamation to members of the Library Board Proclaiming October 22-28, 2006 as Friends of the Library Week. NATIONAL FRIENDS OF LIBRARIES WEEK WHEREAS, FRIENDS OF THE FAIRHOPE LIBRARY RAISE MONEY THAT ENABLES OUR LIBRARY TO MOVE FROM GOOD TO GREAT PROVIDING THE RESOURCES FOR ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING, MUCH NEEDED EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN'S SUMMER READING, AND SPECIAL EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND THE WORK OF THE FRIENDS HIGHLIGHTS ON AN ON -GOING BASIS THE FACT THAT OUR LIBRARY PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL TO ENGAGE IN THE JOY OF LIFE-LONG LEARNING AND CONNECT WITH THE THOUGHTS AND IDEAS OF OTHERS FROM AGES PAST TO THE PRESENT; AND WHEREAS, THE FRIENDS UNDERSTAND THE CRITICAL IMPORTANCE OF WELL FUNDED LIBRARIES AND ADVOCATE TO ENSURE THAT OUR LIBRARY GETS THE RESOURCES IT NEEDS TO PROVIDE A WIDE VARIETY OF SERVICES TO ALL AGES INCLUDING ACCESS TO PRINT AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, ALONG WITH EXPERT ASSISTANCE IN RESEARCH, READERS' ADVISORY, AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES; AND WHEREAS, THE FRIENDS' GIFT OF THEIR TIME AND COMMITMENT TO THE LIBRARY SET AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL IN HOW VOLUNTEERISM LEADS TO POSITIVE CIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND THE BETTERMENT OF OUR COMMUNITY. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL HEREBY PROCLAIMS OCTOBER 22-28, 2006, AS FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WEEK IN FAIRHOPE AND URGES EVERYONE TO JOIN THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY AND THANK THEM FOR ALL THEY DO TO MAKE OUR LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY SO MUCH BETTER. 3972 23 October 2006 Councilmember Christenberry moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1316, an ordinance vacating a Cul De Sac by directing the transfer of a cul de sac at South Creek Circle, located within Rock Creek Subdivision, Fairhope, Alabama to Clearpoint Properties, LLC. This ordinance was introduced and a public hearing held at the regular City Council meeting on October 9, 2006. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following voice vote: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Gregg Mims reviewed the proposed amendments of the proposed Fly Creek Planned Unit Development. Mr. Mims explained that after learning that the power/authority of the Governing Body could not be given to a group of people the proposed amendments changed to the following: AMENDMENTS TO THE FLY CREEK PUD ORDINANCE (1) All lots immediately abutting Sandy Ford Subdivision shall have a minimum width of 90' at the front yard setback line and a rear yard setback of 30'. The proposed alleyway will be eliminated. (2) The proposed street stub that abuts Sandy Ford Subdivision shall be platted and dedicated to the City of Fairhope. Construction and opening of said street stub shall only occur by Amendment to this PUD Ordinance by a request to the City of Fairhope City Council or by a petition of the majority of the property owners of Sandy Ford Subdivision, Rock Creek Subdivision and East Rock Creek Subdivision. Opening of said street shall require a public hearing by the City of Fairhope City Council. Said stub may be used for pedestrian access and may be used for emergency vehicles with the approval of the City of Fairhope Police Chief or Fire Chief. (3) The street stub -out into the Woodlands Subdivision indicated on the Outline Development Plan shall be dedicated and maintained as a natural easement and shall remain unopened. Construction and opening of said street stub shall only occur by an Amendment to this PUD Ordinance by a request to the City of Fairhope City Council or by a petition of the majority of the property owners of Woodlands Subdivision. Opening of said street shall require a public hearing by the City of Fairhope City Council. (4) The following section shall be removed: Construction for any portion of this development abutting Rock Creek Subdivision shall be allowed but street stubs shall not be constructed or connected to Rock Creek Subdivision or Sandy Ford Subdivision until the site is connected to County Road 13. Additional Comment: The applicant could not agree to designate the lots abutting Fly Creek as provisional lots. 3973 23 October 2006 Councilmember Stankoski, a resident at 22283 Main Street, back yard is Fly Creek; therefore, Councilmember Stankoski has concerns with Fly Creek basin. Mr. Wynne checked with the State Ethic Commission to see if there was a conflict of interest if Councilmember Stankoski voted on the Fly Creek proposed ordinance. The State Ethic Commission advised that this would be a conflict of interest for Councilmember Stankoski to vote on this issue because of the economic impact that this could have on his own property. Councilmember Stankoski will abstain from voting and discussion on this issue. Amendment # 1 All lots immediately abutting Sandy Ford Subdivision shall have a minimum width of 90' at the front yard setback line and a rear yard setback of 30'. The proposed alleyway will be eliminated Councilmember Christenberry moved for the approval of Amendment # 1 of the proposed Fly Creek POD. Seconded by Councilmember Ford. Councilmember Ford inquired of Mr. Corte that the alley behind said lots in Amendment # 1 was removed and a 30 ft buffer was added. According to Mr. Corte this is correct. Amendment # 1 passed by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. ABSTAIN-Stankoski Amendment # 2 The proposed street stub that abuts Sandy Ford Subdivision shall be platted and dedicated to the City of Fairhope. Construction and opening of said street stub shall only occur by Amendment to this PUD Ordinance by a request to the City of Fairhope City Council or by a petition of the majority of the property owners of Sandy Ford Subdivision, Rock Creek Subdivision and East Rock Creek Subdivision. Opening of said street shall require a public hearing by the City of Fairhope City Council. Said stub may be used for pedestrian access and may be used for emergency vehicles with the approval of the City of Fairhope Police Chief or Fire Chief. Councilmember Christenberry moved for the approval of Amendment # 2 of the proposed Fly Creek PUD. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, Amendment # 2 passed by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. ABSTAIN-Stankoski Amendment # 3 The street stub -out into the Woodlands Subdivision indicated on the Outline Development Plan shall be dedicated and maintained as a natural easement and shall remain unopened. Construction and opening of said street stub shall only occur by an Amendment to this PUD Ordinance by a request to the City of Fairhope City Council or by a petition of the majority of the property owners of Woodlands Subdivision. Opening of said street shall require a public hearing by the City of Fairhope City Council. 3974 23 October 2006 Councilmember Christenberry moved for the approval of Amendment # 3 of the proposed Fly Creek PUD. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, Amendment # 3 passed by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. ABSTAIN- Stankoski Amendment # 4 The following section shall be removed: Construction for any portion of this development abutting Rock Creek Subdivision shall be allowed but street stubs shall not be constructed or connected to Rock Creek Subdivision or Sandy Ford Subdivision until the site is connected to County Road 13. Councilmember Quinn moved for the approval of Amendment # 4 of the proposed Fly Creek PUD. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, Amendment # 4 passed by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY - none. ABSTAIN-Stankoski Councilmember Quinn moved to allow 50 ft buffer instead of a 30 ft setback from the wetlands. Councilmember Ford disagreed with putting in a 50 ft buffer along the wetland. Councilmember Ford suggested that nothing be done at this time until the drainage survey recommendations are received. Council President Gentle questioned Mr. Corte if he agreed to abide by the Neel- Schnaffer, Inc. recommendations. Mr. Corte stated that he could not agree to something that he does not know. Mr. Corte further stated that he does agree to the 30 ft setback now, but the Neel-Schnaffer, Inc., study could ask for 100 to 200 ft., and Mr. Corte stated that he could not agree to that. It was clarified that when talking about setbacks it means the setbacks are from the delineated wetland or the edge of the wetland not from the waters edge. After further discussion, Councilmember Quinn amended her motion to allow 30 ft buffer along the delineated wetlands and a 30 ft setback. This motion died for a lack of a second. Councilmember Ford request that Mr. Corte give a commitment that he would consider changing the 30 ft setback to a 15 ft buffer and a 15 ft setback. Councilmember President Gentle inquired if there were any covenants restricting on what can/cannot be built within the 30 ft setback. Mr. Mims stated that a pool and patio BBQ could be built within the 30 ft setback, but a garage or storage cannot be constructed with the setback. 3975 23 October 2006 Councilmember Christenberry moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1317 an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 to zone the property of Fred Corte, as a Planned Unit Development, concurrent with annexation, containing 160 +/- acres, and rezone the property of Angelo A. Corte from B-2 to a Planned United Development, containing 53.33 +/- acres. This property is located on the Eastside of State Highway 98, North of The Woodlands at Fairhope Subdivision and South of Sandy Ford Subdivision. Parcel A contains 80 acres more or less 05-46-02-04-0-000- 002.000. Parcel B contains 80 acres more or less 05-46-02-04-0-000-001.000. Parcel C contains 53.33 acres more or less 05-46-03-08-0-000-001.000 and 05-46-03-08-0- 000-003.000. Fly Creek Subdivision. (The proposed ordinance was introduced and an public hearing was held on September 25, 2006). Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following voice votes: AYE-Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -Quinn. AB STAIN- Stankoski. The City Council took a recess at 7:03 p.m., and resumed business at 7:07 p.m. A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1318. No one present was opposed to the amendment. An ordinance to zone the property of Eastern Shore Medical Plaza, LLC (Craig R. Peterson) to B-4 Business and Professional District concurrent with annexation into the City of Fairhope. This property is located just South of the intersection of Greeno Road and Middle Street, Fairhope, Alabama. Parcel A & B contains 2.87 acres more or less. 05- 46-20-1-000-048.000. Eastern Shore Medical Plaza. The City Council received favorable recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission. Gregg Mims, Planning Director addressed the City Council to explain the proposed ordinance. �AL1721ilk 1zlZ42a4UY01J1 The property is not in the City of Fairhope and is un-zoned in Baldwin County. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to B-4 (Business professional District) concurrent upon conditional annexation. The subject property contains 2.87± acres; The Planning Commission approved a 3-lot subdivision (Peterson Medical Park) on this property at the August 05, 2006 meeting. North of the site lies the Holiday Inn, which is zoned M-1 (Light Industrial District). West of the subject property lies un-zoned County land. South and east of the site is R-1 (Low Density Single Family Residential District) and un-zoned County land. The issues associated with this request are as follows: Comprehensive Plan: This request is not contrary to the plan. 3976 23 October 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: To approve subject to the following specifications and conditions: Fences An eight -foot privacy fence shall be constructed along the East, South, and West boundaries. Landscaping • A landscape buffer shall be installed along the East, South, and West boundaries. Respectfully Submitted for Consideration, Jonathan I. Smith Planner City of Fairhope Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 7:09 p.m., and closed the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. No one present was opposed to the amendment. Councilmember Ford inquired of the size of the buffer. Mr. Mims explained that the 10 ft buffer will be on the inside of the fence, and the property owners will maintain the buffer. In order to take immediate consideration Councilmember Quinn moved for immediate consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford moved for final adoption of Ordinance No.1318. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following voice votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, an ordinance to zone the property of RLF Baldwin Properties, LLC to M-2 General Industrial District concurrent with annexation into the City of Fairhope. This property is located on the Westside of State Highway 181 just South of County Road 44, Fairhope, Alabama. Parcel Contains 53.48 acres more or less. 05-46-08-27-0- 000-001.00. Midbay Dirt Pit. Gregg Mims addressed the City Council to explain the proposed ordinance. The City Council received favorable recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission STAFF INTERPRETATION: RLF Baldwin Properties, LLC is requesting an initial zoning for property generally located on the west side of State Highway 181 just south County Road 44. The applicant requests that the property be zoned M-2 General Industrial District, conditional upon annexation into the City of Fairhope. The property is currently utilized as a clay and sand pit. The applicant desires to re -permit the existing sand and clay mining operation, which is being currently reclaimed to accept vegetative debris and concrete debris and to operate as a recycling and disposal center for inert unregulated materials. This operation conforms to the purpose and intent of the M-2 General Industrial District. 3977 23 October 2006 The issues associated with this request are as follows: Comprehensive Plan: This request is not contrary to the plan. Property Size: The property to be annexed is 53.54 acres. Buffers: The applicant proposes a 100-foot landscape buffer zone along the property that fronts State Highway 181 and a 50-foot landscape buffer along the remaining perimeter of the subject property. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Recommends approval subject to the following conditions (provided in the ordinance): • a 100 foot landscaped buffer (consisting of primarily native vegetation) along all property lines of the property with said buffer to be installed within 90 days of annexation and zoning into the City of Fairhope. • The finished grade of the materials deposited in the landfill shall be no higher than the centerline elevation of State Highway 181. • Site operations shall be limited ADEM permitted C& D (construction and demolition) landfill activities. All operations shall comply with all standards set forth in the ADEM regulations for a C& D landfill. Respectfully Submitted for Consideration, Nancy Milford Planner Jennifer Fidler Public Workers Director explained that AMED would inspect the landfill quarterly. In order for the proposed landfill to receive a permit the City of Fairhope would have to sponsor the landfill. The City and the citizens of Fairhope would dump into the landfill free of charge Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 7:21 p.m. Rance Reel, a resident of 131 Augusta Court and developer of Stone Creek located directly across from the proposed landfill, addressed the City Council to speak in opposition of the proposed C & D landfill. Mr. Reel expressed that this landfill will have a negative impact on the Stone Creek development and the watershed. 2. Manning McPhillips, a resident of 204 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, Alabama and former landowner for the Stone Creek development, addressed the City Council in opposition of the C & D landfill development. Mr. McPhillips stated that using this property as a C & D landfill would impact the ground water and this could flow into Cow Pen Creek. 3. Frank Leatherbury, a resident of 12737 Clay City Road, inquired of the City's regulations for landfills and opposed this site as being used as a C & D landfill. 4. Brook DeLaney, a resident of 8876 Lakeview Drive within Fairfield Field Place Subdivision and owner of the proposed site for the C & D landfill, addressed the City Council to explain that turning this site into a C & D Landfill is just an idea. 3978 23 October 2006 Mr. DeLaney stated that he did not have an interest to pursue this project. He only presented it as an idea after learning that the City was running out of space within its current C & D landfill. The City would have to host the proposed landfill in order to receive a permit from the state. The site is currently being used as a construction and demolition debris landfill that would accept non - regulated solid waste. Councilmember Stankoski inquired if this would put the city on the hook for any violation? The City would have no responsibility to the degree that if anyone else dumped illegal items into the landfill. Mr. DeLaney explained that annexing into the City of Fairhope would make the project more profitable. Mr. Wynne raised concern that the current proposal from RLF could place the City at risk of contract zoning, which by definition means a practice that permits a property owners to enter into a written agreement with local government to rezone with restriction set by the city for those parcels. These conditions may not apply to other similarly zoned parcels. 5. Chason Wachter, a resident of 118 General Canby Drive, addressed the City Council opposed the proposed C&D landfill. 6. Betty Haynes, a resident of 551 Jan Drive, addressed the City Council and expressed that she wish that the City would not consider this request at all. The Councilmembers inquired of Mr. DeLaney if the County could sponsor this project. Mr. DeLaney stated yes, but he has not asked the County. Mr. Mims stated that having this property inside the City limits the City would have more control as to what is placed on the site. Council President Gentle closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. This item will layover for final action at the next regular City Council meeting. Council President Gentle stated that he would allow additional comments on this topic, at the next regular City Council meeting. Council President Gentle stated that the City needs a list of what a C & D landfill can accept and who regulates the landfill. Council President Gentle also inquired who is RLF. Mr. DeLaney stated that RLF is 60% private entity (Resource Land Fund) and 40% family members, which is about 20 individuals, comprising of members of the Cunningham family, DeLaney family and Clarence Burke. Council President Gentle also suggested that the City Council visit the site. 3979 23 October 2006 Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1319. An ordinance annexing the property of Intrepid Ventures, MCI, Inc. and Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, located at the Eastside of County Road 13, North of Fairhope Avenue, and South of Gayfer Road, Fairhope, Alabama. Containing 19.39 acres, more or less. 46-05-15-0-000-003.505. Magnolias Common. In order to take immediate action Councilmember Quinn moved for immediate consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Christenberry then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1319. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1320, an ordinance annexing the property of Donald and Kathleen Gordon, located at 6952 Gordon Lane, Fairhope, Alabama. Contains .47 acres more or less 43-09-31-0-000-020.002. In order to take immediate action Councilmember Christenberry moved for immediate consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Christenberry then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1320. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE - Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to further negotiate a lease agreement between the City of Fairhope and Faulkner State Community College, for the use of a portion of the upstairs area in the library, for the expansion of Faulkner's Nursing program, if legal. Councilmember Ford explained that the details will be worked out and presented to the City Council at a later date. Council President Gentle request that Councilmember Ford remain involved with this lease agreement, and that he understood that the Colony would use some of the upstairs space as well. Council President Gentle asked Mr. Wynne to look into if it is legal to lease space in the new library being that a grant was received for building a portion of the library. Librarian Betty Suddeth stated that any computer equipment put in the library must be filtered, because the library could lose out on federal funding. Council President Gentle stated that Mr. Wynne will look into the legal issues, Betty Suddeth and Dr. John Borem should met to discuss the certain details of the agreement, Mayor Kant is to work on the proposed agreement and communicate with the library on this issue. City Attorney, Marion E. Wynne exited the dais at 8:24 p.m. MEN 23 October 2006 Councilmember Ford's motion was seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1325-06 WHEREAS, the following committee met on October 12, 2006 to discuss a possible lease agreement between the City of Fairhope and Faulkner State Community College to lease a portion of the second floor of the new library for the Faulkner Sate Nursing Program. Committee Members: Michael A. Ford, City Council, Chairman Dr. Hollis Wiseman, President of Library Board Mac Walcott, Architect Mr. John Borom, Faulkner State Community College Ms. Nancy Wilson, City Treasurer WHEREAS, the following points were discussed and generally agreed upon by all present: FSCC would like to utilize a portion of the second floor of the new library for Nursing Program classrooms. Mac Walcott presented a drawing of a proposed layout, to include a nursing lab, 1 large classroom, 2 small classrooms, a kitchen/storage area, and a larger storage room. 2. FSCC would bear all costs of construction, materials, installation, and supervision of interior walls, ceiling, carpeting or other required flooring, cabinets, and lighting necessary for the classrooms. All construction and installations remain part of the Library at the end of the lease. 4. J.F. Pate & Associates Contractors, Inc., will complete the additions for the leased areas. Invoices for payment from the Contractor and from the Architect will be paid to the City by FSCC at the time the invoices are received by the City and faxed to the appropriate office at FSCC by the City Treasurer. Change Orders for the amount of each invoice, with payment attached from Faulkner State for the amount of the Change Order will be presented to the City Council for approval for each invoice received from the Contractor. The contractor will clearly specify and/or separate any charges for work on this second floor -leased area from any charges for other work performed in the library. Retainage fees for construction on the leased area will be recorded separately from the retainage fees for construction of the library itself. The term of the lease will be for up to six years, with the lease term beginning at the time of completion of construction of the subject area, and keys to the area are turned over to Faulkner -State. The projected term beginning date is January 2, 2007. The lease will be re -negotiable after the sixth year. 3981 23 October 2006 7. Faulkner State Community College will pay a pro-rata share of the monthly utility bill for the Library, based on leased square footage. The drawing of the proposed leased area indicates utilizing approximately 3,544 square feet. The utility cost is payable in addition to and along with any monthly lease payment. The amount of monthly lease payments to the City of Fairhope by FSCC has not yet been determined. 9. Faulkner State Community College and the University of South Alabama will continue their monetary support to the Library to cover the cost of personnel needed in order to have the Library open to the public at night. 10. Faulkner State Community College will maintain liability insurance coverage for its personnel, students, and property within the Library. BE IT RESOLVED that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to further negotiate a lease agreement between the City of Fairhope and Faulkner State Community College, for the use of a portion of the upstairs area in the library, for the expansion of Faulkner's Nursing program. Adopted This 23 Day of October 2006. c -- t�y M. K t, Major Attest: Geniece W. Johnson, City rk Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a setting certain 2006-2007 Holidays. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 3982 23 October 2006 RESOLUTION NO. 1326-06 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT THE FOLLOWING 2006 - 2007 HOLIDAYS WILL BE OBSERVED BY ALL CITY PERSONNEL EXCEPT EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES: `Veee=w ' Davy - 9u4V, ZwwAn 10, 2006 '7"a/a ivies - %aid" & 7vcd" Zoa odm 23 & 24 &iai¢69" - X md" & %wid", V m&uda 25 & 26 Wew'�eau Davy - Nmd", �w" 1, 2007 warr& zaam Ica ' fi� - iy m4 #, paw" 15, 2007 DULY ADOPTED THIS 23`d DAY OF October , 2006. 4TimotM. K nt, M or Attest: Geniece W. Johnson, C'tl&k Councilmember Ford moved to update the Reserve Police Officers List by adding Louis Williams, Jr. and Ron Wells. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn moved to grant Change Order #1 to Construction Labor Services, Inc., of Mobile, Alabama for the Utility Relocation at Bailey Creek Bridge project on County Road 98 by increasing the contract by $23,244.00. (Original Project approval Date 02/13/2006 for $169,779.41). Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 3983 23 October 2006 Councilmember Christenberry moved to grant the request of Baldwin County Home Builders Association, requesting permission to put up directional signs for their annual Parade of Homes scheduled for November 41h, 51h, and 11 `h, 121h , 2006, as long as the signs are picked up at the end of each weekend tour. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Christenberry moved to grant the Harbor Board request to authorize Mayor Kant to expense additional funds for repairs of the Fly Creek Marina. A copy of the Harbor Board's request is included within the minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. y10 Dear Mayor and Council, CITY OF FAIRHOPE HARBOR BOARD 57.,,4pc. ,Q(a ," 36533 October 18, 2006 The Harbor Board met Monday, October 16, 2006 to go over the proposed project of repairing the bulkhead damaged by Hurricane Katrina at Fly Creek Marina. It was the feeling of the Harbor Board that the original proposal was inadequate. The original proposal was to repair a 50-ft. section of bulkhead using the existing bulkhead materials, which included 20-foot pilings and 16-ft. boards. The portion of the bulkhead to be repaired was 12-14 ft. deep at the bulkhead and 15-17 ft. off of the bulkhead. The board recommended replacing 30-feet of bulkhead using 16-ft. boards and 20-ft. pilings, which was there before the storm. The original proposal submitted was at a cost of $17,000.00. The new proposal is to do 135-ft. of bulkhead, which will be done using 4-in. x 8-in. stringers and 2-in. x 8-in. x 20-ft. boards. The pilings will be 30-ft x 12-14 in. diameter and includes tie back rods, filter cloth, and backfill. That total cost of the new proposal will be $32,400.00. We also propose to place riprap in front of the bulkhead at a cost of $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 to add to the protection of the bulkhead and to keep this from possibly occurring again. 1 will be happy to address any further questions you may have about this project. Thank you for this opportunity of serving the Harbor Board and the City of Fairhope. Respectfully submitted by: Tom Yeager, Fairhope Harbor Board Chairman 3984 23 October 2006 CITY OF FAIRHOPE USDA NRCS EWPP AGREEMENT NO.: 69-4101-6-27 BAY ACCESS @ WHITE AVENUE FAI-0905-04 ' Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, LLC BIDDER #1 BIDDER #2 Engineers ♦ Surveyors ♦ Land Planners BAY SOUTH LTD. JOHN G. WALTON UNIT PRIC UNIT ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY E AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT 701 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 22,273.00 16,152.00 702 SEEDING AND MULCHING LS 1 7,737.00 9,069.00 702 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ON ALL LS 1 4,700.00 2,048.00 DISTURBED AREAS 705 POLLUTION CONTROL LS 1 2,000.00 11,514.0 708 MOBILIZATION LS 1 10,321.00 47,805.0 715 MSE WALL LS 1 183,221.00 144,382.0 720 REPLACEMENT OF ALL DRIVEWAYS LS 1 4,483.00 12,297.0 (CONCRETE OR ASPHALT), FENCES, TREES, BUSHES OTHER STRUCTURES THAT ARE DISTURBED AS PART OF THIS WORK TOTAL AMOUNT $ 234,735.00 $ 243,267.00 We hereby certify this to be a true and correct tabulation on the above named project. Stephen J. Delahunty, P.E. Construction Manager Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, LLC Councilmember Quinn moved to accept the low bid of Bay South, LTD, Saraland, Alabama for the repair of the Bay Access at White Avenue provided all specifications are met. This is an NRCS-ESPP Project, Agreement # 69-4101-6-27: FAI 0905-04. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The General Operating Fund will pay for this purchase and a portion will be reimbursed. 3985 23 October 2006 Identification: "PAD MOUNT TRANSFORMERS" Bids open on: Oct. 5. 2006 at: 10:00 a.m. FOUR (4) 150KVA Pad Mount Transformers VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID AMOUNT: OPERATING TOTAL OWNING DELIVERY: COST: COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. Pensacola, FL ABB $7,620.00 $3,682.32 $11,302.36 36-40 Weeks HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Central Maloney $9,320.00 $3,799.00 $13,119.00 16-Weeks Pensacola, FL Pauwels $6,700.00 $4,856.16 $11,556.16 30-32 Weeks Cooper Power $7,497.00 $4,016.04 $11,513.04 30-32 Weeks Systems GRESCO/CAPSTONE UTILITIES BID RECEIVED Dothan, AL LATE 'UTILITY POWER, INC. Howard Industries $5,792.00 $4,339.38 $10,131.38 18-20 Weeks Fairhope, AL MAYER ELECTRIC Pensacola, FL General Electric- $6,109.16 $6,009.16 $12,176.16 22-Weeks Prolec It is recommended to accept the bid of UTILITY POWER, INC., Fairhope, Alabama for the BID AMOUNT of $5,792.00 with the EVALUATING OWNING COST of $10,131.38 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Electrical Superintendent Purchasing Agent Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Utility Power, Inc., Fairhope, Alabama, provided all specifications are met for four (4) 150 KVA Pad Mount Transformers. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Three (3) — 300KVA Pad Mount Transformers VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID OPERATING TOTAL DELIVERY: AMOUNT: COST: OWNING COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. Pensacola, FL ABB $9,498.00 $5,476.02 $14,974.02 36-40 Weeks HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Pensacola, FL Pauwels $8,300.00 $6,285.05 $14,585.05 30-32 Weeks Cooper Power Systems $9,815.00 $5,279.97 $15,094.97 30-32 Weeks GRESCO/CAPSTONE UTILITIES BID RECEIVED LATE Dothan, AL UTILITY POWER, INC. Fairhope, AL Howard Industries $8,820.00 $5,693.49 $14,513.49 18-20 Weeks MAYER ELECTRIC Pensacola, FL General Electric-Prolec $8,237.50 $7,615.04 $15,852.54 22-Weeks It is recommended to accept the bid of UTILITY POWER, INC., Fairhope, Alabama for the BID AMOUNT of $8,820.00 with the EVALUATING OWNING COST of $14,513.49 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Electrical Superintendent Purchasing Agent = 23 October 2006 Councilmember Quinn moved to accept the low bid of Utility Power, Inc., Fairhope, Alabama, provided all specifications are met for three (3) 300 KVA Pad Mount Transformers. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Three (3) — 500kva Pad Mount Transformers VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID AMOUNT: OPERATING TOTAL OWNING DELIVERY: COST: COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. Pensacola, FL ABB $12,583.00 $7,774.70 $20,357.70 36-40 Weeks HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Pensacola, FL Central Maloney $17,985.00 $7,025.90 $25,010.90 16-Weeks Pauwels $10,100.00 $10,292.21 $20,392.21 30-32 Weeks Cooper Power $12,360.00 8,223.93 $20,583.93 30-32 Weeks Systems GRESCO/CAPSTONE UTILITIES BID RECEIVED LATE Dothan, AL UTILITY POWER, INC. Fairhope, AL Howard Industries $12,138.00 $8,936.15 $21,074.15 18-20 Weeks MAYER ELECTRIC Pensacola, FL General Electric- $10,419.00 $11,475.80 $21,894.80 22-Weeks Prolec It is recommended to accept the bid of STUART C. IRBY CO, Pensacola, Florida for the BID AMOUNT of $12,583.00 with the EVALUATING OWNING COST of $20,357.70 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Electrical Superintendent Purchasing Agent Councilmember Christenberry moved to accept the low bid of Stuart C. Irby Co., Pensacola, Florida, provided all specifications are met for three (3) 500 KVA Pad Mount Transformers. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 3987 23 October 2006 Three (3) — 750kva Pad Mount Transformers VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID OPERATING TOTAL DELIVERY: AMOUNT: COST: OWNING COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. Pensacola, FL ABB $18,752.00 $3,661.83 $22,413.83 36-40 Weeks HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Pensacola, FL Central Maloney $24,885.00 $3,817.87 $28,702.87 16-Weeks Pauwels $15,200.00 $4,380.11 $19,580.11 30-32 Weeks Cooper Power $18,600.00 $3,658.15 $22,258.15 30-32 Weeks Systems GRESCO/CAPSTON E UTILITIES -BID RECEIVED LATE Dothan, AL UTILITY POWER, INC. Fairhope, AL Howard Industries $15,938.00 $4,602.29 $20,540.29 18-20 Weeks MAYER ELECTRIC Pensacola, FL General Electric- $13,775.00 $4,071.63 $17,846.63 22-Weeks Prolec It is recommended to accept the bid of MAYER ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO, Dothan, Alabama for the BID AMOUNT of $13,775.00 with the EVALUATING OWNING COST of $17,846.63 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Electrical Superintendent Purchasing Agent Councilmember Quinn moved to accept the low bid of Mayer Electric Supply Co, Dothan, Alabama, provided all specifications are met for three (3) 750 KVA Pad Mount Transformers. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. MW 23 October 2006 Two (2) — 1000KVA Pad Mount Transformers VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID OPERATING TOTAL DELIVERY: AMOUNT: COST: OWNING COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. Pensacola, FL ABB $23,698.00 $8,303.58 $32,001.58 36-40 Weeks HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Central Moloney $36,325.00 $9,951.73 $46,276.73 16-Weeks Pensacola, FL Pauwels $17,200.00 $12,452.06 $29,652.06 30-32 Weeks Cooper Power $22,710.00 $10,096.84 $32,806.84 Systems 30-32 Weeks GRESCO/CAPSTONE UTILITIES BID RECEIVED Dothan, AL LATE UTILITY POWER, INC. Howard Industries $19,457.00 $10,960.74 $30,417.74 18-20 Fairhope, AL Weeks MAYER ELECTRIC Pensacola, FL General Electric- $17,602.00 $13,644.23 $31,246.23 22-Weeks Prolec It is recommended to accept the bid of HUGHES SUPPLY CO, Pensacola, Florida for the BID AMOUNT of $17,200.00 with the EVALUATING OWNING COST of $29,652.06 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Electrical Superintendent Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Hughes Supply Co., Pensacola, Florida, provided all specifications are met for two (2) 1000 KVA Pad Mount Transformers. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to com be re the City Council the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Ro ert C. Gentle, Council President Geniece W. Johnson,, Jerk