HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-2006 Regular Meeting3779 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Thursday, 9 March 2006. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford; Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk/Treasurer Geniece W. Johnson. No one was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Councilmember Christenberry, gave the invocation. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve minutes of the 20 February 2006, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports There were no comments or staff reports by Mayor Kant. Council President Gentle asked City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson to read the following motion from 20 February 2006 regular City Council meeting regarding the Wal- Mart issue: Councilmember Quinn moved to have Mr. Wynne to look into the suspension of the building permit already issued, to get a list of questions for the engineers to address the concerns of the Hydraulic (drainage) and Traffic study, and to place this as an item on the next regular City Council meeting. Council President Gentle explained that this is the order and the items listed in the above motion that would be addressed with regard to the Wal-Mart issue. Council President Gentle also introduced the persons that would be addressing the concerns of the Wal-Mart issues. l . Caine O'Rear with Hand Arendall, LLC - Outside Attorney for the City of Fairhope 2. Donna Herndon with Thompson `engineering was hired by the City for a second opinion. 3. Jerry O'Brien president of J.L. O'Brien and Associates - representing Wal-Mart 4. Sam Irby with Irby and Heard LLC — An Attorney representing Wal-Mart. 5. Allan Chason with Chason & Chason - An Attorney representing Wal-Mart. 6. Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. — Wal-Mart's engineer representative was unable to attend this meeting due to a scheduling conflict. 3780 09 March 2006 City Attorney Marion E. Wynne addressed the City Council and expressed that the City does not have the jurisdiction or authority to suspend or revoke a building permit. Mr. Wynne explained that if a building permit was found improperly issued because all the requirements of the city was not met then the building official could suspend a building permit. Otherwise building permit issues does come before the City Council, but issue such as this would go before the circuit court as a Writ Mendacious and the court would make a decision. Caine O'Rear expressed that his opinion was consistent with Mr. Wynne. John Seeger a retired engineer addressed the City Council and the audience with the following questions: JOHN SEEGER'S QUESTIONS ON NEXT PAGE 3781 09 March 2006 Stormwater Questions: A. Kimley-Horn stormwater runoff is discussed in three time phases, Pre-, Post-, and Future Development: Peak flow rates Outflow Volumes Entry to Stream (a) Pre -Development 4,085,63 cfs 1,805,731 cu ft 20,626,620 cu ft (b) Post Development 3,917.88 cfs 2,185,863 cu ft 20,892,190 cu ft (c) Future Development 3,880.27 cfs 5,373,933 cu ft 21,391,840 cu ft The peak flow rates are discussed in the report, which stresses the benefit of slowing down the runoff from the Wal-Mart site. The outflow volumes are not discussed, but have been extracted from the computer runs presented in the drainage plan. Question 1. Where does the value of 20,626,620 cu ft pre -development runoff volume for the 623 acre basin come from? Or if calculated, by what procedure? Question 2. Why does only about 70% of the increased outflow volume due to Wal-Mart show up in the volume increase at the point of "Entry to Stream?" This is where it exits the River Mill subdivision. There is approx 380,000 cu ft outflow from Wal-Mart, but only a 266,000 cu ft increase at "Entry to Stream.") R. Kimley-Horn says that "the dry detention pond is sized to accommodate runoff from the entire site for the 100-year storm." The required maximum storage capacity of the pond is calculated to be 615,683 cu fl, but the hydrographic volume (area under the curve) in the same calculations is shown as 1,398,496 cu fl. Question 3: Is the higher volume of stormwater disposed of as outflow from the pond? Over the spillway, or to what discharge point? Why isn't the storage capacity of the pond greater? C. Future development is mentioned and covered in some calculations, as shown in the above table. Question 4. The remaining acreage for Future Development would appear to be relatively small , the present Farmers Market plus another parcel along Hwy 181 south of it. What is the explanation for the very great increase in Outflow Volume of over 5 million cubic feet, and why does it not all show up at the "Entry to Stream?" The implication is that the undisturbed acreage along the east and south property lines may not to be kept that way as a buffer. Could the buffer land be developed by Wal-Mart? Question 5. Why did Kinley-Horn run the Future Development calcs twice, identified first as Downstream Analysis — Future, then again as Post-Overdesign-ALDOT? Each time they found that pond capacity required would be about 1,215,776 cu ft. Currently the detention pond is shown as 615,863 cu ft storage capacity, about half the size in the Future calculations. Is that also keyed to using buffer land for additional commercial structures and more parking? D. The 20 million cubic feet volume of stormwater shown entering the stream above, will grow larger as runoff is added along this CowPen tributary flowing down to Quail Creek subdivision and the two lakes. Question 6. Can you advise us what you think the effect will be on Quail Creek, and at this flow rate and volume will the retaining dam and spillway be endangered in a 100-year 24-hour storm event? If multi -day hurricane feeder band storm events occur, instead of the 24-hour 100 year defined storm used for analysis, how might this change the risk and preparedness measures we need to take? Would more lakes designed to detain stormflow be needed? The water levels in the two lakes now protect the adjoining properties, and should not be raised higher, so would we need to impound the water by some other means? 3782 09 March 2006 Ms. Herndon stated that the water coming out will come out at the same rate, and will store up and be discharged at a slower rate or longer period of time. Mr. O'Brien stated that in the spirit of cooperation regarding the stormwater. Wal-Mart has designed a system that can handle a 100-year storm event. This is four times the requirement under the City's ordinance. Mr. Seeger stated that River Mill subdivision is getting the brunt of this project and would like to know, whose problem is this, the city or the county? John Chislett addressed the City Council and audience with the following concerns on traffic. Barry Fulford Building Official stated that he received Mr. Chislett's questions about 3:00 p.m., and a lot of Mr. Chislett's concerns can be addressed, but not without some research. Mr. Fulford also stated that the City has been working with the Alabama Department of Transportation, which has given a conceptual okay to the traffic study. No representation for ALDOT was present. JOHN CHISLETT QUESTIONS ARE ON THE NEXT THREE PAGES 3783 09 March 2006 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR WAL-MART PERMIT Fairhope Alabama has -historically been a small citizen oriented village with emphasis on quality of life including'safety, beauty and preservation of village atmosphere... This is clearly stated in its strategic plan. As a result Fairhope has been featured in many publications one of the top places to live in America. Obviously, these who desire this life style move to towns like Fairhope and Dousing is created to accommodate them. One result is increased traffic. In addition Faihope_ is on the two major state highways connecting Mobile and West to towns and beach communities to the south and west. Currently both these highways are at capacity. In an. AL,DOT 2004 study, 98 had 22000 and 181 had 12000 cars daily running through Fairhope. 'These numbers have increased dramatically since then. New housing scheduled .for the next five years will double this volume with no road construction relief scheduled for approximately seven years. Vtiai-mart if allowed in grills essentially double crrent 191 traffic overnight_ 1TE. volume for ZC►0 90 ft store is Approx.I IOQO fixip�'da11 : : _ , Therefore Fairhope building regulations require that a project whiob will have a major material effect and impact on tragic and departure from master plan is subject to stringent permitting requirements. Specifically: Municipal code 7-17 (Traffic requirements) requires compliance as follows; 1. A traffic study (If over 2000 trips daily) by an agent SELECTED BY TIDE CITY and paid for by applicant to include data and analysis as follows: Projected 24 hr ADT, . Pear traffic in morning and evening peak hours including inbound and outbound trips. Typical hour offfpeak. Assignment of trips to streets Impact on all areas affected ,areas etc. Intersection turning movements and traffic counts: on all projected impacted intersections. Additional requirements per section 7-17 ,Building permit is only issued after full compliance with 7-17 3784 09 March 2006 We have a document titled Traffic impact Analysis presented to Fairhope dated January 2005. AI.DOT, Mr. Mick Amberger advised me that this was a conceptual plan for ingress and egress to proposed sight. It is not a traffic study. Therefore the following questions are respectfully submitted: Does Kiznley--born have contract with city for any Find of Traffic Study? Which city officials met with 1- H for preliminary discussions? .Who selected K H to do study and who is paying them? Who set criteria and study objectives? What preliminary work was done with city officials to determine areas of concern and scope of study? What current traffic data and new data including approved now subdivision locations and number of homes was provided and by who. What was methodology and who approved it. Who participated in those preliminary meetings? Where are minutes of those xeetings? What quatifications were presented to > airhope. Officials? Le. what other traffic studies bave they conducted and who paid for those? With respect to Wal-mart projected traffic and current traffic conditions: Set forth in K-H conceptual plan: Where is authenticated recorded data for counting equipment and. other intersection counts? Where is raw dated counting data for 24 hour period? This means all through and turn data. supplied_ Where did these: counts comp: from? What is counted current total, 24hrtraffic on 191? What is current AM and PNI peak traffic and back up at all intersections? What percentage increase will ITE 813 average trip volume have on each of these current volumes? 3785 09 March 2006 What percentage increase will ITE 813 average trip volume have on each of these current volumes? What consideration in through time and interrupt time was applied to \ school bus stops garbage +collection and local parent and student trip data for the 3000 students arriving by bus and car to the three schools located off CR's 44, 32 and 48? Pictures of various intersections obviously taken in summer but study claims counts were made on 12/01/05, Please explain. Where are wal-mart customers coming from and on what roads and what is projected daily traffic on each of feeder roads after + construction? How were projected entering and leaving trips by roads determined. Finally figures in conceptual study vary widely with those counted manually by myself and other individuals. Why is this case? 3786 09 March 2006 Mr. Chislett stated that he did not find adequate data within the traffic study, and no left and right turns data was provided. Council President Gentle read the following letter from Ric and Sandra Bennett. Ric and Sandra Bennett 20945 Lowry Drive Fairhope, AL 36532 To Whom It May Concern: We would like to express our concern in relation to the traffic situation that will affect our area when the proposed Wal-Mart is built. Our neighborhood is located on County Road 30 approximately one half mile west_ of State Highway 181. This intersection (County Road-30 and -State Highway 181)lsrs�than oienlfrorri the site wherWa1- "Y _� __. Mart will be located. Our neighborhood is one of many located on Gayfer Avenue between Highway 98 and State Highway 181. We experience a high volume of traffic that in the past has prompted the placement of two flashing yellow lights at the intersections of Bishop Road and Highway 13 both of which were sites where major accidents involving loss of life have occurred. It is of great concern to us that serious consideration be given to the potential problems which will occur at County Road 30 and State Highway 181 and that a red light is placed there for betterment of all concerned. It only stands to reason that more traffic will be the byproduct of the growth occurring in our city and that even more will use County Road 30 to access State Highway 181 as traffic on Fairhope Avenue becomes even more congested than it is already. We would truly appreciate your consideration concerning this matter. Sincerely, Ric Bennett Sandra Bennett The Council President called for a 10 minutes recess at 6:58 p.m. The City Council resumed business at 7:10 p.m. Mr. O'Brien's stated that Wal-Mart wanted to be a good corporate citizen and that they would be available to consider any requests. 3787 09 March 2006 Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1295. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this ordinance. An ordinance to zone Charles L. and Marie Dean's property to R-5 Multi Family Residential concurrent with annexation into the City of Fairhope, and with the following restrictions: 1. Any development on the property shall be limited to sixty-two (62) units. 2. Shall maintain a maximum of four (4) units per building allowed. 3. A privacy fence shall be built along the southern boundary of the property. This property is located at 8174 Gayfer Road, Fairhope, Alabama. Parcel A contains 8_3 acres more or less 46-05-16-0-000-010.000, and Parcel B contains 2.0 acres more or less 46-05-16-0-000-010.003. Gateway Construction Co. Council President Gentle opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m. Margaret McKenna a resident of 903 Diehl Avenue addressed the City Council with concerns that she did not know that this public hearing was taking place for through that this item could not come for before the City Council for one year. Summer Woodson the City Planner explained that this item was not denied by the City Council, but was sent back to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the regular city council meeting of January 9, 2006. However, had this item been denied by the city Council the item could not come back before the City Council for one year. Ms. McKenna stated that she did not have a problem with the rezoning as along as the above restrictions are in place. Mary Jean Barnhill addressed the City Council requesting that the City Council consider the rezoning of this property. The public hearing was closed at 7:22 p.m. In order to take immediate action Councilmember Christenberry moved for immediate consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Quinn moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1295. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford moved for the final adoption of Ordinance No. 1296 an ordinance amending the following ordinances: k -1 09 March 2006 Fairhope Code - Certain Section of Chapter 7 - Division 2. Solid Waste, Trash and other Deposits, and Certain Sections of Chapter 21 - Article VI Garbage and Trash Collection and Disposal - Division 1. Generally — Sec. 21-76 City dump — Prohibited usage • Ordinance No. 958 Adopted May 9, 1994 • Ordinance No. 842 Adopted September 11, 1989 • Ordinance No. 878 Adopted May 13, 1991 • Ordinance No. 1044 Adopted February 8, 1999 • Ordinance No. 859 Adopted August 13, 1990 • Ordinance No. 1266 Adopted September 26, 2005 Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY - none. Public Works Director Jennifer Fidler announced that one of the new automated garbage trucks is parked outside for public viewing and a demonstration. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution accepting the public streets, public right-of-way, and all of Fairhope's public utilities within Summer Lake Phase I Subdivision for maintenance. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1279 WHEREAS, the Owners of Summer Lake Phase I desire to have all public streets and public right-of-ways dedicated on the plat filed for record in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, on Slide 2224A, and all Fairhope public utilities located in public right-of-ways accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received notice from the engineers of the project that the design and capacity of the public improvements have been designed in conformance with City requirements as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the General Superintendent has indicated that the improvements meet City requirements, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, is not and in no manner will be responsible for the maintenance of common areas in the subdivision as indicated on the recorded plat, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received from the owners of Summer Lake Phase I maintenance bonds for the public improvements constructed for a period of 2 years, and; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the public improvements indicated herein for Summer Lake Phase I are hereby accepted for public maintenance subject to the bond posted. Adopted, this 91h Attest: eniece W. Johnson, City 09 March 2006 Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing reimbursement expenditures of the Municipal Pier damaged by Hurricane Katrina August 29, 2005, and the Library project — City `s second 1.5 million with a potential General Obligation Warrant 2007 or any future GOW. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1280 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope is hereby considering taking a General Obligation Warrant for certain projects. WHEREAS, the following projects shall be included in the Bond Issue 2007, and all expenditures prior to the completion of the Bond Issue process included for reimbursement: Municipal Pier damaged by Hurricane Katrina August 29, 2005. Library Project — City second 1.5 Million NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Fairhope hereby express official intent to reimburse any cash expenditures from the proceeds of General Obligation Warrant. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to reimburse the City from cash expended with Bond Issue Monies of 2007 for the above listed projects. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF March , 2006. Ti thy M. ant, Mayor Attest: eniece W. Johnson, Ci erk Councilmember Quinn moved to grant Change Order # 3 of the Library Project by decreasing the contract by $ 53,706.00 for valued engineering. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Dr. Hollis Wiseman addressed the City Council to give an update on the monies being collected for the Library Project. Dr. Wiseman reported that the pledges are going in, and think that we are going great. Dr. Wiseman also reported that another 1.5 million will be needed to finish everything including the FF&E. Dr. Wiseman also reported that a grant has been applied for, for 13 new computers for the children's section. 3790 a IL W Cn U a' Z Q 09 March 2006 Mayor Kant stated that this Council will have to look at possibly completing,the upstairs; however, the City Council/Finance Committee will have to meet in the near future to look at the city's finances before a decision can be made. 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 N'O N 0 0 O 0 p O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O p O O O O O O O O LO O C.n CO 0 CCO O O O M m O ^ O 66 O O 0 O 0 O 0 O O O O Cn O O try' U J Z r 0 ". 0 Cfl 0 Cn ^ N 4 LQ N CO M O O M O C`7 V' CO N 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O O O O I� V C' Co J O N N OCO N CO O V 6) Cb C O V' CO , a Q � a W o •�� o LO 0 vo -It O ' vo V O — CD qi F-� J m Q V :. 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ASPHALT SUPPLY, LLC ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NORTH CREEK DRIVE / FLY CREEK - FAI-0405-05 702 SEEDING AND MULCHING LS 1 1,775.00 3,000.00 708 MOBILIZATION AND LS 1 y 565,00 Y 6,000.00 DEMOBILIZATION T 723 EARTHFILL CY TBM 10 $ 105.00 1,050.00 32.50 325.00 761 RIPRAP, CLASS 2 TON 55 $ 82.66 4,546.30 83.44 4,589.20 795 GEOTEXTILE FILTER SY 80 $ 5.34 427.20 7.00 560.00 BLANKET, 7 OZ., NONWOVEN SUBTOTAL NORTH 'CREEK DRIVE/FLY CREEK j 8,363.501 14 474.20 613 JOHNSON AVENUE - FAI-0405-07 701 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 1 3,000.00 8,000.00 702 SEEDING AND MULCHING LS 1 1,775.00r�' 4_000.00 705 POLLUTION CONTROL LS 1 +I 2,875.00 708 MOBILIZATION AND LS 1 3,000.00 1,600.7,000.00 DEMOBILIZATION F 720. LAND SHAPING AND LS 1y 5650.004,G 3,500.00 GRADING _ r 723 EARTHFILL CY TBM 100 $ 13.00 1,300.00 $ 50.50 5,050.00 730 DEBRIS REMOVAL LS 1 2.825.00 2,500.00 761 RIPRAP, CLASS 2 TON 1_1 50 $ 82.66 12,399.00 $ 83.44 12,516.00 795 IGEOTEXTILE FILTER SY 185 $ 5.34 987.90 $ 7.00 1,295.00 BLANKET, 7 OZ., NONWOVEN SUBTOTAL 613 JOHNSON AVENUE 32 411.901 1 46 861.00 I111111111 [T nT1I".�1 � 702 SEEDING AND MULCHING LS 1.,' vV��1,Y - 1 /YI-VYV J-VO 1,775.00 2,000.00 r , — 703 STRUCTURE REMOVAL LS 1 565.00 EXISTING PIPE 18,700.00 708 MOBILIZATION AND LS6,000.00 11,600-00 DEMOBILIZATION .. r .�.s. 720 LAND SHAPING AND LS 1 3,000.00 G GRADING a 3,500.00 {. 77'.) All TLI1r1I/ i INAC[�Tl'1A,r GRAVEL (#57 STONE' 761 IRIPRAP, CLASS 2 FEBRUARY 16, 2006 V I 'tVV y Io.Vv o,uuu.uu TON 220 $ 82.66 18,185.20 Page 2 of 3 2.151 1,100.00 00.+4� ItS,J�b.tSU� F2860\2360 USDA MRCS EWPP AGREEMENT NO.: 69-4101-5-49 I Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, LLC BIDDER #1 BIDDER #2 Engineers ♦ Surveyors ♦ Land Planners H.E. NEWEL.L, INC. ASPHALT SUPPLY, LLC ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT U°NIT PRICE AMOUNT 795 JGEOTEXTILE FILTER SY 1 295 1 $ 5.34 1,575.30 7.00 2,065.00 BLANKET, 7 OZ., NONWOVEN SUBTOTAL PUMP STATION McGOWIN ( 1 32,700.501 ( 51 721.80 QUAIL CREEK DAM - FAI-0405-09 705 POLLUTION CONTROL LS 1 5,650.00 3,000.00 708 MOBILIZATION AND LS 1,, x s 3,955.00 6,000.00 DEMOBILIZATION 723 EARTHFILL CY TBM 80 $ 13.00 1,040.00 22.00 1,760.00 761 RIPRAP, CLASS 2 TON 325 $ 82.66 26,864.50 83.44 27,118.00 795 GEOTEXTILE FILTER SY 415 $ 5.34 2,216.10 7.00 2,905.00 BLANKET, 7 OZ., NONWOVEN SUBTOTAL QUAIL CREEK DAM I l 39,725.601 { 40 783.00 HIGHWAY 31 GAS LINE - FAI-0405-13 702 SEEDING AND MULCHING LS 1 ; 1,775.00 2,000.00 708 MOBILIZATION AND LS 1 "` 2,500.00= ! 4,000.00 DEMOBILIZATION 723 EARTHFILL CY TBM 40 $ 13.00 520.00 22.00 880.00 761 RIPRAP, CLASS 2 TON 55 $ 82.66 4,546.301 83.44 4,589.20 795 GEOTEXTILE FILTER SY 6.0 $ 5,34 320.40 7.00 420.00 BLANKET, 7 OZ., NONWOVEN SUBTOTAL HIGHWAY 31 GAS LINE 1 ( 9,661.701 1 11 889.20 IL;-4� +�. t•���i'a f .K � kl .!'_� irws'" �' } b 5�� tl' '�Y :: i ilrr 1) RAN �A+M ��.,U NET 235 988.50 _ $ 374 565.00 thiso bed-tfue and correct tabulation on the above named project. HUTCHINSON, P.E. Project Manager Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, LLC FEBRUARY 16, 2006 Page 3of3 F2860\: 3793 09 March 2006 Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of H.E. Newell, Inc:, Theodore, Alabama to complete the following NRCS projects provided all specifications are met. These NRCS projects will be funded by the General Operating Fund. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. NRCS PROJECT NAME LOW BID AMOUNT FAI-0405-04 Sewer Plant $61,060.00 FAI-0405-05 North Creek Drive/Fly Creek $ 8,363.50 FAI-0405-07 613 Johnson Avenue $32,411.90 FAI-0405-09 Quail Creek Dam $39,725.60 Total $141,561.00 I BID SCHEDULE Montrose Pressuer Sewer Fairhope, Alabama MEC Project Number 0986-043 i ALL AIDS shall include sales tax and all other applicable tares and jees. ALL BIDDERS must comply with the Contractor's Licensing Laws ofthe State ojAlabama (Code 1975; T'lle 34, Section 8, 1 - 27, cf. Seq), and must be certifiedjor the type work involved NOTE. All items shall be Bid as Labor 'onl 11e City will supply all materials) CALVERT CONST. CO FOLEY, AL 36535 i UNIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE a,t,rnrrN� .6", SDR 11 I4DPE Pipe 2040 L.F, d,00 �jd 00 4" SDR 1 I HDPE Pipe 6260 L.F. ,pp _ Q 9yD.eo 3) 3" SDR I I HOPE Pipe 400 L.P. 1 �h,IS`O g00. ov 4) 6"Valvewithbox 4Ea.'2oO.Od 5) 4" Valve with box 2Ea. I-75—d.00 6) '2" Air Vacuum Valve assembly, complete 4 Ea. _ ZD00.0 O 1�04.0 0 7) ', 6" Cleanout 3 Ea. e _ 5S4 DD &J-Q u o .I 8) 4" Cleanout ?Ea. . e hSD o �.S'"d, O (0 9) 3" Cleanout .1 Ea. �SD.gqO"�D ,.lsO,dO TOTAL BID (Items I - •9) S O�00t to �� U O S I i I do hereby certify that the above is a true and -, Fairhope, Alabama ah10:00'a.m. on Tuesday, correct tabulation of bids received by the City of February 14, 2006, at the Fairhope City Hall, the construction of the Montrose Pressure Sewer; MEC Project No. 0986-043. for . M0ii0 N ERING CO, INC, ACk W. Moore, PE & PLS BOYINGTON PIPELINE STOKCTON, AL 36579 UNIT PRICE AMOUR C.L.S. INC. W.R. MITCHELL CONTR. MOBILE, AL 36606 EIGHT MILE, AL 36663 UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I PRICE AMOUN 9,00 -V 4�0,,� I . -. .. 53.��'-, cc 0 °c 00 eo r' o °" SaD,pO ° 000. as oy i �� Leo ao r7s2 //Y .SSUFI2 asa �.yo3,� � ��/•�.5.do S,l>ybt7� �o2lo.D �. 02���.Z •DO 3794 09 March 2006 Councilmember Stankoski moved to accept the low bid of Calvert Construction Co., Foley, Alabama for the labor only on the Montrose Sewer Project, provided all specifications are met. This project will be funded by the Water/Sewer Operating Fund. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed by unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Christenberry moved to address the following item not on the printed agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Identification: "FIELDHOUSE-PLUMBING" Bids to be received by: February 23, 2006 at: 4:00 p.m. Field House Plumbing, to be located at Fairhope Municipal Stadium Field House Plumbing is to be paid for out of Acct. No: by: (Nancy Wilson) BID RECEIVED: TOTAL BID AMOUNT. DELIVERY: PLUMBING MASTERS, $24,846.00 Mobile, AL As Needed BATCHLERS MECHANICAL $86,000.00 As Required CONTRACTORS Mobile, AL WAGNER PLUMBING NO BID It is recommended to accept the low bid of PLUMBING MASTERS, Mobile, AL. All specifications have been met. Eddie Boyett, ayne Smith, Recreation Dept. Purchasing Agent 3795 09 March 2006 Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Plumbing Masters, Mobile, Alabama for the Fieldhouse plumbing, provided that all specifications are met. This project will be paid for by the Recreation Improvement account. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Christenberry moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously voice vote. There being no further business to come for the City Counc' the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Robert C. Gentle, Council President