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08-08-2005 Regular Meeting
3612 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 8 August 2005. Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford; Mayor Timothy M. Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk/Treasurer Geniece W. Johnson. No one was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Farther Gordon Milsted, Pastor of St. Lawrence Catholic Church, gave the invocation. Councilmember Quinn moved to approve minutes of the 25 July 2005, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Kant announced that August 12, 2005 would be named Paul H. Fellers, Jr. M.D. Day. Dr. Fellers is retiring after 29 years of public practice as an orthopedic surgeon at Bay Side Orthopedic, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center. The following proclamation will be presented to Dr. Fellers Friday, August 121h at a public reception. PROCLAMATION ON NEXT PAGE 3613 8 August 2005 Vroctamatton PAUL H. FELLERS, JR. M.D. DAY y WHEREAS, PAUL H. FELLERS, JR. HAS ANNOUNCED THAT HE WILL RETIRE FROM PUBLIC PRACTICE AS AN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON AT BAYSIDE ORTHO- PAEDIC, SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION CENTER AND WILL BE a HONORED BY THE COMMUNITY ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 12TH, AT A PUBLIC F'u. RECEPTION, AND WHEREAS, PAUL WAS ONE OF THE TWO FOUNDERS OF THIS PRACTICE;u 4 I THAT OPENED IN 1976 AND HAS SERVED THIS COMMUNITY WELL OVER THE #»1 PAST TWENTY-NINE YEARS, AND < WHEREAS, PAUL HAS BEEN HONORED MANY TIMES IN HIS CAREER, BOTH" '3 r AS A SURGEON, CHRISTIAN LEADER AND CIVIC LEADER AND HE WAS ALSO INSTRUMENTAL IN THE FOUNDING OF "THE SHOULDER", AND ,N x WHEREAS, PAUL AND HIS WIFE, FLOR, WERE BLESSED WITH FOUR x . CHILDREN AND TEN GRANDCHILDREN, AND ARE ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE EASTERN SHORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, AND THEY HAVE TRAVELED ' kh ., EXTENSIVELY ON CHRISTIAN MEDICAL MISSION TRIPS AND LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THESE TRIPS. NOW THEREFORE, I, TIMOTHY M. KANT, AS MAYOR, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM N ' FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2005, AS PAUL H. FELLERS, JR. M.D. DAY IN THE COMMUNITY 4; IN HONOR OF THE POWERFUL INFLUENCE FOR GOOD THAT PAUL HAS BEEN; HE HAS EARNED AND JUSTLY DESERVES THIS PULIC RECOGNITION FOR HIS UNSELFISH DEDICATION AND MANY YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY y-'r AND WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR MANY MORE HAPPY AND PRODUCTIVE ii YEARS IN THE FUTURE. p p p JYl WI&F-1.1 WhEK£O f gavz h£2£U.hfO 1£f InL s ✓ s "ti(Y �, is catls£cl i Sad to li£ aff-£ci a FIX7� ATTEST: Y . DATE: _ 4 Illy I: ,\ �.tr /+ 1 Y y dam, ^�a/^,sue!_ +i ,,�/,�:.` •lrr1�+ ts, :. ��s���,�r: ��� ,3 l '�° 14t a '�,e „�� r^rl,s+ 3,.y'.:. ►'`�1 1 '� •n.F'�jj, 3 � psi ,� .F,, �,� ©COPYRIGHT 1995- MUNICIPAL AWARDS Co., HANCEVILLE, AL C")352-9335 3 614 8 August 2005 Donnie Barrett, Curator for the Fairhope Historical Museum, Inc., addressed the City Council to thank and present a plaque with a historical picture to Ben Barnhill for preservation and reconstruction of the Fairhope Pharmacy. Police Chief introduced Sam Houston, Resident Agent in charge of the Mobile DEA office. Mr. Houston presented Mayor Kant with a plaque of appreciation for his efforts in combating the drug war in this community. Mayor's Comments and Staff Reports: Cathy Barnette with the Alabama Coastal Foundation addressed the City Council to extend an invitation to the City Council for the Wastewater Training that will be held on August 24th. The Alabama League of Municipalities is currently certifying the course. Rose Fogarty and Nancy Wilson presented the following power point presentation on the Utility Funds review of income and expenses at June 30, 2005. POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON NEXT PAGE UTILITY FUNDS REVIEW OF INCOME AND EXPENSES AT 6/30/05 REVIEW OF INCOME AND EXPENSE PROJECTIONS FOR 9/30/05 REVIEW OF CASH FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 6/30/05 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 8, 2005 ELECTRIC FUND YEAR TO DATE AT PROJECTION FOR 2005 BUDGET JUNE 30, 2005 YEAREND REVENUE 12,090,100 8,593,757 12,356,322 COST -6,809,005 4,990,255 -7,190,255 EXPENSE -3.772.800 -2.793.441 -3.787335 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS 1,508,295 810,060 1,378,732 YEAR END EARNINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE 8.59% UNDER BUDGET, $129,563. YEAR TO DATE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AT JUNE 30, 2005 EQUAL $190,000. CASH FLOW NINE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 ■ CASH RECEIVED FROM CUSTOMERS ■ MONIES DISBURSED FOR ENERGY FOR RESALE AND OTHER EXPENSES . PAYMENT OF DEBT ■ CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ■ TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND FOR OPERATIONS In MANDATED TRANSFERS TO SAVINGS INCOME/EXPENSES AT 6/30/2005 PROJECTIONS FOR YEAR END In REVENUE ■ COSTS OF SALES ■ EXPENSES is EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS WATER/SEWER FUND YEAR TO DATE AT PROJECTION FOR 2005 BUDGET JUNE 30, 2005 YEAR END REVENUE 7,296,305 5,534,569 7,862,208 COST 456,300 -338,961 467,961 EXPENSE 4.555573 -3.477.267 4.849.611 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS 2,284,432 1,718,341 2,544,637 YEAR END EARNINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE 11%OVER BUDGET, $260,204. YEAR TO DATE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AT JUNE 30, 2005 EQUAL $665,000. UTILITY FUNDS CASH FROM OPERATIONS AS OF JUNE 30, 2005 RECEIVED FROM CUSTOMERS $ 20,112,363 COST OF ENERGY AND EXPENSES .14,814,387 NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 5,297,976 PAYMENT OF DEBT (REDUCTION IN LIABILITIES) -1,310,566 CAPITAL ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS -1,155,810 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND FOR OPERATING -3,222,005 DECREASE IN CASH -390,405 MANDATED TRANSFERS TO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -1,125,218 CASH NEEDED FOR DAY TO DAY EXPENSES $-1,515,623 THIS IS OUR NEED FOR THE LINE OF CREDIT. GAS FUND YEAR TO DATE AT JUNE 30, 2005 PROJECTION FOR 2005 BUDGET YEAREND REVENUE 6,369,500 5,617,040 6,528,378 00 COST -3,182,342-2,787,273 -3,182,273 EXPENSE -2.030,543-1,499,342 -2,061,131 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS 1,156,615 1,330,425 1,284,974 N O 0 YEAR END EARNINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE 11 % OVER BUDGET, $128,359. YEAR TO DATE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AT JUNE 30, 2006 EQUAL $300,810 COMBINED UTILITY OPERATIONS YEAR TO DATE AT PROJECTION FOR 2005 BUDGET JUNE 30, 2005 YEAR END REVENUE 25,755,905 19,745,366 26,746,908 COST -10,447,647 -8,116,489 -10,890,489 EXPENSE -10,358.416 -7,770.050 -10.698.077 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS 4,949,342 3,858,827 5,208,343 YEAR END EARNINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE 5.23% OVER BUDGET. UTILITY FUNDS REVIEW OF INCOME AND EXPENSES AT 6/30/05 REVIEW OF INCOME AND EXPENSE PROJECTIONS FOR 9/30/05 REVIEW OF CASH FOR THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 6/30/05 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 8, 2005 3616 8 August 2005 Mayor Kant stated that he is working on the budget for next fiscal year and that the budget will only reflect the money that is accounted for. At the next City Council meeting the Mayor will present a review of the General Fund's revenue and expenses. Council President Gentle and Councilmember Stankoski have been working with staff to review all fees on the Governmental side. Councilmember Stankoski stated that time and circumstances in Fairhope have changed and Fairhope must acknowledge the time change. Fairhope is fortunate to own and operate it's own Utilities. The City of Fairhope does not have money in the utilities to pay the entire freight anymore. They are currently reviewing all department revenues; after this process is complete they will look at the numbers to see what avenue to take. This may include increasing building fees, garbage fees, ad valorem tax, licensing fees or may implement a sales tax. The City needs to know where they stand. The City is not bankrupt, but need to look at additional revenues. Councilmember Ford stated that we are not loosing money on our utilities, but any business must reinvest in its capital. Councilmember Christenberry stated that this is not a new problem. This has been going on for some time, but he's glad that they are being proactive. Mayor Kant stated that the General Fund is going to have to make some hard decisions. They City has to improve the utilities. The utilities are asking and begging for relief. A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing a proposed ordinance to consider an amendment to the City of Fairhope Zoning Ordinance to allow a building height of 35 feet if located in a commercial zoning area and contains both residential and retail and/or office space. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this ordinance. Christopher Baker, Director of Planning and Building, reviewed the proposed ordinance. The amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is a result of direction from the Planning Commission. The amendment would allow a building height of 35 feet (to the ridge of the roof) of the building if it is located in any commercial zoning district and contains both residential and retail and/or office space. Residential square footage must be at least 33% of the total area of the building and be located on the second or third floor. This is stipulated because the height bonus should not be awarded if only a very small portion of the building is residential. Further, the Planning Commission felt it important to keep commercial uses on the first floor as much as possible. 3617 8 August 2005 This point of this amendment is to encourage mixed use buildings in any commercial district in the City. The Planning Commission considered this at the May meeting. Changes were made and it was considered again at the June meeting were it passed with 1 no vote. The minutes are attached. STAFF RECOMMEDATION: To approve as requested. Council President opened the Public Hearing at 6:14 p.m. • Dot Yeager, 451 S. Mobile Street, addressed the City Council inquiring as to what commercial zoning is involved in this proposed ordinance to make this change? • Hop Allen, 410 Miller Avenue, addressed the City Council asking if the parking situation was considered for all of those downtown? • John Bethea inquired as to if the outside Central Business District was included in this ordinance? • Leon Chambers, 511 Patlyn Drive, inquired as to if all zoning was included. The problem is not in the CBD, but outside the CBD. • A citizen (name and address not given) stated that variances all across the board is wrong and thinks this ordinance should be turned down. Public Hearing was closed at 6:21 p.m. Mr. Baker answered that this ordinance applies to any commercial zoning district in the City. If the proposal is mixed use and outside the CBD parking will have to be provided. Councilmember Ford asked Mr. Baker if the City okayed a 40 ft building for the New Library. Therefore, the City has already set a precedence with its own building. Mr. Baker stated that he could not remember exactly if the library building was 35 or 36 ft, but his office can get that information for Councilmember Ford. Yes the City did go above the current city ordinance. Councilmember Quinn stated that this is just another step to continue towering over the residential areas, and that she would hate to see B-4 go this way and cut out the sunlight. Councilmember Christenberry inquired ad to how tall the building across from the Middle School on Section Street is going to be, (Bay Eyes) and also inquired if the City approved this building. 3618 8 August 2005 Council president Gentle stated that this is not new. The city has 35 feet height in Rock Creek, Trentino and Sibley Court. They want people to stay in town. He asked that they not loose site on what they are trying to do with mix use. Dot Yeager requested that if this ordinance is passed would the council put in place a policy not allowing variances thereafter? Councilmember Stankoski inquired as to if the City would be better served by reducing what zoning this applies to. They could perhaps amend the ordinance to address those mix use properties abutting residential. This ordinance will layover and come before the City Council for final adoption at the next regular City Council meeting. A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 1253. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1262, an Ordinance to zone the property of the Estate of Hattie Horne, Ruby Horne, Executor, to B-2 General Business District Concurrent with annexation into the City of Fairhope. This property is located at 7752 Parker Road and 7766 Parker Road, Fairhope, Alabama. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this ordinance. Christopher Baker, Director of Planning and Building, reviewed the proposed ordinance. Ms. Horne is the executor of an estate that owns the 4.39 acres more or less parcel. The parcel of property is located outside of the City and is zoned single family by the County. The property to the North is in the City and is owned by Mr. Barnhill, (the old trailer park). He is in the process of redevelopment. A portion of the property to the North is also located in the County and is zoned single family. The property to the East, South, and West is in the City and is zoned B2- General Business. The issues associated with this development proposal are as follows: Comprehensive Plan: Although the plan does not directly address this request it would be bringing a County zoned single-family property and making it B2, which is what the surrounding property is. This reduces incompatibility at this location. Affect of Annexation and Zoning: There is no affect as to the 50 acre parcel of property that is zoned B2 that surrounds the Horne property. 50 acres can be developed today as commercial with or without the Horne property. Annexing it into the City means that if, or when the 50 acres is developed, the City can influence a slightly larger and certainly more effective site plan that would not have single-family incompatibility. The property also would be subject to our more restrictive commercial requirements than if it is rezoned by the County to B2. 3619 8 August 2005 Planning Commission: The PC unanimously recommended approval at the July meeting (minutes attached). STAFF RECOMMEDATION: To approve as requested. Councilmember President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. • Nora Mullins, a resident at 7935 Parker Road, addressed the City Council expressing concerns about traffic increasing if this property is rezoned. Ms. Mullins also stated that she has a petition 10 years old asking for a traffic light to be installed at the Highway 98 (Greeno Road) and Parker Road. Arthur Corte property owner of the property surrounding the three sides, addressed the City Council requesting that this property be rezoned. The property has been used as residential, but the property around it is zoned B-2. If this property is not rezoned then this property will not be annexed and the property will go before the County to have the property re -zoned. If Fairhope re -zone this property then the City will have some control as to what is developed on this property. • Sharon Lloyd, a resident of High Ridge Road, addressed the City Council with concerns with the current traffic problems and the multiple accidents that occur at this intersection. • Francis Ripp, a resident of High Ridge Road, addressed the City Council with concerns with the traffic, and what kind of problem will they have to face once the trailer parker owner by Ben Barnhill is rezoned. The traffic problems will be compounded. The public Hearing was closed at 6:47 p.m. Councilmember Quinn expressed that she would like to keep this property residential. Councilmember Ford stated that it would be better if the property were inside the city limits. This way the City would have some control, and this might be a way to get a traffic light installed at this intersection. In order to take immediate action Councilmember Quinn moved for immediate consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for immediate consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford moved for final adoption of Ordinance No.1262. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE -Quinn, Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford and Gentle. NAY -none 3620 8 August 2005 Summer Woodson, Planner for the City of Fairhope, addressed the City Council to review the Site Plan Review by Intrepid Ventures, Inc. for a mixed -use development at 100 Bancroft Street (at the corner of Bancroft Street and Equality Street). Ms. Woodson explained that Mac Walcott is representing Intrepid Ventures, Inc. in this request. The property is located in the CBD and is zoned B-2. This project supports the Comprehensive Plan and aspects of the Central Business District Overlay Zone. This site plan also complies with Ordinance No. 1080 that outlines Site Plan Review procedures. Please see attached section of the Zoning Ordinance Building Height and Building Square Footage: The maximum building height allowed in the CBD is 35'. The proposed structure is approximately 5950 sf with a site coverage of 72%. Parking Requirements: Based on City of Fairhope Zoning Ordinance Parking Regulations, 8 parking spaces are required. The proposed plan has 7 spaces located inside a covered parking garage and 4 on Equality Street. Drainage: This site is located in a part of town where there is no underground stormwater system. The architect has stated that gutters and downspouts will direct the roof water away from the adjacent property to the north and east towards Bancroft and Equality streets. Landscaping: The site is in the CBD and a full landscaping plan is not required. However, it must adhere to the City of Fairhope Tree Ordinance. Jennifer Fidler has looked at the preliminary landscaping plans and said that in accordance with the Tree Ordinance, one tree will be required for every 30 feet of the perimeter of the lot that fronts a public street. Also, any tree to be removed that is over 24" in diameter will have to have a permit to be removed. Planning Commission Recommendation: This Site Plan Review was approved by the P&Z Commission at the August 1st meeting. Their recommendation to the City Council is for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve as requested. 3621 8 August 2005 Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve the Site Plan Review by Intrepid Ventures, Inc. for a mixed -use development at 100 Bancroft Street. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to execute a Funding Agreement with Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA). Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1228-05 WHEREAS, Alabama Municipal Electric Authority and the Southeastern Federal Power Customers, Inc have been actively supporting, and working for the concept behind this agreement for over 8 years; and, WHEREAS, AMEA and SeEPC is very familiar with the document and its ramifications; and, WHEREAS, the bottom line to AMEA and the City of Fairhope, and SEPA preference customers, is the following: • The amount the City of Fairhope pay to SEPA will not change • The method the City of Fairhope use to pay SEPA will not change • Some of the funds that SEPA receives will be earmarked for specific work in the GA -AL -SC system of hydro projects, from which you receive power • Operation and maintenance of those projects should improve WHEREAS, AMEA recommends that the City of Fairhope take the appropriate local action that will enable the City's Governing Body to approve and sign the agreement. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, that Timothy M. Kant, Mayor of the City of Fairhope, is hereby authorized to execute the Funding Agreement among United States Department of Energy Southeastern Power Administration, Southeastern Power LLC, and Participating Customers ( GA -AL -SC System). DULY ADOPTED THIS 81h DAY OF August , 2005. S 1N JTi�thy Ma t, May4. Attest Geniece W. Johnson, City er urer 3622 8 August 2005 Tim Yahr addressed the City Council requesting permission to use the Fairhope Beach Area for a Cross Country Meet on Monday, August 29, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Council President referred Mr. Yahr to work with the Police Chief, Chris Browning. The City has an ordinance that addresses these types of issues. Councilmember Stankoski addressed the City Council to update the City Council on the following outstanding Street Committee issues: 1. Quail Creek request for speed bump - General Superintendent, Tommy Long and Chief Browning have discussed stripping the road in lieu of the speed bump to calm down the traffic problem. A letter has been sent to the County. 2. Plantation Boulevard - Stripping and placing reflectors for walkway, which was approved by City Council on April 25, 2005. The City is working with Baldwin County Highway Department with the stripping. 3. Cyclist Road Signs — The trailblazers will pay for the signs and will work with the County to coordinate this project with the Police Chief. 4. Woodland and Parker Road on Highway 98 (Greeno Road) - A letter has been sent to Alabama Department of Transportation Division Engineering to conduct a traffic survey. This way the State will have input as to what will happen at these intersections. Mr. Baker will be working with the Highway Department. 5. 4-way Stop at Oak and Section Street — The council may consider amending their decision to put a 4-way stop at this intersection and may consider installing a traffic light. 6. Sidewalks — From Greeno Road on Volanta Avenue to Section Street — This will be put on the list and looked into. 7. Gale Row Lane, Colony Place — Change 2-way to a 4-way stop. Councilmember Stankoski stated that these items will be looked into. Aaron Norris, Electric Superintendent, presented a power point presentation on how trees cause power outages. Mr. Norris stated that 78% of the power outages are caused by squalls. 3623 8 August 2005 Mr. Norris further stated that the City may have to do a 3 year cut like the ordinance calls for and maybe in two years the City would not have to do such a big cut. Councilmember Quinn inquired as to if Mr. Norris would work with Jennifer Fidler, the Public Works Superintendent, on the trimming of the trees. Mr. Norris stated that he would not work with Ms. Filder because he was in the Electrical business and every time a limb hit a power line there is a potential lost of power and lost of revenue. Identification: "TRIM RIGHT OF WAY" Bids to be received no later than: July 5.2005. at: 4:00 D.m. Bid length: one (1) year, may be extended for three (3) years. Bid calls for contractor being awarded bid to provide one (1) truck with a crew of two (2) to trim brush, limbs, and trees from city right-of-way. VENDOR: PRICE: START WORK WITHIN. ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO. Labor: $40.65 per hr. Siginaw, AL Equipment: $17.50 per hr. Immediate Total: $58.15 per hr. A ARBORIST ON BOARD Labor: $110.00 per hr. Atmore, AL Equipment: $105.00 per hr. Immediate Total: $215.00 per hr. SPOTSWOOD'S TREE SERVICE Spanish Fort, AL NO RESPONSE TREES UNLIMITED Cave Springs, GA NO RESPONSE DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO. Kent, OH NO RESPONSE BID JOHN'S TREE SERVICE Fairhope, AL NO RESPONSE It is advised to accept the bid of ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO., Siginaw, AL with all specifications being met. Jennifer Fidler, Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Public Works Director Electrical Supt. Purchasing Agent Councilmember Stankoski moved to accept the low bid of Asplundh Tree Expert Co., Siginaw, Alabama, provided all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the following votes: AYE- Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -Quinn. CZ CD CD CD CD 0 CD -t O O CD O CCD a CD o 0r .O p C o CD N � O CD as O rn "t7 f7 c. 0 OTJ O O G. O Cr C C a CD cr 0 ►oa r CD CD0 CD � CD N rr (D [y C) aC co Identification: "TRANSFORMERS' Bids to be receided by: June 17, 2005 at: 11:00 a.m. The bid was for: One (1) 1000 KVA three phase Padmount Transformer, 7.2/12.47 KV/277-480V, 3PH, 4W, Y-Y One (1) 1500 KVA three phase Padmount Transformer, 7.2/12.47 KV/120-208 V, 3PH, 4W, Y-Y One (1) 1000 KVA three phase Padmount Transformer, 7.2112.47 KV/277-480V, 3PH, 41N, Y-Y VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID AMOUNT OPERATING COST: TOTAL OWNING DELIVERY.• COST: STUART C. IRBY CO. ABB $13,290.00 $4,098.99 $17,388.99 t 56-70 Days Pensacola, FL HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Central Moloney $21,115.00 $4,825.94 $25,940.94 12-Weeks Pensacola, FL Pauwels $11,670.00 $5,384.06 $17,054.06 12-14 Weeks Cooper Power Systems $12,200.00 $4,719.13 $16,919.13 15-17 Weeks GRESCO/CAPSTONE Cooper Power Systems $12,242.00 $4,719.13 $16,961.13 15-17 Weeks UTILITIES, Dothan, AL UTILITY POWER, INC. Howard Industries $12,006.00 $5,091.66 $17,097.66 42-56 Days Fairhope, AL MAYER ELECTRIC General Electric $10,460.00 $4,840.81 $15,300.81 8-Weeks Pensacola, FL GRAYBAR NO BID Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of Hughes Electrical Supply, Pensacola, FL for the BID AMOUNT of $12,200.00, with the EVALUATING TOTAL OWNING COST of $16,919.13 with all specifications being met. Funds are to come from Electrical Department Capitol Purchases. il 00 N O O rn N 1 One (1) 1500 KVA three phase Padmount Transformer, 7.2/12.47 KV/120-208 V, 3PH, 4W, Y-Y VENDOR: MANUFACTURER: BID AMOUNT OPERATING TOTAL OWNING DELIVERY. COST: COST. HUGHES SUPPLY Pauwels $13,580.00 $6,131.22 $19,711.22 12-14 Weeks Pensacola, FL Cooper Power Systems $14,109.00 $5,943.04 $20,052.04 15-17 Weeks Central Maloney $18,655.00 $6,226.09 $24,881.09 12-Weeks CAPSTONE/GRESCO Cooper Power Systems $14,172.00 $5,943.04 $20,115.04 15-17 Weeks UTILITIES, Dothan, AL UTILITY POWER, INC. Howard Industries $15,408.00 $6,143.69 $21,551.69 42-56 Days Fairhope, AL MAYER ELECTRIC, INC. General Electric $14,815.00 $5,134.49 $19,949.49 8-Weeks Dothan, AL STUART C. IRBY ABB $15,570.00 $5,366.74 $20,936.74 56-70 Days Pensacola, FL GRAYBAR ELECTRIC NO BID Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of Hughes Electrical Supply Co, Pensacola, FL for the BID AMOUNT of $13,580.00, with the EVALUATING TOTAL OWNING COST of $19,711.22 with all specifications being met. Funds are to come from Electrical Department Capitol Purchases. Aaron Norris, Electrical Superintendent 7 Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent � 54 00 CD � N O O CD Uh O CD Ot D cD O � o � CD CD O CD Cr1 �3 n CD . Cr1 n � n � HCD m O� aCD O o CCD a. Cr w rn N Ln 3626 8 August 2005 Councilmember Ford moved to accept the low bid of Hughes Electrical Supply, Pensacola, Florida, provided all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Ford moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come t efore,the City Council the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:24 p.m. 1 Robert C. Gentle, Council President Geniece W. Johnson,