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The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at
5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 22 November 2004.
Present were Council President Robert C. Gentle, Councilmembers: Debbie W.
Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Cecil Christenberry, and Michael A. Ford; Mayor Timothy M.
Kant, and City Clerk/Treasurer Geniece W. Johnson. City Attorney Marion E. Wynne
was absent.
There being a quorum present, Council President Gentle called the meeting to
order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent, gave
the invocation. Councilmember Ford moved to approve minutes of the 8 November
2004, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed
Councilmember Christenberry and Mayor Kant presented a plaque to Judy Benton
for her dedication as a Christmas Parade Volunteer. Ms. Benton has coordinated the
parade for a number of years and stepped down this year.
Tom Ellis, Tree Committee Chairman, presented Councilmember Mike Ford with
a plaque for his hard work and dedication to the Tree Committee for many years.
Councilmember Ford will no longer serve on this committee. Councilmember Stankoski
will now serve on the Tree Committee.
Tom Ellis, Tree Committee Chairman, presented Treasured Tree Certificates to
the following:
Bayview Place
Live Oak
80 X65
Walter & Connie Brandt
8 Bay Breeze Lane
Southern Magnolia
47 X 47
William & Paula Nelson
371 South Section Street
Southern Red Oak
108 X100
Michael & Debbie Quinn
7172 Taylor Street, Montrose
Live Oak
1 90
1 100 X 80
Dan & Lucy Sundbeck
MorphMorphy Ave. & Bayview St
Southern Red -cedar
50 X 46
Wintzell's Oyster House
Live Oak
96 X 84
805 Mobile Street
I Live Oak
112 X 110
22 November 2004
A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the
Zoning Ordinance No. 557. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing an ordinance to
re -zone the property of James and Alice Harris from R2-Single Family to P1-Parking.
This property is located East of Young Street, South of Morphy Avenue, Fairhope,
Alabama. Councilmember Quinn recused herself from the discussion and vote of this
item for personal reasons.
Christopher Baker, Director of Planning and Building, explained that Mr. Harris owns
this 3.9 acre parcel of property that is currently zoned R2-Single Family. Thomas
Hospital wishes to purchase the property to develop a parking lot for hospital employees.
The proposed change is to P1-Parking.
The issues associated with this request are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan: The plan supports the request because it allows our local hospital
to continue to grow and serve the medical needs of the community. It is also supported
by the plan because the hospital is one of the City's primary economic development
engines. The plan, however, would support less the notion of parking adjacent to
residential uses, because of the incompatibility.
Adjacent Property: The property to the North is R2; East is B4; South is R2; and West
is R2.
Drainage: Any development of a parking lot on this property would require engineering
to meet the city drainage requirements. This was discussed with the engineer and they
have indicated that the parking lot will be porous and that there will be underground
detention. The drive aisles will be paved but where the vehicles park will be porous.
Landscaping: The City landscape ordinance will have to be met and the plans approved
before the issuance of any building permits.
Lighting: We have instructed the engineer that the lighting requirements will be met.
The hospital has indicated that lighting will be very similar to the lights used in the
current parking facilities adjacent to Morphy.
Access: This parcel will have 2 access points to Morphy. There is also the alternate
access to Horn Lane, which gives people the opportunity to use another route.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission considered this request at the
October meeting and recommended approval.
22 November 2004
Staff Recommendation:
This case is difficult. There are 2 competing interests: existing homeowners and their
concerns over traffic, stormwater, lighting, etc... and Thomas Hospital which provides a
much needed community service and major economic development impact to the City.
The Hospital is proposing to use context sensitive design of the parking lot, as much as
possible. The use of porous parking, keeping the large trees on the site, meeting the
landscape requirements, and providing underground drainage that is over -designed
proves these points. The Hospital provides a valuable healthcare service to the City and
the region. It is also a primary economic development engine in the City.
Not approving the request would make additional development, building, and healthcare
services on the main campus more difficult. Thus, the recommendation is to approve this
because of the large-scale positive impact a growing hospital has on the overall
community and the region.
Owen Bailey, Thomas Hospital Administrator, addressed the City Council to request
approval of this proposed project. Mr. Bailey also explained that currently Thomas
Hospital employees are being shuttled across Greeno Road to a leased parking area.
Ray Moore, Project Engineer with Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, addressed the City
Council to explain the project and expressed that a natural buffer will remain around the
proposed parking lot and as many trees as possible will be saved.
Councilmember Ford inquired if Thomas Hospital acquired the property between Mr.
Harris' property (Property currently being rezoned from 112-Single Family Residential to PI -Parking), and Mr.
Borom's property would the hospital leave a 30 to 33 feet buffer between the single
residential properties. Sam Irby, Project Attorney with Irby and Heard, addressed the
City Council to explain that if the hospital acquired this property the Hospital Board
could only use the property as residential or could sell the property as residential
property. Louise Mapp a member of the Hospital Board also expressed that a buffer
would remain in place between the residential area and the property if acquired.
Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 6:11 p.m.
1. John Borom a resident who lives adjacent to the proposed parking lot addressed
the City Council in opposition of this project. Mr. Borom feels that this is not the
only alternative that Thomas Hospital has.
2. Larry Green addressed the City Council to encourage the City Council to vote in
favor of this proposed project.
22 November 2004
3. Dr. Bill Goetter addressed the City Council in favor of this project.
4. Dr. Richard Roh addressed the City Council in favor of this project.
5. Dr. Lyn Young addressed the City Council in favor of this project.
6. Jerry Wainwright addressed the City Council expressing that he was not against
the rezoning, but all of his family members are not in agreement with this project.
7. Rev. J. C. Dortch a resident of Horn Lane fears that the hospital expansion will
eventually drive him from his home.
8. Shirley Scott, Rev. Dorch's daughter, requested that Thomas Hospital only think
about the people that live on Horn Lane.
9. Frank Leatherbury expressed that Thomas Hospital is not here to run people out
of their homes, and that the people on Horn Lane has been thought of throughout
this process.
10. Mayor Kant speaking on behalf of himself is in favor of this proposed project.
Mayor Kant stated that he have heard some concerns about traffic and drainage
issues. Mayor Kant also stated that restrictions should be put in place for Horn
Lane, and Horn Lane would have to be developed by the City.
Public Hearing was closed at 6:36 p.m.
Councilmember Christenberry inquired of Plan B if this project is turned down. It
was expressed by Mr. Bailey that there was no Plan B. Councilmember
Christenberry also inquired of the Mayor's statement that the City would improve
Horn Lane. The City would have to assess the residents of Horn Lane or would
Thomas Hospital pay for the improvements?
Attorney Sam Irby stated that if Horn Lane was developed the hospital would work
with the City on the improvements. Councilmember Gentle inquired if this would
include all of Horn Lane or part of Horn Lane? Mr. Mapp questioned if the
improvements were sidewalks. Mr. Mapp stated that Thomas Hospital would do
what the people of Horn Lane wanted.
In order to take immediate actions Councilmember Stankoski moved for immediate
consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for immediate
consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE-Stankoski,
Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -none. Recused-Quinn.
22 November 2004
Councilmember Ford then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1231. Seconded
by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the
following votes: AYE-Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -none.
A Public Hearing was held as advertised on a proposed ordinance to amend the
Zoning Ordinance No. 557. Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing an
ordinance to re -zone the property of Dossie Lee Johnson Wainwright from R2-Single
Family to P1-Parking. This property is located at 663 Horn Lane, Fairhope, Alabama.
Councilmember Quinn recused herself from the discussion and vote of this item for
personal reasons.
Christopher Baker, Director of Planning and Building, explained that Ms. Wainwright is
the owner of this 15,000 sq. ft. lot on Horn Lane that is currently zoned R2-Single
Family. Ms. Wainwright is requesting that this property be rezoned to P1-Parking to
allow for a parking lot. Thomas Hospital wishes to purchase the property to develop a
parking lot for hospital employees.
The issues associated with this request are as follows:
Comprehensive Plan: The plan supports the request because it allows our local hospital
to continue to grow and serve the medical needs of the community. It is also supported
by the plan because the hospital is one of the City's primary economic development
engines. The plan, however, would support less the notion of parking adjacent to
residential uses, because of the incompatibility.
Adjacent Property: The property to the North is R2; East is 134; South is R2; and West
is R2.
Drainage: Any development of a parking lot on this property would require engineering
to meet the city drainage requirements. This was discussed with the engineer and they
have indicated that the parking lot will be porous and that there will be underground
detention. The drive aisles will be paved but where the vehicles park will be porous.
Landscaping: The City landscape ordinance will have to be met and the plans approved
before the issuance of any building permits.
Lighting: We have instructed the engineer that the lighting requirements will be met.
The hospital has indicated that lighting will be very similar to the lights used in the
current parking facilities adjacent to Morphy.
22 November 2004
Access: A portion of Ms. Wainwright's lot will serve as access to Horn Lane. Thus,
traffic will have the opportunity to ingress/egress by Morphy and Horn Lane. This will
help to disperse traffic.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission considered this request at the
October meeting and recommended approval.
Staff Recommendation:
This case is difficult. There are 2 competing interests: existing homeowners and their
concerns over traffic, stormwater, lighting, etc... and Thomas Hospital which provides a
much needed community service and major economic development impact to the City.
The Hospital is proposing to use context sensitive design of the parking lot as much as
possible. The use of porous parking, keeping the large trees on the site, meeting the
landscape requirements, and providing underground drainage that is over -designed
proves these points. The Hospital provides a valuable healthcare service to the City and
the region. It is also a primary economic development engine in the City.
Not approving the request would make additional development, building, and healthcare
services on the main campus more difficult. Thus, the recommendation is to approve
because of the large-scale positive impact a growing hospital has on the overall
community and the region.
Council President Gentle opened the Public Hearing at 6:51 p.m. The discussion of this
public hearing was combined with the first public hearing. Public Hearing was closed at
6:51 p.m.
In order to take immediate actions Councilmember Stankoski moved for immediate
consideration. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for immediate
consideration passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE-Stankoski,
Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -none. Recused-Quinn.
Councilmember Christenberry then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1232.
Seconded by Councilmember Stankoski, motion for final adoption passed unanimously
by the following votes: AYE-Stankoski, Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -none.
A 3-minute recess was taken at 6:53 p.m. The City Council meeting resumed at 6:56
Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing a proposed revised Business
License Ordinance. This ordinance will come before the City Council for final adoption
on 13 December 2004.
22 November 2004
Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the
following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to make an application in the
amount of $122,411.00 for the H. L. "Sonny" Callahan Airport for the T-Hangars, Utility
Relocation, Corporate Hangars, Environmental Assessment, Land Acquisition, Terminal
Buildings, Helipad, and Helipad Access Road. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn,
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Fairhope as follows:
1. That the City of Fairhope is authorized to make an application in the amount of one hundred twenty-two
thousand, four hundred eleven dollars (S 122,411.00) for airport improvement funding assistance from the State
of Alabama Department of Transportation, for the purpose of undertaking a project to make improvements at
the H. L. "Sonny" Callahan Airport.
2. That the application be submitted for and on behalf of the City of Fairhope by its Mayor who is authorized by
this resolution to sign the application and any related forms or documents on behalf of the City of Fairhope.
3. That the City of Fairhope is authorized to enter into an airport improvement funding agreement with the State of
Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation, for the purpose of undertaking a
project to make improvements at the H. L. "Sonny" Callahan Airport, with partial funding provided by the State
of Alabama.
4. That the agreement be executed in the name of the City of Fairhope for and on behalf of the City of Fairhope by
its Mayor.
5. That the agreement be attested by the City Clerk and the seal of the City of Fairhope affixed thereto.
6. That the authority of the City of Fairhope to enter into contracts with the State of Alabama has been reviewed
by the City of Fairhope's attorney, and in his/her opinion, the City of Fairhope is duly authorized to commit the
City of Fairhope to an agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Fairhope hereby affirms that the local matching share of funds in the
amount of one hundred twenty-two thousand, four hundred ten (S 122,410.00) required for this agreement has been
officially approved, placed into the budget of the airport and is available for expenditure upon execution of the State of
Alabama's funding agreement and the start of the project.
I, the undersigned qualified and acting as the Mayor of Fairhope, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true
copy of a resolution lawfully passed and adopted by the City of
Fairhope named therein, at a regular meeting of such body held on the 22"d day of November, 2004, and that such
resolution is on file in the office of the City of Fairhope.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Fairhope on this 22nd
day of November, 2004.
Geniece W. Johnson, City Cl asurer
aTithy M. nt, 11yor
22 November 2004
Councilmember Christenberry introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption
of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant and Geniece W.
Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer, to work with The Frazer Lanier Company, Investment
Bankers for the next 4 years. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the
following votes: AYE-Christenberry, Ford, and Gentle. NAY -Quinn, and Stankoski.
Geniece W. Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to work with The Frazer Lanier Company,
Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the
following resolution, a resolution accepting the public streets and public right-of-way
within Quail Creek Phase 4-B for maintenance. Seconded by Councilmember
Christenberry, motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Resolution No. 1080-04
WHEREAS, the Owners of Quail Creek Villas Phase 4B desire to have all public streets and right-of-ways dedicated on the plat filed
for record in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, as slide number 2178A and all Fairhope public utilities located in
public right-of-ways accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope has received notice from the engineers of the project that the design and capacity of the public
improvements have been designed in conformance with City requirements as indicated on the recorded plat, and;
WHEREAS, the General Superintendent has indicated that the improvements meet City requirements, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, is not and in no manner, will be responsible for the maintenance of common areas in the
subdivision as indicated on the recorded plat, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has received from the owners of Quail Creek Villas Phase 4B a maintenance bond for
the public improvements constructed for a period of 2 years from the date of the approval of this Resolution, and;
public improvements for Quail Creek Villas Phase 4 are hereby accepted for public maintenance subject to the bond posted.
Adopted, this 22"d day
Geniece W. Johnson, City Cler r-surer
22 November 2004
Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of
the following resolution, but to have the Park and Recreation Committee to work on
the site, and for this issue to come back before the City Council to review financing
this project. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by
voice vote.
WHEREAS, The City of Fairhope has a large number of veterans living within its limits; and,
WHEREAS, Fairhope is home to two American Legions Posts, a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post, a Vietnam Veterans of
America (VVA) Chapter, a Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Chapter, and a National Guard Armory and the 1165d' Military
Police Company; and,
WHEREAS, Fairhope Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc. has been established by local veterans and community leaders to
establish a Memorial that honors the service of all American veterans, their unselfish, courageous, and dedicated devotion to the
defense of the United States of America; and,
WHEREAS, Fairhope Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc. is planning the design and construction of a Veterans Memorial in
Fairhope, dedicated to those who have served, those who now serve, and those who have yet to serve; and,
WHEREAS, Fairhope Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc., is engaged in fundraising activities in order to commission a
Veterans memorial to be constructed on property owned by the City of Fairhope,
City of Fairhope supports the Veterans memorial Committees efforts to invite submissions for the design and eventual placement
of a Veterans Memorial in Fairhope and subject to the following conditions:
The Fairhope City Council shall have the right to approve with a majority vote the acceptance of the design for the
Veterans Memorial prior to fabricating the memorial and the exact location of its placement;
The Veterans Memorial design concept shall be provided by the Fairhope Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc., and
the committee and City shall work closely together to implement this design and to make any necessary adjustments;
The City of Fairhope shall work with the Committee to develop the installation plan and schedule for the work to be
placed in the vicinity of the West Central portion of founders Park as indicated on the attached aerial photograph of
the site;
The Veterans Memorial Committee through its fundraising efforts will pay for the construction of the memorial
The City of Fairhope shall be responsible for the site preparation, lighting and landscaping, accessibility for the
handicapped and long-term maintenance, and security of the site;
The City of Fairhope shall, upon completion and delivery of the Veterans Memorial, accept title to and assume
ownership of the Veterans Memorial.
ADOPTED THIS DAY THE 22nd DAY OF November 2004.
Geniece W. Johnson, CityC surer
22 November 2004
City Council reviewed an application for a Beer/Wine Off -Premises License
by Tracey Daugherty dba Downtown Convenience Store, located at 505 Fairhope
Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Quinn moved to approve the issuance
of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously by
voice vote.
Identification: "Project No. TCSP-SP02 (913)" - Fairhope Multi -Modal Trail
Bids to be received by: Nov. 10, 2004
at: 2:00 p.m.
Beasley & Company, Brewton, AL
Asphalt Supply, Theodore, AL
Peavey Construction, Mobile, AL
C. Thornton, Inc., Mobile, AL
Bay South, Mobile, AL
It is recommended to accept the low bid of BEASLEY & CO, Brewton, AL with all specifications being met.
George Roberds, Roberds Construction Co. Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent
Councilmember Quinn moved to accept the low bid of Beasley & Company,
Brewton, Alabama, for the Fairhope Multi -Modal Trail — TCSP-SP02(913), provided
all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion
passed unanimously by voice vote.
Councilmember Ford moved to purchase the Police Department Jail Division
a 1999 Ford Excursion from State Surplus Property, in the amount of $13,300.00.
The Correction Fund will pay for this vehicle. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn,
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Mayor's Comments — Mayor Kant reminded the City Council that the bids for
the new Library will be opened 23 November 2004. Rose Fogarty, Finance Director,
gave a financial report for the Month of October 2004. No City Council action was
required nor taken.
There being no further business o dome before the City Council the
meeting was duly adjourned at 7:48 p.
Robert C. Gentle, ouncil President
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Geniece W. JoimsoVxRty Clerk/Treasurer