HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-2003 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA )( 3119 COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex in the Council Chamber, 161 N. Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama, Tuesday, 27 May, 2003. Present were Mayor Timothy M. Kant, Councilmembers: Robert C. Gentle, Michael A. Ford, Pauline Anders, and Cecil Christenberry; Acting City Clerk Betty Rivenbark. Councilmember Debbie Quinn, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne; and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson were absent. There being a quorum present, Mayor Kant called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Pastor Burns of Fairhope Christian Church gave the invocation. Councilmember Anders made a motion to approve the minutes of the 12 May 2003 regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Anders introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1170, an ordinance zoning the property of Mark Sekas, concurrent with annexation, located at 20649 Bishop Road, Fairhope, Alabama, to R-4 Low Density, Multi -family Residential zoning, property containing 3.14 acres, more or less. In order to take immediate action Councilmember Anders moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion to suspend the rules passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE -Gentle, Ford, Kant, Anders, and Christenberry. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No.1170. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE -Gentle, Ford, Kant, Anders, and Christenberry. NAY - none. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing a proposed ordinance zoning the property of Hilliard V. Street, Anna Fisher Street, William E. Street, Elizabeth Mosley Street, Clifford Street, Gloria Devine Street, Harold Street and Cathy Meaut Street, concurrent with annexation, located at South Greeno Road on the west side near the intersection of County Road 34, to a Residential Planned Unit Development. This ordinance will come before the City Council for final adoption at the next City Council meeting. Councilmember Gentle introduced in writing and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution adopting that portion of Bishop Road between Greeno Road and County Road 13 for maintenance. Seconded by Councilmember Ford the motion passed unanimously. 27 May 2003 RESOLUTION NO. 464-03 3120 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Commission enter into an agreement providing for the continued maintenance of Bishop Road between U. S. Highway 98 and County Road 13, and; WHEREAS, this entire road segment is currently paved, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope will be reconstructing the road in conjunction with improvements at the H.L. "Sonny" Callahan Municipal Airport, and; NOW, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the segment of Bishop Road between U.S. Highway 98 and County Road 13 will be accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope in two years (5/2005) DULY ADOPTED THIS 27T" DAY OF MAY, 2003. 1J.". -� �Timot M. K nt, yor Attest: Geniece W. Johnson, City CI reasurer I, Geniece W. Johnson, duly appointed City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 464-03 is a true and accurate copy of Resolution No. 464-03 passed and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Fairhope on May 27, 2003. Geniece W. Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer Date Councilmember Ford introduced in writing and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Timothy Kant to extend the agreement between the City of Fairhope and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service for an Emergency Watershed protection program. June 2001 — Tropical Storm Allison - $145,800.00. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed unanimously. 27 May 2003 RESOLUTION NO.465-03 3121 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that Mayor Kant is hereby authorized to extend the agreement between the City of Fairhope and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service for an Emergency Watershed protection program. June 2001 — Tropical Storm Allison - $145,800.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF— MAY ,22003. l . C>4y M.janfMayor A t eZjv1 Z".0i 14-— AAn- Geniece W. Johnson, City Cleo reasurer Councilmember Anders introduced in writing and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution authorizing Mayor Timothy Kant to extend the agreement between the City of Fairhope and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service for an Emergency Watershed Protection program. June 2001 — Tropical Storm Allison - $94,100.00. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO.466-03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that Mayor Kant is hereby authorized to extend an agreement between the City of Fairhope and the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service for an Emergency Watershed protection program. June 2001 — Tropical Storm Allison - $94,100.00. 9.nth 001191 27 May 2003 3122 A report on the Historic Homes Tour was given by Gary Gover. There were six homes opened for the tour: Dennis & Jackie Frodsham, Ferrell & Pauline Anders, Sheldon & Anne Morgan, Ken Niemeyer, Nancy May, and Skip Jones. 570 tickets were sold with income of $3,703.00 and $555.00 will go to the tree committee. Mr. Gover was thanked for his report. BID TABULATION FOR ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK ELEI ATED STORAGE TAVX BIDSCHEDULE SIEC PR OJECT NO. 098 "3 S .11—h 2003 ALL BIDS shall include sales tar and afl other applicable tares and feel ALL BIDDERS must comply xith the Contractor's licensing Lars of the State of Alabama (Code 1975, Title 34, Section 8, 1-27. «. Seg.), and must be certifiedfor the type uo k involved CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON CO. ALPHARETTA, GA ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT A. Bore Bid 1) 2, 000, 000 Gallon Hydropillar Type "Elevated Storage Tank Complete, Including all - - F ndationx Site Pork 6'high chainlinkfercing andgatex Site Lighting, Piping & Crurlud Stone su face (all inside fenced area) as shorn on the Ptans and in the spectficaBons. I Each 107 3zt } Zt 107, 325- 2) 24"Ductile from MJ., cement lined pp,(CL 32)(owsidefence) 187LF. $IO0/L yr - I8t70O i) Tte 24"D.L M.J. Pip, to esisting I4'D.I. M.J. Pipe xith Tapping Valve and Sleeve. I Each $ Z2C0 tic 4) Asphalt]`-edRoodwcy (235fi. X 20ft. wide r 2"Thick) 8"Thick CrurhedAggregate Base, 687 S.Y. tit 1�5 5) 15'R.0 Pipe xith Slope P—d End 40 LF. .401(,F WOO t TOTAL BASEBID (Items I - 5) T Z, 1 4-7, OOo, pp CALDWELL TANKS, INC. LOUISVILLE. KY PRICE AMOUNT #1G3i1,7Y1.�' d/ So7. $/6. < fir 9 t, #z y = a �/ 1 do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct tabulation of bids received by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 29o, 2003, at the Fauhope City Hall, for the construction of an Elevated Storage Tank, MEC Project No. 0986-035. MOOGINEERING COMPANY. INC. i�` Ack W. Moore, P.E. & P.L.S. Ala. Reg. No. 3384 ELEVATED STORAGETANS BIDSCHEDULE AfECPROJECT NO. 0986-035 Al—h 2003 CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON CO. ALPHARETTA, GA ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT B. Alternate 91 The price bidfmAlternete 4-1 maybe substitatedfor item 41 ofthe Bare Bid above at the discretion of the Ciry, to provide a revised Totat Bare Bid I) 3.000. 000 Gallon"Hydropillar Type"E/elated Storage Tank Complete, Includ g all Foundatio s, Site Pork 6'high chainlinkfencing andgatu, Site Lighting. Piping & Crushed Stone surface (aft inside fenced area) as r . _ shox-t on the Plans and in the spccfcatie— IEach $ Z.t933Z9�3Z� TOTAL BIDEPRICEALTERNATE V Z,973 OOo C Alternate g2 / The price bidfor.41, m to #? may be substimtedf r li m #I ofthe Bare Bid abmr at the discretion of the City, to provide a revised Total Besc Bid 1) 4, 000, 000 Gallon Hyd opillar Type"Elevated Storage Tank Complete, Including all Foandolions, Site Park 6'high chainlinkfencing andgates, Site Lighting, Piping & Crushed Stone surface (ail inside fenced area) as shorn on the Plant and in the )l specifications. IEach Y3,$17t�jZ� 3$li;L� TOTAL BID PRICE ALTERNATE 92 � 3,957,O0p N V3 D N W CALDW ELL TANKS, INC. LOUISVILLE, KY PRICE AMOUNT `'iJ 61O i O 0JU w_ W CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON CO. ALPHARETTA, GA ADDENDUM #1 CITY OF FAIRHOPE AL. MEC PROD. # 0986-035 APRIL 21, 2003 1. DELETE ONE 12 ft. x 14 ft. Truck Door. and entrance slab, and on the remaining Truck DOOR PROVIDE AN AUTOMATIC ROLL UP DOOR 2. Provide three (3) - I" Plastic conduit from inside the Tank to 15 ft. outside theTank, for future wiring ,and Cap all ends. 3. Add ONE (1 ) A 300 - 221 GCD pressure transmitter from the Tank to a D153U controllor at the Service Building in a cabinet provided by the well contractor.Coordinate controlls with the CITY an Well Contractor as necessary. 4 Provide an Alternate Bid for a DOMED STEEL CONDENSATE CEILING, LUMP SUM 4 -13, 5 Z o , o0 SAID PRICE SHALL BE ADDED TO THE TANK PRICE .IF THE CITY DESIRES TO USE THE STEEL CEILING. adir-cli, M T-- . ACK W. MOORE P.E. CALDWELL TANKS, INC. LOUISVILLE, KY ADDENDUM # 1 CITY OF FAIRHOPE AL. MEC PROD. # 0986-035 APRIL 21, 2003 ':: 1. DELETE ONE 12 ft. x 14 ft. Track Door. and entrance slab, and on the remaining Truck DOOR PROVIDE AN AUTOMATIC ROLL UP DOOR. 2. Provide three (3) - 1" Plastic conduit from inside the Tank to 15 ft. outside theTank, for future wiring ,and Cap all ends. 3. Add ONE (1 ) A 300 - 221 GCD pressure transmitter from the Tank to a D153U controllor at the Service Building in a cabinet provided by the well contractor.Coordinate controlls with the CtfY an Well Contractor as necessary. 4 Provide an Alternate Bid for a DOMED STEEL_ CONDENSATE CEILING, X -1 /lao. ���5 LUMP SUM �WX- fiV&7A=,11SAu1 ON.10114es, f�' SAID PRICE SHALL BE ADDED TO T -M TANK PLAICE .1F THE CITY DESIRES TO USE THE STEEL CEILING. ACK W. MOORE P.E. 27 May 2003 3125 Councilmember Gentle moved to accept the bid of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company of Alpharetta, Georgia, for 3.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank provided all specification are met. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously. Identification: "FAIRHOPE CITY WAREHOUSE BID" Bids to be opened: Friday. May 9, 2003 at 2:00 o.m. VENDOR: PRICE: ALT.1 CONSTRUCTION (Concrete): TIME IN DAYS: ADRIAN L. JOHNSON Fairhope, AL $298,137.00 $49,020.00 172 DON GORDON CONST. Fairhope, AL $313.100.00 $48,800.00 150 TRADEMARK CONSTRUCTION, $315,000.00 $46,000.00 150 Mobile, AL LANGENBACK CONSTRUCTION, $316,731.00 $47,826.00 150 Fairhope, AL E.J. BUILDERS Foley, AL $321,600.00 $48,510.00 150 BAY SOUTH, LIMITED Saraland, AL $324,000.00 $36,000.00 180 AMERICAN CONSERTECH Spanish Fort, AL $325,746.00 $39,000.00 180 SARGENT MAJOR CONSTRUCTION, $331,243.00 $50,763.00 150 Mobile, AL YOUNGBLOOD-BARRETT CONSTRUCTION, $376,344.00 $46,605.00 165 Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of ADRIAN L. JOHNSON, Fairhope, AL with all specifications being met. George Roberds, Project Coordinator Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent Councilmember Anders moved to accept the bid of Adrian L. Johnson of Fairhope, Alabama, for the construction of the Fairhope Warehouse Facility provided all specification are met. Seconded by Councilmember Ford motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the City Council the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:15 p.m.