HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-14-2001 Regular Meeting2672 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 p.m.; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber; 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on Monday, 14 May 2Y 001. Present were Mayor Timothy M. Kant, Councilmembers: Robert C. Gentle, Michael A. Ford, Debbie W. Quinn, Pauline Anders, and Cecil Christenberry; City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson. City Attorney Marion E. Wynne was not present. There being a quorum present, Mayor Kant called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the invocation was given by Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent. Councilmember Gentle moved to approve minutes of the 23 April 2001, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Ford and Mr. Tom Ellis presented certificates to six home owners that nominated their trees in the Fairhope's Treasurer Trees Program. The program is sponsored by the Fairhope Tree Committee and Wisteria Garden Club. The program aims to recognize private property owners in the city who protect the large trees, which contribute greatly to Fairhope's beautiful landscape. Each tree nominated for the Fairhope's Treasured Trees must meet the following criteria: • A person may nominate only trees on their own property. • Oak trees mus have trunks at 125 inches in circumference or 40 inches in diameter, at • 4'/z feet above the ground to be nominated. • Other tree species must have trunks at least 94 inches in circumference or 30 inches in diameter, at 4'/z feet above the ground. • The Trees must be in reasonably good health and expected to survive 10 years or longer to be nominated. • Representative of the Fairhope Tree Committee will examine and measure each tree nominated to make sure the tree meets all the criteria. The following six home owners were awarded certificates: • John McGriffin 60 North School Street • Richard & Moique Houghton 251 South Bayview Street • Robert & Tina Landers 155 N. Bancroft Street • Jane & Ennion Robertson 117 Kiefer Avenue • Robert & Charlene Lee 60 Morphy Avenue • Jane Scott 105 South Mobile Street 14 May 2001 2673 A Public Hearing was held as advertized on a proposed ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance No. 557. Councilmember Anders introduced the proposed ordinance in writing. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of this ordinance subject to the public utility lines are buried underground. This is an ordinance to zone Fairhope Single Tax Corporation (Lease holders Klummp-Boone, LLC) property to R-6 Mobile Home Park District concurrent with annexation. The property is located at 10200 Gayfer Road Extension. Mr. Kevin Boone was present and expressed that his infrastructure is done according to the R-6 regulations. Only subdivisions call for under ground utility, and this Mobile Home Park is not considered a subdivision. Mr. Boone also expressed that he will install the public utility lines underground if he had to, because he is trying to follow the rules, but this is a $30,000.00 unexpected expense. Councilmember Quinn expressed that the Planning and Zoning Commission felt that with the number of trailers being placed in this park it would be good to have the under ground utility lines. Mr. Boone will have 30 lots. After further discussion, Councilmember Quinn moved to table this item until the City Attorney is able to give the City Council a ruling. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed by the following vote: AYE -Gentle, Ford, Quinn, Kant, Anders, and Christenberry. NAY -none. Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing Ordinance No. 1123. An ordinance governing the Abandonment of Animals. In order to take immediate action, Councilmember Anders moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion to suspend the rules passed unanimously by the following votes: AYE - Gentle, Ford, Quinn, Kant, Anders, and Christenberry. NAY -none. Councilmember Gentle moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1123. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion for final adoption passed unanimously by the following vote AYE - Gentle, Ford, Quinn, Kant, Anders, and Christenberry. NAY -none. Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. 14 May 2001 RESOLUTION NO. 758-01 2674 WHEREAS, TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL MOTORS, a division of Teledyne Industries, Inc. entered into a lease agreement with the City of Fairhope on July 1, 1995 (Resolution No. 488-95); and, WHEREAS, Resolution No. 720-00 extended Teledyne's lease for five (5) years, beginning on December 1, 2001, and ending on November 30, 2005, with the renewal option s remaining the same and the rent remaining the same at $7,000.00 per month; and, WHEREAS, Teledyne Continental Motors is requesting the Governing Body to change their monthly lease fee from $7,000.00 to $3,500.00 per month for the remainder of this year. The new lease payment will take effect with April 2001 payment. Teledyne will monitor their need for this relief. Should the economics improve prior to year end, Teledyne will resume the original $7,000.00 per month payment; and, WHEREAS, this request came before the City Council on Monday, April 9, 2001, and was turned over to the Airport Board and Finance Committee; and, WHEREAS, the Airport Board meet in a Special Meeting and agreed that temporary relief should be granted. The Airport Board recommends a one time amendment to the current lease to reduce the lease fee to $4,000.00, for the time period of May 2001 thru December 2001. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to change TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL MOTORS monthly payment from $7,000.00 to $4,000.00 per month for the time of period of May 2001 thru December 2001. Adopted this 141' day of May 2001. Attest: OF Geniece W. Johnson i y Clerk < 6)othy M. V ant,/Mayor 2675 14 May 2001 Councilmember Quinn introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 759-01 BE IT RESOLVED, that Mayor Timothy M, Kant is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the CITY and SUNSET NURSERY, INC., to construct a Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility along U.S. 98 (Greeno Road) from Gayfer Avenue to Middle Street, at a cost of $242,400.56. Adopted This 14th Day of May , 2001. W• ��� Ti thy Nl Kant, Mayor Attest: Geniece W. Johnso City Clerk Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 760 -01 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to execute a Contract Service Arrangement Agreement between the CITY and BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. This Agreement provides for 49 (Forty-nine) months service period for BellSouth Primary Rate ISDN-Voice/Data (Standard) service. DULY ADOPTED THIS 14" DAY OF May , 2001. V'. , ��� Tim by M. nt, hilayor Attest Geniece W. Johnso , i y Clerk 2676 14 May 2001 Councilmember Anders introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, subject to checking to see if the original contract did not already have a noise abatement wall included. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 761-01 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope has received complaints from residents regarding the noise from the running generator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant; and, WHEREAS, the construction of a wall around the louvered exhaust end and installing noise reducing panels inside the wall, and also constructing an open roof that would re- direct the noise away from the residential area, offering potentially good solution. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT Mayor Timothy M. Kant, is hereby authorized to execute a contract and a Task Agreement No. 1 between the City of Fairhope and Volkert & Associates, Inc. for providing professional services for the design of a noise abatement wall for the generator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Contract establishes the terms and conditions and the Task Agreement is the scope of work and fee for the project. DULY ADOPTED THIS 14`h DAY OF May, 2001. Tim y M. ant, ayor Attest V Geniece W. Johnson, Ciftlerk Council reviewed an application for a Restaurant Liquor License by Eliseo Avalos, dba El Mexicano Mexican Restaurant, located at 210 Eastern Shores Shopping Center, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Anders moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Ford moved to grant a Change Order Request # 1 by Construction Labor Services Inc., Decreasing the contract by $8,120.00, and increasing the contract by $11,223.50 (Total increase $3,103.50), for the Ingleside Street Drainage Improvement Project. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. 2677 14 May 2001 Rodney and Linda Gaines, addressed the City Council requesting assistance with the excessive amount of speeding and disregard of stop signs that is occurring on Pier Avenue. Mayor Kant assigned this item to the Street Committee to research, and to report back to the City Council at the next regular City Council meeting. Patty and Clay Havard addressed the City Council requesting alteration of one existing speed pad and the installation of a third speed pad, that was promised by the City Council November 1999, on West Volanta Avenue. Mayor Kant assigned this item to the Street Committee to research, and to report back to the City Council at the next regular City Council meeting. Councilmember Anders moved to deny the request of the Fairhope Middle School Technology Student Association. Due to the TSA's outstanding performance at State Conference in Montgomery, Alabama during March 2001, the TSA will represent Baldwin County and the State of Alabama at the National TSA conference held in Richmond, VA June 21-25, 2001. The TSA requested any contributions from the City to help defray the cost of this endeavor. Councilmember Anders stated that the City Council was extremely proud of the TSA, but the City already does a great deal for the schools, and could not fund each individual project. A Proclamation will be presented to the TSA. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. One 3-year term appointment to the Park and Tree Committee. Councilmember Ford moved to appoint Robert Green. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Anders moved to reject the low bid of Integrated Business Systems, Richmond VA, for the Quail Creek Municipal Golf Course Software for Management Program. IBS would not meet their agreed obligations. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. 2678 14 May 2001 Identification: GOLF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Bids to be opened on: April 5. 2001 at: 2:00 p.m. VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE. DELIVERY. LINKSOURCE CORP. On Site Training: $3,000.00 Scottsdale, AZ Price of Software: $10,199.95 6-7 Weeks Price of Equip: $15,018.00 TOTAL PRICE: $28,217.95 INTEGRATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. On Site Training: $5,112.50 Richmond, VA Price of Software: $8,440.00 8-12 Weeks Price of Equip: $16,335.70 TOTAL PRICE: $29,888.20 CRESCENT SYSTEMS On Site Training: $2,600.00 Libertyville, ILL Price of Software: $13,400.00 No date given Price of Equip: $11,354.00 TOTAL PRICE: $27,354.00 MTE COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. NO RESPONSE Nashville, TN CLUB SYSTEMS GROUP NO RESPONSE Fairport, NY COMPUTER GOLF SOFTWARE NO RESPONSE Boca Raton, FL It is recommended to award the Quail Creek Management System to Linksource Corp., Scottsdale, AZ because Integrated Business Systems would not agree to install system at price reflected on bid. Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent Councilmember Anders moved to accept the bid of Linksource Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ, provided all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Ford moved to reschedule the next City Council Meeting from Monday, May 28`h to Tuesday, May 29`h, due to Memorial Day Holiday. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Gentle moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the City Council the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:30 p.m. (;Timby M. ant, ayor (9v Geniece W. Johnson, Cit Clerk