HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2000 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA )( 2588 COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m.; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber; 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on MondU, 11 December 2000. Present were Mayor Timothy M. Kant, Councilmembers: Robert C. Gentle, Michael A. Ford, Debbie W. Quinn, Pauline Anders, and Cecil Christenberry; City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson. No one was absent. There be a quorum present, Mayor Kant called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the invocation was given by Rev. Phillip Goodson, Pastor of Liberty Church, Fairhope, Alabama. Councilmember Anders moved to approve minutes of the 27 November 2000, regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously. A Public Hearing - Final Protest meeting was held as advertised on 1999- 2000 Public Improvement Assessment Project - Country Woods Sewer System (Council must read and rule upon any written objections to the proposed assessment, ending with the adoption of a Resolution setting the assessment.) City Clerk, Geniece W. Johnson read the following protest from the Country Woods residents. The Water and Sewer Superintendent Dan McCrory, and John Avent with Engineering Development Services addressed each protest: SUMMARY OF COUNTRY WOODS PROTEST LETTERS DATE: December 4, 2000 FROM: Rick & Stacey Holaday ❑ No direct supervision from the Engineering firm during construction ❑ Destruction of property caused during construction such as the lost of 1/3 of trees and shrubs, and an invisible dog fence being cut numerous times ❑ Exposed cable wires remain above ground ❑ Validity of the actual cost of the project ❑ Upgrade in sewer pipe size ❑ An early private hook-up by a homeowner on Hwy 13 0 Any deduction in the assessment project would be greatly appreciated 11 December 2000 2589 DATE: December 5, 2000 FROM: Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Dixon ❑ Concerns about the long-term durability of the two places where there are bumps in the pavement due to the lines being placed under the road. ❑ Believe the City should bear the cost of increase in the size of the pipe used since it was enlarged to accommodate additional hook ups beyond our subdivision ❑ Would appreciate waiving the hook up fee or given some kind of credit that would be equivalent to such a waiver ❑ Believe the engineer erred in not checking into the proper electrical needs for the pump station, and in not checking with Riviera Utilities in regard to its cost PRIOR TO the initiation of the project. ❑ Believe the engineer erred in not keeping a closer watch on costs overall DATE: December 6, 2000 FROM: Robert E. James ❑ Does not believe it is fair or just that the Country Woods residents have to carry the cost of the excess capacity of the 6 inch force main and pump station. ❑ Hope that the City Council would consider paying for the 6 inch force main. DATE: December 5, 2000 FROM: Joseph and Kimberly Vosicky ❑ Any residential or commercial property (new or existing) wishing to tap into the portion of the installed sewer system be required to pay all customary charges - installation, materials, labor, tap fees, etc. ❑ Any residential or commercial property (new or exiting) using either the 4 inch sewer pipe or the pump station located within the subdivision, should pay a fee for using the equipment thus allowing Country Woods residents a credit for any shared portions over a 10-year period of assessment. ❑ Should the city not accept item # 2. Then it is suggested that the City absorb some of the cost of installing and billing the 4 inch pipe down Hwy 104. ❑ A superintendent from EDS was not on site at all times, and unfortunately much of the cost of repair work was a result of this. ❑ The contractor should not be paid the entire cost billed for supervising the project from the site. DATE: This letter was not dated. I received a letter FROM Mr. James M. (Jim) Ekelund by mail on November 29th. 0 Protest the amount of the proposed assessment 11 December 2000 2590 ❑ Would like to know the property appreciation ❑ How much more burden are you going to place on middle-class families DATE: November 26, 2000 FROM: Travis & Debbi Wood ❑ There is no surprise in the dollar amount, but we all do request that the City of Fairhope be fair to our neighborhood, and assume some of the costs relating to future expansion ❑ We have no way of knowing what is a fair amount, but do appreciate any possible reduction in the total assessed amount. ❑ We were also told that the possibility of waiving the $600.00 tie in fee would be reviewed. I understand the concern that residents of future sewer projects could possibly request the same discount, but maybe this amount could be calculated in the front-end reduction without having to be shown as an actual tie in discount. ❑ Request that you also deduct some of the engineering fees from our total RESPONSE TO PROTEST ISSUES AND CONCERNS • Mr. Avent explained that his company was responsible for inspecting the work and making recommendation to the City. • Mr. McCrory and Mr. Avent will prepare a punch list of things that need repairs by the Brown Brothers Grading Co. Inc., contractors of the Country Woods Project. • Mr. McCrory will notify the cable company regarding the cable wire above ground. • City Attorney Marion E. Wynn explained that the City could not give away City services. Therefore it is illegal for the city to waive the tap fee. • The contractors have a two year maintenance bond, and will be responsible for repairing such things as bumps in the road up to two years. • The early hook-up was due to Mr. Skinner's septic system being un-repairable. • Councilmember Anders expressed that this improvement was requested by the residents of Country Woods. The work is complete and the value of their property has increased. The $5,000.00 administrative fee has not been added to the estimated cost, but the residents are responsible for this fee. • According to Mr. Christopher Baker, there are approximately six or seven subdivisions pending in this area. 11 December 2000 2591 After further discussion, Councilmember Gentle introduced in writing, and moved to adoption of the following resolution, and moved to add the $5,000.00 administration fee to the current estimated cost. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed by the following vote: AYE -Gentle, Ford, Kant, Christenberry. NAY -Quinn, Anders. RESOLUTION NO. 731-00 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING ALL OBJECTIONS AND DEFENSES TO ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS PROVIDED BY IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 1074 AS MODIFIED, AMENDED, AND CONFIRMED BY RESOLUTION NO. 671.99, ASSESSING THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS UPON THE PROPERTY SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: SECTION 1. That upon evidence duly presented to and considered by it, the City Council does hereby make a finding and determination of the following: (A) The City Council of the City of Fairhope adopted an ordinance on, to -wit, the 22nd day of November, 1999, entitled "IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 1074, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN COUNTRY WOODS SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, TO BE KNOWN AS THE 1999-2000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT PROJECT'. (B) Provision was made in Ordinance No. 1074 for the assessing of the cost of said improvements against the property specially benefited thereby. (C) Ordinance No. 1074 provided that said Improvements should be constructed in accordance with the details, drawings, plans, surveys, specifications, and estimates then ordered to be placed on file (1) for Country Woods Subdivision, on Highway 104, Fairhope, Alabama, in the office of Engineering Development Services LLC, 23210 US Hwy 98, Suite B-1, Fairhope, Alabama; where property owners who might be affected by said improvements could see and examine the same. (D) Ordinance No. 1074 provided that the City Council would meet on the 13th day of December, 1999, at the City Administration Building in the City of Fairhope at 5:30 p.m. to hear any objections or remonstrances that might be made to said improvements, the manner of making the same, or the character of the materials to be used. (E) Ordinance No. 1074 was published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the FAIRHOPE COURIER, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, the first publication being made not less than two weeks prior to the 13th day of December, 1999. (F) A copy of Ordinance No. 1074 was sent by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, to each of the persons last assessing for city taxation the property proposed to be assessed for said improvements at their last known address, said notices having been so mailed more than ten days prior to 13 December 1999. 11 December 2000 2592 (G) At a meeting of the City Council, held at the time and place duly fixed by published notice, all objections and protests were heard and considered and Ordinance No. 1074 was duly modified, amended, and confirmed by Resolution No. 671-99 and said improvements were finally ordered. (H) Notice was given on the 271h February, 51h & 121h of March 2000, by publication in THE MOBILE PRESS REGISTER, asking for bids upon all work and materials for the construction of the improvements, the cost of which is hereinafter assessed, and a satisfactory bid was received on the 5th of December, 2000, and the City Council, as provided by law, did, on the 16th day of March, 2000, let the contracts to make the improvements to BROWN BROTHERS GRADING COMPANY, MUNFORD, ALABAMA FOR Country Woods Subdivision under Engineering Development Services LLC, 23210 US Hwy 98, Suite B-1, Fairhope, Alabama; the lowest responsible bidders. (1) Said improvements have been constructed, completed and accepted in accordance with Ordinance No. 1074 and the contracts. (J) The Mayor of the City of Fairhope has caused to be prepared an ASSESSMENTS ROLL BOOK showing the name of the property owners, a description of each lot or parcel of land proposed to be assessed for such improvements and the amount proposed to be assessed against each of said lots or parcels of land; which was, on the 21th day of November, 2000, at least twenty days before the date of this meeting, delivered to the City Clerk and continuously thereafter kept on file and open for inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, the person authorized to make collection of said assessments. (K) The City Clerk has given Notice by publication in the FAIRHOPE COURIER, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, in the issue of 18 November 2000, of this meeting and of the availability of said Assessments Roll Book. Copies of said notice were also mailed by Certified Mail, postage prepaid, on the 16th day of November, 2000, to all property owners of record to be assessed. (L) The 11th day of December, 2000, 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chamber, Fairhope Municipal Complex, was mentioned in the foregoing Notice as the time and place at which the City Council would meet to hear and determine any objections or defenses that might be made, in writing, to such assessments or the amounts thereof. (M) The following objections or defenses to the proposed assessments against said property or the amounts thereof have been filed in writing with the City Clerk, to -wit: (N) The City Council has heard approximately six (6) objections and passed upon all of said objections and protests under the rules and regulations heretofore adopted, made and provided for by the Council in such cases. SECTION 2. That the amount of the assessment against each lot or parcel of land described and included in said ASSESSMENTS ROLL BOOK be and the same is hereby fixed; in accordance with Ordinance No. 1074, as amended, modified, and confirmed in Resolution No. 671-99, in the amounts set out in said Assessments Roll Book. SECTION 3. That it is ascertained by this Council and determined and so adjudged that the cost of constructing said improvements is $318,714.30 and that the total amount assessed against all the property by this resolution does not exceed the total cost of said improvements, and is not in excess of the increased value of all such property by reason of the special benefits derived from such improvements, and that no charge assessed upon or against any lot or parcel of land is greater than the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived from the aforesaid improvements, and that all of the lots or parcels of land so assessed are located within the improved area and are included in said assessment. 11 December 2000 2593 SECTION 4. That the names of the property owners, a description of each lot or parcel of land assessed, and the amount of such assessment, are hereby determined, adjudged, and fixed as per the 1999-2000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS ROLL BOOK. ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2000. (TJimoy M. Kan , ayor Attest Geniece W. Johnson, Cit Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 732-00 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual commitment given herein, each of the Signatories to this Mutual Aid Agreement agrees to render aid to any of the other Signatories as follows: 1. Request for aid. The Requesting Signatory agrees to make its request in writing to the Aiding Signatory within a reasonable time after aid is needed and with reasonable specificity. The Requesting Signatory agrees to compensate the Aiding Signatory as specified in this Agreement and in other agreements that may be in effect between the Requesting and Aiding Signatories. 2. Discretionary rendering of aid. Rendering of aid is entirely at the discretion of the Aiding Signatory. The agreement to render aid is expressly not contingent upon a declaration of a major disaster or emergency by the federal government or upon receiving federal funds. Invoice to the Requesting Signatory. Within 90 days of the return to the home work station of all labor and equipment of the Aiding Signatory, the Aiding Signatory shall submit to the Requesting Signatory an invoice of all charges related to the aid provided pursuant to this Agreement. The invoice shall contain only charges related to the aid provided pursuant to this Agreement. 11 December 2000 2594 4. Charges to the Requesting Signatory. Charges to the Requesting Signatory from the Aiding Signatory shall be as follows: Labor force. Charges for labor force shall be in accordance with the Aiding Signatory's standard practices. b. Equipment. Charges for equipment, such as bucket truck, digger derricks, and other special equipment used by the Aiding Signatory, shall be at the reasonable and customary rates for such equipment in the Aiding Signatory's location. C. Transportation. The aiding Signatory shall transport needed personnel and equipment by reasonable and customary means and shall charge reasonable and customary rates for such transportation. d. Meals, lodging and other related expenses. Charges for meals, lodging and other expenses related to the provision of aid pursuant to this Agreement shall be the reasonable and actual costs incurred by the Aiding signatory. Counterparts. The Signatories may execute this Mutual Aid Agreement in one or more counterparts, with each counterpart being deemed an original Agreement, but with all counterparts being considered one Agreement. 6. Execution. Each party hereto has read, agreed to and executed this Mutual Aid Agreement on the date indicated. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby authorized to sign this FEMA Disaster Aid/Mutual Aid Agreement. ADOPTED THIS THE I ITH DAY OF DECEMBER , 2000. 4Tihy M. ant, ayor Attest: Geniece W. Johnson, City erk 11 December 2000 2595 The residents of South Drive in Rock Creek Subdivision addressed the City Council opposed to having South Drive opened as a second access to the subdivision. The residents also expressed that they were not notified that this drive was being opened, and that their Realtors did not tell them that this drive would eventually be opened to U.S. Hwy 98. It was explained by Mayor Kant and Building Official, Christopher Baker, that the original plat of 1993 shows that this drive would be opened to U.S. Hwy 98. Mr. Baker stated that opening South Drive is public record and the Planning and Zoning Commission have put off opening this drive. At the present time there is only one way into the subdivision, and for safety reasons there need to be at least one more access. The City has received a traffic study that was funded by the developers supporting an additional access. The residents requested that the City Council delay passing a resolution authorizing Mayor Kant to open South Drive until the residents have a chance to look at the plans, and the traffic study. The residents also requested that there be gates placed at the entrance of South Drive. City Attorney Marion E. Wynne expressed that all public streets must be open to the public. After further discussion, Councilmember Quinn moved to table this issue until the first meeting in February 2001. This motion died for lack of a seconded. After further discussion, Councilmember Anders introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed by the following vote: AYE -Gentle, Ford, Kant, Anders, Christenberry. NAY -Quinn. 11 December 2000 Resolution No. 733-00 2596 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Fairhope, Alabama is aware, there is currently only one access into Rock Creek Subdivision. WHEREAS, as far back as 1993 an additional access was contemplated for Rock Creek via South Drive. WHEREAS, the development of Rock Creek is such that it now justifies an additional access point as evidenced by the Traffic Study prepared by William Metzger, PE. WHEREAS, the City has been deeded the Right-of-way. The City has received a letter from the developers of Rock Creek offering to pay for the construction of the street. WHEREAS, the City Attorney Marion E. Wynne has written an opinion that the City has the ability to make the connection. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, hereby authorize Mayor Kant to open South Drive in Rock Creek Subdivision to U.S. Highway 98. ADOPTED THIS THE 11T" DAY OF DECEMBER , 2000. Attest: 0 Geniece W. Johnson, C' lerk 4im tim thy M. nt, M yor A public hearing was held as advertised on the request of a Lounge Liquor License by Joe L. Sledge, dba American Legion Post # 335, located at 825 South Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama. There was police approval of the applicant. The Chief of Police was concerned about 18 year olds being allowed into the facility. The owner Mr. Sledge, expressed that 21 years of age and older will only be allowed in the facility. Councilmember Ford moved to approve the issuance of the license. Seconded by Councilmember Christenberry, motion passed unanimously. 11 December 2000 2597 Mr. Pete Hoffman addressed the City Council with concerns of the Quail Creek Golf Course playing fees. Mr. Hoffman expressed that we are fast approaching that time of the year when the Quail Creek golf course is jam packed with snowbirds. Mr. Hoffman also expressed that Quail Creek gives senior citizens discount rates on annual membership, provided they live in Baldwin or Mobile County. However, the Fairhope residents have to pay more for an annual membership than a senior citizen from Citronelle or Theodore. Mr. Hoffman questioned the structure of QC fees. He stated that it was his understanding that the Fairhope residents pay an additional golf course maintenance fee hidden within the City's utility bills. Mayor Kant stated that he did not know of any hidden fees, and that for the past two years the golf course has nearly gone in the red. There are at least 20 other golf courses in Baldwin County and even though our fees are the lowest, the Council will consider your request. Mayor Kant assigned this issue to the Finance Committee to look into and report back to the City Council. Councilmember Quinn moved to reschedule the next Regular City Council meeting, due to Christmas, to Wednesday, December 27`''. Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Christenberry moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Kant announced that the City of Fairhope placed third in the world in the Nations in Bloom contest, held in Washington D.C. There were 22 nations represented at this competition. Christopher Baker and Sherry Sullivan did the presentation by the City. There being no further business to come before the City Council the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:25 p.m. S tA, - K,-57- t5 thy M. ant, Mayor Geniece W. Johnson, 071erk