HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-27-2000 Regular Meeting2585
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at
6:00 p.m.; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber;
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on
Monday. 27 November 2000.
Present were Mayor Timothy M. Kant, Councilmember: Robert C. Gentle,
Michael A. Ford, Debbie W. Quinn, Pauline Anders, and Cecil Christenberry; City
Attorney Marion E. Wynne and City Clerk Geniece W. Johnson. No one was absent.
There being a quorum present, Mayor Kant called the meeting to order. This was
the first meeting held since the Council adopted several changes to the City Council
Procedures. The City Council meeting started at 6:00 p.m.. Everyone present stood and
recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and the invocation was given by Rev. Floyd Enfinger
Sr. Councilmember Christenberry moved to approve minutes of the 13 November 2000,
regular meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Ford introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the
following resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed unanimously.
Resolution No. 729-00
FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby
authorized to sign an agreement with Geotechnical Engineering -Testing,
Inc., Mobile, Alabama, to monitor the installation of the remainder of the
piles at the Pier Street Boat Ramp. The fees for having an experienced
technicians on -site to monitor and document the installation procedures
shall be $44.00 per hour for the technician, and $95.00 per hour for
engineering consultation that may be needed. Assuming the reminder of
the piles could be installed in about one week's time the estimated fees
would not exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00).
Adopted this the 27`h day of November 2000
C)Tioth . Kant, Mayor
Geniece W. Johnson, i Clerk
27 November 2000
One appointment to the Municipal Judge for a two year term, starting January 1,
2001, replacing Mr. Jody Bishop. Councilmember Quinn moved to table this item until
December 27, 2000. This will allow more time for reviewing the many resumes
One appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Kant
nominated Mr. Ed Brinson. Councilmember Anders moved to appoint Mr. Brinson. Mr.
Brinson will take Mr. Bob Gentle's place. The term will end May 2006. Seconded by
Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously.
One appointment to the Harbor Board (Replacing Randy Smith deceased).
Mayor Kant nominated Mr. Tommy Yeager. Councilmember Christenberry moved to
appoint Mr. Yeager. Seconded by Councilmember Anders, motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Gentle moved to grant the request of the Eastern Shore Art
Center to use the Bluff park for the weekend of October 20, & 21, 2001, for their Annual
Fall Outdoor Art Show. This annual event is usually held on the grounds of the Grand
Hotel, Point Clear, Alabama, but the hotel will be under construction for approximately
two years. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Anders moved to grant the request of the Eastern Shore Chamber
of Commerce to waive the $200.00 rental fee for the use of the Fairhope Civic Center to
hold their 491h Annual Art and Crafts Festival Exhibitors Dinner on Friday, March 16,
2001. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Quinn moved to grant the request of Thomas Hospital Women's
Best Program to waive the $200.00 rental fee for the use of the Fairhope Civic Center to
hold a holiday luncheon on December 1, 2000, for the members of Women's Best.
Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously.
There was some discussion on waiving the rental fee to use the Fairhope Civic
Center. Mayor Kant assigned the Financial Committee to look into getting a policy on
waiving fees. Councilmember Anders, Chair of the Financial Committee, requested that
the City Attorney Marion E. Wynn (Tut) work on this project with the Financial
Councilmember Christenberry moved to update the Police Roster by deleting
Francis Fleming. Seconded by Councilmember Gentle, motion passed unanimously.
Councilmember Quinn moved to address item(s) not on the printed agenda.
Seconded by Councilmember Ford, motion passed unanimously.
27 November 2000
Mrs. Sue Mason addressed the City Council to explain that the current runway at
the Municipal Airport is non -conforming to the FAA guidelines. Mrs. Mason further
stated that the City has been awarded a grant for approximately 2 million dollars to
replace the current runway. Mrs. Mason stated that the new runway will put the city in a
much better position to attract more high tech industry. Mrs. Mason further stated that
the new runway will be adequate to accommodate mid -size airlines such as corporate jets
and commuter flights. After further discussion, Councilmember Anders introduced in
writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution. Seconded by
Councilmember Quinn, motion passed unanimously.
Resolution No. 730-00
FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT Mayor Timothy M. Kant is hereby
authorized to sign a series of Agreements related to the construction of a
new 6,600 foot runway to replace the existing non conforming runway of
the same length. This project is being funded by the FAA with Grants
totaling approximately twelve (12) million dollar (Federal 90%, State 5%
City 5%). This project may take at least 5 years to complete. The City
will be responsible for five (5) percent matching funds.
Duly Adopted this 27`h Day of November , 2000.
Ti thy M. a , Mayor
Geniece W. Johnson, erk
Mayor Kant recognized Senator Albert Lipscomb, who was in attendance at the
City Council meeting.
Meeting was duly adjourned at 6:27 p.m:
Timo y M. K nt, M T;imoor
Geniece W. Johnson, City erk