HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-1990 Regular Meeting1080 STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 pm; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber; 161 North Section Street; Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on Monday, 26 February 1990. Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers Roy C. White, Jeanette Puckett, David E. Bishop, Michael A. Ford, and Barney L. Shull; City Attorney Marion Wynne and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips. No one was absent. There being a quorum present, Mayor Nix called the meeting to order. Minutes of the 12 February 1990 regular session were duly approved. A large group of Montrose citizens was present and addressed the Council on the subject of annexing Montrose. Ms. Deborah Porter said she represented Montrose United, a group of approx- imately 300 Montrose residents, property owners, and business people, and they wanted to request that the Council withdraw its request for legislative action. Several people also gave their views on the subject. Mr. Jack Friend, representing the Montrose Property Owners Association, presented another petition in favor of an annexation referendum containing approximately 186 signatures. Mr. Friend indicated this petition was in addition to the petition presented on January 8th. During the lengthy discussion, the Mayor and Council restated that the legislative act, that had been published for four consecutive weeks in a local newspaper ending with the February 21st issue, would not annex Montrose; it will provide for a referendum so that the Montrose community can decide for itself whether or not to be annexed and they, the Governing Body of Fairhope, could see no other more -fair or more -democratic method for settlement of the issue. No action was taken by the Council. Council reviewed an application for a Club Liquor License by Charles V. Henderson IV, dba DUSTY RHOADES RESTAURANT at 902 Morphy Avenue. Mr. Henderson is the new owner of the Restaurant which already has a Club license. No one present was opposed to the license. There was police approval of the applicant. Proof of newspaper publications was presented prior to the meeting to the City Clerk. Councilman White moved to approve the license. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Bishop introduced, and moved for the adoption of, the following resolution which confirms Council action of 8 January 1990. Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed unanimously: (Res. No. 303-90 follows on next page...) 26 February 1990 1081 RESOLUTION NO. 303- D WHEREAS, a group of property owners have appeared before this Governing Body of the City of Fairhope and requested that a certain area known as the Montrose Community, more properly described below, be annexed to the City of Fairhope by Legislative Act; and WHEREAS, it is the decision of this Governing Body that such annexation is required for the public health and good; and that it is wise, expedient and economical for the annexation to be accomplished; THEN, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA That (a) The honorable legislative representatives be contacted for the drafting and presentation of the required Legislative Act; (b) That said proposed Act weeks in THE EASTERN SHORE Baldwin County; and (c) That publication costs General Funds of the City. A be published for four consecutive COURIER, a newspaper published in of same be paid in full by the ADOPTED THIS _46 ' DAY IN 11. ,N tu Ioff � OF �g, 1990. 4yoramle�SF-/�Lj_ 1X LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AREA TO BE ANNEXED: MONTROSEAREA Beginning at a point whore more or loss, to the North - seat corner of said Subdly the East rlght•ol•way of U.S. Hwy.Intersects ihorpoorth talon; thence West along the Northat Alabama, Bald- rato boundary110 at the C Limits of the city of Fair- Cline ounty, feet; thence North 1100 feel; hope, Alabama; run thence North on the East margin of thence West 020.4 foot to the East boundary of U.S. High. said U.S. Highway 98 to the South boundary of Parker way go; thonco northerly along said U.S. 98 to the Cor rate Llmlts of Daphne. Po Road, than run easterly along Parkor Road 410 leol, South boundary of an80•loo! County road which Is sn ap• Alabama thence westerly said Corporate Lin s to more or lose, lhonce South foot; thonco run East 660 proximate eastorly proJoe• lion of Adams Strool; thence along the Eastern margin of Mobile 290 toot; thonco North 290 loot to sastorly along said County Bay, thence Southerly along Mo Ile Bayy to the North Car. Parker Road; thence con • Onus North 60 loot to the road to the Southwest corner of Lot 25 of Montrose Woods orate Llno of Falrhops; thoncs East along said Car - North boundary of Parker East thence East along iaet, more Subdivision (MB 10 PO 84); thonco East along the South Lot 25 to Rock porate Lino to the point of to . Parker Road 175 Parker or lose, to the Southeast line of said Crook; thence along the me• cornor'of High Rtdggo Estates Subdlvlslon�M87PO11,M8 andor of Rock Crook to the North boundary of Section my 10 P021, stdwin County Probate Records); 92, 75S, R2E; thence Well to the North -South Hall -Section continue East along Parker loot; thoncs Line of Socllon 29• thence the Halr•Socllon Road 180.2 North 718.9 loot; thence North along line to a potnl,on the South ••••. West 181.$ tool to the g East boundarylo . t North15901a01 i Y S l .ti. T 'f 26 February 1990 1082 Councilman Shull introduced, and moved for the adoption of, the following resolution. Seconded by Councilwoman Puckett, motion passed unanimously: RESOLUTION NO. 304-90 WHEREAS, the life of CLARENCE E. MCCOY came suddenly to a close, with short notice or warning to his long-time friends and associates in Fairhope; and WHEREAS, he served this community for many years on the Board of Adjustments & Appeals with true dedication and much expertise; and WHEREAS, in these years he worked faithfully in the best interest of the community in the betterment of its economic, cultural and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, he justly earned the respect, admiration and high regard of all with whom he came into contact, and this community has sustained a great loss in his death; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution be made a part of the official minutes of the City of Fairhope and an official copy of this expression of our sympathy be delivered to Mr. McCoy's family so they will be consoled by the memories of his fine life and achievements. ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1990. 31 ty P Mayor Nix reported that he had received two quotes for the smoke test work to determine points of infiltration by ground water into the sewer system as requested by Council. Perry Hand & Associates of Gulf Shores quoted $.32 per foot and Moore Engineering Associates of Fairhope quoted $.30 per foot; (both on mains with no charge for laterals.) The work will be done in phases; Phase 1 being the oldest section of the system, estimated cost $20,000, and likely to be where the trouble will be found. After some discussion, Councilman White introduced, and moved for the adoption of, the following resolution to award the contract to the lowest bidder, Moore Engineering Associates. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously: (Res. No. 305-90 follows on next page...) 26 February 1990 1083 RESOLUTION NO. 305-90 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor James P. Nix is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the CITY and MOORE ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES of Fairhope, Alabama, for smoke testing of the City's sewer system to determine points of infiltration by ground water; said work to be billed to the City at $.30 (thirty cents) per foot of mains. ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1990. yor ty Councilman Ford introduced Ordinance No. 8499 an ordinance declaring the recently purchas property a branch bank facil- ity) located at 107 North Section Street in Fairhope to be unneeded for public or municipal purposes; and to authorize the lease of said property to FIRST ALABAMA BANK of Montgomery, Alabama. In order to take immediate action, Councilwoman Puckett moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion to suspend passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE - White, Puckett, Nix, Bishop, Ford, and Shull. NAY - none. Councilman Ford then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 849. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion to final adopt passed unanimously by the following vote:. AYE - White, Puckett, Nix, Bishop, Ford, and Shull. NAY none. Council took the following action on bid items: FOR TWELVE 25KVA TRANSFORMERS - ELECTRIC DEPT. Vendor Total Evaluated Costs Brasfield Sales, Birmingham, Al $ 14,716.80 DECO, Louisville, Ky $ 15.1820.80 Dowzer Electric, Vernon, I1 $ 14,520.00 Hatfield & Co.,Mobile, Al $ 15,362.40, Mack Electric, Dothan, Al $ 14,522.40 Stuart Irby Co., Pensacola,Fl $ 15,153.60 alt $14,928.001,alt$14,930.40 It is recommended to accept the low bid by Dowzer Electric Company of Vernon, Illinois at $14,520.00. --A. Norris, Electric Supt. 26 February 1990 1084 Councilman White said he preferred to move to accept the lowest ALABAMA bid, Mack Electric Company of Dothan at $14,522.40, provided all specifications are met and fur- ther providing that Mack Electric can ship the transformers within a six -week time frame; with the provision that if Mack cannot meet these provisions, the order be placed with the next lowest bidder, Dowzer Electric of Vernon, Illinois, at $14,520.00. Seconded by Councilman Ford, motion passed unanimously. FOR ONE 3/4-TON TRUCK FRAME $ CAB, GASOLINE ENGINE-W&S DEPT. Mayor Nix advised this is an emergency purchase due to the loss of the W$S truck in a traffic accident --body of which will be used on this frame $ cab. Vendor Total Cost Delivery Moyer Ford , Foley $ 125,954.50 8 weeks Alt, w/diesel engine $ 14,576.50 2 DAYS Gaston Ford, Daphne $ 13,446.50 6 weeks Due to the emergency nature of this purchase, we recommend acceptance of the bid by Moyer Ford on the alternate vehicle powered by the diesel engine at $14,576.50. -- W. Smith, Purch. Agt. -- M. Rejczyk, W&S Supt. Councilman White moved to accept the alternate bid of $14,576.50 by Meyer Ford Company of Foley, Alabama, due to its availability and the emergency need. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously. Councilwoman Puckett nominated Ms. Susan Glickman of Mershon Court for a three-year term on the Parking Authority. There being no other nominations, Councilman Bishop moved to close the nominations and appoint Ms. Glickman. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Shull moved to hear the following business not on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ford, motion passed unanimously: Councilman White advised that the Marlow Volunteer Fire Department had offered $3,679.00 for a 1962 Ford C650 Fire Truck and he would like to move for approval of this sale. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously. Volunteer Fire Chief Tim Kant announced that their drive for donations this year would consist of letters,and door-to- door calls on businesses only. Meeting was duly adjourned at 6:30 pm. City Cl Mayor