HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-1986 Regular Meeting764
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session
at 5:30, p.m.; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 11 August 1986.
Present were Councilmembers Roy C. White, Jeanette
Puckett, David E. Bishop, Michael A. Ford, and Barney L. Shull;
City Attorney James Reid and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips.
Mayor James P. Nix was absent.
Mayor Pro Tem Roy C. White presided in the absence of
Mayor Nix. There being a quorum present, MPT White called
the meeting to order. Minutes of the 28 July 1986 regular
session were duly approved.
Council reviewed an application for a Beer Off -Premises and
a Wine Off -Premises License by Johnny D. Farragut, dba
FARRAGUT'S COUNTRY STORE, 57S Morphy Avenue. Mr. Farragut
is the new owner of the former CORNER STORE which had these
two licenses. No one present was opposed to the licenses.
There was police approval. Councilman Ford moved to approve
the issuance of the two licenses. Seconded by Councilman
Shull, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Bishop moved for final adoption of Ordinance
No. 772, a house -keeping ordinance amending four sections of
tie City of Fairhope Code of Ordinances, detailed in the
July 28th minutes. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Shull introduced an ordinance to add a regu-
lation to the Code of Ordinances making it an offense against
the City to use corrosive solder or flux on any pipe in the
City's water distribution system or any connection thereto.
This ordinance will -be given consideration for final adoption
at the next regular session.
MPT White read a written report and recommendation on
the following bids opened on 1 August 1986 as advertised:
Hatfield $ Co., Mobile $656.00 1 day
Mack Electric Supply, Dothan $642.00 14 days
Electric Supt. Norris and Purchasing Agent Smith, after price and
load loss evaluation, recommend acceptance of low bid by Mack Electric
Councilman Bishop moved to accept the low bid, provided all
specifications are met. Seconded by Councilman Ford, motion
passed unanimously.
11 August 1986
Councilman Shull asked the Council to hear some business
not on the Agenda. So moved by Councilman Ford. Seconded
by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously:
Councilman Shull advised that he had been asked to in-
vestigate an account where a gas customer, due to an incorrect
multiplier on the computer, had been underbilled for the past
33 months. The customer has been asked to pay for the gas
used, at cost, in the amount of just under $2,000.00. The
customer advised Councilman Shull that he felt he should not
have to pay the charges since he paid the bills submitted to
him by the City and the undercharge was the City's error.
Councilman Shull moved that the charges be waived. Council-
woman Puckett seconded. During discussion, it was pointed
out that human error happens, this action may set a precedent,
and that errors had occurred in the past and those customers
had paid their accounts. Councilman Bishop moved to table
the motion for study before taking action. Seconded by
Councilman Ford, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Ford moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded
by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.