HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-1986 Regular Meeting758
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session
at 5:30, p.m.; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on
Monday, 14 July 1986.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers Roy C.
White, David E. Bishop, Michael A. Ford, and Barney L. Shull;
City Clerk Evelyn Phillips,and Attorney Jim Smith sat in for
City Attorney James Reid. No one was absent.
There being a quorum present, Mayor Nix called the meeting
to order. Minutes of the 23 June 1986 regular session were
duly approved.
A preliminary hearing on a proposed Public Improvements
Assessments project was held as announced. All affected pro-
perty owners of record had been sent, on June 30th, a certified
letter advising them of this meeting. The purpose of the
meeting was to advise the property owners what type improve-
ments was being considered that affected them and the estimated
costs. If property owners were opposed to the proposed improve-
ments, and their footage equaled 510 or more of the total footage,
the Council would then decide whether or not to delete their
portion of the project. The Council went down the list of
improvements, street by street. Only one street was deleted,
Gayfer Avenue, on a motion by Councilman Bishop, seconded by
Councilman Shull, and a unanimous vote. Two other areas had
been deleted prior to the meeting: Church Street Extension due
to the lack of a right-of-way and Colonial Cove due to an
adverse zoning ruling. Councilman Shull moved that the project
go forward with the remaining areas: Prospect Street, Bon Secour
Avenue, School Street, Hunt Road, Bellange Street, Shore Village
Drive, Circle, and Loop; Montrose Bay Health Center, Echo Lane
West, and Nichols Street Extension. Seconded by Councilman
Ford, motion passed unanimously.
Council reviewed a rezoning request by Glen Ingersoll to
have his property on Greeno Road, south of Edwards Avenue,
rezoned from R4 Low Density Multi -Family Residential to B4
Business and Professional Offices. The Planning $ Zoning Com-
mission recommends approval. No one present was opposed.
Councilman Bishop introduced an ordinance to so rezone the
property which will be considered for final adoption at the
next regular session.
Mr. Fred Lewter, a consulting engineer on waterpipe corrosion,
gave a lengthy, technical report to the Council and interested
citizens on the waterpipe pitting problem in Fairhope. Mr.
Lewter could find no problem with the City's water system. His
full report, including several suggested corrective measures, is
on file at the City Hall.
14 July 1986 759
In response to a request at the last regular session,SSupt.
Aaron Norris reported to Council that a traffic light would
be feasible at the Volanta Avenue -North Section Street inter-
section. The light would stay green for Section Street traffic
and self -activate when Volanta Avenue traffic comes up. This
type light can also be used at the Gayfer Avenue -North Section
Street intersection. The light will cost approximately $5,400.
After discussion, Councilman Bishop moved to install lights at
both intersections. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman White moved to ask the State Highway Department
to do a feasibility study on having traffic lights installed
at the Greeno Road-Gayfer Avenue intersection and the Greeno
Road -Edwards Avenue intersection. Seconded by Councilman Ford,
motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix advised Council about the Baldwin County School
Board plans to enlarge the Fairhope Middle School. The City
will install their drainage pipe for them as they do for
other citizens. The Board asked that the City purchase the
pipe through competitive bids and bill them. Two bids were
Total Cost
Faulkner Pipe Co. $ 14,103.24
Brown Pipe Company $ 19,959.90
Councilman Shull moved to accept the low bid provided all speci-
fications are met. Seconded by Councilman Ford, motion passed
Councilman Ford moved to delete Jeff Thompson from the
Police Auxiliary Roster, effective immediately, as requested.
Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Bishop moved to give Carl Banks 60 days to
complete the work to be done at two houses at 351 Perdido
Avenue before authorizing condemnation proceedings. Seconded
by Councilman Ford, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman White moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded
by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Ford moved to have a resolution sent to the
Postal Authorities asking that the new Post Office site be
located in the downtown area if at all possible. Seconded
by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously.
14 July 1986
Councilman White moved to hear the following business
not on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed unanimously:
Councilman Shull moved to appoint Mrs. Jeanette Puckett,
406 Maple Avenue, to complete the unexpired term of retired
Councilwoman Trisha Lo Porto. There being no other nomimations,
Councilman Bishop seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The meeting was duly adjourned.
Municipal Judge Marion E. Wynne administered the Oath
of Office, a copy of which is included in these minutes at
the end thereof.
/Jame P. Nix, Mayor
& L J ijj-Afi��
City V
14 July 1986 761
solemnly swear that I
will support the Constitution of the United States and the
Constitution of the State of Alabama so long as I continue
a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly
discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about
to enter, to the best of my ability, so help me, God."
Sworn to and subscribed before me this %;/ day of 1986.
Notary Pub/lic, ,8,fake of Alabama