HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-08-1981 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA �
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular'
session at 5:30 p.m. at the City Administration Building.,
387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday,
8 June. 1981
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers C.O.
McCawley, Sam E. Box, Trisha Nelson, Roy C. White, and
David Ed Biship; City Attorney John Duck and City Clerk
Evelyn Phillips.
Minutes of 25 May regular session were duly approved.
Bids were to be opened on Z40 feet of 58" X 36" pipe
for use on Greeno Road and Fairhope Avenue; only one bid was
received. The bid was opened, Faulkner Pipe Company at 537.64
per lineal ft., and Councilman White moved to accept the bid
if specifications were met. Seconded by Councilman McCawley
motion passed unanimously.
The following bids were opened on pipe for the Gas Dept:
Per hundred feet:
3/4" 1"
Concol Pipe 68.75 88.50
Colonial Pipe 88.40 123.00 2%/10
Empire Pipe 67.00 87.00 3%/10
Councilman Box moved to accept the low bid, provided all
specifications are met. Seconded by Councilman Bishop,
motion passed unanimously.
The following bids were opened on poles for the Electric
Ala. Wood Treating
20-40' 115.28 ea.
15-30' 59.95 "
15-:35' 79.55 "
American Creosote Hatfield & Co
112.00 ea 114.25 ea
56.70" 65.32 "
82.75" 78.65 "
Councilman Bishop moved to accept the low bid, truck -load lot,
provided all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilman
White, motion passed unanimously.
There was no report from the Trash Collection Service
Councilman Box reported that, after several meetings of the
Sewer Moratorium Committee, it was their recommendation that
the moratorium remian in effect.
N.B. Enterprises, Inc., of Amarillo, Texas, presented
an On/Off Beer License application for the PIZZA HUT located
on Greeno Road. The Pizza Hut has an On/Off Beer License,
however, due to the change in ownership, a re -application
is required. Councilman Box moved to approve the application.
Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Larry Chason, Jubilee Optimist Club, requested
permission to use the Municipal Pier area for the Fourth
of July celebration and also asked for a �400.00•donation
on the Fireworks display. Councilwoman Nelson so moved,
designating the donation to be from the Beach Fund account.
Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix, advised Council of Mr. Ted Bennett's resign-
ation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and said he would
like to appoint Mr. Dick Sanderson to fill this vacancy, with
Council approval. Councilman Bishop moved to approve the
appointment. Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed
Mayor Nix advised of two vacancies on the Board of Adjust-
ments and Appeals. Councilwoman Nelson nominated Mr. Sam
Ansell, Councilman McCawley nominated Mr. Fred Dean, and Coun-
cilman Bishop nominated Mr. Jim Merrihew. There being no
further nominations, Councilman Box moved the nominations
be closed. Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed unan-
imously. Mayor Nix called for a vote on the three nominees:
ANSELL - McCawley, Box, Nelson, White, and Bishop
DEAN - McCawley, Box, Nelson, and White
Mr. Ansell and Mr. Dean are appointed to the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals.
There is now a vacancy as a Board of Adjustments & Appeals
Alternate due to Mr. Ansell's appointment to the Board..
Councilman Bishop nominated Mr. Jim Merrihew to serve as
an alternate. There being no other nominations, Councilman
Box moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilman
McCawley, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Merrihew is appointed
as Alternate.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following business not
on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed
Councilman White reported that Mrs. Adalade Malone's re-
zoning request had been heard by the Planning & Zoning Board
on June 1st. By a close vote, the Board recommends denial
of the request. Councilman White moved to authorize the
public hearing of the request by the Council on July 13th.
Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following business
not on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion
passed unanimously:
Councilwoman Nelson moved that signs be placed at the
Orange Street and the Pier Street pier areas advising
out-of-town beach visitors that they must pay beach admission
fees to the Beach Attendant before using those areas. Seconded
by Councilman White, motion passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Nelson, Councilman White, and General
Supt. xuthertord are also to plan some fencing to be used
at the parking areas at these two pier sites.
Councilman McCawley moved to pay bills as presented. Sec-
oneded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Ma r
City lerk