HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-1981 Regular Meeting268 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 p.m., City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 23 March 1981 Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmnembers C.O. McCawley, Sam E. Box, Trisha Nelson, and Roy C. White; City Attorney John Duck and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips. Councilman David Ed Bishop was absent. Minutes of the 9 March 1981 regular session, the 12 March and 16 March special sessions were duly approved. Councilman Box moved to accept a $143,217.60 Performance Bond by Meadowbrook Corporation on Meadowbrook S/D, Unit I. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously. Councilwoman Nelson moved for approval of a Lounge Liquor License Application by Ms. Joan George, dba THE WINE MERCHANT, in Baldwin Square Shopping Center. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously. Councilman McCawley moved for approval of a Restaurant Liquor License by J. Philip Helton, dba GULF STEAKS, INC.,(Bonanza) in Baldwin Square Shopping Center. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix opened the following bids on the Gas Regulator Station on Section Street: POE -Co., Inc. $26,800 W.R. Mitchell Co. $40,500 Councilman Box moved to accept the low bid provided all specifications are met. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously. Councilwoman Nelson moved to authorize the Mayor to proceed with the purchase of the Del -Fair Shopping Center for use as a Civic Center and Municipal Complex. Seconded by Councilman McCawley motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix advised Council that Mrs. Stevi Gaston had resigned her position on the Library Board which would expire on April 12, 1981. Councilman Box nominated Mr. A.I. Bauman to fill this.position. (Mr. Bauman was recommended by the Library Board). There being no other nominations, Councilman White moved to close the nominations. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Bauman is appointed. (3/23/81) 269 Councilman Box moved to authorize bid requests on some obsolete City equipment, bids to be opened at the next regular session. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix announced the City had received a $69,244.00 Coastal Energy Impact Grant, to be matched with $20,000-worth of fill dirt by the City, for drainage work at Section Street and Big Head Gulley. Councilman White moved to authorize Moore Engineering Company to ad- vertise for bids on the project. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously. A request from the Hobie Cat Sail Club was discussed. The President of the Club is to be contacted and asked to attend the next regular session of the Council before any action is taken. Mr. Ack Moore, engineering consultant, read a list of unpaved streets to be discussed at the April 6th Public Hearing on public interest in a street paving assessments project. Mayor Nix asked that the following list of streets be included in the advertisement for the Hearing: Bon Secour, Lincoln, Central, Westley, Mershon, Fairland, Kumquat, Pomelo, Oswalt, Middle, Wisteria, School, Horne Lane, and Liberty. Mayor Nix thanked Mrs. Tuck and Mrs. Dykes for their helpful project, painting of trash cans. Councilman McCawley commended the Electrical Department for the good job they did during the storm trouble on Saturday. The Mayor commended the Fire Department on the good job they have been doing during the recent dry weather and the many fire calls they have been called upon to handle. Councilwoman Nelson moved to hear the following item not on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously: Mr. Boothe, representing the Elks Lodge, told the Council about the HE.L.P. program(HELP ELDMiATE LAWBREAKING PUSHERS) and gave out some posters and bumper stickers with a toll -free number to call to turn in drug pushers. Councilman McCawley moved to go on record in support of the HELP program. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Boothe also thanked Mayor Nix for his help in the.recent Hospital Bond issue. Meeting was duly adjourned.