HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-09-1981 Regular Meeting253 STATE OF ALABAMA COU14TY OF BALDWIN The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama on Monday, February 9 1981. Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers David Ed Bishop, Roy C. White, Trisha Nelson, Sam E. Box, and C.O. McCawley; City Attorney John Duck and City Secre- tary Betty Rivenbark The minutes of the 26 January 1981 regular session and 29 January 1981 special session were duly approved. Councilman Box moved to appoint Betty Rivenbark Acting City Clerk in the absence of Evelyn Phillips who is attending school in Tuscaloosa. Seconded by C.O. McCawley motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix, at this time recognized two of the Fairhope Volunteer Firemen present who had completed the EMT Training Course, Don Odom and Jimmy Johnson. Chief Fuqua mentioned how proud he was of these men. Councilman White moved to bring forth the Fluoride Ordinance #665 that had been tabled at the 12, January Council meeting. Mr. Box seconded, and the vote was For: White, Nelson, Box. Against: Bishop, McCawley. Motion carried. Trisha Nelson moved for final adoption of Ordinance #665, seconded by Sam Box. A lengthy discussion followed, with Mr. Bishop remarking that he had been bombarded with.calls from both sidep,Mr. McCawley stated he had too. Both remarked that they would go with what the majority of the citizens wanted, but they thought a referendum might be in order. Trisha Nelson stated she had a petition with 1,056 signers, and a poll had revealed 10-1 in favor of fluoride, that she felt the Council needed to make the decision. Mr. White remarked that he made the motion to table so he could make a thorough study, and he had, he was ready to vote. Mr. Box remarked he had made a study and felt this was right for the young children, it was only returning a mineral that might have been taken from the soil. There was a petition read, and presented to the Mayor against fluoridation with 225 signa- tures and Mayor Nix read the petition for fluoridation, then called for a vote. FOR: Councilmembers White, Nelson, Box. AGAINST: Councilmembers Bishop, and McCawley. Motion passed. Mayor Nix opened the bids for two Police Cars and they were as follows: (2/9/81) 254 Gaston Ford - 2 1981 Ford LTD-S 4 door $16,606.44 Less trade-in-1,000.00 Bill Steber - 2 1981 Chev. Impala $17,858.08 Less trade-in-1,200.00 6, 5 .0 David Ed Bishop moved to accept low bid if it meets specifi- cations. Trisha Nelson seconded, motion carried unanimously. The bidsfor the trencher with trailer were opened and were as follows: Blue Rents Inc. Trencher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,500.00 Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,196.00 Trencher & Backhoe(w/o trailer). . . . . 20,817.00 Ditch Witch of Mobile Trencher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,077.50 Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,830.00 Trailer w/Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,960.00 Trencher & Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . 12,534.23 Vermeer'Sales & Service Trencher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 993.50 Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00 Trencher & Backhoe ' . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800.00 Councilman Box moved to accept low bid if it meets specifica- tions. David Ed Bishop seconded, motion carried unanimously. Don Pruitt and Don Grady of South Alabama Regional Planning Commission addressed the Council on behalf of the Mobile/Baldwin 208 Continuing Planning Process. Mr. Grady remarked that this is just asking the City to review and re -endorse the agency responsibilities and financial requirements as set out in the material they furnished to the City in order to continue getting the funding for this project. Mayor Nix thanked the gentlemen for coming and they were assured of the Council's support. Councilman Box introduced Ordinance #666, an ordinance to adopt new gas rates for all gas customers within the City Limits of Fairhope, Ala and all gas customers outside the City Limits of Fairhope, Alabama and to designate each class of customers therein. It was noted that the City has already received two rate increases that have not been passed on to the customers. (2/9/81) 255 Councilman Box submitted the name of William Workman as a Board Member for the Organic School Board vacancy. There being no other nominations,.Trisha Nelson moved they be closed, Roy White seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Workman being appointed by unanimous vote. The Council asked the Mayor to get word to the County Commission they were endorsing the County taking over maintenance of County Road 11, as proposed. Russ Kilgore came forward, addressing the Council and reporting that the ADAP Project #03 is 58% complete. We had to close down because of weather, but the con- tractor S.A. Graham will finish the project within 4-5 weeks when we reopen the project. This was a $611,000.00 project, $550,000.00 Federal Funds, $50,000.00 State Funds and balance funded by the Airport Board. He remarked that Bass Aviation is running an overhaul and maintenance oper- ation successfully and that all is well. Also that we expect a FEMA audit for the Hurricane any day. That we should receive $10,000.00 after the audit is made. Councilman Box moved to hear the following item not on the Agenda, Seconded by Mac McCawley, motion passed unan- imously: Councilman Box introduced the following Ordinance No. 667 an ordinance amending Ordinance #642 establishing all water rates. In order to take final action at this time, Roy White moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by David Bishop motion to suspend passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE: Box,Nelson, Bishop, McCawley, White, Nix. - NAY: none. Sam Box moved for final adoption. Seconded by Mac McCawley motion to final adopt passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE: Box, Nelson, Bishop, McCawley, White Nix. NAY: none. Ordinance No. 667 An ordinance to amend ordinance No. 642 establishing all water rates for within the City users, for without the City users and all users of West Baldwin water authority as of the date of purchase Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fairhope Alabama that Ordinance No. 642 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1: There is hereby established as a min- imum residential rate for West Baldwin Water customers of the City of Fairhope, Alabama as follows: (2/9/81) 256 0 (a) First 3,000 gallons at $ 5.25 minimum (b) Next 2,000 gallons at $ 1.50 per 1,000 gallons (c) Next 5,000 gallons at $ 1.10 per 1,000 gallons (d) All over 10,000 gallons at $ 1.00 per 1,000 gallons SECTION 2: There is hereby established for all other water customers outside the CITY OF FAIRHOPE, Fairhope, Alabama as follows: (a) First 3,000 gallons at $ (b) Next 2,000 gallons at $ (c) Next 5,000 gallons at $ (d) Next 10,000 gallons at $ (e) All over 20,000 gallons at $ 6.50 minimum 1.50 per 1,000 gallons 1.25 per 1,000 gallons 1.00 per 1,000 gallons 0.75 per 1,000 gallons SECTION 3: There is established for all other water users inside the CITY OF FAIRHOPE, Alabama, as follows: (a) First 2,000 gallons at $ 3.50 minimum (b) Next 3,000 gallons at $ -0.70 per 1,000 gallons (c) Next 5,000 gallons at $ 0.65 per 1,000 gallons (d) Next 10,000 gallons at $ 0.60 per 1,000 gallons (e) Next 10,000 gallons at $ 0.50 per 1,000 gallons (f) Next 20,000 gallons at $ 0.45 per 1,000 gallons (g) Next 20,000 gallons at $ 0.40 per 1,000 gallons (h) Next 30,000 gallons at $ 0.375 per 1,000 gallons (i) Over 100,000 gallons at $ 0.35 per 1,000 gallons SECTION 4: These rates for Section 1 and 2 shall take effect Nhen the City of Fairhope begins construction on the Fairhope Water System located without the City Limits of the CITY OF FAIRHOPE. SECTION 5: If any part or parts of this Ordinance shall be unconstitutional, the remaining parts shall remain valid. SECTION 6: All other Ordinances in conflict herewith shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. (2/9/81) 257 Mayor Nix asked Mr. Duck if he had anything to report on the Fairhope Health Care Center case. He reported he had a motion to dismiss, and will argue the case on the 17th. Councilman McCawley moved to amend the suit filed to. -include the current bill(and arrears) and the future bill. Trisha Nelson seconded and motion carried unanimously. Councilman Box moved to notify the County Health office to move the patients out within 30 days, Mac McCawley seconded and motion carried unanimously. This action to be taken only if all other measures fail. Meeting was duly adjourned. ting gity Cler