HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-1981 Regular Meeting247
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session
at 7:00 pm, City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue,
Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 26 January 1981.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers C. 0.
McCawley, Sam E. Box, Trisha Nelson, Roy C. White, and David Ed
Bishop; City Attorney John Duck and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips.
Minutes of the 12 January 1981 regular session were duly
Mr. Harley Dupler of Baldwin County Electric Membership
Corporation presented a check for $3,035.41 to the Mayor in
payment of their 1981 Privilege License, the amount based on
sales within the Police Jurisdiction during calendar year 1980.
Approximately 100 people were present to discuss the fluo-
ridation of the City Water System. Dr. N. L. Shory, Director of
the Bureau of Dental Health, Alabama Public Health Department,
was present to give information and answer questions. Councilman
Box reported he had been advised that the Public Health Department
would provide the equipment and the fluoride free of charge for
the first two years of fluoridation. After approximately one
hour of discussion, Mayor Nix called for a show of hands:
For Fluoridation - 58 Against Fluoridation - 28
Councilwoman Nelson then moved to remove the Fluoridation Ordinance
.from the Table, for final adoption consideration. Seconded by
Councilman Box, motion failed by the following vote: AYE - Nelson,
Box. NAY - McCawley, White, and Bishop.
A petition for the installation of a traffic light at the
Section Street�Gayfer Avenue intersection was presented and dis-
cussed. Mayor Nix -explained that Section Street is also US 98
which makes it impossible for the City to install a light or even
a stop sign; such actions being reserved to the State Highway
Department by law. The Mayor reminded everyone that this matter
had been discussed several years ago and the Highway Department
had turned down the request for a light after.doing a traffic
study and also because of the light having to be placed just over
the top of a hill creating.a hazard for all southbound Section
Street motorists. Councilman White suggested a solution to the
hill problem by using a delayed -signal arrangement with lights
at the top of the hill and at the intersection. Everyone agreed
on the need for a signal and the Highway Department will be con-
tacted for a restudy of the problem in view of the changed traffic
patterns in the area.
The following bids on a welding machine for the Gas Department
were opened:
Welding Engineering. $2,589.00 2Q/o/10 days
Blue Bird Rents $2,836.00 2Q/o/10 days
National Welding Sup $2,580.30 Net
Industrial Supply $2,810.00 Net
(26 January 1981)
Councilman Box moved to accept the low bid, provided specifi-
cations are met. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed
The following bids were opened on a line truck for the
Gas Department:
Steber Chevrolet $ 12,300.00
Gaston Ford ' $ 12,610.33
Councilman Box moved to accept the low bid, provided specifi-
cations are met. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed
The following bids were opened on a Transrupter for the
Electric Department:
Mack Electric Supply $ 24,069.00
Stuart Irby Co $ 23,751.00
Councilman Bishop moved to accept the low bid, provided the spec-
ifications are met. Seconded by Councilman White, motion passed
Appointments to the Community Appearance Committee was the
next item on the Agenda. The establishing Resolution called
for a total of seven (7) members, two to be appointed by the
Mayor and one by each Councilmember, and these original appointees
will serve: three for 1 year each, two for 2 years each, and
two for 3 years each. Nominations were opened
for the three 1-year terms:
Councilwoman Nelson nominated Lee Rencher, Councilman McCawley
nominated Curtis Gordan, and Mayor Nix nominated John Davis.
for the two 2-year terms:
Councilman White nominated William Richmond and Mayor Nix nom-
inated Phil Dyson.
for the two 3-year terms:
Councilman Bishop nominated Dot Yeager and Councilman Box nom-
inated Mary Johnson.
There being no further nominations, Councilman White moved the
nominations be closed. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed unanimously. The above persons are appointed to the Com-
mittee. Mayor Nix asked Mr. Curtis Gordan to serve as temporary
Chairman until the Committee could meet and elect officers.
(26 January 1981)
Councilman Box introduced the following.Resolution, No. '2-81.
In order to take final action at this time, Councilman McCawley
moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson,
motion to suspend passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE -
Box, Nelson, Bishop, McCawley, White, Nix. NAY - none. Council-
man Box then moved for final adoption. Seconded by Councilman
White, motion to final adopt passed unanimously by the following
vote: AYE - Box, Nelson, Bishop, McCawley, White, Nix. NAY -
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Fairhope, a municipal
corporation, that that certain Resolution Adopting Service Rules and Reg-
ulations of City of Fairhope of October 8, 1979, remains the same as hereby
I. same.
The rate schedule shall be as per Ordinance No.
642, adopted 10/8/79. (Exhibit A)
III. same.
(a) Each consumer subscribing to use the service of the
CITY on or before the 1st day of May, 1979, OR THE
DATE CONSTRUCTION STARTS, shall pay a connection fee
of $50.00-times the number of connections desired.
(b) same.
V. same.
VI. same.
VII. same.
VIII. same.
IX. same.
X. same.
(a) same.
(26 Jan. '81)
(b) The CITY will make a special meter reading at the
request of the consumer for a fee of $10.00 pro-
vided, however, that if such special reading dis-
closes that the meter was overread, no charge will
be made.
(c) same.
(d) same.
The CITY may shut off the water of a Water User who allows a
connection or extension to be made to his service line for
the purpose of supplying water to another user.
The failure of a Water User to pay water charges duly imposed
shall result in the automatic imposition of the following
(a) Nonpayment within ten (10) days from due date will
be subject to a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the
delinquent amount.
(b) Nonpayment within thirty days (30) from the due date
will result in the water being shut off from the Water
User's property.
In the event it becomes necessary for the CITY to shut off
the water for a violation of the Rules and Regulations, a
fee will be charged for a reconnection of the service.
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City erk
Councilman McCawley in%�ro3fuced Ordinance No. 664, an Ordi-
nance amending Ordinance No. 56 to add a Special Club Liquor
License for community service organizations. In order to take
final action at this time,.Councilman McCawley moved to suspend
the rules. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion to suspend
passed unanimously by the following vote: AYE - Box, Nelson,
Bishop, McCawley, White., Nix. NAY - none. Councilman McCawley
then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 664. Seconded
by Councilman White, motion to adopt passed by the following
vote: AYE - Box, Bishop, McCawley, White, Nix. NAY - none.
ABSTAIN - Nelson.
(26 Jan. '81)
Councilwoman Nelson moved to approve the Spring Fever Chase
marathon during the Arts & Crafts week -end. Seconded by
Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to authorize bid requests on a
Trencher with trailer and two Police Cars. Seconded by
Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
The Airport Board requested approval of an amendment
to the present Bass Aviation airport lease which would allow
the lease to be assigned to the First Mississippi National
Bank in the event Bass defaults in their Loan agreement.
Councilman White moved to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
sign the amendment. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion
passed unanimously.
City Attorney John Duck reported on the suit against the
Fairhope Health Care Center(Nursing Home) for nonpayment of,
utility account. Mr. Duck indicated some funds might be forth-
coming before the end of February.
Councilman Bishop moved to hear the following business not
on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed
Councilman Bishop moved to accept the following low bids
on the Electric Department Bucket Truck: Duncan Manufacturing
on the chassis at $48,286.00 and Steber Chevrolet on the diesel
truck at $22,741.00. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion'
passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following business not
on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed
Councilman White reported that the Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment had located a fire truck in Georgia for $4,000 price which
they felt would be a good bargain. The Fire Department stated
they needed the equipment, especially as transportation for the
new Jaws of Life. Councilman White moved to donate $1,999.00
to be sent to the Volunteer Fire Department along with his
personal donation of $1.00 for the purchase of this truck. Sec-
onded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix appointed Councilman McCawley and City Supt. Phil
Rutherford to make recommendations as to how to solve the loose dogs
problem in Fairhope.
Councilman Bishop moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded by
Councilman White, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was duly adjourned.
City Ferk