HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-12-1981 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
The City Council, City
session at 7:00 p.m., City
Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope,
of Fairhope, met in regular
Administration Building, 387
Alabama, on Monday, 12 January
Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers David
Ed Bishop, Roy C. White, Trisha Nelson, Sam E. Box, and
C.O. McCawley; City Clerk Evelyn Phillips and City Attorney
John Duck
Minutes of 22 December 1980 regular session were duly
The first order of business was the consideration, for
final adoption, of an Ordinance to provide for the introduc-
tion of fluorides into the City water system. A large group
of people was present and an open discussion of this matter
was held. Those in favor of fluoridation, led by members
of the dental and medical professions, stated there was veri-
fiable data gathered under controlled conditions showing no
harmful side -effects from fluoridation, showing decreased
cases of dental problems, showing tax -dollar savings from
less dental care needed by low sambneff income, subsidized -
families, and comparing the relatively low cost of fluorida-
tion to the high cost of lifelong dental and medical care.
Those opposed to fluoridation stated placing the fluorides
in the water gives those opposed to it no choice, cases of
accidental over -dosages were quoted, it was suggested that
those who want it could obtain it by -other methods, and there
was one report that plumbing was harmed by fluoridation. Mr.
Franklin J. Griffeth request that his remarks be placed in
the minutes in full:
"Honorable Mayor, Lady and Gentlemen of the Council.
My name is Franklin J. Griffeth, I live at 165 Pinecrest
Avenue. I wish to express my opposition to the.fluorida-
tion of our City water for the following reasons:
1. This would be a violation of our individual rights
in receiving medication without consent. I for one do not
wish to receive this medication in this method.
2. No one has proven to me that the swallowing of
fluoride helps the teeth. Contrarily, I have read where
fluoride taken internally has damaged the bone structure
of both animal and man.
3. I was informed this date by a dental hygienist
that she has a niece that is allergic to fluoride.(Have you
made a survey to determine that none of your customers have
this allergy.)
4. It would be an added burden on us as
already fighting to keep our heads above
5. I am informed that people with kidney
those on dialysis can be further damaged
taxpayers who are
diseases especially
by fluoride.
There are other reasons that I do not have time to go.into. I
am especially concerned about the further eroding of what
few individual rights we have left. If a person desires
to use fluoride, he or she should use a toothpaste containing
fluoride. Then it is applied directly to the teeth as a den-
tist does. But they should be allowed not to use it if
they so desire, I, as a concerned citizen of our lovely city
of which I am very proud, strongly urge you to defeat this
Mayor Nix closed the discussion by asking for a show of hands
in opposition to and in favor of fluoridation. The results:
Opposed - 24 For - 22
Councilman White stated he was not prepared to vote on this
issue tonight. Councilman Box said he had estimates of
$6,000.00 to install the necessary equipment and a cost of
from $.50 to $.75 per person and he would like to think
about the matter some more. Councilwoman Nelson said she
did a lot of research and gathered information from many
levels of local and state agencies before introducing the
fluoridation ordinance and she would like to see the Council
take action soon. Councilman White moved to table the Ordin-
ance for further study. Seconded by Councilman Bishop,
motion passed unanimously.
The following bids on an electric bucket truck were
Gaston Ford
Steber Chev
Altec In usstries
Duncan Manuf.
Councilman Bishop moved to turn these bids over to the Electric
Department for study and a recommendation as to which lowest bid meet:
meets all specifications. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion
passed unanimously.
City Engineering Consultant, Ack Moore, reported to Council
that only a few items are needed to be cleared up by the Attorn-
ey on the Waterline Extension(FHA) Project. He stated construc-
tion bids could be requested within two weeks.
Representatives from the V.F.W. Post, the Elk's Lodge,
and the American Legion requested an exemption from purchasing
a Club Liquor License from the City. They asked Council to
consider that they are service organizations and their funds
could be better used in service projects. The Club License
will cost $500.00 under Ordinance No. 656. Councilman McCaw -
ley moved to take their request under advisement and give them
an answer at the next regular session. Seconded by Councilman
Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Realty Partners, Inc., requested another extension on
their Performance Bond for landscaping at Baldwin Square.
The present extension expired January 8th and due to bad
weather, the work is not yet finished. Building Official
Lunsford said they had made progress and recommended the
extension. Councilman Bishop moved to allow a 60- day
extension. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unani-
Councilman Box moved to authorize bid requests on a truck
and a welding machine for the Gas Department. Seconded by
Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Bishop moved to.authorize bid requests on
a transrupter for the Twin Beech substation. Seconded by
Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman McCawley introduced, and moved for the adoption
of, the following Resolution. Seconded by Councilman Box,
motion passed unanimously:
Resolution No. 1-81
WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope did collect $19,783 for
Business Licenses from concerns located in the Police Juris-
diction of the City, and
WHEREAS, the Fairhope Police Department did expend the
sum of $64,380 for police protection; and the Fire Department
did expend the sum of $8,447 for fire protection, in the Police
Jurisdiction of the City,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the expense of Fire
and Police protection in the Police Jurisdiction of the City
of Fairhope did exceed the revenue received from Business
Licenses issued to locations in said Police Jurisdiction.
Adopted this 12th day of January, 1981.
Mayor Nix read the names that had been submitted for consider-
ation as Appointees to the Community Appearance Committee.
Councilwoman Nelson moved to postpone the appointments until
the Council could study the list. Seconded by Councilman
McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman McCawley moved to request a 90-day renewal of the
FEMA Loan at First National Bank. Seconded by Councilman
White, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to authorize final payment to S.J.&.L.
, Inc., on the Grand Hotel'Sewer Project less a holdback of
$800.00 until some final work is approved by Moore Engineering,
and also payment is to clear up a $10.00 charge due Mr. Thelma
Bouey $1605.12 due to the City. Seconded by Councilwoman
Nelson, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman McCawley moved to authorize final payment to Ernest
Construction Company on storm repairs to the Municipal Pier less
a holdback of $5,000 until some final work is approved by
Moore Engineering. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Nelson moved to hear the following business not
on the Agenda. Seconded by Councilman McCawley, motion passed
Councilman White moved to approve the closing of Fairhope
Avenue from Section Street to Church Street, of Section Street
from Fairhope Avenue to DeLaMare, and of Church Street from
Fairhope Avenue to the parking lot exit during Arts & Crafts
weekend of March 20, 21, and 22, 1981; and for the Mayor to
write the State Highway Department for the necessary approval
on the'closing of Section Street(US 98). Seconded by Council-
woman Nelson, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Bishop moved to pay bills as presented. Seconded
by Councilman McCawley, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box moved to hear the following items not on the
Agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Nelson, motion passed unan-
Councilman White said he would like to commend the downtown
merchants for the many improvements he had noticed, especially
along Fairhope Avenue. Councilwoman Nelson said she would
like to see parents reminded that bicycles are not to be used
in the downtown area and on the sidewalks. City Attorney Duck
was asked to check the legal aspects of giving the Fairhope
Health Care Nursing Home a dated notice of utility cut-off
so clients can be evacuated; even though a suit has been enter-
ed for the unpaid bill, cArrent charges keep mounting.
Meeting was duly adjourned.