HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-1978 Regular Meeting161 STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 7:00 pm at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama, Monday, 28 Au u_t 1978. Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmen Jack A. Stipes, Billy Don Wig- gins, Henry G. Bishop, Sam E. Box, David Ed Bishop; and City Attorney John Duck were present. Minutes of 14 August 1978 regular session were duly approved. Mrs. Dorothy Shine, Chairman of the Library Board, introduced Ms. Clair Oaks, Librarian, who presented Council with a proposed Library Budget of $73,642.00 for Fiscal Year 1978-1979. Budget will be studied for action at a later time. Councilman Henry Bishop moved for approval of Retail Beer License Application made by Katherine Elaine Robinson, dba THE LUCKY SPOT, located on Twin Beach Road. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed.unanimously. Councilman Box moved to adopt Ordinance No. 619, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 557, adopted 11 August 1975, known as the ZONING ORDINANCE. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimously. Four bids were received on the Transfer Trailer. Opened by th Mayor, they were: Ingram Trucking Co. $ 29,280.00 Truck Equipment Sales Co. $ 29,120.70 Gulf City Trucking Co. no bid Vernz Trucking Co. $ 28,290.00 with an optional extra of $6,629.20 for a top loading hopper. These bids will be studied as to compliance with specifications before acceptance. Three proposals were received relating to the retaining of a City Fiscal Agent. As opened by the Mayor, they were: Hugo Marx & Company - $13.95 per thousand on bond i Thornton, Farish, & Gauntt - (1) flat fee of $1,000.0 with the City paying all expenses of up -coming bond issue, or, (2) a guaranteed maximum cost of $7,000.00 without using a rating service Frazier -Lanier - a guaranteed maximum cost of $6,850. without using a rating service. These proposals were based on approximately $600,000 street improv issue and approximately $450,000 water & sewer bond issue. Councilman Box moved for acceptance of Frazier-Lanier's offer. Seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Wiggins moved Mr. J. E. Gaston be appointed to the Airport Board for term May, 1978, through May, 1980. Seconded by Councilman Stipes, motion passed unanimously. sue 0 Councilman Stipes opened a discussion on whether streets were being approved in accordance with City Ordinance. City Engineer M ore assured Council all street paving is being done according to ordinance before street is accepted. Discussion led into up -coming street assessment program. Councilman Stipes moved that City Attorney John Duck be responsible for the preparation of the Assessments Sheets to be sure all legal descriptive items needed in property description sections were present on each Assessment Sheet. Seconded by Councilman Henry Bishop, motion passed unani- mously. I Minutes of City of Fairhope Council Meeting 28 August 1978 Page 2 Councilman Ed Bishop moved for adoption of attached RESOLUTION authorizing Mayor James Nix to be City's agent and to enter into a] agreement with State Department of Conservation & Natural Resource; for obtaining grant monies for the construction, development, maintenance and operation of Fairhope City Parks. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix presented two resolutions required by the Federal Disaster Aid Agency. This Agency is administering the Aid Program which will pay 80% of eligible items of repair relating to flood damage suffered by Fairhope during flood disaster of July 25-26, 1978. (Baldwin County was declared a Disaster Area by the Presideni of the United States on 20 August 1978.) The first resolution, cop: attached, designates Mayor Nix as the Applicant's (Fairhope) Local Agent. Motion for adoption made by Councilman Stipes, seconded by Councilman Wiggins. Motion passed unanimously. The second resolution, copy attached, declares all damaged streets, sewers, etc., belonging to the City of Fairhope a disaste: area and authorizes repairs to same be let on an emergency basis. Motion for adoption made by Councilman Stipes, seconded by Council• man Ed Bishop. Motion passed unanimously. Councilman Stipes moved employee Aubrey Legendre's salary as Utility Supervisor be increased to $5.00 per hour. Seconded by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Wiggins reported the Airport Lease with Alabama Aircraft had been transferred to Bass Aviation with rental now being based on number of gallons of fuel delivered rather than number of gallons sold. Councilman Box moved that two bills presented by City Engineer Aek Moore covering repair to damaged sewer line on Bon Secour Strel be paid. Seconded by Councilman Wiggins, motion passed unanimousl: Meeting was duly adjourned. APPROVED Attest: 4 ActiiA City Clerk !t I FAIRHOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY ---BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1978-79 SALARIES $ 35,498.00 SOCIAL SECURITY 2,307.00 BOOKS 12,000.00 AUDIO -VISUALS 2,000.00 FILM CIRCUIT 600.00 PERIODICALS 2,000.00 SUPPLIES 2,000.00 POSTAGE 600.00 TELEPHONE 800.00 UTILITIES 3,600.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 100.00 RENT 335.00 TRAVEL 1,000.00 PUBLICITY 100.00 MAINTENANCE 2,000.00 EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 AUDIT 300.00 PETTY CASH ($75/qtr.) 300.00 BOOKKEEPER 1,200.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 1,500.00 7 EQUIPIMENT DEPRECIATION FUND 895.00 SUB -TOTAL 70,135.00 CONTINGENCY FUND (5% of Sub -Total) 3,507.00 TOTAL ANTICIPATED INCOME City of Fairhope Fines from Books Gifts, Memorials Book Sales Room Rentals Copier Receipts TOTAL 7 $ 73,642.00 (iS, 642.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 73,642.00 FAIPHOPE PUBLIC LIBRAP.Y--BUDGET PROPOSAL FOP FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 SALARIES Director $12 , 000.00 Asst. to Director 6 , 800. o0 Clerk I 6,500.00 Page I (12 hr./wk.) 1,653.6o Page II (12 hr./wk.) 1,653.60 Summer Asst. 190.80 SOCIAL SECURITY BOOKS Rental 914.00 Purchase 10,600.0o AUDIO -VISUALS FILM CIRCUIT PEP IODICALS SUPPLIES POSTAGE TELEPHONE UTILITIES PROFESSIONAL DUES RENT TRAVEL PUBLICITY MAINTENANCE EQU I PP?IENT AUDIT PETTY CASH ($50/qtr.) BOOKKEEPE' JANITORIAL SERVICE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY FUND (5% of Sub -Total) TOTAL ANTICIPATED INCOME City of Fairhope Fines, Rents from Books Gifts, Memorials Book Sales .boom Rentals TOTAL $28,798.00 1,658.00 11,514.00 1,500.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 700.00 2,600.00 75.00 335.00 600.00 100.00 1,500.00 800.00 150.00 200.00 960.00 1,300.00 56,437:00 2.822.00 $59,259-00 51,359.00 2,400.o0 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 $59,259.00 v � T FAIRHOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY --Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 1976-77 SALARIES Director $129500.00 Assistant Director 7,200.00 Clerk I 6000.00 Clerk II (CETA) 5,408.00 Clerk III (CETA) 59408.00 Page I (12 hr./wk.) 1,372.00 Page II (12 hr,./wk.) 1,372.00 Story Teller 60.00 Bookkeeper 780.00 Janitor 19040.00 Summer Assistant (72 hr.) 158.40 $41,598.40 SOCIAL SECURITY 29600.00 BOOKS Rental 914.00 Purchase 7,200.00 89114.00 AUDIO -VISUALS 19000.00 PERIODICALS 95C.no SUPPLIES 600.0C, POSTAGE 200.CO TELEPHONE 480.00 CITY UTILITIES 1,300..00 PROFESSIONAL DUES (Director, Asst., Board) 75.00 RENT 335.00 TRAVEL 365,00 PUBLICITY 100.00 MAINTENANCE 19000.00 EQUIPMENT 400.00 AUDIT 150.00 PETTY CASH ($35/gtr.) 140.00 SUB -TOTAL $59,907.40 CONTINGENCY FUND (5% of sub -total) 22995.35 TOTAL $62 9 907- 75 ANTICIPATED INCOME City of Fairhope $469555.00 C.E.T.A. 9052.00 Fines, Rents from books 2,200.75 Gifts, Memorials 20000.00 Book Sales 19500.00 Room Rentals 1,000.00 64 Copier Receipts 500.00 TOTAL $629909.75 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Fairhope suffered a catastrophic rain fall on the 25th and 26th days of July, 1978, and WHEREAS, Numerous streets, drainage ditches and other water courses were overflowed and greatly damaged, and WHEREAS, the said streets, drainage systems and overflows i' have caused great danger and immanent peril to the life, health and welfare of the citizens of Fairhope, in that there now exist an emergency situation concerning the health and welfare of the citizens of Fairhope. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of I Fairhope, Alabama, do by these presents hereby declare the i City of Fairhope, a disaster area, and that all of the damage streets, sewers, and other damaged areas belonging to the City of Fairhope, be declared a disaster area, and in need of immediate repair, and that City authorizes any and all necessary i emergency repair work immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all contract work be let as soon as possible on an emergency basis to cure all dangerous defects in the streets, alleys, drainage systems and other defects that causes immanent peril to the health and welfare of the citizens of Fairhope, Alabama. ADOPTED this the o(O day of 1978. (SEAL) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope desires to obtain grant.monies t( )e used in the construction, development, maintenance and operation )f Fairhope City Parks, and WHEREAS, such monies are available to the City for this pur- )ose, and WHEREAS, this action has been investigated by and recommended by the City's Recreation Board, then THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED to authorize Mayor James P. Nix to enter into an agreement by and between the State Department of Con- servation and Natural Resources and the City of Fairhope, thus adopting the provisions of said agreement in the name of the City of Fairhope. or r James P. Nix So resolved by City Council City of Fairhope 28 August 1978 J Acting City Clerk ORNINANCE NO An ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 557 adopted 11 August 1975, known as the ZONING ORDINANCE, as follows: 1. B-2 Zone Front Setback Requirement Section 4.724 (b) (1) Yard Regulations - Front DELETE: Existing Section ADD: (1) Front: Each lot shall have a minimum front yard twenty(20) feet, except where a lot abuts a residen- tial district on either side, a building setback in line with the adjacent structure is required. This front yard requirement can be reduced whenever, in the judgement of the Planning & Zoning Commission, this would not be equitable or feasible. 2. Maintenance of Landscaping ADD: 6.947 The owner, tenant or their agent, if any, shall be jointly or severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping and landscaping areas. The landscaping shall be fully maintain- ed as initially required in the above section, including a healthy, neat appearance kept free ,from refuse and debris. Adopted this eX 0 day of ATTEST Acti g City Clerk 1978. City of Fairhope