HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-1973 Special MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN We, the undersigned members of the Fairhope City Council hereby waive notice of .the calling of a special meeting of the Fairhope City Council and do consent that said meeting be held at the City Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, September 26, 1973 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss :the , City'•s Budget, increase- contract with Eugene Bosby and Middle Bay Land Company. -` Councilman f y STATE OF ALAMMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in special session at the City .Administration Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Wednesday, September 26, 1973 at 7:00 P.M, with the following members present Mayor James P, Nix, Councilmen: David (Ed) Bishop, H. G. Bishop, Sam E, Box, 011ie E, Deese and Barney L. Shull. Each member present signed waive of Notice of the calling and b ing of a special meeting to discuss: Increase garbage contract, T,iiddle Bay Land Co. bill and the City's Budget. Motion by Councilman Barney Shull seconded by Councilman Ed Bishop that increase of #300.00 per month for garbage collection be allow ed, effective October 1, 1973, Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Sam Boxf seconded by Councilman Barney Shull that the City pay Middle Bay Iand Co. the City's share of 10 inch sewer trunk line as constructed in Greenwood Park Subdivision, according to agreement between City and Middle Bay Land Company on February 26 1973• voting For: Councilmen: Ed Bishop, Sam Bog, 011ie Deese ands Barney Shull. Councilman H. G. Bishop abstained from voting. Motion carried,. After discussion of the proposed budget for Fiscal year, October 1, 1973 through September 30, 1974 Councilman H. G, Bishop moved, seconded by CouncilmanBarney iLll, that City adopt budget as presented. Motion carried. It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the meeting adjourn, Approve test: + City e f r j i 1 iliddlo 1_1:,y Land Company P.O. Boa 489 I,aii hopo, A1,jhar:a 3653? Sopl:ombor 21, 1973 Mr. `�at� fiox Bator and Souar Commis.,ion City Council 1'airhone, Alabann Hoar Sir: Enclosed with this latter is the recapitulation shoot propairod by Mooro Enpinoorino Conpanv, €:zplaininP tho coast of the 10 inch sowor tr-anic line as constructod in t h n rrow Cirooni,00d Park Subdivision, necordino to the aproo;aont mado bo8.vioon the City of Fairhone and t1iddic bay Land Company on the 26 th of February. 1n73. and the affidavit of legal notice of comnlotion of said trunk 1 ino. The City participation for this nrojoct accordinn, to said co9t estimate is $34.559.00 (:2ourtoon Thousand five Hundrnd f i.fty-nino Dollars) to be pnid to Middlo Lay Land Company, Poirhopo, Alabama. tro Would also like to tal;o this apport€inity to thank tho many city ennloyeos, to -other with our Mayor and mombers of the City Council for thciir fine corporation in h©lpin- to mako Greenwood Park Subdivision 4 roal ity. Sincoroly. Byrd L. Mo oro :MIDDLE BAY LAID COMPANY SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF REPORT: 1. Data Validated and recommendation that the Fairhope Systems (Transmission & Distribution) are located in potentially corrosive soils -based on location percentages. 2. Recommend that a dual system be employed. A. Impressed Current B. Sacrificial Anode. 3. Conclusion is that little corrosion now exists (for 20 year life) only some localized pitting at coating holidays. 4. There is a statement to the effect that a blanket cathodic protection of all bare services max not be required if a comprehensive leak history program is established and maintained. Making cathodic protection required only in those areas of corrosive attack. This is subject to approval of the regulatory body. 5. The work is projected in multi -phases as follows: A. SYSTEM INSULATION FROM METER LOOPS: (a) All meters (abt. 4000) insulated from distribution system. (b) All large stations, gate stations, meters, etc., insulated at distribution centers, as follows: CENTER WORK LOCATIONS ADDITIONS OR REPLACEMENT Fairhope 30 35 Spanish Fort 9 13 Lake Forest 4 4 Stapleton 1 1 Malbis 2 2 Clay City 1 2 TOTALS 47 57 This phase is about 80% accomplished-addt'l cost $30�00.0_0 B. SYSTEM INSULATION BETWEEN C.I. AND WELD STEEL PIPE:• This is at the Fairhope Center and is recommended to be completed by August 1976. There are 11 work locations with 13 modifications to be completed. Cost about $4000.00 C. INSULATION OF CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM: (Measurement & Control) a) Bond Stations; 7 each (b) Rectifiers & Beds 4 each Est. Cost by Contract $25,000.00 (Design Life 20 Years) 6. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS: a Rectifier stations @ $60.00 each $240.00 b) Resurvey inspection @ $750.00 $750.00 990.00 +Confg. 60.00 $1,050.00 c) Staff Requirements-????? 7. ANALYSIS CONCLUSION: Something must be done as required by D.O.T. by August 1, 1974, on the existing system as of August 1, 1971. Fairhope personnel can accomplish a major part of the project with proper supervision. It may be wise to have the rectifiers and beds done by contract as recommended but they are not to complicated)if finds are limited,to be done jointly. c.- — . 4"'94 O v • STD. fire ��co . Mfl$l L�- Vy, s7t. F�r� � ti so '-Mkt )S LAKE � � fOQFS� CkW SIC. Fite I gEL F02EST i 1,l i qD ciA �r (rgSY) s0 zi,)2 r GTLFck K KULLF MARy Avt f/ bEr,c►� R n ej) 1�rl %V F L(, t M�t�E11E STL, fi I� i C�9So) STD elf e 40 c 4 W7 S7L PirE LOtc L F.y Qon f tltso A AIZElA MAP r FAKN OP E - � M T AAL (Iks -rI)n.1rJ%Ar1i1L i r,it r+.. k