HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-11-1971 Regular MeetingSTATE OF A LABA MA
The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular
session at the Adult and Tourist Recreation Building on Morphy
Avenue, Monday, October 11, 1971 at 7:30 P.M., with the follow-
ing members present: Mayor Macon, Councilmen: James P. Nix, Sam
E. Box, Henry G. Bishop. Councilmen John A. Robertson and Ro-
bert H. Cowen being absent.
Minutes of previous regular meeting were approved.
In reference to letter from Mr. George Dyson, Building
Inspector, to Mr. Lawrence P. Thomas regarding violation of sub-
division regulations, Councilman Bishop moved, seconded by Coun-
cilman Nix that the City Attorney take proper steps to enjoin
builders from any further construction in Sagginoaks Subdivision
until subdivision regulations have been met. Motion carried unani-
Letter from Mr. Ed Warley in regards to erosion problem on
Fairwood was referred to General Superintendent.
Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Bishop
that City advertise for Public Hearing in conjunction with re-
gular meeting of the City Council on November 8, 1971, on the
application of Mobile College to rezone from R-2 to R-3, Lots
4 through 8 and Lots 12 through 23, Gooden Subdivision on North-
rup Street as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission,.
motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Nix that
City advertise for public hearing in conjunction with the regular
meeting of the City Council on November 8, 1971 on the request of
George Martin to rezone from R-2 to R-3, Lots 7 and 8, Block 11,
Magnolia Beach on Orange Street. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution adopted by,the Planning and Zoning Commission
was presented to Council. No action taken at this time.
Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Nix
that $30,000.00 be transferred from Electric Fund to General
Fund for Pay Roll and paying outstanding bills. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Box that
Contractors bills in the amount of $5,678.55 be approved for
payment. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that
bills be approved for payment as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Box that
the following Ordinance be introduced.
Section 1. WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama has heretofore
grantpd or may grant to certain Utilities the right to locate
its facilities upon, across, under, and along the Public Roads
and Streets under the jurisdiction of said City; and
WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Ala bama reserves the right to
approve the place of location and the manner of locating utility
Facilities on Public Roads and Streets under the jurisdiction of
the City; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary for the City of Fairhope, Alabama
to adopt certain standards for accommodating utilities on Roads
and Streets of the City which have or will involve the expenditure
of State or Federal Highway Funds in order to qualify for any fu-
ture State or Federal Aid Road and Street Benefits.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City
of Fairhope, Alabama hereby formally adopts the State of Alabama
Highway Department Standards for Accommodating Utilities on High-
way Rights of Way as standards (as written and future amendments
thereto) for use by the City for accommodating utilities on Roads
and Streets under the jurisdiction of the City on those Roads and
Streets which have or will involve the expenditure of State or
Federal Highway Funds.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
and after the earliest date permitted by law, upon and after its
final enactment and publication as required by law.
ADOPTED, this the —day of
, 1971.
The following bids were received on Electric equipment:
Trio Electric Co. Pensacola $6,257.50
Moore -Handley, mobile 6,341.25
Hatfield & Co. Mobile 6,295.00
Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Box that
bids be evaluated by Purchasing Agent and Superintendent and low
bid accepted. Motion carried unanimously.
It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried.
City Clerk