HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-22-1971 Special MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN We, the undersigned members of the Fairhope City Council, hereby waive notice of the calling of a special meeting of the Fairhope City Council and do consent that sd,id meeting be held at the First National Bank Building in the City of Fairhope, Alabama, at 5:00 O.m., on the 22nd day of September, 1971 for the purpose of discussing Ba�y`d�edging. /quucilman aErncilman ouncilman RESOLUTIPM WHEREAS, Radcliff11aterials have requested a permit to dredge the bottom of 11otile Pry in four (4) different areas as shown by an area nap that Radcliff #?aterials has submitted to the U. S. Corps of Enqi Pers, and Wi[Rr,AS, Radcliff Materials operation of it9s drftige disturbs the bottor, of Mobile Pay as it dredt,les, and keeps the waters of the Ray av4dy and polluted, a nd W-HEREA.S, the City of Eairhope is prellosr•.inently a tourist and recreation attraction because of its proxit;aity to labile aay, and WEREAS, the "I t.y of Fairhoce has just completer° a sus'stantial invest -- 'Pont in a now Municipal Pier extending into °totile ay, and ? ?E ,EAS, the r ity of EairhoDe, in addition,, is now engagin(in art exten- sive effort to clear the pollution in ►{ohiie 08y by installing a new and' expen- sive sewer treatment plant. N, THFREE'JRE, dE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope, Rairhone, Alaba za that this body desires to oo on record with all of the aoprorriate authorities, anu specifically the J. S. Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Environr-,ental Aiency, as orpo inR grantinn of any permit to Red - cliff Asterials or anv ether person, firm or cormration to do any dredging of the hotto... i n `iobi 1 e o 3 Y. )� /1% ADOPTED this th+a..,_ day of 1371. ATTEST; C ✓ . STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BA LDWI N The City.Cauncil of the-Lity of Fairhope met in spe- cial session=.at the First,National Bank, -.Building on Wednes- day, .September, 22 1971 at 5:00 P.M., for the purpose of discussing bay dredging. Present: Mayor Macon, councilmen Bishop, Box, Cowen, Nix and Robertson. I Absent: None. Visitors: Edward N. L:ennox, Vice President of Public Affairs and Robert D. Palmore,;Engineer in charge of dredg- ing, both of Southern Industries Corporation. Mayor turned meeting over to visitors. They explained that Southern Industries had a 20 year=lease for dredging in certain parts of Mobile Bay, --which expires in 1980 but that permit to cdntinue said dredging must be renewed every three years, this being time for renewal. Mr. Palmore supplied technical replies to objections to dredging which have been raised., When .asked if dredging of certain dead reef -close to Fairhope could be eliminated from chart, Mr. .Palmore stated that any changes in the chart would necessitate filing a,.new application., Mr. Lennox as- sured the group that his=company-would give the City an affidavit granting any reasonable concessions requested. . After ,departure of -guests and -general discussion, motion by Councilman Robertson, °seconded by Councilman Nix that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Radel-lif-f Materials have requested a permit to dredge the bottom of Mobile Bay in four (4) different areas as shay: by an area map that Radcliff Materials has submitted to the U. S. Corps of Engineers, and WHEREAS, Radcliff Materials operation of its dredge disturbs the bottom of Mobile Bay -as .it dredges, and keeps the waters of the Bay muddy and polluted, and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope-•is predominatly a tou- rist and recreation attraction because of its proximity to Mobile Bay, and WHEREAS, the City -of Fairhope, in addition, is now engaging in an extensive efforttto clear the pollution in Mobile Bay by installing a new and expensive sewer treatment plant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope, Fairhope, Alabama that this body desires to go on record with all of the approp- riate authorities, and specificallyf, the U. S. Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Environmental Agency, as opposing granting of any permit to Radcliff Materials or any other ` person, firm or corporation to do any dredging of the bottom in Mobile Bay in Section three (3) as shown on chart in application of Radcliff Materials. Upon cueing put to -vote the following- ,vote was recorded: Voting,Aye: Gouncilmen Bishop, Nix and Robertson. No -other votes - were cast and the mayor declared the motion defeated for lack of a majority. After further discussion it -was agreed that the Mayor should seek an affidavit from Radcliff materials barrin dredging within t•wo miles of the Coast in Section three ?3) as delineated on the Chart of their applica- tion. There being no further business, meeting adjourned. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST _ ClW k Pro-tem