HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-14-1971 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the Adult and Tourist Recreation Building on Morphy Avenue, Monday, June 14, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor R. C. Macon, Councilmen: James P. Nix, Hobert H. Cowen, John A. Robertson, H. G. Bishop and Sam E. Box. Minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were approved. Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Box that Fairhope Ambulance Service be granted permission for radio hookup on utility frequency at no expense to the City. Motion carried. This being date set for public hearing on rezoning from R-2 to R-3, land in and around Big Head Gully, there being no protests the following Ordinance was introduced by Councilman Box: ORDINANCE N0. 4.65 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 139 DISTRICT BOUNDARIES OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 295• BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the following described property located in and around Big Head Gully between Church Street and Third Avenue be rezoned from R-2 to R-3 as -recommended- by the--Fairhope Planning Commission': - FROM A CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH- WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECT1yN 1.9 TO.W.NSHI,P 6 SOUTH, RANGE 2 "EA,3T, RUN N.00 41' NEST 637.2 FEET TO ANIRON PIPE THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00 61' WEST 476.86 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 215.14 FEET SOUTH 0 41' EAST OF THE NOR TH'.:AST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT 5UBDIUIS ION NO. 2 SECTION 199 1010NM TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH; RANGE 2 EAST (OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER), AND ALSO SITUATED SOUTH 370 0' WEST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 52 OF IAGNOLIA BEACH ADDITION TO FAIRHOPE, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN MISC. BOOK I , PAGES 330-311 OF THE PROBATE RECORDS OF BALDWIN COUNTY; THENCE RUN SOUTH 37 0' WEST 160.9 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 310 FEET MEASURED ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 370 0' DEFT FROM AN ENTENSION OF A SOUTH BOUNDARY OF FIG STREET; THENCE RIJN NORTH 580 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 360.1 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE EAST BOUNDARY OF A PARCEL NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY LESLIE SHEPHERD; THEN RUN SOUTH 00 OS' EAST ALONG SHEP- HERD'S I -AST LINE 76.8 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT SHEPHERD's SOUTH- EAST CORNER; THENCE RIJN SOUTH 690 55' WEST ALONG SHEPHERD's SOUTH LINE 7U9 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT SHEPHERD'S SOUTHWEST CORNER; THENCERUN NORTH 00 05' EAST ALONG SHEPHERD'S WEST LINE 207.1 FEET ,'0 AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 310 FEET MEASURED ON A BEARING OF SOIJT�: 370 0' NEST FROM THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF FIG STREET; THENCE RUN NORTH 580 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 39.9 FEET TO AN IRO'J PIPE ON THE EAST -NEST HALF SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 580 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 545.3 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT THAT IS 310 FEET MEASURED ON A BEARING 0,- SOUTH 370 0' WEST FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 49 of FAID MAGNOLIA BEACH ADDITION TO FAIRHOPE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 37'0 V WEST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID BLOCK 49 363 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE EAST -WEST HALF SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 38' EBST 464 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 800 22' EAST 1345.7 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING _ CONTAINING IN ALL 16.37 ACRES ................................ t Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Robertson that the City advertise for public hearing in conjunction with the regular meeting of the Fairhope City Council on July 12, 1971 on rezoning from R-1 to R-3,.Lots 3 through 8, Ingleside. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Cowen that the City advertise for public hearing in conjunctibn with the regular meeting of the Fairhope City Council on July 12, 1971 on rezoning from R-1 to B-1, Greeno Road in the Police Jurisdiction, property of James Clark. Motion -carried, Motion by Councilman, Robertson seconded by Councilman Box that the City deny request of Robert Stine to rezone property on Greeno Road from R-1 to B-2, as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Request of Mr. E. L. Harrington to install sign on N. Section Street was discussed and held for more information. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Cowen that Insurance bill from Pitman Realty in the amount of $139816.00 be approved for payment. Motion carried. Request from merchants on Fairhope Avenue pertaining to parking in that area was presented and taken under advisement. Motion by Councilman Box that the following Ordinance be introduced: ORDINANCE NO. �A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULE OF TES FOR G S AND " SERVICE FURNISHED FROM THE GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.- ' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FATAHOPE,� 6% ALABAMA THAT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR GAS AND SERVICE FURNISHED FROM THE GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ADOPTED. SCHEDULE OF GAS RATE CITY OF FAIRHOPE Domestic and Small Commercial within the City Limits First 300 Cu. Ft. Each Month $1.50 Minimum Next 1000 " " is of • /7/ / 7 ..-.16483 per 100 Cu. Ft. Next 1700 " " It of ly?.57 .414403 to of of Next 17000 " " of of 1409,,57 of of to Next 30000 " " it .09203 to .073" .07123 " " it All over 50000 " " " " 065/7.06083 COMMERCIAL RATE: 50,000 Cu. Ft. or over Each Month -o�,317.06083 Minimum Monthly Bill �,90 7.60 LARGE NDUSTRIAL RATE: For large industrial users the rate shall be such as may be negotiated between the City and the user. CONSUMER'S DEPOSITS Each consumer shall keep on deposit with the City $5.00 as security for the payment of bills rendered to such consumer; provided, that any consumer who uses in excess of 50,000 Cu. Ft.. of gas from the sistem each month shall not be required to main- tain such deposit but may be required to maintain a deposit sufficient to cover the average bills of such consumer. SCHEDULE OF BATES OUTSIDE THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE First 300 Cu. Ft. Next 1000 " to Next 1700 " it Next 17000 " Next 30000 All.over 50000 COMMERCIAL RATE COMMERCIAL MINIMUM BILL Each Month $2.00 Minimum charge " of . ) k 737 .18390 per 100 Cu. Ft. n of . 1 6 3& a .16058 n n n n to . /a q:t) .10228 n n to if . of977 .08320 " " to n n o 7937 .07790 n n to -07937.07790 q; 90-9:75 CONSUMER DEPOSITS OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE Each consumer shall keep on deposit with the City $10:004�as security for payment. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. This ordinance to be effective immediately upon its adoption. Adopted and approved this the day of 19 1971. Approved Mayor Attest: City Clerk Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Cowen that the City Clerk be authorized to cash $109000.00 Street Improvement certificate to pay current paving bills. Motion carried. . Motion by Councilman Cowen seconded by Councilman Box that the City appropriate $100.00 toward expense of Roy White, Volunteer Fireman, to attend advanced First Aid Course in Montgomery, Alabama for three days. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Cowen that $2,000.00 be transferred from the Gas Gross Revenue Account to the Water and Sewer Account. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Cowen that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Attest: City Clerk City of Fairhope - May bills. General Fund: Baldwin Pole and Piling Bedsole's Burroughs - Office Chevron Asphalt Company Jack Cooke & Co. Vomputer Service Don's Shoe Store Jack Etheridge - Police Lee Groves - Xerox Fairhope Texaco - Police Fairhope Pharmacy - Police Fairhope Hardware and Construction Foley Tractor Co. Fuel Oil Supply Co. Mike Ford - Appraisal reports on Beach p Fairhope Laundry Fairhope Courier Gaston Motor Co. Goodyear Service Stores Carl Grant Tractor Co. Gulf Oil Corp. Humble Oil Jones & Armstrong Steel Co. 0. Lowell - Sts. M & S Service Station Maury Ins. Fire Trucks McCain Uniform Co. Rudy's Automotive Aickarby & Benton Steber Chev., Inc. Southern Auto Parts Silverhill F"rmers Assoc. Shepherd Printing Co. Trailway Oil Co. Western Auto 478.00 Health Center, Waller Bros. Electric Baldwin Pole & Piling Co. Busy Bee Garage Jack Cooke and Co. Coastal Concrete Co. Computer Service Fairhope Hardware and Constr. M & S Service Station Moore Handley National Environmental Systems Nelson -Pinson Rudy's Automotive Southern Auto Parts S & C Electric H. S. St. John Turner Supply Co. 39.80 Sts. 157.60 60.67 20.24 29.00 183.60 71.00 16.99 17.70 42.10 2.30 9.20 31.75 20.27 188.00 100.00 24.30 172.75 116.52 303.48 29.40 139.74 855.34 203.47 44.40 19.00 456.00 75.75 39.61 25.00 134.83 199.11 62.35 .80 183.96 517.80 61. 44 49919.81 29598.87 50.40 18.20 47.40 248.62 11.60 1.85 68.65 30.74 10.95 31.07 3.45 36.00 427.50 214.32 39799.62 Gas Department: Aamco Transmissions 165.00 American Meter Co. 832.83 Computer Service 248.62 Foley Tractor Co. 7.00 Fuel Oil Supply 3.00 Marine Specialty 187.96 M & S Service Station 1.50 Pringle'Gas Meter Repair 103.85 Southern Meter and Supply 32.40 Southern Auto Parts 14.45 United Gas Pipe Line Company 8,402.34 9,99 •95 Water and Sewer BIF 25.86 Computer Service 248.62 Gaston Motor Company 6.36 McKesson Chemical 447.00 Ponder Co. 324.42 So. Auto Parts Co. 4.50 Silverhill Farmers Assoc. 21.60 Moore Engineering Co. 4 000.00 5921 •7 Recreation: Discount Salvage Sales 70.00 Gas Dept. 3.83 Fairhope Hardware and Construction 3.30 Fairhope Schools 456.86 Fairhope Courier 13.20 Carl Grant Tractor Co. 68.71 McKesson Chemical 162.05 Pioneer Water Conditioner Service 45.80 Ponder Co. 14.60 Riviera Utilities 78.20 Silverhill Farmers Assoc. 28.85 Thoss Sporting Goods 885.45 Western Auto _ 2.O2 1$8 2.9 Gasoline Tax Account: Harry Creamer - Young St. 59.50 Coastal Concrete - S. Church & Oak 19088.20 Radcliff Materials 240.00 1,3 7.70 1970 Street Improvement: Moore Engineering 238.10 M. C. Williams, Contr. 109714.69 Bills paid - not previously listed Gen. Nix and Fleming 19.84 Marine Specialty Co.• 28.37 Burford Equipment Co. 545.62 Electric: Hatfield and Co. 79684.99 Griffin Motor Supply 29.65 Hill-Soberg 65.54 Nix and Fleming 339.34 Alabama. Power Co. 129276.90 Southeastern Power 39723.90 Gas Department" Wholesale Supply 218.05 Marine Specialty 83.19 Material Sales 21.97 Moore Handley 54.88 L. B. Foster Co. 49831.01 Water and Sewer: Moore Handley 19349.94 Material Sales 98.99 Reagan Equipment Co. 19456.23 American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 79416.40 Brungart Equip. Co. 28.17 Nix and Fleming 11.29 Gasoline Tax Account: Coastal Concrete Co. 19534.80