HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-1971 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of the Adult and Tourist Recreation at 7:30 P.M. with the following Councilmen: James P. Nix, H. G. and Robert H. Cowen. Fairhope met in3agular session at Building on Monday, May 10, 1971 members present: Mayor R. C. Macon, Bishop, John A. Robertson, Sam E. Boa Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Councilman Boa seconded by Councilman Nix that the City advertise for public hearing in conjunction with the regular meet- ing of the City Council on June/f, 1971 to consider rezoning from R-2 to R-3 the following described property: FROM A CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH- WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QRARTER OF SE,CTIg!_ 19 TOWAS.HIP 6 SOUTH, RA`fta "2-EA3T,- RUIR N.00 41' NEST 637.2 FEET TO ANIRON PIPE THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH Oo 61' WEST 476.86 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 215.14 FE13T SOUTH 0 41' EAST OF THE NOR THE'AS.T CORNER OF GOVERNMENT SUBDIVISION NO. 2 SECTION 19, IIMION14 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH; RANGE 2 EAST (OTHErR.jUISE KNOWN AS THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER),, AND ALSO SITUATED SOUTH 370 0' WEST FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 52 OF MAGNOLIA BEACH ADDITION TO FAIRHOPE, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN MISC. BOOK 1, PAGES 330-31 OF THE PROBATE RECORDS OF BALDWIN COUNTY; THENCE RUN SOUTH 370 0' WEST 160.9 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 310 FEET MEASURED ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 37o 0' WEFT FROM AN ENTENSION OF A SOUTH BOUNDARY of FIG STREET; THENCE RUN NORTH 581) 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 360.1 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE EAST BOUNDARY OF A PARCEL NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY LESLIE SHEPHERD; THEN RUN SOUTH 00 05' EAST ALONG SHEP- HERD'S ':AST LINE 76.8 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT SHEPHERD'S SOIJTH- EAST CORNER; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89c 55' WEST ALONG SHEPHERD'S S(J1JTH LINE ?U9 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT SHEPHERD'S SOUTHWEST CORNER; THENCE' RUN NORTH Oo 05' EAST ALONG SHEPHERD'S WEST LINE 207.1 FEET ;'0 AN IRON PIPE THAT IS 310 FEETMEASURED ON A BEARING OF SOIJT�, 370 0' NEST FROM THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF,FIG STREET; THENCE RUN NORTH 980 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 39.9 FEET TO AN IRO'J PIPE ON THE EAST -WEST HALF SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 19 THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 56 0' WEST PARALLEL TO FIG STREET 545.3 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT THAT IS 310 FEET MEASURED ON A BEARING Or' SOUTH 370 0' WEST FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 49 of FAIR MAGNOLIA BEACH ADDITION TO FAIRHOPE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 370 J' WEST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID BLOCK 49 363 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE EAST -WEST HALF SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 38' EBST 464 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE RUN SOUTH BOO 27' EAST 134.9.7 FEET TO THE POINf OF BEGINNING CONTAINING IN ALL 16.37 ACRES ................................ Property is located in and around Big Head Gully between Church Street and Third Avenue, t� Motion by"GouAdilman"Box seconded by Councilman Nixthatthe Build- ing Inspector be authorized to issue permit to the Christian Church to build Parsonage on the same lot as the Church with the provision that if Parsonage is put up for sale separately in the future the plat must be subdivided to provide lot for this structure. Motion carried. The following letter was received and read to the Council: John W. Hammac, Deputy State Fire Marshal 111 Greer Ave. Atmore, Alabama May 89 1971 TO: Hon Mayor R. C. Macon Members of the City Council City of Fairhope, Alabama Dear Sirs: On may 4th 1971; at the request of Fire Chief Ira Steele, I assisted Chief Steele, Fire Inspector Leo Keller and Building Inspector George Dyson in the inspection of the Fairhope Theatre located at 302 Fairhope Ave. in your City. The inspection of this building revealed that the building is in a dilapidated condition and unsafe for the type occupancy that it was built for, and it is my recommendation that the owner or owners be required to renovate the building and meet the require- ments of the section of the Southern Building Code pertaining to this type occupancy and that the building be approved by the Building Inspector and the Fire Department before any license or permit is issued. If I can be of futher service in this matter, please let me know. Respectfully yours, John W.�Hammac, Deputy JWH/fh State Fire Marshal cc: Fire Chief Ira Steele Building Inspector George Dyson State Fire Marshal J. V. Kitchens Motion by Councilman Cowen seconded by Councilman Nix that Mr. W. C. Majors be appointed to the Recreation Board for a five year term ending in March, 1976.. Motion oarried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that the City ask for bids on two new police cars with trade-in of two 1970 Chevrolet Police cars, the City to reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried. �1 J� Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Nix that the City 1� run a 6" water line from Ingleside on Evergreen Street and install ' Fire Hydrant at a cost of $2,000,00 to the property owner. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Robertson that the City ask for bids on 1 Ton Truck for Gas Department. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Bishop that the City purchase ten gallons of pest control concentrate for spraying beach area. Motion carried. Notion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Robertson that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to cash three $10,000.00 Street improvement Savings Certificates to pay Street Improvement bills as enumerated and recommended by City Engineer. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that the City Clerk be authorized to transfer $►5,000,00 from Gas Gross Revenue Account to the Water and Sewer Account. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that Moore Engineering bill on Contract No. 3970 in the amount of $4,000.00 be approved for payment. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Boa that the City Clerk be authorized to transfer $15,000.00 from Gas Gross Revenue Account to the General Fund. Motion carried. Councilman Bishop introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN OFFENSE AGAINST THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FOR ANY PERSON RESIDING WITHIN IT'S CITY LIMITS, OR ANY FIRM OR CORPORATION LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY LIMITS, TO FAIL TO PROVIDE THE TAX=ASS&SWR OF THE COUNTY OF BALDWIN WITH THEIR PROPER ADDRESS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE WHEN THEY ASSESS THEIR VEHICLES FOR AD VALOREM TAX PURPOSES AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AS follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful and an offense against the City of Fairhope for any person residing within it's City Limits, or any firm or corporation located within the City Limits of the City of Fairhope to fail to provide the Tax Assessor of the County of Baldwin with their proper address within the City Limits of the City of Fairhope when they assess their motor vehicles for ad valorem tax purposes. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation failing to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR nor more than ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) DOLLARS, and may be sentenced to not more than sixty (60) days in the City Jail, in the discretion of the Recorder or Judge hearing the case. ADOPTED this the day of , 1971. ATTEST: ITY CLERK MAYOR Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Nix that Mr. Calvin Hanson be reappointed to the Fairhope Harbor Board. Motion carried. The following letter was presented to the meeting by 8th grade students of St. James Episcopal Church: Fairhope, Ala. May 10, 1971 Mayor Richard C. Macon, Members of the City Council, Fairhope Al. Dear Sirs: We the undersigned are members of a small group who would like to do something important to improve our community. We have all taken part in area clean ups and have signed petitions, but these do not seem to get at the real difficulty. We need some long time, well -planned preventive measures. Whatever you suggest we will be glad to consider. Out main activities will be along the lines of public relations. We can make or distribute posters, talk to other groups, and visit families near where we live. After a good deal of discussion we have decided to present to you the proposal to start, perhaps in a small way, to recycle paper. Here are some reasons: 1. About half the contents of garbage cans is paper. 2. It probably cost the city ten dollars a totU� to collect and bury waste paper, and it takes about three cubic yards of space. 3. The Stone Container Co. of mobile is now paying 50 Cents a hundred pounds for magazines, 60 cents a hundred for newspaper, and 70 cents a hundred for containers. At this rate Fairhope could probably get 12 dollars a ton for miscellaneous paper. 4. This means that Firirhope could probably break even on its paper disposal, at a considerable saving to the tax payer. 5. Most people already have two garbage containers, and many would be willing to put the papers in one and the rest in the other. It would take a good publicity program to get this done. 6. The problem of collecting papers separately, and taking them to Mobile may be difficult to solve, but in several large cities this is now being done. Reports from Madison and Milwaukee,Wis. , indicate that a large part of the cost of removing garbage is covered by their paper saving activities. Respectfully submitted, (Petition signed with approximately 40 names.) It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn . Motion carried. Mayor Attest: City Clerk Additional General Fund Bills: Western Lumber and Supply- Recr. 953.879 Gen. 197.82 $19151.69 Humble Oil Co. 775.00 Electronic Services of Mobile 140.30 Gulf Oil 93.66 29160.65 R & R Service Shop Steber Chevrolet Silverhill Farmers Assoc. So. Auto Parts Turner Supply Gas Fund: Carlisle Plumbing Co. Computer Service Enco Service Center Fairhope Hdwe.' & Constr.' Foley Tractor Co. Gaston Motor Co. M ;& S Service Station Marine Specialty Co. Marine Specialty Co.� Natural Gas 0dorizing Pringle Gas Meter Repair Rudy's Automotive Supply Southern Auto Parts United Gas Pipe Line Co. Dixie Laboratories Water and Sewer Fund: Certified Laboratories Clow Corporation Computer Service John V. Duck Fairhope Welding and Machine Works Fairhope Auto Parts Mader Bearing Supply M & S Service Stat ion Marine Specialty Mueller jCo.- Neptune Meter Co. Pioneer Water Conditioner Service Rudy's Automotive Supply So. Meter and Supply Co. Steber Chevrolet So, Auto Parts Silverhill Farmers Assoc. Wholesale Supply Co.. Recreation Funds Gas Dept, City Market Fuel Oil Supply Fairhope Courier Meyercord Co. Riviera Utilities Western Auto 33.10 1.90 20.50 14.35 Paid 5Z.�8 19,404,68 0 Paid 17,389.11 29015.57 .8 240.70 7.00 8.95 167.535 .75 •75 113.22 Paid 67.34 315.00 203.6o 38.81 13.47 129363.78 25.00 _ 1395 7 Paid _ 67.34 13,499.23 318.75 9.42 240.70 150.00 7.00 3 •33 50.87 1.50 Paid 20.74:, Paid 5?.82 Paid 684.32 Paid 184.83 1.95 167.20 1.65 2.17 90.00 Paid _ 0.18 29042.43 Paid 92Z.82 1,0 .5 10.13 39.93 1.`55 8.. 0 2501,00 24.46 1.'55 336.02 City of Fairhope April bills. General Funds Alabama Peace Officers Journal.Adv. Paid 35.00 Hobert S. Bateman and Associates 222.50 Baldwin Co. Animal Clinic 2.00 Cowin Road Machinery 10.83 City Market 30.49 Computer Service 105.00 Dollar General Store 16.00 John V. Duck 15.00 Don's Shoe Store 39.98 Eastern Shore Restaurant 3.00 Enco Service Center 51.50 Electronic Services Paid t 118.95 Fairhope Clay Products 72.00 Fairhope Hardware and Construction 2.69 Fuel Oil Supply 7.50 Foley Tractor Co. 200.49 Fairhope Auto Parts 9.66 Gaston Motor Company 21.00 Gaston Motor Company Paid 2,468.00 Fairhope Laundry 29.90 Fairhope Courier 66.31 Lee Groves - Xerox 27.60 Julwin's 85.70 Kapner, Inc. 43.90 0. Lowell 64.80 Melton's Garage 4.00 M & S Service Station 19.00 Marine Specialty Paid 33•22 Mobile Electric Garage 69.81 Moore Engineering Co. 96.00 National Linen$ Service 14.20 Nix and Fleming 68.76 Parker House 6.45 Poser Printing 123.25 Partin Paper Company Paid 75.61 Rudy's Automotive 139.07 Spreme Sales Company 114.24 Steber Chevrolet 65.75 Silverhill Farmers Assoc. 49.25 Southern Auto Parts 91.68 Radcliff Materials 36.00 Shepherd Printing 29.70 Trailway Oil Company 156.35 Wilson-Dismukes 14.67 Waller Bros. 74.32 South Ala. Regional Planning 1191.20 Julwin's 22.2 Paid 6844.15 2 0. 8 49 13.37 _ Electric Funds Alabama Power Company Paid 109924.74 Southeastern Power Paid 39795.53 Busy Bee Garage 13.20 Computer Service 240.70 Fairhope Hardware and Construction 5.30 Fairhope Auto Parts 2.56 Gaston Motor Company Paid 2,468.00 Hill-Soberg 19678.76 Hill-Soberg Paid 127.78 Marine Specialty Paid 15.68 Nix and F'l.eming 5.20