HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01-1969 Special Meeting9 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN We, the undersigned members of the Fairhope City Council hereby waive notice of the calling of a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama for the purpose of discussing and taking necessary action on Daphne gas line and Bids on pick-up truck, and do consent that said meeting be held at the City Hall, Tuesday, July 1, 1969 at 5:00 P.M. in the City of Fairhope, Alabama. a 0 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in special session at the City Hall,Tuesday, July 1, 1969 at 5:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor A. C. YAcon, Councilmen: James P. Nix, John A. Robertson, Robert H. Cowen, H. G. Bishop knd Sam E. Box. Each member signed waiver of notice of the calling of a special meeting. Mayor Macon stated that the purpose of the meeting was to open bids on Pick-up truck and discuss and take necessary action on Daphne Gas Line. The following bids were received on Pick-up truck: Gaston Motor Company $1,884.00 Steber Chevrolet Company 1,832.05 Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that City accept low bid subject to bid meeting specifications. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Robertson that Mr. E. Bailey and Mr. R. Lacey, Attorneys, be authotized to answer appeal filed by Daphne pertaining to gas line. Motion carried. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Attest: City Clerk TO TrIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAIRHOPE : She, the undersigned natural persons, each of whom is a duly quali- fied elector of and owner of property in the City of Fairhope, do here- by file with you as the governing body of the City of Fairhope, this application in writing and hereby apply for authority to incovporate a public corporation under the provisions of Act No. 218 of the Special Session of the Legislature of the State of Alabama passed May 10, 1967, to promote public interest and participation in golf and other athletic and recreational facilities and to establish a golf course and clubhouse and buildings and facilities and improvements for the accomodation of visitors to such golf course and do hereby request that this application be granted aid a proper resolution be adopted by you authorizing due pro- cedure on such corporation. We submit herewith for your consideration a form of Certificate of Incorporation proposed to be used in organizing said corporation, to which shall be attached a Certificate of the Secretary of the State of Alabama that the name so designated is not identical with or so nearly similar to that of any other corporation already existing in this State as to lead to confusion and uncertainty. WITNESS our signatures this the23 day of JOt / & , 1969. TO '1UE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF _1 . AITUIOPE: We$ the undersigned natural persons, each of whoa is a duly quali. fief` elector of and owner of property in the City of Fairhope, do here- by file wilth you as t1ae -governing body of the City of Fairhope, this application in writing and hereby apply for authority to iacorporate a public corporation under the provisions of Act No. 218 of the Special Session of the Legislature of the State of Alabama passed May 10, 1937, to promote public interest and participation in golf anc: other athletic ane recreational facilities and to establish a golf course and clubAouse and buildin--s and facilities and improvements for the accomodation of visitors to such golf course and do hereby request that this application be granted ad a proper resolution be adopted by you authorizing due pro- cedure on such corporation. We submit herewith for your consideration a :form of Certificate of Incorporation proposed to be used in organizing said corporation, to which shall be attached a Certificate of the Secretary of the State of Alabama that the -name so designated is not identical with or so nearly similar to that of any other corporation already existing in this State as to lead to confusion and uncertaiaty. U'ITNBSS our signatures this the23 day of_ V A/ F_ 1969. AK 1 FAIRHOPE GOLF CERTIFICATE OF INCORPOKATIai OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE TO THE HOKORABLE HARRY DOOLIYB, JUDGE OF PROBATE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA: We, the undersigned, JOHN M. BEASLEY# BARNS'Y L. SHULL and WALTEB L. POSER, each of whom is an elector of and taxpayer is the municipality, do desire to organize a body corporate under the laws of Alabama and par- ticularly under Act No. 21£ passed May 10, 1967 under Special Session of the Legislature of the State of Alabama do hereby make, sign and file this Certificate of Incorporation. A. The name and residence of the applicants are, JOHN N. BEASLEY, BARNEY SHULL and WALTER L. POSER, all of whom are residents of the City of Fairhope, Alabama,, ou each of whom is an elector and taxpayer of said municipality. B. The name of the corporation is and shall be 711E FAIRHOPE GOLF AND RECREATIou FACILITIES BOARD OF THE CITY" OF FAIRHOPE. C. The permission to organize said corporation has been granted by a. Resolution duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Fair�iope on the 23rd day of June, 1969. D. The principal office of the Corporation shall be in the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County, Alabama. 9. The purpose for which the Corporation is proposed to be or- ganized is to promote public interest and participation in golf and other athletic and recreational facilities and to establish a golf course and clubhouse and buildings and facilities and improvements for the occomoda- tion of visitors to such golf course. F. The governing body of the corporation shall be a board of di- rectors which shall consist of six members who shall be elected by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama in the manner andfor the terms of office provided by law. G. The duration of the existence of the corporation shall be per- petual unless it is sooner dissolved in accordance with the law. 1. The corporation shall be a non-profit corporation and no part of the net earnings thereof shall inure to any individual or private cor- poration and said corporation shall have the power granted under the laws -1- ­-_1 of the State of Alabama and especially those granted under Section 8 of said Act No. 218 and any amendments thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Incorporators have hereunto subscribed their signatures on this the?day 11 '-'ay of June, 1969. P- WM.W_'.A.4 STATE OF ALABAMA., COUNTY OF BALDWIN. 1, tie undersigned Notary Public, in and for said County, in said State, Aereby certify that JOHN M. BEASLEY, BARNEY SHULL and WALTER L. POSER,, whose names are signed to the foregoing Certificate of Incorpora- tion, and who are known to me, acknowledged before me on this clay that being informed of the contents of the Certificate of Incorporation, they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal this the day of June, 1969. Notary ic, BONE County, Alabama. -Page 2 of Two Pages-