HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-1969 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Hall, Onday, March 10, 1969 at 7:30 P.M., with the fol- lowing members present: Mayor Macon, Councilmen. (fix, Cowen, Bishod, Robertson and Box. Minutes of previous regular meeting were approved. Motion by Councilman Nix seconded by Councilman Box that City re- ject all bids received on Air Compressor and Boring Machine due to excessive cost and that City readvertise for bids at later date. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Cowen that Moore Engineers be authorized to proceed with complete plans Igor paving a ley behind Fairhope Cleaners. Motion carried. r. Charles Gay of Chamber of Commerce met with Council pertaining o solicitation Ordinance. otion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Nix that Ordiln- nce No. 4169 Model Glue Ordinance, introduced at the regular meeting of February 24, 1969 be adopted as introduced. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded. Uoting Yea: Councilmen: Nix, :owen, Robertson and Box. Voting Nay: Councilman Bishop. Motion -arried. This being date set for opening bids on gasoline (100 Octane) and automotive oil and grease as per specifications, the following bids mere received: Gulf Oil $;-1735 Gal. Gasoline Consumer list prices less .06 per gallon on oil and .0075 per lb. on greases. Prices firm through march 31 1970. Standard Oil $.1858 Gal. Gasoline List prices less .0300 per gal on oil and .0037 per lb. on greases. Subject to increase or decrease with any change in normal posted price. Fuel Oil $.19 per Gal. Oil and Greases, Cost plus $50 Price subject to esclation Humble Oil $.17 per Gal. Gasoline, grease and oil at State Contract Price. Pure Oil Co. No bid submitted. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Box that City accept low bid of $.17 per gallon, plus State Tax on gasoline and State Contract Price on Oil and grease submitted by Humble Oil Co.; to be effective April 11 1969. motion carried. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Box that David Stapleton be appointed to Recreation Beard for five year term ef- fective march 119 1969. motion carried. Motion by Councilman Robertson seconded by Councilman Cowen that bills be approved for payment, motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Nix that City accept low bid of $12997.48 for filter for swimming pool submitted by Gordon Bailey and Co., and recommended by Recreation Board. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Cowen seconded by Councilman Robertson that City invoke penalty clause on Gulf City Construction Company as per con- tract. motion carried. Motion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Nix that $55,00 .00 from Gas Gross Revenue Account and $15,000.00 from Electric Account be transferred to Beach and Pier Project Account. motion carried. Motion by Councilman Cowen seconded by Councilman Box that Gulf City Construction Company's bill in amount of $71,028.34 and Moore Engineers bill in amount of $2,367.61 be approved for payment. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Box seconded by Councilman Cowen that Baron's Motel be permitted to erect sign approximately U 8 on property just North of Wilson -Yeager Realty Co., located in B-2 Zone on North Section Street, 40 feet from center line, said sign to be removed lat the request of the City Council. Voting yea: Councilmen: Nix, Cowen, Bishop and Box. Voting Nay: None. Councilman Robertson ab- stained from voting. motion carried. emotion by Councilman Bishop seconded by Councilman Nix that the meeting adjourn. motion carried. Approved: Mayor (Attests City Clerk February Bills: General Fund: Eugene Bosby - Garbage Baldwin County Mental Burford Equipment Co. Busy Bee Garage Jack Cooke & Co/ Coastal Concrete Co. (Paid) Health Clinic (Paid) Delchamps Jack Etheridge - Police Fairhope Laundry - Police Fairhope Title and Survey Fairhope Pharmacy, Police Fairhope Hardware Gaston Motor Co.' Police Hadley Motor Co. Police McKean, Inc. Material Sales M & S Service Station National Cash Register E. G. Riokarby Rudy's Automotive,Police Bill Steber Chev, Police Bill Steber Chev. Fire 0. Lowell - Sts. 8.55, Fire;Ex$x" 2.52 31.829 Fire 1.00 St.19.40 So. Auto Parts, Fire 13.199 Police20.67,Gen.42.36 Trailway Oil Co. School of Organic Education - Adv. South Central Bell Frank R. Wade, Inc. Western Lumber Western Auto, Police 35.989 Gen.16.95 Waller Bros. - Office Maxine Specialty Fairhope Courier Harry Creamer Jack Cooke & Co. Police Electronic Services Fairhope Shell Service Curt Hikote Chrysler plymouth Nelson Pinson Body Shop Odom's Shoe Store Sportsman's Store - Fire Sargent -Sowell, Police Tippecanoe Press McCain Uniform Co. Fire Electric Fund; Alabama Power Company (Paid) Busy Bee Garage Gaston Motor Co. Hill-Soberg (B.O.R. 16) Hatfield & Co. (B.O.E.16- Moore-Handley Inc. M & S Service Station Nix and Fleming Supply Rudy's Automotive Supply So.Ala. Power Distribution Southeastern Testing Lab. Tnnner Supply Co. So. Central Bell Tele. Lustra Lighting Trio Electric Baldwin Pole and Piling Co. $1,260.40) Stock 389.43 Assoc. $19861.35 1200.00 1:476.70 .80 191.55 112.7 36.74 21.90 6.82 7.50 11.07 131.50 6.71 61.78 56.49 16.70 12.15 20.00 52.22 82.41 22.43 32.70 76.22 179.98 25.00 278.70 51.45 16.211 52. 128.294 31.13 121.39 17.50 72.25 123.65 3.00 90.00 18.9922 20.00 30.95 58.00 6. r 079337.82 56.7r 129035.00 3.75 2.00 232.58 19649.83 29.40 8.4o 9o.42 30.37 27.00 25.60 16m5 20.40 106.80 795.00 0. Gas Department: Material Sales Co. Hayx2ft Supply Co. Pringle Gas Meter Repair Ruffles Company Rudy's Automotive Supply South Central Bel]Tele, Marine Specialty United Gas Pipe Line Company American Meter Company Continental Indystries Fairhope Shell Service Water and Sewer Department: Material Sales Co. May Supply Co. South Central Bell Tele. McKesson Chemical Marine Specialty American Cast Iron Pipe (Paid) Pioneer Water Conditioner C. A. Turner Co. Recreation: Riviera Utilities Thoss Sporting Goods Mannich's City Market Material Sales West Baldwin Water Gas Dept. Fairhope Courier 0 51.24 161.o7 95.50 1.92 3.70 13.4o 191.48 189871.22 19748.43 .00 53.80 58.86 6.70 547.50 87.20 59422.41 76.85 9305. 33.77 493.05 11.46 12.80 15.70 3.29 City of Fairhope R. C. MACON COUNCILMEN: MAYOR P. O. DRAWER 429 HENRY G. BISHOP 0 FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532 SAM BOX MARIE MOORE clTv CLERK ROBERT H. COWEN JAMES P. NIX JOHN A. ROBERTSON March 122 1969 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: At the Regular meeting of t,,' irhope City Council d held on March 10, 1969 the Mayor anCity Council agreed to give Mr. C. B. Niemeyer a, 1e ave of absence without pay until October 1, 1969. to { CITY OF FAIAHOPE, ALABAMA � T � R. C. Macon, Mayor b � I = 4. /..41� THE CITY OWNS ITS WATER WORKS, ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, GAS SYSTEM AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM H. S. ST. JOH N Gonsulting Engineer P. O. BOX 40A TROY, ALABAMA March 7, 1969 Mr. R. C. Macon,•Mayor, City of Fairhope, Fairhope, Alabama Dear Sir : This letter is intended to serve as a memorandum of the agreement between the City of Fairhope and the undersigned consulting engineer covering electrical engineering services desired by the City and about which a verbal understanding was reached between the City and the Engineer at a recent meeting. The City desires and the Engineer proposes to furnish complete plans, specifications, and bill of material on such electric system additions as are necessary to be constructed in the years 1969 & 1970 to relieve overloads and law voltage conditions now existing within the City and to provide a reasonable capacity for load growth in the next few years. The City agrees to pay the Engineer for his services in the preparation of these plans and specifications at the rate of four per cent of the total direct cost of the labor, equipment, transportation, and"material cost of such work as is found necessary to be done. This is to be paid as follows : three per cent of the estimated total cost upon presentation of the completed plans and specifications, and the remaining one per cent after all material and labor charges have been made so that the engineer's total fee can thus be adjusted to reflect the actual cost rather than the engineer's estimated total. For such time as it is necessary for the City to use the Engineer to follow the construction work while in progress and to inspect such completed portions as is necessary, or to secure consultation services in any form regarding this particular project, the"City agrees to pay the Engineer at the per diem rate of $95.00, It is understood that this rate covers an average work day of eight hours, Monday through Saturday, and that the Engineer is to bear the cost of any room, meals, and travelling expenses within the State of Alabama without further compensation. For such per diem services the Engineer is to present invoices covering such at the end of each calendar month. H. S. ST. JOH N Gonsulting Engineer P. O. BOX 404 TROY, ALABAMA Page # 2 Because the City plans to perform the work incorporated in the plans and specifications with their own personnel for' the most part it is further understood that the -Engineer shall not be liable for d4mages to property, either real or personal, belonging to the City, or to any other person firm, or corporation, and the Engineer shall not be liable for personal injuries received by any of the employees of the City or any of the employees of any independent contractor, nor members of the public, nor anyone else,' during the execution of work or any -part thereof, and the Engineer shall not be liable for loss or damage to material, equipment, personal or real property, by fire , theft, or other causes. It is further agreed that the City shall indemnify and save harmless the Engineer . from loss -or expense arising from such claims, demands, or law suits, it being understood that the execution of the work is the sole responsibility of the City. 'If this letter incorporates your Understanding of our agreement and it meets with your approval it will be appreciated if you will execute same on behalf of the City by signing both copies, and return one copy to me for my files. Again thanking you for this opportunity of again being of service to the City of Fairhope, .I am Yours very truly, N. S. St.Jahn, Consulting Engineer. Accepted � ,1969 for the City of Fairhope, Ala. t ; Bye.. ,Ntayor