HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-1966 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABXMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, June 139 1966 at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Mayor Macon, Councilmen Spader, Stine, Stipes, Gaston and Reynolds. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. This being the date set for opening bids on Street Improvements the following bids were received and presented to the Council: M. C. Williams Contracting Co. 1059262.96 Theodore Patton Constr. Co. 989862•59 Hooper & McDonald, Inc. 109481.45 Bouler Construction Co. 98:463.82 -- W. T. Ratliff Contractor 116, 44.62 Cole Construction Co. 99, 91.46 Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City accept low bid with approval of the City Engineer afte checking all bids. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Spader seconded by Councilman Stipes that the Mayor be authorized to sign lease agreement with Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Spader that the following Ordinance be introduced: Motion carried. GRADE ORDINANCE NO.363 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF MILLER AVENUE, KUMQUAT AVENUE AND SOUTH INGLESIDE A BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama as follows: SECTION 1 - That the grade of Miller Avenue from Section Street to Bon Seoour; Kumquat Avenue from Pier to Pecan; and South Ingleside Avenue from Morphy Avenue to Nichols Street, be, and the same are hereby fixed and established as shown on the plans heretofore exhibited to the City Council and now on file and open for inspection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 2 - That this Ordinance shall be published in The Fairhope Courier, a newspaper published and of general.eireula- tion in the City of Fairhope, Alabama. ADOPTED this the ZaU, day. f `-` 1966. R. . MA ON - MAYOR ATTEST: Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Spader that the following Ordinance be introduceds IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 264 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON MILLER AVE., KUMQUAT AVENUE AND SOUTH INGLESIDE AVENUE. BE IT ORDAINED by -the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Ala- bama as follows: l"ZI IMP. ORD. NO. 364 Cont. SECTION-1 - That the following described streets in the City of Fairhope, Alabama shall be improved as hereinafter provided between the respective terminal points hereinafter set forth: a) MILLER AVENUE from Section Street to Bon Secour. b) KUMQUAT AVENUE from Pier Street to Pecan Street. c) SOUTH INGLESIDE AVENUE from Murphy Avenue to NICHOLS ST. Improvements to the hereinabove described streets shalt be as follows: Both edges of a 25 feet roadway, the centerline of which shall be approximately in the center of the dedicated right of way, shall be curbed and guttered with Portland Cement concrete combined curb and gutter 6 inches thick and 2.5 feet wide; the curb lines of said gutters shall be connected with the curb lines of all intersecting streets, with Portland Cement concrete combined curb and gutter as above desoribed, of suitable radius and the surface between the gutters to be constructed shall be improved by paving with Bituminous Plant Mix 1* inches thick on a 6 inch compacted sand clay foundation; said improve- ment shall include grading and all necessary drainage struc- tures, including concrete culverts, concrete pipe, valley gutter, and drop inlets; manholes of brick with cast iron covers shall be constructed or reconstructed where needed. SECTION 2 - That the full details, drawings, plans, specifica- tions and surveys of the above described work and estimates which have been prepared by $core Engineering Company, who has been duly designated and appointed City Engineer by this Council have been fully considered and studied by this Council and hereby are adopted. Said details, drawings, plans, specifica- tions, surveys and estimates shall be immediately placed on file in the office of the City of Fairhope, Alabama where property owners who may be affected by such improvements may see and examine them. SECTION 3 - That the improvements hereinabove described shall be made in accordance with the grades heretofore established by Ordinance and according to the full details, drawings, plans, specifications and surveys of said work and estimates herein adopted, all under the supervision of the City Engineer. SECTION 4 - That the cost of constructing said improvements shall be assessed against the property abutting on the portions of the streets so improved, provided: (a) That the cost of street improvements, including curbing and guttering on street and avenue corners shall be assessed against the lots or parcels of land abutting on or nearest to said improvements, and the cost of street improve- ments, including curbing and guttering at the intersection of any alley with a street, avenue or other highway shall be assessed in fair proportion against the respective lots or parcels of land abutting or cornering on the alley at such intersection. (b) That no assessment shall exceed the cost of the improvements or the increased value of such property by reason of the special benefits derived fvom such improvements. SECTION 5 - That the City Council shall meet on the 11th dayof Julyy, 19 6 at 7 :,30 o'clock P. M. at the City Hall in the City of Fair ope, Ala ama to hear any objections , remonstrances or protests that may be made against said improvements, the manner of making the same or the character of materials to be used. SECTION 6 - This Ordinance shall be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in The Fairhope Courier, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Fairhope, Alabama , the date of the first publication to be not less than two (2) weeks before the 11th day of July, 1966. SECTION 7 -"A copy of this Ordinance shall be sent by Registe: Mail, postage prepaid, to the persons last assessing for City Taxation the property which may be assessed for said improve- ments, at their last known addresses, said notices to be so mailed by the City Clerk not less than ten (10) days prior to the 11th day of July, 1966. ADOPTED this 1 Lam' day of 1966. R. C. MACON - MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE 0 - CITY CLEM— Notion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Reynolds that the following Ordinance be introduced. Motion carried. ORDINANCE # 365 S*namuskam AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 5-4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, OF THE ESTABLISHING FIRE DISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Fairhope, Alabama to amend Section 5-4 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fairhope, Alabama, for the establishing of fire districts as follows: There is hereby fixed, determined, designated and described, the following fire districts within the City: (a) Fire District No, 1 Fire District No. 1 shall comprisa-eaoh side of those certain streets and avenues and for one lot back as follows: Section Street from Fels Avenue north to Oak Street. Bancroft Street from Murphy Avenue to Magnolia Avenue. School Street from Fairhope Avenue to Magnolia Avenue. Church Street from Norphy Avenue to Magnolia Avenue. ADOPTED this the day o ,1966/ G �J. . MACON - MAYOR ATTEST; MARIE MOORE - CLERK Discussion on office space for Community Action Program was held for further study. Mayor Macon read letter from the Fairhope Single Tax Corporati concerning the deeding to the City of the Casino leasehold /.�7 stating that a special election would be held Saturday afternoon, June 189 between the hours of 2 and 5• Letter from Alabama Power Company confirming approval by Alabama Power Company of contract covering power supply to the City of Fairhope was read to the Council. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Gaston that the City accept low bid of L. Lambs for addition on back of Band Building subject to inspection by George Dyson. Motion carried. John Henry met with Council pertaining to alley behind his store and docking facilities at Fly Creek. It was requested that Mr. Henry be put on the agenda for next regular meeting of the Council to discuss leasing of dock facilities. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stine that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried. The report of the committee appointed to work up a pay increase schedule for City Employees and a cost estimate of the increase to the City was presented. The committee also recommended some departmental alignment changes. This is a report in recommendation of the committee appointe by the Mayor to study the City pay raise. Mr. Niemeyer desires to be retired effective October 1, 1966. Be approved. Nxr. Jack Kirk to assume the duties of Business Adminis trator and City Superintendent (at a salary of $600.001 per month.) Mr. George Dyson will assume duties of Building Inspector at the same salary he now receives. Mr. R. C. Yohn will be Assistant Building Inspector at the salary he now receives. Mr. Bill Creamer will assume the duties of Electric Department head. No Department head will receive any overtime. Salary adjustments of $.15 an hour increase were approved for City employees with the exception of the following: C. B. Niemeyer, Marie Moore, George Dyson, Howard Ruge and R. C. Yohn. Police Department increase as recommended: Chief $525, Asst. Chief $4752 Patrolman $450. Department head increases as recommended: Jack Kirk $600.009 Pete Wiggins $550,00, Bill Creamer_$525.00 and Henry Creamer $450.00. This pay raise will become effective July 1. Pay periods after July 1 will be the 1st and 15th of each month. All employees will be paid by check. m-tion by Councilman Spader seconded by Councilman Reynolds that tthhe Council approve the recommendations of the committee. Mayor Macon voiced disapproval on the personnel changes and did noj call for vote on the motion. Councilman Stine moved that a vote be called on the motion. Motion died for lack of second. The City Attorney has said that next step was for a vote to be taken on Councilman Spader's.motion and the,Mayor refused to call for a vote then I, Roy Reynolds, as Councilmen request a vote from the floor on this motion. All in favor say Aye: Councilmen Gaston, Stine, Spader, Stipes and Reynolds voted aye. All opposed say Nay: Mayor Yla.con voted Nay. Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stipes that the meeting adjourn. All members voting $y . Approved -� M OR Attest z I A,5'