HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-26-1964 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
The City Council of the City of Fairhope met in regular session at the
City hall, Monday, October 26, 1964 with the following members present:
Mayor Macon, Councilmen: Reynolds, Stipes, Gaston and Stine. Council-
man Spader being absent.
The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved,
Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Reynolds that the
following Ordinance be adopted:
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance ;X295.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the C.t of Fairhope that
Section 13, Dist. Boundaries of Zoning Ordinance #2 5 be amended as
recommended by the Planning Commission by rezoning the following
described property from R-1 to B-1:
From the N.E. corner of Government Subdivision �
F1 T6S R2E runs South 596 for a point of beginning:
thence East 428.5; thence South 20 degrees West 116 ft.; thence
West 391 ft.; thence N. 110 ft. to the point of beginning.
Lot contains one acre and is in Gov. Subd. 3 F1. Sec.
20 Fl. T6s R2E.
BE IT.,ORDAINED that Section 13, Dist. Boundaries of Zoning Ordi-
nance #295 be amended by rezoning thhe following described property
from R-2 to 1,11-1 as recommended by the Planning Commission:
From the S.W. corner of Sec.
265 ft. and East 40 ft., for
thence run North 398.4 feet;
thence run South 398.7 feet;
to beginning. 2.286 Ac., in
County, Alabama.
16, T6S2 R2E, run North
Point of Beginning:
thence run East 250 ft.;
thence run West 250 ft.
Sec. -16, T6S9 R2E, Baldwin
Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting For:
Councilmen Reynolds, Stipes, Gaston and Stine. Voting against: None.
Councilman Spader absent. Motion carried.
Mayor Macon appointed Pair. Niemeyer, Executive Assistant, to serve on
the Planning Board for the duration of this Administration.
Notion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Gaston that policy
on sick leave for City Employees be tabled until next regular meeting
in order to work up schedule. Motion carried unanimously.
notion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stipes that City
authorize $150.00 each for four firemen to attend Arson School. Upon
being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting for:
Councilmen: Gaston, Reynolds and Stipes. Voting against: None.
Councilman Stine abstained from voting. Councilman Spader absent.
Plotion carried.
%lotion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Reynolds that the
City Clerk be authorized to continue payment of 01,000.00 to Public
Library on a temporary basis. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dyson presented cost of extending water line on Morphy Avenue east
of Greeno. Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Reynolds
that Mr. Niemeyer and Mr. I�son figure cost of water connection and
sale of water for next regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Stine that the City
Clerk be authorized to purchase "14,000 in Savings Certificates with
Government bonds that have matured. Lotion carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stine that
George Dyson, Superintendent, be authorized to install necessary
gas line -and heaters to building at Swimming Pool. Lotion carried
The following bids on gasoline
Standard Oil Co. ........
Boller Texaco Co.........
Gulf Oil Co ..............
were received and presented to the
Motion by Councilman Reynolds seconded by Councilman. Stipes that the
City accept low bid of Gulf Oil Co. •Iotion carried unanimously.
Church Street in front of the Grammar School was brought up for
discussion. Letters from John Beasley and P'xs. Olive Gaston protes-
ting closing of Church Street were received and placed on file.
After hearing from citizens requesting the street remain closed and
those requesting the opening of the street Councilman Reynolds moved,
Councilman. Stipes seconded that the Chief of Police make a survey on
Church Street to find a safe way for the children to cross the street
and to make recommendations to the City Council. Upon being put to
vote the following vote was recorded: Voting for: Councilmen Reynolds,
Stine and Stipes. Voting Against: Councilman Gaston. Councilman
Spader absent. 14otion carried.
Motion by Councilman Stine seconded by Councilman Gaston that permit
be issued to Jack F. Igo to sell packaged beer at the Pik -A -Pak on
Fairhope Avenue. Upon being put to vote the following vote was
recorded: Voting for: Councilmen Gaston and Stine. Voting against:
Councilmen Reynolds and Stipes thus creating a tie. i&Iayor Macon voted
against'to break the tie and the motion was defeated.
The following bids were received on gas pipe;
Southern Pipe Coating Div.............�06.41 CF
Consolidated Pipe & Supply............ �7.00 CF
Republic Steel .. .. .. .. 00004,00060000 .. . 5 . 5 6 CF
Ikotion by Countlman Stipes seconded by Councilman Stine that the City
accept low bid of Southern Pipe Coating Co. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Stipes seconded by Councilman Gaston that City
accept contract as presented by City Attorney with I�:oore Engineers.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman :Reynolds seconded by Councilman Stine that the
following Resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the City has been advised by the Alabama State Highway
Department that certain State Funds have been tentatively
allocated for Assistance to municipalities of the State of
Alabama in the improvement of streets and roads; and
WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by this body that certain
street and road improvements are necessary, and
WHEREAS, the City desires to request State assistance in the construc-
tion of such improvements:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairhope,
Alabama as follows:
(A) The Mayor is hereby authorized to request State
Financial participation in the improvement of the
roads and streets within the City of Fairhope,
listed in the a tached State Highway Department
Form(s) SIIWA-1-�63.
(B) That the State Highway Department be advised that
it is the request of this bendy that the above
projects be considered for improvement in the
priority order listed on said forms.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he hereby is authorized
to execute such requests as may be necessary for receiving
consideration by the State for assistance in the above con-
struction and he hereby is directed to subm t State Highway
Department Project Data Sheets (Form SIVA-1- 3) on each of
the above projects and a copy of this resolution to the State
Highway Department.
Adopted thisday of October, 1964.
Motion carried.
Councilman Stipes moved, Councilman Re:!Q,VOR
lds conded that the
meeting adjourn. Motion carried.
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